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Inside Hanoi's gated communities: elite enclaves where even the air is cleaner

My friend, i think VN needs to look at Indonesia's development as a role model. They (Indonesian) are already constructing their first HSR ! The Malaysians and Thais are on their way too. What about the great Viet Nam? ;)

Time to choose, soon. Time to catch up with Indonesia, yes? What you think?
about HSR. from what I read the actual planning of the government will be done in two stages.

- for some $9 billion, upgrading of the current north to south route (1,726km) from Hanoi to Saigon, with new infrastructures, rail bridges, wagons, stations, qualified staffs, good foods, etc to increase the speed from 70 to 90 kmh and better service for customers.







- the second stage is building a double-track railway to allow trains to travel at a max speed of 200kph at start, and later to 300kph. depending on the budget (I hope our economy continues to improve), the start can begin in 2020. at earliest. the new elected government may see the need to push the gas pedal a bit, considering other nations in the region such as Thailand and Indonesia begin with HSR.

- what HSR type? not a model from China. I bet on Japan and Korea. or we may see HSR from Germany and France. I travelled recently with HSR to France. they are not too bad.
.Singapore is country of Hakka people.

Precisely, and look how Singapore had been transformed from a Malay backwater port (Singapura) to the wealthiest nation state in the region (in gdp per capita) due to Chinese (particularly Hakka) domination. Hakka people are extremely savvy business people. The most successful Chinese in Japan are Hakka speakers, not even Cantonese.

@dichoi --- there are two nation states that show off Hakka pre-eminence. Both Singapore and Taiwan. Both are Hakka dominated societies, and both original Asian Tigers. Why even Hong Kong -- early settlers of Hong Kong were actually Hakka , not Cantonese.

Anywhere there is a lot of Hakka, the area will be rich. They have "golden thumbs" as we say in JAPAN. :)
Gorgeous!!! @Viet my friend, your country is moving rapidly into medium-developed status , from the looks of these kinds of infrastructure developments. Wow ! Surely Vietnam has jumped forward so much since the early 1980s!

Let me provide some more pictures, too, bro!




well, I will be more excited if we had started the economic reforms a bit earlier. yes, there are areas they look good, but we have a long way to go to get all over the country. I wish we had a dollar money printing machines.

the Central Park


well, I will be more excited if we had started the economic reforms a bit earlier. yes, there are areas they look good, but we have a long way to go to get all over the country. I wish we had a dollar money printing machines.

Pardon me if my Chinese is not as good (and to Chinese readers out there, apologies of i make mistakes), but there is a saying during the Tang Dynasty Period: 一步一个脚印,踏踏实实是取得成功的最好方法

If one were to translate it, it would go : Do not attempt to proceed in haste, as it has pitfalls. Rather, proceed gradually, slowly towards success.
In fact he is even Deified in some Vietnamese circles. His elevation from a General-Lord to Divine protector of Vietnam has an uncanny resemblance to the deification of Chinese General-Lord Guan Yu [ 關羽 ]

No, bro. He is descent of Lu Gia, Lü Jia (呂嘉) general of Nanyue quo, the country is crated by Zhao Tuo in southern China in the past. The family name " Lu" is changed to "Ngo" in Vietnam.


Precisely, and look how Singapore had been transformed from a Malay backwater port (Singapura) to the wealthiest nation state in the region (in gdp per capita) due to Chinese (particularly Hakka) domination. Hakka people are extremely savvy business people. The most successful Chinese in Japan are Hakka speakers, not even Cantonese.

@dichoi --- there are two nation states that show off Hakka pre-eminence. Both Singapore and Taiwan. Both are Hakka dominated societies, and both original Asian Tigers. Why even Hong Kong -- early settlers of Hong Kong were actually Hakka , not Cantonese.

Anywhere there is a lot of Hakka, the area will be rich. They have "golden thumbs" as we say in JAPAN. :)

The madam won on election in Taiwan recently is Hakka in ethnicity too.

well, I will be more excited if we had started the economic reforms a bit earlier. yes, there are areas they look good, but we have a long way to go to get all over the country. I wish we had a dollar money printing machines.

the Central Park



Your country has absence of political intrigue and unstable political climate like that seen in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia. Be proud and rest assured in the homogeneity of your nation. It is requisite for --- Confucian Success.

Vietnam's rise is inevitable. She is Confucian, afterall.

No, bro. He is descent of Lu Gia, Lü Jia (呂嘉) general of Nanyue quo, the country is crated by Zhao Tuo in southern China in the past. The family name " Lu" is changed to "Ngo" in Vietnam.


Yes, he is , but he helped in the creation of the independent Vietnamese state. My point? Even Chinese Generals had a play in the genesis of an independent Viet Nam. Anyways, there is no denying of Viet Nam's pivotal and remarkable role in the Great East Asian Paradigm.

Seriously, if there were no subtitles , at first look -- i would have thought i was seeing Chinese and/ or Japanese railway professionals. :)
What that article said about Ciputra has a lot of truth in it.

Its residents are generally rich arrogant bragsters, both locals and foreign residents. Even the foreigners living outside of Ciputra will say that the expat foreigners living in Ciputra are very arrogant and obnoxious.

Ciputra is NOT something that you would want to brag about (by posting pictures etc.), especially if you are a Vietnamese who can’t even live there.
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the buildings give off a vibe similar to that of north korea! is this complex built in Pyongyang by vietnamese?

Hanoi is developing greatly, but you should also see the development in Ho Chi Minh City (Former Saigon):

Now HCMC is what I call -- the Guangzhou of the South !






There is in Hanoi.

Btw, i think North Vietnamese cities tend to have the Soviet style (well some government buildings, and architecture is always built in the Soviet style of grand, victoresque), whereas the cities in the south, paticularly those of former South Viet Nam -- tend to be very modern. It has a strong French, and European flavor to it, i think.
Yes, he is , but he helped in the creation of the independent Vietnamese state. My point? Even Chinese Generals had a play in the genesis of an independent Viet Nam. Anyways, there is no denying of Viet Nam's pivotal and remarkable role in the Great East Asian Paradigm.

In the past Vietnamese did not discriminated Southern Chinese and Vietnamese. We both claimed ourselves as Yue Viets people.
If i may confer -- some more pictures of Ho Chi Minh City; note the architecture:




Btw, i think North Vietnamese cities tend to have the Soviet style (well some government buildings, and architecture is always built in the Soviet style of grand, victoresque), whereas the cities in the south, paticularly those of former South Viet Nam -- tend to be very modern. It has a strong French, and European flavor to it, i think.

Hanoi has changed, bro.


In the past Vietnamese did not discriminated Southern Chinese and Vietnamese. We both claimed ourselves as Yue Viets people.

Yes, in those days, there was even no delination of 'Vietnam' or 'Vietnamese people'. In the classical period, what is now Vietnam and what is now most modern day China was part of the concept of "Zhonghua" or Great China.

Hanoi has changed, bro.




HA NOI has changed, definitely !! Great to see its catching up to HCMC !!
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