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Induction of Balochistanis in Pak Army - All News

Our adversary might consider them PLA soldiers in Pakistani uniform. You might see articles about this Sino Pak conspiracy in Newyork times.
perhaps that was all the fuss about PLA soldiers in GB recently all over NY and ToI(let) media. :rofl:

And then these induns ask what is the relation between Pak China?
Thanks for bringing this up. Another thanks for understanding the theme behind the post and not just outrightly rejecting it.

You are right, we shouldnt be judging patriotism through ethnicity and we never had.

If that had been the case we could have classified our people into the British BS of martial and non-martial races.

If that had been the case no Hindu, Christian would have been able to wear a Pakistani uniform (military, paramilitary) ever.

But we dont see that happening.

But then being part of this profession we do show interest in personalities. Personalities take shape from the background a person belongs to, how he has been brought up and the terrain, weather etc where he has spent his childhood also comes into play.

i know coursemates and soldiers from our Northern Areas being more physically fit and mentally stiff. During Yarmuks and Forced Marches they would display a better state of moral than we Karachiates.

Balochs and Pathans have been more of dare devils, though Punjabis were not lagging behind at all. The only difference was if you want a Pathan or Baloch to dig a trench you would require a simple talk to get him motivated and for the others you would like to add one more sentence or so.

Dont we experience this in our every day life? Just try to see your colleagues working around you in your office.

But then you know what, this doesnt matter. Physical fitness and mental robustness can be increased and so can be courage to a certain extent, but sheer cowardice cannot be helped and fortunately we didnt see any of it in any of the races.

So a tougher Pathan or Baloch can be equaled by another race through hardwork, therefore as you have rightly pointed out that there's no difference when it comes to show courage and valor.

When i joined PMA i was able to do one Heaving, when i passed out i was doing 20! Much more than a few of my Pathan and Baloch comrades, so this isnt strictly a criteria to judge someone. i hope i am making sense here?

Once when i was posted at Siachen and was stuck at a post for quite longer than my actual tenure due to bad weather i had this Balti soldier who would tell me that he would carry me on his shoulders even if he ALONE (normally a party moves) had to take me back to the base!!! Without knowing that i have volunteered for another tenure extension at the same post! Same was the case with other soldiers (which included Punjabis and Karachiates) who would not let me go out to direct artillery fire alone and would form a circle around me to save me from enemy's small arms fire!!!

i remember how i had to push/slap a few buddies to make my way out as they were not allowing me (for my safety) to take a SMG Chinese out of the bunker so that i could fire at the enemy post from a different/new position thus interrupting their MG fire which was targeting a stranded move party of ours, and we were already been badly pinned down because of enemy's small arms and artillery fire and had received strict orders not to go out. The HQ had already tasked another post to engage the enemy post and direct artillery fire, but as i knew i was the only officer (in the AOR of two posts) who was qualified in Artillery Target Grid Procedure so it had to be me who could have done the job!! i did go out but then i was not alone, i had Punjabis and Kashmiris with me who helped me complete the task, they just couldnt let their Officer go in the harms way Alone!

i also know a CO whose convoy was ambushed during the early days of operations in Wana and when he was laying on the side of the road firing from his pistol a soldier from his unit came rushing and lay himself over the CO because the soldier never wanted his CO to get killed. The CO tells me that after a while he felt something warm around the back of his thigh and on query he was told by that soldier that he has been hit by a bullet like 20 mins ago but he never squeaked!! The soldier was a Punjabi!

So there's no question of lack of valor or courage among us, may we be from any race. My post was in response to a post by Sir Fatman, and also to a wrong perception that Sindhis and Balochs being 'new' to the military might have a lower threshold of courage and the military's hard/rigorous way of life.

i hope i made myself clear.

Crystal clear Sir. Sorry for misunderstanding your initial post.
Good for them, they can earn rozi-roti. I think that Balochi youth, because of lack of other job opportunities, have no option but to join the army, a lot like J&K.

