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Indonesia Maritime defence and security issue

Indonesia's take on South China Sea 'White Hull race'

24 November 2016

There is no question that Indonesia’s show of military force near Ranai Natuna last October, which included sophisticated maneuvers by the Air Force, invited myriad opinions about it being a statement concerning regional politics. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo himself looked over the exercise, which sent an even stronger message to other countries that Indonesia's territorial integrity is in good hands. Without a doubt, Indonesia's military assets were shown to be ready for any future contingency.

At the same time, this development occurred during an era of uncertainty on the world stage created by the United States' now-president-elect Donald Trump, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Meanwhile, geopolitical maneuvers seemed to be required in the South China Sea situation. With a recent statement made by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, the visit of a US warship to Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay naval base and China's continuing assertions of its territorial claims, it is clear that the military will continue to be a defining element of the South China Sea conflict.

But the question of "What would be a possible trigger for an open conflict in the South China Sea?" should be the primary concern of all relevant decision makers. Is it likely that a military incident would trigger an unwanted clash? Or are there any overlooked non-military factors more likely to start one?

The question might have an answer in the development of “White Hull” armadas in the South China Sea. This idea was echoed by Singapore's Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen on the sidelines of a meeting of ASEAN and US defense ministers in Hawaii recently. In the conference he mentioned that incidents might "have very little to do with military ships" and are more prone to be triggered by developments of coast guards and fishing vessels asserting their country's territorial claims.

The concern is not without proof, as many sources said that China can be seen to be increasingly developing its coast guard's capacity. Other primary players, such as the US, seemed to be already alarmed by the development and the US has transferred three of its Hamilton-class coast guard cutters to the Philippines. Those events may contribute to a “White Hull race” in the region.

Indonesia is not an exception, as one of its frigates, the KRI Oswald Siahaan-354, encountered a Chinese Coast Guard vessel while it was arresting a Chinese fishing boat last May. This was not the first instance when Indonesian authorities had to deal with the Chinese Coast Guard, as Indonesian fishing authority vessels reportedly had several encounters with the Chinese Coast Guard while conducting their duties.

It is then understandable that Indonesia needs to be aware of the dynamics of the region. Its current Maritime Security Board (Bakamla) has been boosting its capabilities. Its “Bakamla Integrated Information System” (BIIS) is set to become a sophisticated maritime territorial domain awareness instrument throughout Indonesia’s vast waters.

However, the development of a functioning maritime security agency in Indonesia came with several challenges, as multiple institutions (including the military, police and other non-military institutions) have overlapping jurisdictions. Effective coordination, information sharing and unity of command questions have not yet been resolved among the maritime security stakeholders.

There are at least three important features of a “White Hull race” that Indonesia should be aware of. First, coast guards or other White Hull authorities are prone to becoming disguised paramilitary fleets. In this case, there might be a need for a stronger and more capable White Hull fleet to be prepared for such development.

Second, on the other hand, as coast guards are mostly categorized as non-military institutions, sending a White Hull fleet can also be a more gentle gesture in a conflict situation. Consequently, Indonesia’s White Hull authorities also need to be equipped with crisis handling capabilities as to not spark larger and more severe incidents.

Third, means of communication and protocols to avoid clashes between White Hull authorities needs to be bolstered among the South China Sea stakeholders. China's recent opposition toward including White Hull authorities in the new Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) arrangement with ASEAN countries is something to be concerned about. Such an arrangement needs to be a priority and having a means of communication, such as a meeting of officials from the coast guards and maritime law enforcement agencies, needs to include other stakeholders to ensure it builds a healthy confidence.

Indeed, a form of the "White Hull race" is in place in the South China Sea conflict and it is important for Jakarta to join and become a determining factor in the race.


Indonesia Balances Maritime Sovereignty, Economic Ties to China

Indonesia says it will step up patrols in waters around a group of islands to expel Chinese fishing vessels, putting its economic ties with China at risk but eventually getting an upper hand in the dispute with little fallout, analysts say.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who is widely known as Jokowi, said in October his government would never compromise on claims around the Natuna Islands, a chain of 272 tiny land features northwest of Borneo where Chinese vessels pass in nearby waters. He visited the islands during military exercises in September and October.

