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Garuda Indonesia opens direct Jakarta-Nagoya route
25th Mar 2019 18:01


Jakarta (ANTARA) - National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia officially launched the Jakarta-Nagoya route by using an Airbus A330 aircraft, with a capacity of 36 business-class seats and 186 economy-class seats.

"This (new) air service has also been a positive step for the company in maintaining the market share of the Japan-Indonesia aviation sector that continues to grow and become more promising," Garuda Indonesia President Director Ari Askhara noted in his official statement here on Monday.

Askhara is optimistic that the Jakarta-Nagoya direct flight would help support the acceleration of the business climate and economic potential between the two countries.

According to Askhara, the number of visits by businesspersons and tourists from Japan to Indonesia also continues to show a significant improvement, especially to several major tourist destinations in Indonesia, one of which is Jakarta, as the largest economic center in Indonesia.

"We certainly hope that the opening of this Jakarta-Nagoya route would further support efforts to accelerate investment growth between Indonesia and Japan, considering that Japan is currently the second-largest investor in Indonesia," Askhara remarked.

The Jakarta-Nagoya flight is a manifestation of the company's commitment to supporting government programs, specifically increasing investment in the manufacturing industry as a program to accelerate national economic growth.

The company optimizes access to air transportation, especially for Indonesia and Japan, as a step to support the government in increasing the tourism potential in Indonesia, with a target of 20 million foreign tourist visits in 2019.

Nagoya, located in Aichi Prefecture, is known as the fourth-largest city in Japan. Nagoya is one of the busiest industrial and manufacturing cities in Japan, making this city a potential market share for Garuda Indonesia.

Progress has been made in the past 57 years in terms of Garuda Indonesia flights to Japan, starting from the launch of the Jakarta-Tokyo route on March 13, 1962.
Reporter: Yashinta Difa Pramudyani

Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Infrastructure meant to give nation a competitive edge: Jokowi
28th Mar 2019 20:24


Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Incumbent president Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during an open campaign rally held here on Thursday, said that various infrastructure projects undertaken during the past five years were meant to give the nation a competitive edge.

“After this, we will focus on developing our human resources,” Jokowi said, addressing thousands of supporters attending his open campaign.

He outlined several major projects constructed in East Kalimantan, such as a 90-km-long Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road, the Teritip dam, the Tapin dam, and the Marangkayu dam, as well as a Pertamina refinery in Balikpapan.

Jokowi also promised to complete the construction of the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road this year.

"The Samarinda-Balikpapan toll road is not yet ready; 20 percent of the road is yet to be completed and we will finish it later this year. I am following up on this," Jokowi said.

The toll road will cut short the time taken to travel from Balikpapan to Samarinda from three hours to one hour. The toll road will also be extended to Bontang.

In order to increase the national oil stock and create more job opportunities, he also promised to build more oil refineries in Balikpapan and Bontang.

"This is mainly to ensure the availability of oil stocks, and at the same time, to create as many job opportunities as possible," Jokowi said.

Jokowi has been a part of election campaign rallies in several cities on the Kalimantan Island. He started his campaign in Pontianak in West Kalimantan Province on Wednesday morning, and in the afternoon, proceeded to Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan.

On Thursday, he campaigned in Balikpapan, and later proceeded to Mamuju in West Sulawesi Province.

During the campaign rallies, he was accompanied by members of his national campaign team (TKN), such as Erick Thohir (TKN chairman), TKN Deputy Chairman Moeldoko, and Abdul Kadir Karding, Yenny Wahid, as well as Chairman of Islam-based political party PBB Yusril Ihza Mahendra.

Indonesia will organize the legislative and presidential elections simultaneously in April 2019.

