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Pemkab Bojonegoro Pesan KRD ke INKA
Selasa, 9 Juli 2019 Bayu Tri Sulistyo 0 Komentar


Rangkaian pertama KRD pesanan Filipina saat berangkat dari Stasiun Madiun menuju Jombang | picture by: Oktavino Hiu Adi Tirtayasa

[9/7]. Semangat pemerintah daerah untuk membangun moda transportasi berbasis rel sepertinya mulai terlihat. Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro berencana membeli rangkaian KRD ke PT INKA. Rencana tersebut tertuang dalam MOU yang ditandatangani oleh pihak Pemkab Bojonegoro dan INKA di Stasiun Kalitidu pada Senin kemarin.

MOU ditandatangani oleh Bupati Bojonegoro Anna Muawanah dan Dirut PT INKA Budi Noviantoro. Salah satu poin dalam MOU tersebut adalah Pemkab Bojonegoro berupaya menyediakan transportasi yang murah, nyaman, dan efisien bagi masyarakat.

Bupati Bojonegoro Anna Muawanah mengatakan alasan dipilihnya INKA sebagai pembuat KRD yang dipesan karena INKA merupakan satu-satunya BUMN yang bergerak di industri manufaktur kereta api.

Untuk pendanaan sendiri, Anna mengatakan pembelian kereta ini akan menggunakan APBD. Namun dirinya masih belum bisa memastikan apakah akan menggunakan APBD-P 2019 atau APBD 2020. Perlu diketahui Kabupaten Bojonegoro memiliki APBD sebesar Rp 6 triliun. Angka tersebut berasal dari APBD induk ditambah Sisa Lebih Pendapatan Anggaran (SILPA) tahun 2018.

Untuk rangkaian KRD yang dipesan, Dirut PT INKA Budi Noviantoro mengatakan kemungkinan KRD yang dipesan adalah KRD hidrolik yang sama seperti yang dipesan oleh PNR. Untuk harganya sendiri Budi mengatakan masih menghitung berapa harga yang nantinya akan ditawarkan karena pastinya berbeda dengan yang dipesan oleh PNR.

Budi mengatakan, Bojonegoro menjadi daerah pertama di Pulau Jawa yang membeli sarana kereta api dari INKA. Rangkaian KRD ini nantinya akan digunakan untuk kereta komuter yang menghubungkan Bojonegoro dengan Surabaya dan daerah-daerah lainnya di sepanjang jalur.
PT PP bags tender to construct Semarang-Demak toll road
20th Jul 2019 14:10


Director of Corporation and Human Capital Management Strategy of PT PP (Persero) M. Aprindy (left) received a letter to construct Semarang-Demak toll road in Central Java on Friday (July 19, 2019) (Dokumentasi PT PP).

Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned construction company PT PP (Persero) Tbk has won a tender for construction of the 27-kilometer Semarang-Demak toll road in Central Java Province.

PT PP (Persero) Tbk was named the winner of the tender based on a decision letter of Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Body (BPJT) Danang Parikesit handed over to Director of Corporation and Human Capital Management Strategy M. Aprindy, PT PP noted in a press statement released on Saturday.

Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has named a consortium of PT PP (Persero) Tbk, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, and PT Misi Mulia Metrical as winner of the tender for construction of the toll road through a letter number PB.02.01-Mn/1347, dated July 17, 2019.

Under the decision, PT PP (Persero) Tbk holds a 65 percent stake; PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, a 25 percent stake; and PT Misi Mulia Metrical, a 10 percent stake, in the project.

"This is a big mandate for the company. We ensure that the next process will run as scheduled. Given the decision, we will soon set up BUJT (toll road business agency) and expedite the process of signing PPJT (toll road operation contract)," Aprindy remarked.

Construction of the 27-kilometer toll road, estimated to cost Rp15.3 trillion, will be integrated with the construction of Semarang City's sea dike. The toll road will be divided into section I in Semarang City and section II in Demak District.

The consortium is assigned to construct the 16.31-kilometer section II, with total investment of Rp5.6 trillion, with a concession period of 35 years.

Related news: President Jokowi reviews Bawen-Salatiga toll road section
Related news: Use of toll road rest areas studied by ministry
Editor: Sri Haryati

Yea I can feel you man, Ive been in a same boat as you before. LOL "one door=front door" thats funny.
Any chance what you do to be applied for our "Petani"? They need direct buyer, not those tengkulak who push the price too low in some cases.
Its kind of short cut maeket
Beberapa pedagang atau yg mengaku pedagang itukan tidak semuanya punya dagangan gan, tapi dia punya license export, seperti asosiasi pedagang A,B,C....dst...