“There’s a strong feeling among many Indonesian officials that it can both assert its rights over the area it claims as its exclusive economic zone around the Natunas and develop strong economic ties with China at the same time,” said David McRae, senior research fellow with the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Widodo also called last year on the two sides to increase two-way trade to $150 billion by 2020. China is Indonesia’s top import source and second biggest export destination for items such as minerals and palm oil.

But the Indonesian Cabinet has developed what experts call a low-risk strategy to stand up for its claim of a 370-kilometer (200 nautical-mile) exclusive economic zone in waters around the Natunas. China cites historical records and says its boats have long fished the same waters.

readmore: http://www.voanews.com/a/indonesia-china-south-china-sea/3611198.html
Indonesia Balances Maritime Sovereignty, Economic Ties to China

Indonesia says it will step up patrols in waters around a group of islands to expel Chinese fishing vessels, putting its economic ties with China at risk but eventually getting an upper hand in the dispute with little fallout, analysts say.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who is widely known as Jokowi, said in October his government would never compromise on claims around the Natuna Islands, a chain of 272 tiny land features northwest of Borneo where Chinese vessels pass in nearby waters. He visited the islands during military exercises in September and October.

“There’s a strong feeling among many Indonesian officials that it can both assert its rights over the area it claims as its exclusive economic zone around the Natunas and develop strong economic ties with China at the same time,” said David McRae, senior research fellow with the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Widodo also called last year on the two sides to increase two-way trade to $150 billion by 2020. China is Indonesia’s top import source and second biggest export destination for items such as minerals and palm oil.

But the Indonesian Cabinet has developed what experts call a low-risk strategy to stand up for its claim of a 370-kilometer (200 nautical-mile) exclusive economic zone in waters around the Natunas. China cites historical records and says its boats have long fished the same waters.

readmore: http://www.voanews.com/a/indonesia-china-south-china-sea/3611198.html

Hah!! Winning without a fight... Just like Sun Tzu said..
Indonesia seeks maritime merit of ‘Vikings’

Viriya P. Singgih - The Jakarta Post

Jakarta | Tue, November 29, 2016 | 07:24 am

The government has invited 33 companies from Norway and Denmark to explore business opportunities in the country’s maritime sector, including in port management and security, to help meet its vision of becoming one of the world’s top maritime powers.

To meet such an ambitious goal, the government has planned to enhance inter-island connectivity by building 24 seaports and deep sea ports as well as upgrading port infrastructures.

Denmark and Norway, according to the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, are ideal partners as they both have maintained strong maritime traditions and histories, in terms of fisheries, shipping, offshore energy and maritime equipment and services.

“You are the Vikings. So, please show us the greatness of the Vikings. [Tell us how to build] an integrated port for cargo and fisheries and all integrated transportations, including ports and airports.” Susi said in front of representatives of the 33 companies on Monday.

She explained that different ministries in the country had built each of their own ports, including some under her ministry and others under the Transportation Ministry. As those ports were located separately, hundreds of kilometers apart, the government had suffered from high operational costs.

Therefore, she continued, 33 companies from Denmark and Norway were invited to talk with the government and companies in Jakarta about possible investment opportunities, whether under business-to-business or business-to-government schemes.

Among those companies were Danish energy firm Danfoss A/S, ship maker Odense Maritime Technology, Norwegian shipping company Wilh Wilhelmsen ASA and technology systems and solutions enterprise Kongsberg Digital.

Denmark and Norway are currently among the top 10 global ship-owning nations and both countries are eager to invest in Indonesia and to transfer their expertise and knowledge.

“Denmark is a very small country, but in the maritime area, Denmark and Norway are global superpowers. Every 15 minutes, somewhere around the world, a Danish operated ship leaves a port,” Danish Ambassador to Indonesia Casper Klynge said.

