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Indonesia Maritime defence and security issue

7 illegal fishing boat seized (2 malaysia, 5 vietnam) in natuna water

Dalam Sepekan, 7 Kapal Asing Pencuri Ikan Ditangkap di Perairan Natuna

BATAM, KOMPAS.com - Dalam sepekan, tujuh kapal asing ditangkap di perairan Natuna saat tengah mencuri ikan.

"Dua kapal pencuri ikan berbendera Malaysia ditangkap KP Antasena pada 1 Juli, sementara lima kapal ditangkap KP Bisma pada 8 Juli berbendera Vietnam," ujar Kabid Humas Polda Kepri Kombes Pol S Erlangga WR di Batam, Kamis (14/7/2017).

Erlangga mengatakan, dalam satu kapal dengan bobot 180 GT yang ditangkap berisikan 21 orang ABK, sementara kapal lainnya dengan bobot 120 GT berisi empat orang ABK.

"Kapal itu beriringan, jadi ABK satu kapal bisa pindah ke kapal lain. Kedua kapal sama-sama berbendera Malaysia meskipun seluruh ABK berkewarganegaraan Vietnam," tutur dia.

Sedangkan 5 kapal lainnya tidak memiliki dokumen apapun. Kelima kapal tersebut yakni kapal BV 4851 TS GT 80 bendera Vietnam dengan nahkoda Le Van Huong (WN Vietnam) serta 7 ABK berkebangsaan Vietnam. Barang bukti pada kapal tersebut sekitar 200 kilogram ikan berbagai jenis.

Selanjutnya kapal BV 4850 TS GT 40 berbendera Vietnam, dengan nahkoda Nguyen Van Toan dan dua ABK berkewarganegaraan Vietnam.

Kapal BV 5209 TS GT 80 berbendera Vietnam yang dinahkodai Vo Van Luan dengan delapan ABK semua berkewarganegaraan Vietnam. Barang bukti ikan campuran seekitar 300 kilogram.

Keempat, kapal BV 5560 TS GT 80 berbendera Vietnam dengan nahkoda Nguyen Xuan Tong dan ada enam ABK berkewargaan negara Vietnam.

Barang bukti yang diamankan, mencapai lima ton ikan. Terakhir, kapal BV 5561 TS dengan bobot GT 40 dinahkodai Tran Van Nu serta dua ABK berkewarganegaraan Vietnam dalam kapal tersebut.

"Semua mereka telah melanggar ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 27 ayat 2 jo Pasal 93 ayat 2 UU RI No 45 Tahun 2009 tentang Perubahan atas UU RI Nomor 31 Tahun 2004 tentang Perikanan karena melakukan penangkapan ikan secara tidak sah," tuturnya.

Sebelumnya, Kapolda Kepri Irjen Pol Sam Budigusdian mengatakan, melimpahnya sumber daya ikan di perairan Indonesia khususnya Natuna dan Anambas mengundang banyak nelayan asing datang dan melakukan penangkapan secara ilegal.

"Pada saat ini masuk musim ikan, jadi banyak nelayan asing datang untuk mengambil kekayaan laut Indonesia itu. Sehingga kapal kami terus patroli untuk mengamankan wilayah dari berbagai kejahatan termasuk pencurian ikan," tutupnya.


Shipping Companies Face Criminal Charges After Damaging an Indonesian Reef
The vessels broke loose in storms, destroying around 15,000 square feet of coral in Karimunjava National Park.

Indonesian authorities have indicted five local shipping companies on charges of gross negligence after their coal barges damaged coral reefs in a Javan marine park, according to a local official.

About 15,000 square feet of reef in Central Java's Karimunjava National Park were wrecked when five coal-carrying vessels separately ran aground during storms on January 14th and February 10th, according to the head of the Karimunjava National Park Agency, Agus Prabowo.