Makanya harga utk komoditi bukan ditentukan oleh petani, jadi sebetulnya produsen tidak bisa menentukan harga jual, karena harga ditentukan tengkulak perantara, sekarang kita coba pakai fair trade, petani dan buyer (direct trade) saling tawar langsung menentukan harga, tidak semua komoditas bisa mengunakan cara ini, terutama komoditas dari perkebunan besar tertentu, sawit misalnya. Atau minyak bumi dengan petral, maksud kita, kita coba utk menghapus fungsi "petral2" yg jadi tengkulak di hasil bumi. Hambatan petani adalah ijin eksport dan knowledge tentang marketing dan QC, maka kita temukan demand dan suplai itu melalui model asosiasi fair trade, dengan maksud kita nga juga mau jadi tengkulak tapi educator di sisi petaninya

Rayon is a cellulose-based textile produced from wood pulp. This natural product is as absorbent and breathable as cotton. (Photo by Nafinia Putra on Unsplash)

Textile: Indonesia's New Export Darling

JUNE 24, 2019

Jakarta. The textile industry was one of Indonesia's largest earners of foreign exchange last year, with exports valued at $13 billion, marking a 5 percent increase from 2017.

Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said the industry has become more competitive in both the domestic and international markets, referring to last year's growth rate of 8.75 percent.

"Besides being one of the main economic drivers for the country, the industry also provides jobs to more than 3 million people and it focuses on exporting [its products]," the minister added.

The textile industry is also not showing signs of slowing down anytime soon, with data provided by Statistics Indonesia showing projected growth of 19 percent this year.

In the first three months of 2019, clothing production skyrocketed by 29 percent on export orders, boosting the industry as a whole and contributing to a 4.5 percent increase in overall production in this period.

"The textile industry has become one of our most reliable and contributes a great deal to our economy. Therefore, it is our duty to maintain the competitiveness and longevity of this industry," Airlangga said.

Muhdori, the ministry's director of textile, leather and footwear industries, explained that the strong growth can be traced to large investments by the upstream sector, specifically the rayon industry.

Rayon is a cellulose-based textile produced from wood pulp. This natural product is as absorbent and breathable as cotton.

One example is rayon producer Asia Pacific Rayon (APR), which invested Rp 11 trillion ($777 million) in its operations at the end of 2018. The company has a current annual production capacity of 240,000 tons, half of which is exported.

"This is how we've been able to boost our exports. Supply from upstream industries has helped push downstream industries, benefiting the whole industry. This was marked by a 1 percent growth in the textile industry in the first trimester of 2019," Muhdori said.

The government also imposed regulations in 2017 to control foreign competition by limiting imports, which were reduced by 2 percent in the first trimester of this year.

Sustainable Fashion

Ali Charisma, chairman of the Indonesian Fashion Chamber, said APR has been a welcome new entry in the Indonesian fashion industry. As a designer himself, he thinks APR could help push the boundaries of fashion with the versatility of the material it produces.

Ali said rayon fibers are easy to mix and match with other materials. It is also soft, drapes well and dyes easily – excellent attributes for a material suitable for use in high and mass-market fashion.

As the fashion industry's demand for more environmentally friendly materials keeps increasing, APR has also made sure that all its rayon comes from renewable and biodegradable materials,

"Renewable" in this case means that the raw materials used to make APR's rayon are sourced from industrial forests. "Biodegradable" means the resultant material can decompose easily.

Indonesia is currently one of the largest producers of rayon in the world. By keeping its rayon production domestic, APR hopes not only to help the local fashion industry grow, but also to reduce its reliance on imported raw materials.


Krakatau Steel to list three subsidiaries in major reorganization plan
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Mon, July 22, 2019 / 12:45 pm
A worker checks a steel furnace at the PT Krakatau Posco plant in Cilegon, Banten, in this 2015 file photo. (Kompas/Iwan Setiyawan)
As part of a major corporate reorganization, state-owned steel producer PT Krakatau Steel plans to publicly list three of its subsidiaries.

Krakatau Steel president Silmy Karim identified the three subsidiaries as PT Krakatau Tirta Industri, PT Krakatau Bandar Samudera and PT Industrial Estate.

“We’re still thoroughly considering whether we should optimize our corporate synergy before holding an initial public offering [IPO] or the other way around,” Silmy said last Friday as quoted by kontan.co.id.

He said that the three subsidiaries would go public in three years at the latest.