Although Denmark only accounts for 0.1 percent of the global population, he explained, Danish people have managed to create a large number of ships that are currently transporting 10 percent of the world’s goods.

Meanwhile, Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia Stig Traavik said that both of the Nordic countries could offer technological advice through their state of the art ships that employ more efficient uses of energy.

“We have produced ships, which run with natural gas instead of diesel. Basically, it’s like a mini power plant in the ship, and the computer system is running the engine. So, it can reduce the consumption of gas by 20 percent compared to modern ships that use diesel fuel,” he said.

On the other hand, Odense Maritime Technology’s president director for Southeast Asia Erik Hansen said Indonesia was a promising country because of its rapidly growing market. The company — which designs commercial ships for offshore industry, fishery inspection and patrol ships — is confident that Indonesia can benefit from its technology.

“Odense Maritime Technology is committed to sharing knowledge with Indonesian ship operators, ship yards and ship design centers,” he said.

Previously, State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno visited four Nordic countries, namely Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, in September, to approach them to form partnerships, particularly in energy and fishery sectors.


Indonesia to cooperate with Scandinavian countries to increase maritime innovation
Senin, 28 November 2016 23:43 WIB

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia will cooperate with Norway and Denmark to give a push to innovation in the maritime sector, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti said here on Monday.

"Indonesia is a big country and with its proven potential in fisheries and maritime sectors, it will have cooperation with Norway and Denmark," she told a conference on Indonesian maritime innovation here.

She noted that the two Scandinavian countries are known as pioneers in the maritime field technology. The cooperation will help support the fishery industry through environment-friendly scientific and technological innovations.

She noted that sustainability is one of the aspects promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs.

This conference is expected to lead to cooperation with companies operating in the fisheries and maritime sectors in these countries. The conference is held concurrently with the ministrys monthly investment forum.

"I am glad that Norway and Denmark could participate today in the marine and fisheries business and investment forum that we hold every month," Minister Susi underlined.

Their participation came as a follow up to the visits undertaken by the representatives of the governments of Denmark and Norway to Jakarta last year and the invitation to the embassies of Denmark and Norway for the forum in January 2016.

The two European countries are expected to support Indonesias plan to develop its infrastructure and facilities in the catch fishery, marine surveillance, cold chain system and processing industry.

"With the help of Norway and Denmark, we will be able to develop the Indonesian fisheries and marine development sector to achieve the Indonesian governments vision of becoming a maritime country," Susi noted.

Thirty-three companies from Denmark and Norway, which attended the conference, would offer business and investment cooperation to the Indonesian government and businesses, including state-owned and private businesses in the fisheries and maritime sector.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs and the Ministry of Transportation are also scheduled to sign cooperation agreements as part of the efforts to eradicate fish poaching by empowering the national fishing fleets.

Among the forms of cooperation that have been agreed upon is optimizing the implementation of tasks and functions of parties to expedite the process of measuring again the size of fishing boats and ensuring integrated licensing.

As a follow up to the signing of the cooperation pact, a joint decree of ministers of fisheries and maritime affairs and transportation to ensure one-stop administrative service will be issued.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi stressed that he hoped the cooperation with the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs would be able to help realize a new system in the transportation sector in the country, especially in the fisheries and maritime sectors.

(Reported by Muhammad Razi Rahman/Uu.H-YH/INE/KR-BSR/A014)


Indonesian maritime police seized 5 illegal fishing boats from Vietnam, 26 Nov 2016

Kapal Patroli KP bisma 8001 Bantuan Khusus Operasi (BKO) Polda Kepri menangkap 5 unit kapal penangkap ikan ilegal asing di wilayah Natuna, Kepulauan Riau. Kapal-kapal tersebut diketahui berbendera Vietnam. Kelima kapal tersebut antara lain, BV 97909 TS, 2. BD 95405 TS, BD 50406 ST, BA 97592 TS, dan BD 96127 TS. Kelima kapal itu ditangkap dalam waktu bersamaan pada Sabtu, 26 November 2016.