One of seven marine national parks in Indonesia, Karimunjava (also known as Karimunjawa) is known for its extraordinary coral reefs—which include two protected biota species, black coral and organ pipe coral. Nearly 500 species of reef fish thrive in the waters around Karimunjava, and the park is a popular tourist attraction among divers and snorkelers from Indonesia and abroad.

According to Prabowo, the vessels that damaged the reefs were granted permission by the head of the local port to make an emergency detour and take shelter at the park's islets—Cilik and Tengah—due to bad weather.

But in each case the ships' mooring lines broke as strong currents dragged the boats to the reef, he added.

"We are trying to prove if there was actual negligence by the boat captains'” said Prabowo by phone, adding that the Central Java police are handling the case.

The ship operators are Jakarta-based PT Sindu Mulia and PT Pancaran Samudera Transport; Surabaya-based PT Pancamerak Samudera; Bintan-based PT Nasional Bina Buana; and Samarinda-based PT Peti Samudera Adi Jaya, according to the park agency.

Under Indonesia's 2009 environmental law, individuals convicted of damaging the environment through negligence face a maximum of three-years imprisonment and fines of up to three billion Indonesian rupiah ($224,000).

On top of the criminal charges, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's law-enforcement body has been in negotiations for compensation with the companies' insurers, Prabowo said.

"The amount of settlement should consider many aspects, such as environmental damages and social economy impacts," he said.

The boats trashed coral from various genera, such as acropora, porites, and diploria, environmental activist Amiruddin told local media. A coordinator at the non-governmental organization Indonesia Coral Reefs Action Network, Amiruddin was involved in the preliminary investigation.

The damage to the coral reef was estimated to reach about 28 billion Indonesian rupiah, Abdul Rachim, head of local green group Central Java Environmental Partnership Network reported to state news agency Antara.

"The compensation will be used to revive the damaged area, and the restoration will be the responsibility of the companies," Prabowo said, adding that the firms have been "pretty cooperative" with the government in handling the case.

Declared in 2001 as a marine reserve, the park—which houses 22 islands stretching across 425 square miles—is part of the Karimunjava Archipelago, also known Crimon Java.

The reserve has nine zones in which different activities are permitted, such as traditional fishing, tourism, or scientific research, in accordance with 2012 regulations by the Natural Resources Conservation Directorate General at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Despite their protected status, Karimunjava's reefs face multiple threats, including trawl fishing, global warming, and irresponsible diving and snorkeling, Prabowo said.

"We have marine police patrolling twice a month across the national park to check on fishermen's activities. Also, we have asked the locals to spread the word about fighting against destructive fishing," Prabowo said when asked about his agency's efforts in preventing hazards to the marine ecosystem.

"What's important is a working cooperation between the authorities and the people in managing Karimunjava National Park," he added.

The Indonesian government is mulling the revision of its ocean regulations in order to beef up security in its marine protected zones in the wake of a Bahamian-flagged cruise ship grounding that wrecked 18,882 square meters of coral reef in the Raja Ampat islands in March.


After Raja Ampat now Karimun, stop destroying coral reefs
Indonesia Navy seize Vietnamese-flagged Illegal fishing vessels

Nyuri Ikan di Laut Natuna, TNI AL Tangkap Kapal dan 12 ABK asal Vietnam

Petugas mengamankan kapal pencuri ikan asal Vietnam di Laut Natuna (Foto: Ashab/Okezone)

Muhammad Bunga Ashab

TANJUNGPINANG - Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Sutanto-377 TNI AL menangkap satu kapal asal Vietnam TG 92816 TS saat mencuri ikan di perairan landas kontinen Indonesia Laut Natuna secara ilegal, Jumat 21 Juli 2017. Petugas juga mengamankan 12 anak buah kapal (ABK) yang saat ini dibawa menuju Lanal Tarempa guna proses hukumnya.