Krakatau Steel has spent most of the year focusing on major reorganization in an effort to plug the losses it has suffered over the last six years. In the first quarter, the steelmaker recorded losses of Rp 62.32 million (US$ 4,465.48) due to a significant drop in sales volume and global production costs.

In addition to publicly listing three of its subsidiaries, Krakatau Steel also plans to divest several other subsidiaries, and is focused on raising $1 billion from the sales of non-core assets.

Silmy said the company needed a strategic partner to help optimize its production line and corporate expansion, as well as increase efficiency.

“We have invited McKinsey & Company to assess the ideal business structure for Krakatau Steel,” he said, referring to the global management consultancy. (rfa/bbn)
Jokowi will be in CNN Talk Asia this Saturday, 19:30 Hongkong Time
Silmy said the company needed a strategic partner to help optimize its production line and corporate expansion, as well as increase efficiency.

This is what Krakatau Steel desperatly needed. Being protected for a while really hurting their lack in developing efficiency and efectiveness. In some cases China Industry is not just leaning towards cheap labor, their efficiency in production using high tech modul can really make them compete Internationally with western industry. It surprised me as well.

With China steel manufacture about to enter Indonesia I hope they can find strategic partner fast enough and able to compete head to head. With new Industry tax regulation in new player flavor it would be hard to compete with their efficient production system.
Pertamina ranks above Alibaba, Facebook on Fortune 500 list
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Tue, July 23, 2019 / 06:41 pm
The logo of Pertamina EP. Pertamina was ranked 175th on the 2019 Fortune 500 list. (Courtesy of/pertamina-ep.com)
State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina is the only Indonesian company on the latest Fortune 500 list of the world’s biggest corporations in terms of revenues.

Pertamina was ranked 175th, a leap of 78 slots from 253rd the previous year. The state-owned oil and gas company was ranked above the Alibaba Group at 182nd and Facebook at 184th.

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno said the success of Pertamina of seven consecutive years on the Fortune 500 list was thanks to the company’s hard work in serving the people. "I congratulate Pertamina for its success in joining the Fortune Global Top 500 list again,” she was quoted as saying by kompas.com.

The yearly list is based on revenue in the past twelve months. In 2018, Pertamina booked revenue of $57.93 billion, a 34.9 percent increase year-on-year. The company’s net profits totaled $2.52 billion, while its assets stood at $64.7 billion.

In the mobile technology world, Apple is still the leader, sitting at 11th place overall, followed by Samsung in 15th, while Google’s parent conglomerate Alphabet is 37th.

In 2018, four state-owned companies, namely Bank Mandiri, Telkom Indonesia, Bank Negara Indonesia and Bank Rakyat Indonesia, as well as two private companies, Bank Central Asia and Gudang Garam, joined the global 2000 List of the World’s Best Employers in 2018 issued by Forbes magazine. (hen
Sumbang 74%, Ekspor Produk Manufaktur Masih Melejit
source : Link


INDUSTRI pengolahan masih memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap nilai ekspor nasional. Pada periode Januari-Mei 2019, sektor manufaktur mampu mengapalkan produk-produk unggulannya hingga mencapai US $51,06 miliar atau menyumbang 74,59% pada total nilai ekspor nasional. :cheers:

“Secara volume, ekspor industri manufaktur kita mengalami peningkatan 9,8% dari Januari-Mei 2019 dibanding periode yang sama tahun lalu. :cheers: Selama ini industri manufaktur masih konsisten menjadi kontributor terbesar pada nilai ekspor kita,” kata Menteri Perindustrian, Airlangga Hartarto, di Jakarta, Kamis (11/7).

Menperin menyebutkan, beberapa sektor manufaktur yang berperan besar terhadap capaian ekspor pada lima bulan pertama tahun ini, di antaranya industri makanan yang menembus US $10,56 miliar, disusul industri logam dasar US $6,52 miliar, serta industri bahan kimia dan barang dari bahan kimia US $5,38 miliar.

“Industri makanan menyumbang 20,69% dari total ekspor industri pengolahan pada Januari-Mei 2019,” ungkapnya.

Kemudian, industri pakaian jadi menyetor nilai ekspor sekitar US $3,55 miliar serta industri kertas dan barang dari kertas US $3 miliar.