Rata-rata kapal tersebut memiliki alat tangkap jaring cumi. “Selanjutnya 5 kapal ikan asing tersebut dikawal menuju Tarempa Kabupaten Anambas untuk diserahkan ke petugas PSDK setempat.” ujar Kapolda Kepri Brigjen Pol Sam Budigusdian dalam rilisnya kepada wartawan, Senin (28/11/2016), Kata dia, diduga 5 kapal ikan asing tsb melakukan tindak pidana Perikanan pasal 27 ayat 2 Jo Pasal 93 ayat 2 UU RI No. 45 tahun 2009 tentang perikanan atas UU RI No. 31 tahun 2004 tentang Perikanan.

Indonesia seeks maritime merit of ‘Vikings’

Viriya P. Singgih - The Jakarta Post

Jakarta | Tue, November 29, 2016 | 07:24 am

The government has invited 33 companies from Norway and Denmark to explore business opportunities in the country’s maritime sector, including in port management and security, to help meet its vision of becoming one of the world’s top maritime powers.

To meet such an ambitious goal, the government has planned to enhance inter-island connectivity by building 24 seaports and deep sea ports as well as upgrading port infrastructures.

Denmark and Norway, according to the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, are ideal partners as they both have maintained strong maritime traditions and histories, in terms of fisheries, shipping, offshore energy and maritime equipment and services.

“You are the Vikings. So, please show us the greatness of the Vikings. [Tell us how to build] an integrated port for cargo and fisheries and all integrated transportations, including ports and airports.” Susi said in front of representatives of the 33 companies on Monday.

She explained that different ministries in the country had built each of their own ports, including some under her ministry and others under the Transportation Ministry. As those ports were located separately, hundreds of kilometers apart, the government had suffered from high operational costs.

Therefore, she continued, 33 companies from Denmark and Norway were invited to talk with the government and companies in Jakarta about possible investment opportunities, whether under business-to-business or business-to-government schemes.

Among those companies were Danish energy firm Danfoss A/S, ship maker Odense Maritime Technology, Norwegian shipping company Wilh Wilhelmsen ASA and technology systems and solutions enterprise Kongsberg Digital.

Denmark and Norway are currently among the top 10 global ship-owning nations and both countries are eager to invest in Indonesia and to transfer their expertise and knowledge.

“Denmark is a very small country, but in the maritime area, Denmark and Norway are global superpowers. Every 15 minutes, somewhere around the world, a Danish operated ship leaves a port,” Danish Ambassador to Indonesia Casper Klynge said.

Although Denmark only accounts for 0.1 percent of the global population, he explained, Danish people have managed to create a large number of ships that are currently transporting 10 percent of the world’s goods.

Meanwhile, Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia Stig Traavik said that both of the Nordic countries could offer technological advice through their state of the art ships that employ more efficient uses of energy.

“We have produced ships, which run with natural gas instead of diesel. Basically, it’s like a mini power plant in the ship, and the computer system is running the engine. So, it can reduce the consumption of gas by 20 percent compared to modern ships that use diesel fuel,” he said.

On the other hand, Odense Maritime Technology’s president director for Southeast Asia Erik Hansen said Indonesia was a promising country because of its rapidly growing market. The company — which designs commercial ships for offshore industry, fishery inspection and patrol ships — is confident that Indonesia can benefit from its technology.

“Odense Maritime Technology is committed to sharing knowledge with Indonesian ship operators, ship yards and ship design centers,” he said.

Previously, State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno visited four Nordic countries, namely Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, in September, to approach them to form partnerships, particularly in energy and fishery sectors.


Indonesia to cooperate with Scandinavian countries to increase maritime innovation
Senin, 28 November 2016 23:43 WIB

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia will cooperate with Norway and Denmark to give a push to innovation in the maritime sector, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti said here on Monday.