Komandan Lantamal IV Laksma TNI R Eko Suyatno mengatakan, saat ini kapal Vietnam tersebut dikawal menuju Lanal Tarempa, guna proses hukum lebih lanjut. Dia menuturkan, jajaran Gugus Keamanan Laut Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Guskamlabar) dan Guspurlabar terus mengintensifkan patroli di perairan wilayah Laut Natuna, Kepulauan Riau untuk menegakkan kedaulatan dan hukum di laut.

"Saat ini kapal tangkapan tersebut beserta barang bukti telah diserahkan ke Lanal Tarempa wilayah kerja Lantamal IV Tanjungpinang untuk proses hukum lebih lanjut," ujar Eko dalam rilis yang diterima, Senin (24/7/2017).

Dia menyampaikan, peristiwa berawal KRI Sutanto-377 yang tergabung dalam Satuan Tugas Operasi Walya Udhaya17 Guskamla Koarmabar dibawah kendali operasi Komandan Guskamlaarmabar Laksma TNI Bambang Irwanto berhasil mengamankan satu kapal ikan asing berbendera Vietnam, TG 92816 TS yang melakukan illegal fishing di perairan Landas Kontinen Indonesia, Laut Natuna. KRI Sutanto-377 mendapatkan kontak visual Kapal Ikan Asing (KIA) Vietnam yang sedang mengapung pada posisi 06°10’50” U-106°06’30” T.

"Setelah didekati dan diperiksa kapal tersebut tidak dilengkapi dengan dokumen yang sah," kata dia.

Komandan KRI Sutanto-377, Letkol Laut (P) Erwin Baharudin memerintahkan perwira jaga untuk melaksanakan prosedur jarkaplid (Pengejaran penangkapan dan penyelidikan) terhadap KIA tersebut. Dari hasil pemeriksaan diketahui kapal tersebut yang melakukan kegiatan penangkapan ikan di perairan Landas Kontinen Indonesia, Laut Natuna, tidak dilengkapi dengan dokumen yang sah dan telah menangkap ikan campuran dan cumi dengan jaring.

"KIA asal Vietnam melakukan kegiatan penangkapan ikan di Laut Natuna tanpa dokumen yang sah," ujar Erwin.


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Indonesia arrests four foreign fishing vessels
3 hours ago | 339 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Maritime and Fisheries Affairs Ministry has arrested four foreign fishing vessels, consisting of two Malaysian-flagged vessels and two Vietnamese-flagged vessels, for illegal fishing in Indonesian waters.

"The ministrys vessel captured the fishing boats on July 18," the Director General of Marine Resources and Fisheries Supervision Eko Djalmo Asmadi said here on Monday.

The Malaysian flagged-vessels were arrested by Hiu 12 Patrol Boat in the waters of the Malacca Strait.

The officers arrested SLFA 4641 MV with three crew members who were Indonesians. Meanwhile, the ministry also arrested the SLFA 4948 MV with four Indonesian crew members.

Both vessels were arrested for fishing illegally without permission and operating trawl fishing gear in Indonesian waters.

The officers has escorted both vessels to Lampulo Port of Aceh Province for investigation.

Additionally, the two Vietnamese vessels were arrested by Orca 02 Patrol Boat in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone of North Natuna Sea.

The patrol boat arrested BD 96743TS vessel with 15 Vietnamese crews and the KNF 7825 MV with 14 Vietnamese crews.

The officer arrested them as they did not have permit letters and licenses for fishing in Indonesia. The vessels were escorted to the Natuna Supervision Office to conduct investigation.

The ministry has captured 95 illegal fishing vessels from January to July 24, 2017,which included 72 foreign fishing vessels and 23 Indonesian fishing vessels.

The total number of foreign vessels that were captured includes 63 Vietnam-flagged vessels, 5 Malaysian-flagged vessels, and 4 Filipinos vessels.(*)
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2 Malasian illegal fishing boats seized by Indonesian marine and fishery patrol, 15 Agustus 2017.

