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Indonesian aerospace company introduces new homegrown aircraft

If we can secure FAA license, so we can maximize PT Dirgantara branch office at Seattle USA. I bet there is huge market as well in USA and Twin Otter is an old plane which is made by old technology and more expensive as well than N 219. We hope N 219 is really a good airplane and easy to maintain, for this one, we need to wait its testing.

If we're success with N219, i can see our plan to develop N245 will be smooth in the next 2 years. And although we will base our design on CN-235, there is also possibility that we will start the design from a clean sheet, just like the case of N219.
Yup, but not a total failed project either, at least it did fly with 2 prototypes, so it proves our design skills, and it also bring confidence to our people even until now ....................... :smokin:

10 August 1995


View attachment 278672View attachment 278672

N250 was indeed a remarkable achievement for Indonesia at that time. Too bad, the program was cancelled, otherwise, Indonesia might have had a fair market share in regional passenger jet market.
N250 was indeed a remarkable achievement for Indonesia at that time. Too bad, the program was cancelled, otherwise, Indonesia might have had a fair market share in regional passenger jet market.

well. past is past right now better to focusing in this project
N250 was indeed a remarkable achievement for Indonesia at that time. Too bad, the program was cancelled, otherwise, Indonesia might have had a fair market share in regional passenger jet market.

Yup, it is also due to our former finance minister (Laksamana Sukardi) policy under Megawati Soekarno Putri administration who somehow doesnt like our high tech industry to grow. There is an economic theory that suppress any idea of developing economy to pursue high tech industry, and that person hold such belief. Even we dont buy any CN 235 or helicopters during that time, while in the same time that administration buy Su-27 fighters.

That administration also sell our big (telecommunication) state owned company ( at that time the finance still has huge surplus) to Singaporean State owned company (Temasek). Now the company (PT Indosat) is under Qatar since our people and our next government feel that there is something about that deal that make us force Temasek to leave.

We were also still under agreement with IMF during that period that make us not allow to finance that project. That agreement make the program not continue. PT Dirgantara just get order again (CN 235 MPA and Presidential plane) in 2007 from South Korea after almost 7 years without new order. So there is South Korea contribution at this, and we must thanks them for that.

Administration under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is quite appreciative on high tech local industries, it makes so many orders taken from Military for CN 235 and helicopters. It then makes PT Dirgantara comes to live once more. And also we started to develop N 219 during Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono term.

And this project is crucial since entering civilian aircraft means entering very big market, so PT Dirgantara doesnt have to depend too much on Military deal anymore..
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Yup, it is also due to our former finance minister (Laksamana Sukardi) policy under Megawati Soekarno Putri administration who somehow doesnt like our high tech industry to grow. There is an economic theory that suppress any idea of developing economy to pursue high tech industry, and that person hold such belief. Even we dont buy any CN 235 or helicopters during that time, while in the same time that administration buy Su-27 fighters.

That administration also sell our big (telecommunication) state owned company ( at that time the finance still has huge surplus) to Singaporean State owned company (Temasek). Now the company (PT Indosat) is under Qatar since our people and our next government feel that there is something about that deal that make us force Temasek to leave.

We were also still under agreement with IMF during that period that make us not allow to finance that project. That agreement make the program not continue. PT Dirgantara just get order again (CN 235 MPA and Presidential plane) in 2007 from South Korea after almost 7 years without new order. So there is South Korea contribution at this, and we must thanks them for that.

Administration under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is quite appreciative on high tech local industries, it makes so many orders taken from Military for CN 235 and helicopters. It then makes PT Dirgantara comes to live once more. And also we started to develop N 219 during Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono term.

And this project is crucial since entering civilian aircraft means entering very big market, so PT Dirgantara doesnt have to depend too much on Military deal anymore..

You should read articles or news, back than jusuf kalla is ardent supporter of pt di liquidation idea and supporting ptun decision to announce the pailit status of pt di in 2007
thejakartapost.com | Business | Fri, December 11 2015, 1:24 PM


A N219 aircraft designed by PT Dirgantara Indonesia at an assembly facility. The aircraft is considered to be a suitable vehicle for President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to use to travel around Indonesia. (Kompas.com/Reska K. Nistanto)

Business News
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has introduced the new N219, an aircraft entirely designed by local engineers and suitable for travel around the archipelago.

International Civil Aviation Association (ICAO) special envoy Indroyono Soesilo said he was proud to present the work of local engineers and their contribution to the world of aviation technology.

“The 19-seat N219 is the final contribution of Indonesian aerospace engineers from PTDI's 1970s and 1980s generation. Its system integrity, navigation systems and all its technology are all original Indonesian made,” Indroyono said as quoted by Kompas.com.

He said that he hoped this would inspire a new generation of engineers in the nation and continue the process of knowledge transfer from experienced PTDI engineers to the new generation.

Former employees of PTDI who had moved on to work at leading aviation companies such as Boeing, Bombardier, Bell or ATR should pass on their experiences and skills to young aspiring engineers, Indroyono continued.