"Indonesia is a big country and with its proven potential in fisheries and maritime sectors, it will have cooperation with Norway and Denmark," she told a conference on Indonesian maritime innovation here.

She noted that the two Scandinavian countries are known as pioneers in the maritime field technology. The cooperation will help support the fishery industry through environment-friendly scientific and technological innovations.

She noted that sustainability is one of the aspects promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs.

This conference is expected to lead to cooperation with companies operating in the fisheries and maritime sectors in these countries. The conference is held concurrently with the ministrys monthly investment forum.

"I am glad that Norway and Denmark could participate today in the marine and fisheries business and investment forum that we hold every month," Minister Susi underlined.

Their participation came as a follow up to the visits undertaken by the representatives of the governments of Denmark and Norway to Jakarta last year and the invitation to the embassies of Denmark and Norway for the forum in January 2016.

The two European countries are expected to support Indonesias plan to develop its infrastructure and facilities in the catch fishery, marine surveillance, cold chain system and processing industry.

"With the help of Norway and Denmark, we will be able to develop the Indonesian fisheries and marine development sector to achieve the Indonesian governments vision of becoming a maritime country," Susi noted.

Thirty-three companies from Denmark and Norway, which attended the conference, would offer business and investment cooperation to the Indonesian government and businesses, including state-owned and private businesses in the fisheries and maritime sector.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs and the Ministry of Transportation are also scheduled to sign cooperation agreements as part of the efforts to eradicate fish poaching by empowering the national fishing fleets.

Among the forms of cooperation that have been agreed upon is optimizing the implementation of tasks and functions of parties to expedite the process of measuring again the size of fishing boats and ensuring integrated licensing.

As a follow up to the signing of the cooperation pact, a joint decree of ministers of fisheries and maritime affairs and transportation to ensure one-stop administrative service will be issued.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi stressed that he hoped the cooperation with the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs would be able to help realize a new system in the transportation sector in the country, especially in the fisheries and maritime sectors.

(Reported by Muhammad Razi Rahman/Uu.H-YH/INE/KR-BSR/A014)


Bring the Swedes aboard too, and the Vikings clan would be complete!!

Jokes aside, I really hope Sweden along it's SAAB can get more involvement in our Maritime modernisation program..
Indonesia Balances Maritime Sovereignty, Economic Ties to China

Indonesia says it will step up patrols in waters around a group of islands to expel Chinese fishing vessels, putting its economic ties with China at risk but eventually getting an upper hand in the dispute with little fallout, analysts say.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who is widely known as Jokowi, said in October his government would never compromise on claims around the Natuna Islands, a chain of 272 tiny land features northwest of Borneo where Chinese vessels pass in nearby waters. He visited the islands during military exercises in September and October.

“There’s a strong feeling among many Indonesian officials that it can both assert its rights over the area it claims as its exclusive economic zone around the Natunas and develop strong economic ties with China at the same time,” said David McRae, senior research fellow with the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Widodo also called last year on the two sides to increase two-way trade to $150 billion by 2020. China is Indonesia’s top import source and second biggest export destination for items such as minerals and palm oil.

But the Indonesian Cabinet has developed what experts call a low-risk strategy to stand up for its claim of a 370-kilometer (200 nautical-mile) exclusive economic zone in waters around the Natunas. China cites historical records and says its boats have long fished the same waters.

readmore: http://www.voanews.com/a/indonesia-china-south-china-sea/3611198.html
Lol, 再一個口水多個茶短黑小猴跳上跳下。

Hah!! Winning without a fight... Just like Sun Tzu said..
Sun said : "when you are weak, pretend to be strong by blowing up Viet fishing boats "
Lol, 再一個口水多個茶短黑小猴跳上跳下。

Sun said : "when you are weak, pretend to be strong by blowing up Viet fishing boats "
Aww man...

I'd like to do you a favor, by doing Coup de Grace to pull you out of your endless sorrow and desperation...
Sunday, 04 December, 2016 | 09:12 WIB
Government Freezes PTTEP Licenses

TEMPO.CO, Kupang - The Indonesian government has finally decided to freeze the licenses and assets of PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) operations in Indonesia.