Reporter: Novi Abdi, Fardah

Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Chinese drilling machine to operate in Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway soon
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Thu, March 28, 2019 / 11:01 pm
A worker cleans debris out of the construction site of a giant tunnel for the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train in Walini, West Bandung regency, West Java. The railway is to stretch about 142 kilometers from Jakarta to Bandung. (The Jakarta Post/Wienda Parwitasari)
Intensive working to construct No. 1 tunnel of the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway station Halim is currently underway all-around clock to assemble the huge Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM).

"The TBM is expected to start the drilling on March 31, hopefully this assembling works can run smoothly to catch up with the schedule," Ronald Lintang, an assistant engineer at Sinohydro Co. Ltd. that carries out the project told Xinhua at the project site located in eastern Jakarta area.

He said the TBM, having a diameter of 13.19 meters, would be the largest of its kind ever being operated in Indonesia.

The No. 1 station, located near a Jakarta airport, is one of the four stations projected to be built for the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway train. The other three stations are located in Karawang, Walini and Tegal Luar in Bandung.

The technology embedded in the TBM would not disrupt traffic in ground above the tunnel project, making transportation in one of key toll roads in Indonesia's capital city undisrupted.

A total of 12 tunnels would be built alongside the 142-km high speed railway route connecting the two cities.

The Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway is part of the Belt and Road Initiative projects in Indonesia.

The high speed railway train is capable to transport passengers and goods within 45 minutes between the two prominent Indonesian cities, paving the way for people in Indonesia to enter modern transportation system era.

More high speed railway tracks have been considered to connect Jakarta to East Java capital of Surabaya. (dmr)
Cadangan Minyak Arab Capai 268,5 Miliar Barel, 84 Kali RI
Gustidha Budiartie, CNBC Indonesia

10 January 2019 13:13


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- Arab Saudi baru saja mengumumkan cadangan minyak mereka. Laporan terbaru menyebut negara ini memiliki cadangan minyak hingga 268,5 miliar.

Laporan ini disusun lembaga independen yang ditunjuk oleh kerajaan, yakni firma konsultan petrolium DeGolyer and MacNaughton. Laporan menulis cadangan ini naik 2,2 miliar barel dibanding tahun lalu. Angka ini sekaligus membantah kekhawatiran berbagai pihak akan lesunya kejayaan migas Arab Saudi.


Tak cuma itu, pelaporan kenaikan cadangan ini juga memberi sinyal mulai kuatnya transparansi raksasa minyak dunia Saudi Aramco yang sedang mempertimbangkan untuk melantai di bursa efek.

Rabu kemarin, Menteri Energi Arab Saudi sekaligus Chairman Aramco, Khalid al-Falih, mengatakan IPO perusahaan diperkirakan akan berlangsung pada 2021, agak molor dari target. Dari jumlah cadangan tersebut, sebanyak 263,1 miliar adalah cadangan milik Saudi Aramco.

Sementara, cadangan gas alam Aramco mencapai 319,5 triliun kaki kubik (TCF) menurut audit. Naik dari sebelumnya 302,3 TCF.

Cadangan minyak Arab ini juga dihitung dengan cadangan yang termasuk di perbatasan dengan Kuwait yang tak terurus karena konflik dua negara. Termasuk zona netral, sehingga cadangan Arab Saudi mencapai 268,5 miliar.

Kerajaan Arab menugaskan audit ini sebagai bagian dari rencana melepas Aramco ke publik, yang diharapkan bisa mendongkrak valuasi perusahaan hingga US$ 2 triliun dan mendatangkan US$ 100 miliar untuk mewujudkan rencana transformasi yang digagas Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman.

Menteri Energi Arab menegaskan hasil audit ini sangat berarti untuk valuasi Saudi Aramco. "Sertifikasi ini menekankan bahwa setiap barel minyak yang kami produksi adalah yang paling menguntungkan di dunia ini. Dan kami yakin Saudi Aramco adalah perusahaan dengan valuasi tertinggi di dunia dan paling penting," katanya.