Lagi, KKP Tangkap Dua Kapal Ikan Ilegal Asal Malaysia

MARINDO–Kapal Pengawas Perikanan milik Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) berhasil menangkap 2 kapal perikanan asing (KIA) ilegal asal Malaysia di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Republik Indonesia (WPP-RI) Selat Malaka pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2017.


Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP), Waluyo Sejati Abutohir, di Jakarta (16/8) mengatakan, penangkapan dilakukan oleh Kapal Pengawas (KP) Hiu 12 terhadap kapal dengan nama KM. KHF 2228 (68 GT) dengan jumlah awak kapal 5 orang berkewarganegaran Indonesia. Kapal lainnya adalah KM. KHF 1980 (63 GT) dengan awak kapal 5 orang warga negara Thailand.

Kedua kapal tersebut ditangkap karena melakukan penangkapan ikan di perairan Indonesia tanpa ijin dan menggunakan alat tangkap terlarang trawl. Kedua kapal selanjutnya dikawal ke Stasiun PSDKP Belawan, Sumatera Utara, untuk proses hukum oleh Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PPNS) Perikanan.

Sementara, kedua kapal berbendera Vietnam ditangkap oleh KP. Orca 02 di ZEEI Laut Natuna Utara. Kapal yang ditangkap, yaitu KM.BD 96743 TS dengan awak kapal 15 orang warga negara Vietnam, dan KM KNF 7825 dengan awak kapal 14 orang warga negara Vietnam.

Kapal-kapal tersebut ditangkap karena melakukan penangkapan ikan di peraian Indonesia tanpa ijin, kedua kapal tersebut dikawal menuju Satuan Pengawasan Natuna, untuk proses hukum oleh Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil PPNS) Perikanan.

Atas kegiatan yang dilakukan, maka kapal-kapal tersebut diduga melakukan pelanggaran dengan sangkaan tindak pidana perikanan sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2004 tentang Perikanan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 45 Tahun 2009 dengan ancaman pidana penjara paling lama 6 (enam) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 20 milyar.

Waluyo menambahkan, penangkapan keempat kapal tersebut menambah jumlah kapal perikanan ilegal yang berhasil ditangkap oleh armada Kapal Pengawas Perikanan KKP selama tahun 2017.

Sejak Januari sampai dengan akhir Agustus 2017, telah ditangkap sebanyak 97 kapal perikanan ilegal, dengan rincian 74 KIA dan 23 kapal perikanan Indonesia (KII). Sementara untuk KIA, jumlah terbanyak yang ditangkap adalah kapal berbendera Vietnam sejumlah 63 kapal, berbendera Malaysia 7 kapal, dan Filipina 4 kapal. (NS)

UN verifies names of 16,056 Indonesian islands
Sunday, 20/8/2017

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) verified the names of 16,056 islands belonging to Indonesia, as noted in a press statement received in Jakarta on Saturday.

The Indonesian delegation had earlier listed the names of 2,590 islands with the UN during the 30th UNGEGN meeting and the 11th UN Conference on Geographical Name Standardization at the UN Headquarters, New York, on August 7-18, 2017.

Thus, the list of topographic names, or gazetteer, of 16,056 islands -- containing information on the names, coordinates, and locations -- within the territory of Indonesia has, until July 2017, been standardized in the UN.

According to Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty Affairs of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs Arif Havas Oegroseno, Indonesia has, in fact, recorded as many as 17,504 islands that are included in the territory of and belong to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The validation and verification of 1,448 islands still need to be carried out," he noted.

With the changing weather and various natural anomalies, Oegroseno said several islands had surfaced while some had disappeared due to abrasion. Hence, the verification and naming of islands are being carried out on an ongoing basis for ascertaining Indonesia's geographical territory.

Furthermore, he explained that the registration of the topographic names in the UN, as an administrative activity, holds significance for the UN member states.