"This is an extraordinary step that we had never predicted before. The decision was taken during a coordination meeting on maritime affairs led by the coordinating minister for maritime affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan in Jakarta," the chairman of West Timor Care Foundation, Ferdi Tanoni, told ANTARA News here on Saturday (Dec. 3).

The Indonesian government was forced to take legal action, as Montara PTTEP Australasia oil operator failed to take up the responsibility of an oil spill incident that had affected almost 90 percent of Timor Sea waters in August 21, 2009.

"This is a humanitarian tragedy, which is difficult to explain, because people living in the coastal areas of East Nusa Tenggara had to live for more than seven years in misery due to the Montara oil spill," he said.

The coordination meeting was attended by officials of maritime affairs, including the attorney generals office, the East Nusa Tenggara province, 13 representatives from districts and cities in the province, and fishermen affected by the incident represented by the West Timor Care group.

Tanoni stated that the decision to freeze the licenses and assets of PTTEP by the government would be immediately consolidated by the National Team for the Settlement of the Dispute over the Montara Oil Spill Incident in 2009 in Timor Sea, led by Havaz Oegroseno, the first deputy of maritime defense, with the office of the coordinating minister for maritime affairs.

As a representative of the people of East Nusa Tenggara, who had fought for justice for more than seven years, Tanoni lauded the decision of Panjaitan, who had directly ordered his staff to take firm action against PTTEP immediately, for taking the responsibility to prevent pollution in the Timor Sea.

"We have waited for the firm action of the government of President Joko Widodo for more than seven years, and it is only now that we realize the governments support in our fight for justice," he added.

The writer of a book titled "Timor Sea Scandal, An Economic-Political Barter between Canberra and Jakarta," said Panjaitan has expressed regret over the protracted settlement of the case.

"It is the responsibility of the Indonesian government to protect the people of East Nusa Tenggara who are affected," he said.

He said the National Team for the Settlement of the Dispute over the Montara Oil Spill Incident in 2009 would immediately coordinate with the prosecutors office to submit an application to the Central Jakarta district court to freeze the licenses and assets of PTTEP.



Sunday, 04 December, 2016 | 08:56 WIB
Maritime Affairs Minister toMake Inventory of Indonesian Islands

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuti, said on Saturday that she would make an inventory of the islands in Indonesia, including their ownership.

"It is about ensuring some orderliness. The government needs to know the states assets, and how many islands it has now. That is our program," she noted.

She was here to receive an honorary doctorate degree from Diponegoro University.

Minister Susi pointed out that so far, there is no inventory of the islands.

"We have so far had no record regarding the exact size of each island or the potential of the islands," she noted.

She said the inventory would also reflect the details of ownership of these islands.

"It will all be put in order. How and from where the ownership was received or whether it is valid. No one is allowed to own an island to the extent of 100 percent," she underlined.

Communities, including individuals, may own islands but 30 percent of the ownership of the islands must remain with the state.

"An island may not be owned 100 percent by community members. A minimum of thirty percent must remain vested in the state and others. We will immediately launch this program," she commented.


Indonesia releases 57 captured Vietnamese fishers

Authorities in Indonesia have repatriated 57 Vietnamese fishermen to their home country following their arrest for fishing illegally in Indonesian waters.

The Embassy of Vietnam in Jakarta received 37 out of the 57 fishers at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Tuesday afternoon.

The Vietnamese fishermen were scheduled to board a Vietnam Airlines flight to Ho Chi Minh City the same evening.

The other 20 will return to Vietnam on a different flight on Wednesday, the embassy explained.

The 57 fishers were captured by Indonesian authorities for fishing illegally and have been held in custody on an island part of the Natuna Archipelago for the past few months.


The fishermen are pictured at their detention facility in the Natuna Archipelago. Photo: Tuoi Tre
They are mainly from the southern region of Vietnam, including Binh Thuan, Kien Giang, Tien Giang, and Ba Ria-Vung Tau among others, and have been detained on the Indonesian island for between one and five months.