Analis Energi Ellen Wald tidak begitu menghiraukan revisi kenaikan cadangan minyak Arab, namun yang perlu ditekankan dari laporan teraudit ini adalah Arab mengkonfirmasi kedudukannya sebagai raja minyak dunia. "Ini pesan yang lama mereka sampaikan di pasar dan sekarang makin kuat, karena mereka mengontrol lebih dari 260 miliar cadangan minyak di dunia."

Lantas bagaimana dengan cadangan Indonesia?

Ini seperti membandingkan Daud dan Goliath. Jika arab adalah raja minyak dunia dengan cadangan minyak maha akbarnya, Indonesia seperti rakyat jelata yang tak ada apa-apanya.

Data terakhir Kementerian ESDM menyebut cadangan minyak RI per 2017 adalah 3,7 miliar dan diprediksi akan habis dalam 12 tahun jika tak ada temuan cadangan baru. Jumlah cadangan minyak RI anjlok dibanding tahun 2000 lalu di mana mencapai 5,12 miliar barel. Saat itu RI bahkan mengungguli Malaysia dan Vietnam. (gus/wed)


Seperti rakyat jelata, kalimatnya cuk
INKA kicks off factory construction in Banyuwangi
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Mon, April 1, 2019 / 05:37 pm
PT Inka sends 15 train cars to Bangladesh from Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya on Jan. 21. (kompas.com/Achmad Faizal)
State-owned train manufacturing company PT Industri Kereta Api Indonesia (INKA) has kicked off the construction of Indonesia's largest train factory in Banyuwangi, East Java, whose products are to be exported to a number of countries.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the factory that is to be built on 83 hectares of land at a cost of Rp 1.6 trillion (US$112.41 million) was led by Banyuwangi Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas and the secretary to the State-Owned Enterprises Ministry, Imam Apriyanto Putro, on Sunday.

Imam said the factory would produce trains with the latest technology as a result of collaboration between INKA and the Stadler Rail Group, a world-renowned Swiss company that makes railway rolling stock.

“We decide to develop the factory in Banyuwangi because the regency has a port. It will lower the costs,” he said, adding that Banyuwangi was strongly committed to supporting the investment.

The new factory is expected to produce four train cars per day, four times the capacity of INKA’s existing factory in Madiun, which is also in East Java.

Meanwhile, PT INKA president director Budi Noviantoro added that INKA has received many orders, including for 250 train cars from Sri Lanka worth $100 million.

INKA had also exported its products to Bangladesh and the Philippines, he said, adding that INKA planned to expand into the Taiwanese, Australian and African markets.

“We hope that the construction of the Banyuwangi factory could be completed quickly. Our target is to start production in 2020,” Budi added as quoted by kontan.co.id.

INKA plans to recruit 2,000 workers, some of whom would participate in an internship program in Switzerland. INKA, in cooperation with the local government, plans to establish an open training program in state-run Banyuwangi Polytechnics. (bbn)
Mining sector sees highest investment in East Kalimantan
30th Mar 2019 20:21


Oil refinery in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. FOTO ANTARA/Yudhi Mahatma/ss/hp/10

Samarinda, Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The highest investment in East Kalimantan in 2018 went to the mining business, with a value of IDR 12.56 trillion, or 48.41 percent of the total domestic investment (PMDN), which reached IDR 25.94 trillion, consisting of around 20 investment subsectors.

"The second largest contribution went to the food and plantation subsector with an investment of IDR 3.75 trillion or 14.44 percent," said Head of East Kalimantan Integrated One-Stop Investment and Licensing Service (DPMPTSP) Abdullah Sani in Samarinda on Saturday.

The construction subsector, which is the tertiary sector, ranked third and saw an additional investment of IDR 3.2 trillion or 12.35 percent of the total investment.

Of the domestic investment that East Kalimantan saw in 2018, there were three large business sectors grouped into primary, secondary and tertiary.