"The goal is to maintain the standardized names of the islands, so that there would be no single island with different names," he pointed out.

However, he stressed that the registration of a name does not mean a sovereign recognition by the UN for a countrys ownership of the island.

"The position of the UN, in particular the UNGEGN, is clear, i.e., it only conducts the standardization of names. It does not give any recognition of sovereignty or legal status of an island," Oegroseno stated.(*)

16,056 Indonesian islands registered at UN

The United Nations Group of Expert on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) verified 2,590 islands registered by Indonesia during the 11th United Nations Conference on Standardization of Geographical Names (UNCSGN) in New York from Aug. 7-18, an official has stated.


With the additions, the names and locations of 16,056 islands in the archipelago are registered with the UN.

Indonesia has listed 17,504 islands under its sovereignty, said Arif Havas Oegroseno, the assistant for maritime sovereignty at the Office of the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister.

"There are 1,448 islands left that need to be validated and verified," he said in a statement on Saturday.

He said the verification of islands in Indonesia needed to be conducted regularly because climate change and natural anomalies, such as abrasions, had led to the emergence and disappearance of islands.

Registering islands with the UN was also important to prevent duplicate names, Arif added.

Led by Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) head Zaenal Abidin, the Indonesian delegation at the 11th UNCSGN consisted of officials from the BIG, the Office of the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister, the Office of the Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister, the Home Ministry, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry and the University of Indonesia.

Singapore and Indonesia conclude third maritime boundary border treaty
26 Sep 2017 08:05AM (Updated: 26 Sep 2017 08:10AM)

SINGAPORE: Singapore and Indonesia on Monday (Sep 25) concluded a third maritime boundary border treaty.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan and his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi jointly submitted for registration the treaty on delimiting territorial seas in the eastern part of the Singapore Strait, the two countries' foreign ministries said in a joint statement.

The treaty was signed in Singapore on Sep 3, 2014 and was brought into force on Feb 10 this year after 10 rounds of discussions over three years.

It is the third treaty relating to the delimitation of the territorial sea boundary between Singapore and Indonesia, and delimits a 9.5-kilometre stretch of sea boundary in the waters between Changi in Singapore and Batam island in Indonesia.

Monday's joint submission at the office of United Nations Undersecretary-General of Legal Affairs Miguel de Serpa Soares was held in conjunction with the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Singapore and Indonesia.

In their joint statement, the two countries' foreign ministries said that this was a "significant milestone" in bilateral relations.


Indonesia to free 239 Vietnamese fishermen
Last update 11:25 | 05/10/2017

The 239 Vietnamese freed by Indonesia are set to return home on October 6.


Vietnamese fishermen freed by Indonesia last June

The Vietnamese Embassy in Indonesia worked with competent local authorities to complete procedures for repatriating the fishermen.

The handover of the fishermen was conducted on October 4 at Batam Island, Indonesia. They were sent offshore of the island by three Indonesian vessels and then handed over to Vietnam.

A Vietnamese vessel (coded CSB 8001) completed procedures and received all the released fishermen.

The fishermen had been detained since July after being caught illegally fishing in Indonesian waters. They were detained on the Indonesian islands of Pontianak, Tarempa, Batam and Natuna.

Upon the Indonesian authorities’ request, the fishermen pledged not to repeat their offence.

This is the second handover that the two countries have conducted at sea and the ninth this year. With this release, a total of 1,230 Vietnamese fishermen have been repatriated so far this year.



Susi: Indonesia must boost its naval defense system

Jakarta, Indonesia | Fri, October 6, 2017 | 12:16 am

Indonesia needs to boost its naval weapons defense system (Alutsista) to maintain its maritime sovereignty against rampant illegal fishing by foreign ships and boost its competitiveness in the global fisheries market, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said recently.

“We have limited facilities [to protect our maritime sovereignty]; we have only a few small patrol ships. The Indonesian government has not improved its primary weaponry defense system for the maritime sector, focusing instead on protecting our land,” she said.