According to Indonesian law, if a foreign fishing boat is found operating illegally in Indonesia’s EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), its captain can face a jail term of up to 12 months with the crew members able to return home following their trial.

Their ships and equipment will be kept by fisheries and naval units during the trial and will be destroyed after the court ruling.

Prior to their flights, the 57 Vietnamese fishermen were brought to Batam City on Monday before arriving in Jakarta the following day.


Ministry Captures 122 Foreign Ships for Illegal Fishing (since 17 August 2016)

The Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs together with Special Task Force 115, captured 122 foreign vessels that were involved in illegal fishing activities in Indonesia. The ships were caught fishing on Indonesian waters without an proper license and documents.


"Looking at the number, 122 [ships], it turns out that illegal fishing is still happening," said Minister of Marine and Fisheries Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti on Thursday, December 8, 2016. According to Susi, the ships will be sunk.

Susi added that foreign ships often enter Indonesian waters because their own seas no longer have adequate marine resources. "Their seas do not have fishes anymore," Susi said.

Susi said that foreign ships often exploit loopholes in order to fish in Indonesian waters, including by cooperating with local officials. "There are indications, when officials [look this way], they fish that way," Susi said.

Susi also mentioned about the news she read in foreign medias stating that there are many countries currently protecting their marine resources. These countries often sunk foreign illegal ships entering their territorial waters. "Japan and Malaysia are doing that nowadays," Susi said.


KEMENTERIAN Kelautan dan Perikanan kembali menangkap kapal asing yang mencuri ikan di perairan Indonesia. Satgas 115 KKP mencatat sejak 17 Agustus 2016, aparat penegak hukum telah menangkap 122 kapal yang diduga melakukan kegiatan illegal fishing di Indonesia.

Friday, 09 December, 2016 | 20:36 WIB
Indonesia, Japan Cooperates to Develop Fishery Industry

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Maritime and Fishery Affairs Ministry is exploring opportunities to partner with Japan to develop the downstream fishery industry sector.

"Last night talked to [the Embassy] of Japan on the development of the fishery industry, including its facilities and infrastructure," said Brahmantya Satyamurti, Director General of Marine Management, on Friday, December 9, 2016.

Brahmantya added that the partnership will include the transfer of Japan's expertise in best practices of managing downstream fishery industry and maritime affairs. Meetings between Indonesian and Japanese businesses related to the cooperation is planned to take place early next year.

Brahmantya said that the Japanese embassy promised that they would have to discuss the plan with the Japanese government, and promised to bring the country's best business players to meet Indonesian Maritime and Fishery Affairs Minister Susi Pudjiastuti.



Japan to build deep sea water project in Indonesia
Jumat, 9 Desember 2016 21:00 WIB

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Japan plans to develop a deep sea water project in Indonesia to produce renewable energy and electrify remote islands in the country, Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has said.

"The technology will be developed in Morotai Island (in North Maluku) as one of 12 integrated fishery centers (SKPT)," Susi said here on Friday.

Earlier on Thursday, she said, Japan had offered the deep sea water technology during a meeting in Jakarta to which the ministry had responded positively.

The ministry has launched the SKPT program to attract investment and optimize business potential in the region, Susi said.

Japan has offered to develop renewable energy to electrify small and remote islands in Indonesia, the ministrys Director General of Sea Management Bramantyo Satyamurti Poewardi said.

The technology takes advantage of the temperature difference between the sun-warmed surface water and cold deep water to generate electricity.

The cold deep water could also be used for tuna fish farming, he said, expressing hope that the country will succeed in its efforts to get the technology.

Japan has reportedly intensified its efforts to promote investment in the fishery sector in Indonesia, including a plan to build tuna breeding and fish processing industries in some regions.

Indonesias Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has agreed on a commitment with Japans Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) for mutual support in promoting and increasing investment in the country.

