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inqelaab-e-mehsud a book by TTP Chief Noor Wali Mehsud


Feb 7, 2013
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United Kingdom
well I guess its time in the life of a ttp terrorist to write a book! I wonder if this book explains ptm to its readers! Personally I smell phoneyism because ttp is protected by kabul and kabul is protected by indoyankeez!!

Some say terrorism has no ideology. But TTP has an ideology. TTP is a Jihadi salafi plus Jihadi Deobandi sect of Wahhabism. I can confirm their ideology because I have met their members from Afghanistan. This cult is a splinter group off salafi jihadism, and their ideology makes them join the Daesh terrorist group that started in the West. Their ideological leaders are Qutbi Ikhwanis [Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: men such as Sayyid Qutub and the Palestinian Abdullah Yusuf Azzam in Peshawar]. They derive ideas from Maududi, Awdah, and the main top, past Salafi Wahhabi Shaykhs in Saudia. Their colouring changes with the situation so they mix madhabs preferentially with their Salafi inheritance at their whim. Espousing a sort of salafi hanbalism or Hanafi deobandism [albeit Wahhabi version] is what caused them to infiltrate those tribals in Pakistan who were illiterate or power hungry using religion for their own gain.

THAT IS HOW THESE SPLINTER FOREIGN MADE TERRORIST WAHHABI GROUPS BEGIN ALL AROUND THE ISLAMIC WORLD [Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia]
Prime Minister Imran Khan says that the Pakistani establishment created the Jihadis in Afghanistan to fight the soviets.

Yes, that is most likely however the Jihadis came at the scene armed with an ideology ready made prior to being recruited by the Pakistanis to do Jihad against the soviets. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was not taught Jihadism by the Pakistan establishment in the 70s. He learned it from Sayyid Qutub.
they have also moved away from their ideology when they started killing innocents ,such ideology never exist in any sect of Islam,they are raw controlled terrorists which work for foreign agencies and have no ideology of their own
Prime Minister Imran Khan says that the Pakistani establishment created the Jihadis in Afghanistan to fight the soviets.

Yes, that is most likely however the Jihadis came at the scene armed with an ideology ready made prior to being recruited by the Pakistanis to do Jihad against the soviets. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was not taught Jihadism by the Pakistan establishment in the 70s. He learned it from Sayyid Qutub.
TTP/Wilayat e Khorasan has asserted multiple times in the past that their prime enemy are NON-jihadi salafis/wahabis such as the current Saudi government and their mullahs [called Madkhalis/non-political Salafis]. In Pakistan, the non-TTP apolitical Salafis/Wahabis are the Ahle-Hadith group, that endians cry day and night about mindlessly for doing a valid Jihad in Jammu and Kashmir.
I can confirm after reading Directorate S by Steve Coll that entire Benazir return was orchestrated and planned and carried out by USA. As for TTP they are scrums of the earth I am pretty sure many don't know Namaz even.
You must be a follower of cuckism who is visibly butthurt by mujahideens and all the countries that they conquered for Islam by waging Jihad. If it upto you cucks Islam wouldn't have flourished. It is prohibited to commit suicide in Islam so suicide bombing has nothing to do with Hanafis or Deobandis. Call them kharjis or whatever but dont drag scholars like Maududi into this. Coward grave worshippers like you wont get the true teachings of Islam but when someone attacks your kind always hide behind your women or the true Muslims who can actually fight.

Sufi Muhammad of TTP was a former member of Jamat e Islami following that Maudoodi

I did not say this. Dr Israr Ahmed said that.

That is why Bangladesh, and many other Islamic countries, banned books by Maudoodi because they promote extremism.
Sufi Muhammad of TTP was a former member of Jamat e Islami following that Maudoodi

I did not say this. Dr Israr Ahmed said that.

That is why Bangladesh, and many other Islamic countries, banned books by Maudoodi because they promote extremism.
Dr.Israr Ahmed was also an admirer of Maulana Maudoodi.

Bangladesh is still prosecuting those Muslims who fought against the Indian proxy group Mukti Bahini. You can only expect real resistance from Sunnis incase of war. Latest examples Fallujah and Afghanistan.
Dr.Israr Ahmed was also an admirer of Maulana Maudoodi.

Bangladesh is still prosecuting those Muslims who fought against the Indian proxy group Mukti Bahini. You can only expect real resistance from Sunnis incase of war. Latest examples Fallujah and Afghanistan.

Fallujah Sunnis [Sufi Iraqis] hate Maudoodi. I aint saying this. Ask Sunni Iraqis [who all go to the Maqam of Sayyiduna Abdul Qadir al Jaylani in Baghdad Shareef]

your Maudoodi followers tried to blow up the maqam, but unfortunately, they got blown up themselves.
Fallujah Sunnis [Sufi Iraqis] hate Maudoodi. I aint saying this. Ask Sunni Iraqis [who all go to the Maqam of Sayyiduna Abdul Qadir al Jaylani in Baghdad Shareef]

your Maudoodi followers tried to blow up the maqam, but unfortunately, they got blown up themselves.

Fallujans are die-hard Sunnis. Don't taint their name by calling them Sufis. Sufis cant fight. they can sing and dance good but when it comes to war let the Sunnis fight.

Here is a nasheed which is loved by everyone in Fallujah.
Fallujah Sunnis [Sufi Iraqis] hate Maudoodi. I aint saying this. Ask Sunni Iraqis [who all go to the Maqam of Sayyiduna Abdul Qadir al Jaylani in Baghdad Shareef]

your Maudoodi followers tried to blow up the maqam, but unfortunately, they got blown up themselves.
Maudoodis own son hates his father’s ideology.

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