She added that because the ocean made up around 70 percent of Indonesia’s total area, the defense system procured to protect the nation’s waters should be proportional.

Despite Indonesia’s vast ocean, the country is still struggling to make maximum use of its maritime resources, mainly due to foreign ships that are involved in illegal fishing.

“Globally, many countries are under pressure by the ever-growing demand for fish, which has depleted from their waters. Therefore, certain countries attempt to enter our maritime area [to catch fish illegally],” Susi said.

Although Indonesia was still striving to equip itself with adequate maritime surveillance equipment and technology, the country already had a large pool of manpower eager to protect its seas, she added.

“We continuously provide our sea patrollers with various courses across all segments related to their work, from shipping to [crime] investigation,” she said. “I hope that at least we can be among the 10 biggest seafood exporters in the world one day.”



Prince Charles praises tattooed Indonesian fisheries minister famed for blowing up boats

By Nicola Smith, Taipei - 6 October 2017 • 11:48am

Prince Charles has reportedly expressed his admiration for Indonesia’s outspoken fisheries minister who has blown up hundreds of boats fishing illegally in her country’s waters.

“You are a pioneer,” he told Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, when they met on the margins of the Our Ocean Conference [OCC] in Malta earlier this week, reported The Jakarta Post.

The paper said that he made the comments in reference to Ms Pudjiastuti’s tough stance towards foreign fishing vessels operating in Indonesian waters without legal permits.

The fisheries minister, previously a tattooed high school dropout turned self-made businesswoman, told the BBC this week that she had introduced a “shock and awe” tactic to scare offending boat owners by publicly destroying their vessels on TV.

“I don’t think anyone is happy to see their boat being blown up,” she said.


The Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti

She was appointed by President Joko Widodo in 2014, who said he needed “a crazy person” to tackle Indonesia’s overfishing problem.

The destruction of some Chinese boats has led to diplomatic tensions between the two countries, but Ms Pudjiastuti’s unconventional style has elevated her to the status of a pop culture icon in her home nation.

Videos of her dancing to the Beatles on board a navy vessel, or drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette while floating on a paddleboard in the sea, have gone viral on social media.

However, she has also faced criticism for her tattoos in Indonesia’s politically conservative circles, and questions about the impact of her policies on the livelihoods of small-time fishermen.

Prince Charles was one of the speakers at the OCC in Malta, an occasion he used to highlight the problem of cheap plastic harming the ocean’s environment.

Ms Pudjiastuti reportedly told the Indonesian media that he had responded positively when she invited him to the same conference in Bali next year.


Indonesia, Australia develop strategy to eradicate illegal fishing

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Republic of Indonesia and Australia are collaborating to develop a strategy to eradicate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in a number of areas.

Aryo Hanggono, Expert Staff of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister for Ecology and Marine Resources Field, stated in a press release received on Monday that the strategy development was carried out, among others, by conducting a joint seminar.

The seminar was organized by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) of Australia at the ministry office on Oct 20.

The seminar entitled "Enabling Law Enforcement at Sea Through Improved Use of Monitoring and Surveillance Datasets" was a form of cooperation between the Indonesian and Australian governments to detect the loading and unloading of fish in the sea and to monitor the movements of ships involved in illegal fishing.

According to Hanggono, Indonesia is the third largest fish catcher in the world, with major export to Asian countries and United States of America.

However, he stated that in 2006, Indonesia was estimated to suffer a loss of US$2 billion, of which the amount of illegally caught fish reached 1.5 times the legal capture.

He also believed that one of the territorial waters in Indonesia that became an area of IUU Fishing was the Arafura Sea.

"Two locations that are prone to illegal fishing are the Arafura Sea and Indian Ocean. As we know, the Arafura Sea is a golden fishing zone in Indonesia. We can catch fish throughout the year here, irrespective of the season," he explained.

