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Initial reports of "Three Tankers carrying fuel" exploding in Abu Dhabi Industrial Area, UAE

What an embarrassing catastrophe this Yemen war has become, the gulf states are now on the same playing level as the Houthis and are infact losing.

A perfect demonstration of how obsolete the system by which these nations are ruled... If we can even call it a system that is.
It is an unfortunate conflict but they seem to be hell-bent on it and we will simply provide slow and pain exit into the afterlife for them. This should serve as lesson that they shouldn't fight or rebel because we don't tire from conflicts this is the catch they forgot before they started rebelling they made that critical mistake
who is US here?????
What an embarrassing catastrophe this Yemen war has become, the gulf states are now on the same playing level as the Houthis and are infact losing.

A perfect demonstration of how obsolete the system by which these nations are ruled... If we can even call it a system that is.
Yemen is the root of what we seek as Arabs by nature. They are surrounded by west, bombed by western lackies. Still on their feet for over 7 years. Man Yemenis are a proud to every living Arab. And i am not talking about monkeys in Persian Gulf dreaming of the being the leader of Arab world. These monkeys are living their luxury lives thinking they are unreachable. These brave Yemenis will show them who is the strongest.

On the other hand, Iraq should revive its 7k years of civilization, Iraq is a Bridge to Arab world a land that its history beats everyone in the region. This potential shouldn't be forgotten nor destroyed by presence of Foreign invading forces e.g. Americans. Yemen and Iraq and by some limits Egypt should be the leaders of Arab world inshallah. Not the Persian Gulf goons.
Get out here with your Abrahamic nonsense. Stupid semites :enjoy:
You call semites monkeys while our countries are a billion times richer and more advanced than yours lol

Unless proportional response is given on oil facilities of countries helping these people, this will not stop.
Unless proportional response is given on oil facilities of countries helping these people, this will not stop.

A proportional reponse will come just like last time.. They are saying that sanaa airport was used that could become a potential military target
how can a drone take off from yemen and bomb UAE ? isnt it too far distance? there must be some other routes to reach there! . where did those drones take off? iran? again

maybe the drone came from Iraq ?
They have already run into a masscre and this is not the intial response blow but the beginning appetizer dish.. Insha-allah The airport will be taken out of operation as the initial response.. besides this came Just an hour after the terrorist act..

Arab coalition: The targeting against the Houthis in Marib destroyed 21 military vehicles and killed multiple fighters

They have gone on a rampage targetting neutralization spree

Act stupid get wrecked..
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Sad that all victims are Southasians (2 ind, 1 pak) who have nothing to do with Yemen civil war
Beautiful retalitory strike by the legitimate yemeni government defending itself from aggression.. why do people think bombing is only a 1 way street? UAE has devastated yemen and openly stolen a strategic island with zionist assistance.

the ansrallah government should bomb every single tower in the UAE, Every single oil facility and every single water desalnation plant in the 'country' as payback.. who the hell do these UAE think they are? going around stealing islands and bombing poor countries.

100k yemeni children died nobody said anything, and 1 retalitory strike by the yemenis and the usual zionists/wahabi anti-shia hoardes come rushing in ripping their a-holes out from anger...

The Houthis will continue to retaliate, despite whatever DISGUSTING, DISHONEST, CROCODILE TEAR SHEDDING HYPOCRITES think
Beautiful retalitory strike by the legitimate yemeni government defending itself from aggression.. why do people think bombing is only a 1 way street? UAE has devastated yemen and openly stolen a strategic island with zionist assistance.

the ansrallah government should bomb every single tower in the UAE, Every single oil facility and every single water desalnation plant in the 'country' as payback.. who the hell do these UAE think they are? going around stealing islands and bombing poor countries.

100k yemeni children died nobody said anything, and 1 retalitory strike by the yemenis and the usual zionists/wahabi anti-shia hoardes come rushing in ripping their a-holes out from anger...

The Houthis will continue to retaliate, despite whatever DISGUSTING, DISHONEST, CROCODILE TEAR SHEDDING HYPOCRITES think

They are illegitimate elements and They are illegal in the area.... revolution like stuff in Yemen is khurafat and illegal also rebelling in the formerly peaceful state of Yemen was a terrorist act
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