Di tengah kondisi perlambatan ekonomi di tingkat global, Kemenperin optimistis memasang target pertumbuhan industri nonmigas sebesar 5,4 persen pada tahun 2019. Adapun sektor-sektor yang diproyeksikan tumbuh tinggi, di antaranya industri makanan dan minuman (9,86%), permesinan (7%), tekstil dan pakaian jadi (5,61%), serta kulit barang dari kulit dan alas kaki (5,40%). (OL-6)

Jokowi Courts Softbank, Saudi Prince in Pursuit of Investment
Viriya Singgih
Arys Aditya
July 23, 2019, 5:00 PM EDT
  • Indonesia eyes $10 billion deals from Abu Dhabi prince visit
  • Jokowi wooing investors as nation grapples with deficits

Within months of a landslide election win, Indonesian President Joko Widodo is securing new deals with foreign businesses, including scoring the largest international investment in more than five decades.

Japan’s Inpex Corp. said in June it plans to develop the Abadi liquefied natural gas project in Indonesia, which the government says would require investment of as much as $20 billion and generate thousands of jobs. A few weeks later, Toyota Motor Corp. said it will spend $2 billion to build hybrid vehicles in the country.

The coming days may bring more deals. Jokowi, as the president is more commonly known, will host Abu Dhabi’s ruler on Wednesday, followed by visits by Softbank Group Corp. founder Masayoshi Son and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the next few weeks.

Jokowi’s return to power has given him renewed vigor to tackle economic reforms and build infrastructure to lure much-needed foreign investment. Indonesia runs a current-account deficit, which makes it reliant on inflows from abroad. So far, it’s lagging most of its peers in the region in attracting FDI.

“Jokowi is moving fast because such bilateral meetings are needed to attract investment and achieve quick wins,” said Febrio N. Kacaribu, an economist at the University of Indonesia’s Institute for Economic and Social Research in Jakarta.

The government is targeting deals worth $10 billion during this week’s state visit by Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed. The deals will involve a partnership for a refinery with state-owned PT Pertamina, a petrochemicals project with PT Chandra Asri and another with port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia. The government will put forward projects worth $91 billion for possible collaboration with the Arab nation, according to Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan.

Jokowi has already announced $412 billion of spending on infrastructure over the next five years, and pledged to cut corporate taxes, overhaul stringent labor laws and ease curbs on foreign companies to reshape Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

“Indonesia must provide a red carpet for strategic investors like what Jokowi does by conducting the bilateral meetings,” Kacaribu said. “That way, the country can directly target the strategic investors, make an offer, ask what they need and entice them to invest here for a minimum period of 20-30 years. Such approach is needed to boost investment.”

The cabinet has also approved the second-phase of the Jakarta subway project, and pitched billions of dollars of projects to Chinese investors in recent weeks.

One of the reasons Jokowi is trying to attract more business from abroad is to ensure more resilient financing for the current account deficit, a key vulnerability for the economy. FDI is less volatile than the foreign inflows into stocks and bonds that currently fund the shortfall.

Indonesia is also trying to lure some of the investment that’s relocating to Southeast Asia as businesses look to escape higher tariffs amid the U.S.-China trade war.

But the nation has a long way to go to compete with its peers.

“The implementation of regulations and bureaucratic reforms still need to be addressed,” said Rosan Roeslani, chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “This has been a weakness until now. We need to accelerate and complete the reform to be able to compete with neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.”

Saudi Arabia has so far dithered on making big investments in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, but that may change with the visit of Prince Salman. The two countries are expected to decide on a partnership deal to expand Pertamina’s Cilacap refinery.

SoftBank’s Son is scheduled to meet Jokowi next month and the billionaire investor is keen to double down on his Indonesian investments, including in the e-commerce unicorn PT Tokopedia, according to minister Pandjaitan.

Some other big ticket projects announced after Jokowi’s re-election are:

  • Tesla Inc., Volkswagen AG and LG Chem Ltd. are among companies interested in building battery plants for electric vehicles.
  • BYD Co. and Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp. known as JAC Motors, are among those being wooed to build electric vehicle plants
  • Vale SA’s Indonesian unit and partners plan to spend about $5 billion on nickel projects over the next few years
— With assistance by Karlis Salna

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Indonesia, UAE firms sign agreements worth $9.7 billion: Indonesian government

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Companies in Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates have signed agreements worth a total of $9.7 billion during an official visit of Abu Dhabi crown prince to the Southeast Asian country, the Indonesian government said on Wednesday.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed met with Indonesian President Joko Widodo in at the presidential palace in Bogor, south of the capital Jakarta.