Hope they will be not be posted to units that are fighting their own brethren.

appreciate your characteristically cynical and sarcastic tone

I agree that there is need for jobs creation, but also need (and desire) to increase diversity mix in Army in the interests of 'representativeness'

Army represents the people, Army serves the state. A real soldier is not worth his salt and sweat if he is in dereliction of duty or if he questions orders. Hypothetically speaking, if killing his 'brother' is in the interests of the state, and if the order is given, he must do so.

when you join the army, you leave behind tribal or ethnic loyalties; the soldier looks beyond such petty things in that capacity.

Inshallah this will set a new trend. The numbers themselves speak wonders, and I wish those inductees a prosperous career and future in Pakistan Army.
No offence but wats so big abt major mengal ?leading the parade?

Mengal is the tribe in Balochistan, just like Bugti and Marris, and a lot of their members as well as some of the tribal elders are in the anti-state activities, presently as well as in the past. So, this guy from this tribe by joining the army has given a good reply to the ones who are doing anti-state activities and to us that they all are not like the ones who are traitors.

Attaullah Mengal and Akhtar Mengal, rings a bell.

Kohlu comes under this tribe's domain.
News of the month for me!
Thanks a lot for sharing Sir

We need to increase our Baloch brothers quota in the army and that will not only increase/restore the level of trust between Baloch and other provinces but also provide them Jobs and decrease the unemployment in Balochistan
Mengal is the tribe in Balochistan, just like Bugti and Marris, and a lot of their members as well as some of the tribal elders are in the anti-state activities, presently as well as in the past. So, this guy from this tribe by joining the army has given a good reply to the ones who are doing anti-state activities and to us that they all are not like the ones who are traitors.

Attaullah Mengal and Akhtar Mengal, rings a bell.

Kohlu comes under this tribe's domain.

I know tht bro.... but do u think akhtar or attaullah visit PDF and take a look at this?:what:

Anyways... fuk em.

I know tht bro.... but do u think akhtar or attaullah visit PDF and take a look at this?:what:

Anyways... fuk em.


They might not visit PDF, but news of whose joining what and where does reach the ears of people and especially in the tribe from where the officer/jawan belongs.

Don't you think the parade commander name would have been taken at the time of the parade function, infront of the CM and Gov and other politicians of the province, so what will they feel when they would hear the name of Maj Mengal leading the parade. Hope you can think of the rest.
News of the month for me!
Thanks a lot for sharing Sir

We need to increase our Baloch brothers quota in the army and that will not only increase/restore the level of trust between Baloch and other provinces but also provide them Jobs and decrease the unemployment in Balochistan

Quota system is very bad for national interests .Bhutto introduced quota system in 70's in Sindh which created lot of problems in Karachi.

Armed forces should not select soldiers on basis of quota system.
By inducting patriots from anti-state tribes are are going to break the back of these traitors. Most of these traitors have self invented stories of PA "evils" and these jawans will take back one tales of truth, bravery and valour. Which will shaken the chairs of these traitors loose and fall apart.
Thank u for trollin........... dirty indian troll.


You have taken it in wrong perspective.

I mean in India all those who were involved in Insurgencies like in North East or Kashmir who gave up their Arms then joined the Army or the Police.

Don't you have the BLA?:azn:
You have taken it in wrong perspective.

I mean in India all those who were involved in Insurgencies like in North East or Kashmir who gave up their Arms then joined the Army or the Police.

Don't you have the BLA?:azn:

Wat makes u call em freedom fighters? I myself am balouch... so dont play smart with me.

BLA indian supported bastards have a very small number whose leadership has indian passport and goons live in mountains.....

These are regular guys frm balouchistan they dont have any criminal past nor we have BLA in such strenght..

Also i have yet to see any FREEDOM FIGHTER give up arms in IOK.... Or see any ARMED FREEDOM FIGHTER in IOK.... there struggle is UNARMED... So dont fool urself boy.

In balouchi we say: For the country Sword and Neck both are ready.

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