Meanwhile, he called for the joint monitoring of the Indian Ocean region by Indonesia and Australia, because the sea was very wide.

According to a number of studies, the global current total value of losses due to IUU Fishing was estimated to be from $10 billion to $23.5 billion every year.

Meanwhile, Indonesias national economic losses reached 26 million tons of fish per year from 11 million tons, or more than 20 percent of the global total capture fishery production. (*)


Indonesia court upholds seizure of illegal fishing vessel
The Associated Press - October 28, 2017 1:23 AM

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indonesia says it has won a two-year court battle that confirms the legality of the government's seizure of a Thai vessel linked to human trafficking and illegal fishing in Indonesian waters.

Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti said the "monumental" ruling from a court in Aceh province shows that governments can win in the fight against cross-border crime.-

Pudjiastuti said in a statement this week the ministry plans to make the refrigerated cargo ship, Silver Sea 2, part of a museum to teach the public about illegal fishing.

The ship was seized by Indonesia's navy in August 2015 amid a crackdown on illegal fishing and after an Associated Press investigation showed its links to human trafficking in the fishing industry.

Several months before its capture, the ship and Thai fishing trawlers had abruptly left an island in remote eastern Indonesia, where the Thai fishing industry held trafficked crew members captive, to escape a government crackdown on illegal fishing.

The AP, which was investigating slavery on fishing vessels, subsequently identified where the cargo ship had fled using satellite images from U.S.-based Digital Globe that became evidence in the Indonesian government's court case.

Pudjiastuti said the vessel's violations included intentionally turning off electronic systems that allowed the ship's location to be tracked by maritime authorities and other vessels. DNA testing was used to prove that the $1.5 million of fish on board was from Indonesian waters.

When identified in the Digital Globe satellite images, the Silver Sea 2 was in Papua New Guinea waters, receiving illegal Indonesian catch from two fishing trawlers in a process known as transshipment.

It was captured by an Indonesian navy vessel off the island of Sumatra after returning to Indonesian waters. The Thai captain was detained and a probe launched into suspected human trafficking, transporting illegal fish and off-loading the catch at sea.

The Pulitzer-prize winning AP investigation resulted in the freeing of more than 2,000 men from Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos, more than a dozen arrests, the changing of U.S. legislation, and lawsuits. However, the global seafood industry continues to be plagued by illegal fishing and labor abuses at sea.


Indonesia sinks 17 more fishing ships
The Jakarta Post | Mon, October 30, 2017 | 05:20 pm

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry Susi Pudjiastuti and the Anti-Illegal Fishing Task Force (Task Force 115) symbolically sank 17 foreign ships on Sunday that had been used for illegal fishing operations in Indonesian waters.

“The sinking is evidence that we are dedicated to safeguarding our waters for the future of our nation,” said Susi at a press statement issued on Monday, as reported by tempo.co.

Ten ships were sunk in Natuna waters, with seven others in Tarempa waters, both of which are where the Riau Islands lie. Susi led the sinking ceremony on the Orca Fishing Supervisory Ship in Lampa Bay, Natuna regency.

Task Force 115 operational director Rear Adm. Wahyudi Hendro Dwiyono explained that unlike previous ship sinkings, Sunday's sinking did not use explosives. Instead, the ships were sunk by making holes in their hulls.

He said since January, 88 ships had been sunk after the operators were found to be involved in illegal fishing operations.

The Sunday ship sinking was attended, among others, by Navy deputy chief of staff Vice Adm. Achmad Taufiqoerrochman, Natuna Regent Abdul Hamid Rizal, Task Force 115’s special staff coordinator Mas Achmad Santosa and Navy Western Region Fleet Commander Rear Adm. N Aan Kurnia

The ship sinking ceremony was part of a series of sinking ceremonies in 13 locations across Indonesia up to December. (bbn)


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