These former employees had spread across the globe creating a diaspora of Indonesian aviation technology specialists, he added.

“If it is not taught to the young, the ability of Indonesians to design airplanes will eventually cease," said Indroyono. (liz/dan)(+)

- See more at: Indonesian aerospace company introduces new homegrown aircraft | The Jakarta Post

N219's full glass cockpit


N219's spacious cabin, largest in its class

N219, 19 pax light lift aircraft

Source: Indonesia Military News & Discussion Thread | Page 511
Very good
Indonesia aggressively develops the propeller aircrafts

PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI)/Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) in collaboration with Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN)/Indonesian National Aeronautics and Space Institute plans to develop advanced aircraft post N-219 aircraft. Before the N-219 first flight in May 2016, PTDI and LAPAN in early 2016 will begin to develop passenger aircraft with a capacity of between 50 to 90 passengers ie N-245 and N-270.

The first N-219 prototype aircraft built in PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung. (Picture from: DEFENSE STUDIES: RI Gencar Bikin Pesawat, Setelah N219 Ada N245 dan N270)

In early stage, PTDI and LAPAN entering the class of propeller aircraft with 50-60 passengers in 2016. This aircraft is N-245, which is a development of the CN-235 military version. PTDI and LAPAN start developing N-245, although the N-219 not fly because the aircraft development process from conceptual design and feasibility study, up to aircraft certification and production phases takes a long time.
"The process of aircraft development is not as easy as imagined, designed and then directly made it, which means the N-245 program began, while N-219 runs and was nearing completion. We (for N-219) conducted a market study together to create a conceptual design beforehand," says Head of Aircraft Programme of LAPAN, Agus Aribowo, to detikFinance on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.

The first N-219 prototype aircraft shown completely in public on Thursday, December 12, 2015 in PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung. (Picture from: LAPAN)
After doing a conceptual design and is known about the potential market, PTDI and LAPAN perform on the stage of a wind tunnel test phase 1. Furthermore, the PTDI and LAPAN verify the design and followed the preliminary design, where the aircraft is already visible its aerodynamic shape.
The process then continues to the 2nd and 3rd wind tunnel tests, and then into the detailed design phase. Here, all components of aircraft drawn in detail. The next process is to builds the prototype.

Illustration of N-245 aircraft. (Picture from: PT DI Rencanakan Kelahiran N-245 Pesawat Komersial Baru untuk Indonesia - Tribunnews.com)
"After that roll out and finally the flight test in the context of certification," he explained. PTDI and LAPAN targeting could have the N-245 aircraft certification from the national aviation regulator at the end of 2019.

The plan of Indonesian transport aircraft development program. (Picture from: Pustaka Digital Indonesia: Pesawat N-245, Pesawat Baru Gagasan PT DI Bakal Mirip "KRL" !!!??)
Agus explained, the development of N-245 is relatively less complex than the development of N219, because the N-245 is the development and refinement of CN-235 which has been developed by PTDI together with Airbus Military. With slight modifications, N-245 can have a capacity of 50 to 60 passengers.
"The market needs with basic capabilities of CN-235, and we will change the military version became the civilian version by replacing the engine that more efficient and more economical. Then avionics system on the cockpit replaced with new variants of the glass cockpit," he said.
For the N-270 variant, PTDI and LAPAN plan to develop this aircraft in the period 2019-2024. The N-270 is designed capable of carrying passengers between 70 to 90 people. "N-270 only lengthen the N-245 becomes 70-90 passengers. And made its development costs more economical," he explained

Read more: http://www.trussty.com/2015/12/indonesia-aggressively-develops.html#ixzz3voSzZbV4
Indonesia Offers N219 Aircraft to Laos


N219 transport aircraft (photo: PKSNews)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Indonesia and Laos have agreed to continue to enhance cooperation in the field of transportation.

Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi has delivered products offer aircraft N219 Light Transport Aircraft made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

The offer came as Secretary held a bilateral meeting with Foreign Minister Sisoulith Thoungloun Laos in Vientiane, 01/27/2016.

"This aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers and graded according to the geography of Laos. The initial contact has been made through the Ministry of Transport and Lao Airlines," said foreign ministry spokesman, Arrmanatha Nasir, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office, Jakarta, Thursday (01/28/2016).

According Arrmanatha, Laos are still learning more about the proposed offer. He is still not sure how many aircraft that will be purchased by Laos.

"This is just the start, Laos are still studying the deal. There are already some ASEAN countries who have purchased aircraft from Indonesia. I hope they buy a lot," he said.

In the bilateral meeting Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno also addressed related to maritime cooperation in the form of the development of the handling of illegal fishing, implementation of maritime cooperation in the context of the EAS.

In addition it also discussed cooperation on the establishment of legal instruments for the protection of migrant workers' rights, counter-terrorism, radicalism and extremism.

In addition to discussing efforts to increase bilateral cooperation, the meeting was also used Retno Foreign Minister to convey Indonesia's full support for Laos at the ASEAN chairmanship.


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