For the primary sector, among others, the subsector of food crops and plantations saw at least 125 projects with an investment value of 3.74 trillion and a workforce of 4,604 people comprising 4,601 Indonesian workers (TKI) and three foreign workers (TKA).

This was followed by the forestry subsector with five projects and investments worth Rp 602.83 billion. There were 151 workers employed in this field of business, which included all migrant workers.

Furthermore, the mining subsector has 73 projects with an investment of IDR 12.56 trillion and a workforce of 3,580 people with 3,568 domestic workers (TKI) and 12 foreign workers (TKA).

For the secondary sector, Sani said there were 68 food projects in the food industry with an investment of Rp1.68 trillion and 1,454 migrant workers.

The wood industry subsector saw 12 projects with an investment of Rp264 billion and 21 migrant workers, while the non-metallic mineral industry sub-sector saw 12 investment projects with a value of 17.9 billion and absorbed 29 migrant workers.

The tertiary sector included investment in the electricity, gas and water sub-sectors with 30 projects and an investment of IDR2.55 trillion. This sub-sector managed to absorb 1,007 workers with 725 TKI and 282 TKA.

"Then, there were 14 construction projects with a value of 3.2 trillion, and employing 1,193 migrant workers, while the transportation, warehouse and communication businesses saw 32 projects with an investment of Rp165.5 billion and employing 270 migrant workers," Sani said


Reporter: Eliswan Azly

Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Seperti rakyat jelata, kalimatnya cuk

Lach mau gimana lagi, memang faktanya kita udah kehabisan minyak kok. Mau explorasi lebih lanjut masih terhambat regulasi, mau deregulasi juga butuh waktu apalagi sekarang dekat pemilu, ga mungkin juga melakukan deregulasi sektor migas secara besar2x-an (ntar dibilang antek2x asing lagi)
Amazon to open cloud data centers in Indonesia
  • Norman Harsono
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Thu, April 4, 2019 / 05:24 pm
The logo of Amazon as seen at the company's logistics center in Boves, France, on Aug. 8, 2018. (REUTERS/File Photo/Pascal Rossignol)
Cloud computing giant Amazon Web Services (AWS), a business arm of multinational tech behemoth Amazon, announced on Thursday it was building its first cloud region in Indonesia.

The cloud region, which comprises three data centers in Jakarta, will be operational by either late 2021 or early 2022.

“It’s the most important part of a series of AWS investments in the market,” said Asia Pacific managing director Ed Lenta during a press conference in Jakarta.

Earlier investments include the opening of a consulting office in Jakarta last year and the rolling out two years ago of its AWS Educate education program in cooperation with local colleges and universities, as requested by the Communications and Information Ministry.

AWS currently holds the highest market share (32.3 percent) of public cloud providers worldwide followed by Microsoft Azure (16.5 percent) and Google Cloud (9.5 percent), according to market research firm Canalys.

However, Amazon’s announcement has come after Google Cloud announced it was working on an Indonesian region last year, while rival Alibaba Cloud announced it was establishing a second Indonesian data center earlier this year.

The behemoths are escalating local cloud investments to capitalize on the country’s blossoming start-up ecosystem and Industry 4.0 digital transformation that, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC), will push public cloud spending to US$500 million by 2020. (bbn)

Indonesia sets target to export 450,000 cars in 2019
The Jakarta Post - Thu, April 4, 2019 / 10:08 am

Trade Minister Airlangga Hartarto has said his ministry set a target to increase car exports to 450,000 this year. In the previous year, the country saw 346,000 car exports with total profits at US$4.78 billion.

According to the Association of Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers, the export of completely built units in 2018 was recorded at 264,553 cars, a 14.4 percent increase from the export number in 2017, while the export of completely knocked-down cars grew 6.6 percent to 86.6 million.

Airlangga said Indonesia's automotive products were able to compete in the international market due to the increasing use of local content following the issuance of a regulation on local content requirements.

"We expect the Indonesian automotive industry will become a hub of the industry in ASEAN, or even in Asia," he said in a press statement recently.