With the countrys economic growth at five percent amidst the global slowdown, Indonesia has become an interesting location for investment, BKPM chief Thomas Trikasih Lembong said.

Japans total investment during January to September amounted to US$4.4 billion in 2,122 projects, and has made it the second biggest investor in Indonesia after Singapore, whose total investment is US$7.12 billion.

Indonesian Navy uncovers human trafficking on the sea
Batam | Wed, December 7, 2016

Team Western Fleet Quick Response (WFQR) of the Indonesian Navy in Tanjung Pinang in Riau Islands caught a boat carrying 40 people headed to Malaysia in Batam waters on Tuesday night.

The people were being sent to be illegally employed to clean ship tanks in Malaysian waters.

Tanjung Pinang Navy base commander Commodore S. Irawan said Wednesday they caught three boats, but two boats managed to escape, carrying 30 people.

“This is the work of a human trafficking syndicate. We caught them because they used substandard boats, they could not produce working permits and travel permits,” Irawan said.
The Navy received information from the suspects that the workers were between 18 to 40 years old, and they would clean tanks on ships for Rp 180,000 (US$13.50) per day.

Five people have been named suspects in the case, Irawan said. “We are submitting the case to the police.”

Irawan said they had also contacted authorities in Malaysia and Singapore to help investigate the human trafficking ring. (evi)



Navy prepares warships to carry aid to Aceh earthquake victims

Medan, North Sumatra | Thu, December 8, 2016 | 04:13 pm

The Indonesian Naval Base (Lantamal) I in Belawan, North Sumatra, has readied four warships to carry basic necessities and medical aid to victims of the strong undersea earthquake that hit Pidie Jaya regency in Aceh on Wednesday.

Lantamal I Belawan spokesperson Maj. Sahala Sinaga said the four vessels were being prepared following the opening of a humanitarian assistance post for Aceh earthquake victims at the naval base. The post would collect goods like food, drinks and clothes donated by individuals and organizations.

“We have prepared four warships to carry humanitarian aid to Aceh. They are ready to be dispatched at any time,” Sahala told The Jakarta Post on Thursday, adding that the ships were also ready to take volunteering medical workers to the area of the disaster.

As reported earlier, more than 100 people were killed and thousands evacuated as an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale rocked Pidie Jaya regency on Wednesday morning. The earthquake also caused massive damage to buildings. (ebf)

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Bakamla to procure new patrol boats in 2017

Nani Afrida --The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Sun, December 11, 2016 | 09:23 am


The crew of the KN 4802 Singa Laut (in background) detain "smuggling suspects" during a simulated maritime security operation in Lembeh Straits, Bitung, North Sulawesi, on Dec. 8. The simulation was training for the Maritime Security Board (Bakamla), the North Sulawesi Water Police, the National Narcotics Agency and the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (Bapeten). (Antara/Adwit B. Pramono)

The Maritime Security Board (Bakamla) has announced a plan to purchase new patrol boats in 2017 to strengthen its patrol fleet in securing Indonesia maritime territory.

“We have planned to buy four new patrol boats. The boats are designed differently than the boats of our maritime counterparts like Navy or the National Police,” Bakamla chief Vice Adm. Arie Sudewo told The Jakarta Post during a recent interview in Jakarta.

Bakamla will procure two 110-meter boats and two 80-meter patrol boats, Arie said. The new boats were designed to have forensics laboratories on board to allow the guards to test suspicious objects immediately during a patrol.

Currently, Bakamla operates six patrol boats in the eastern and western zones of Indonesia's maritime territory.

In 2017 Bakamla will get a budget of Rp 955 billion (US$71.5 million) of budget and most of it will be spent on the four new boats, which will be developed in the state-owned shipyard PT PAL.

In 2016 Bakamla received Rp 350 billion to finance its activities.

Bakamla coordinates with 14 institutions in the country's maritime sector, including the Navy, the Water Police, the Customs Office, the Immigration Office, the prosecutor’s office, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Transportation Ministry. (evi)

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