On the sidelines of the visit, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) signed an agreement with Indonesia’s state-owned energy company PT Pertamina for oil and gas collaboration in both countries and globally, which has a potential value of $2.5 billion, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

ADNOC said the deal covered projects in the United Arab Emirates’ upstream oil and gas sector as well as refining and petrochemicals, LNG, LPG, aviation fuel and fuel retail opportunities in Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Chandra Asri Petrochemical (TPIA.JK) also signed an agreement with Abu Dhabi’s investment company Mubadala and Austrian energy firm OMV (OMVV.VI) to explore opportunities in petrochemicals, the three companies said in a joint statement.

The foreign ministry said the three were exploring the development of a naphtha cracker and petrochemical complex, with a potential value of $6 billion.

Indonesia’s Maspion Group signed an agreement with Dubai Port World to develop a container terminal in Gresik in East Java, the ministry said, valuing the deal at $1.2 billion.

Both leaders also talked about increasing investment in Indonesia’s tourism sector and allowing Indonesian state construction firms to participate in projects in the United Arab Emirates, according to the statement.

President Widodo, after winning an election in April, has pledged more investment opportunities to create jobs in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.


PT SEI unveils renewable energy-based smart lights
  • Wahyoe Boediwardhana
    The Jakarta Post
Pasuruan, East Java / Fri, July 26, 2019 / 02:42 pm
PT Santinilestari Energi Indonesia (SEI) director Sandy Hartono (left), SEI president director Lukito Wanandi (center) and SEI director Ricky Sudito Pontoh listen to a briefing on smart solar street lights (SSL) from an expert staff during the soft launch of the company's new factory in Pasuruan, East Java. SEI invested more than US$10 million in solar-powered lighting that can be operated through smartphones. (JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana)
Renewable energy-based lighting manufacturer PT Santinilestari Energi Indonesia (SEI) has started operations of its newest factory in Pasuruan, East Java, becoming the first company of its kind to produce energy-saving lamps using the smart lighting system (SLS).

According to PT SEI president director Lukito Wanandi, the company’s LED lamps are equipped with SLS devices that can be controlled and monitored through a smartphone application.

“The SLS application can be easily downloaded via Android [Play Store] or iOS [Apple Store], so even if users are not at home, they can still turn on and off every lamp in their house through their smartphone,” he said after the soft opening of the factory on Thursday.

Production director Sandy Hartono said on the same occasion that each lamp produced by the factory would be equipped with a barcode registered at PT SEI’s data bank so that after consumers bought the lamps, they could independently activate the barcodes through their respective mobile applications.

“After the barcode is activated, the complete data of the lamps will be accessible. The owners can monitor the lamps, their history and current condition,” he said.

Sandy said that in addition to helping meet domestic demand for both houses and street lamps, the factory would reduce the country’s dependence on imports of similar products produced in China.

The company currently has 150 employees and its factory, which cost US$10 million to construct, has the capacity to produce up to 150,000 LED light bulbs per month and 30,000 LED street lamps per year.

“We use 70 percent local components in our lamps. We hope regulators can provide more space for local products to be marketed in the domestic market,” said PT SEI marketing and operational director Ricky Sudito Pontoh, adding that the company was targeting to export 10 percent of its products to Southeast Asian countries.

He said that the factory was currently in the process of fulfilling orders of SLS - equipped lamps, valued at Rp 110 billion ($7.8 million), from the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry. The company plans to market the products to the public next year.

Luki added that he hoped PT SEI’s factory would benefit the Indonesian people, especially those living in Eastern Indonesia who did not have sufficient access to lighting.

In addition, he said, PT SEI planned to produce its own solar power panels for the purpose of charging its street lamps. At the moment, he added, PT SEI was seeking to join hands with the Timor Leste government in constructing a solar power plant.

However, Sandy said, as a new local producer, the factory still faced several obstacles, such as a lack of supporting upstream industries such as producers of integrated circuit (IC), a vital component of the smart system.

“Indonesia does not have manufacturers specializing in IC production that can help us establish the system. We are still relying on IC products imported from Taiwan, the United States and China,” he said. (syk)
Indonesia in 2018 has surplus on steel trade with China. The amount of steel we exported to China is more than steel that we imported from China.
Indonesia in 2018 has surplus on steel trade with China. The amount of steel we exported to China is more than steel that we imported from China.

Only Stainless steel, the other type steel still got more import coming from China
Only Stainless steel, the other type steel still got more import coming from China

Yah, you are right, and with that slight deficit of trade, China has impose tariff on our stainless steel product just recently. On the other hand China product has flooded our other market and we dont set any hurdles on their product just like how they set hurdles on us when they experience deficit. I think we are too soft on them.
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