Indonesia had grown to become a production base for multipurpose vehicles (MPVs), trucks and pick-up trucks for global markets and was aiming to be a supplier for sedans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs), he added.

Meanwhile, the production of four or more-wheeled vehicles reached 1.34 million units worth $13.76 billion last year. "In terms of the domestic market, we are better than Thailand. We set a target to produce 1.5 million units by 2020," Airlangga said.

He said the ministry was also pushing local automotive manufacturers to develop low-carbon emission vehicles (LCEVs), as the government wanted electric-based vehicles to account for 20 percent of vehicles in Indonesia by 2025.

Airlangga said the ministry encouraged the opening of new industrial areas in East Java and other parts of the country. (ark/bbn)



Tokopedia, University of Indonesia launch AI research center
The Jakarta Post - Fri, April 5, 2019 / 12:46 pm

Leading e-commerce platform Tokopedia has become the latest company to join in the efforts to tackle the country's shortage of digital talents by launching its first artificial intelligence (AI) center in collaboration with the University of Indonesia.

Tokopedia and UI have jointly launched the AI Center of Excellence at the university’s computer science building in Depok, West Java.

The research center, the first in Indonesia to be equipped with deep-learning super computer technology NVIDIA DGX-1, serves as an AI-development platform for the university’s academics and researchers.

Tokopedia and UI officials expressed hope that the center would help develop a highly skilled workforce for Indonesia’s rapidly growing digital industry – a concern raised by industry players and the government.

Tokopedia CEO and founder William Tanuwijaya said it was hard to find digital talents in Indonesia, which has seen its first generation of digital technology companies in recent years.

UI School of Computer Science dean Mirna Adriani said she expected the center to produce professionals who were ready to make contributions in the field of AI.

Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said Indonesia would need at least 17 million digital talents to help the country become an e-commerce powerhouse by 2030.

William said collaboration with universities to tackle the shortage of a highly skilled workforce was necessary, adding that his company would build similar research centers at other universities, including those located outside Java.

“We will certainly enter other regions, as Tokopedia’s goal is to help ensure economic equity throughout Indonesia by using digital means,” he told reporters on the sidelines of the launch ceremony. “Hence, the talents will not only come from Java or Jakarta only.”

He said his company would allocate a big portion of funds secured from various sources to develop its human resources, in addition to investing in technology infrastructure, especially in AI.

Tokopedia, for example, secured US$1.1 billion in its financing round last December led by the SoftBank Vision Fund and Alibaba Group with the participation of Softbank Ventures Korea and other existing investors.

Tokopedia is one of Indonesia’s four unicorns (startups valued at more than $1 billion), alongside marketplace rival Bukalapak, ride-hailing provider Go-Jek and online booking service Traveloka.

Various reports predict the country’s start-up sector will continue to grow despite rising concerns of a shortage of skilled digital talents.

To tackle the problem, start-up companies are cooperating with educational institutions and the government.

Bukalapak, for example, recently established a research and development center in Surabaya, East Java, and an AI and cloud computing innovation center at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in Bandung, West Java.

"Our challenge now is to discover talents in the field of technology and AI who can contribute to Indonesia," Bukalapak founder and CEO Achmad Zaky said during last month’s ITB innovation center launch, citing a lack of AI experts in the country.

He said the center would provide knowledge transfer with the help of 200 engineers from its main research and development center in Bandung, aside from facilities such as servers for research purposes.

In addition to its Bandung research and development center, Bukalapak launched its second center earlier this month in East Java’s capital of Surabaya, a region it says has a large pool of potential digital talents.

Last year, Google Indonesia pledged to train 100,000 information technology developers until 2020, while Alibaba founder Jack Ma vowed to train 1,000 every year over the next 10 years.

The two tech giants’ pledges support the Communications and Information Ministry’s vow last year to provide $9 million for over 20 local colleges in producing 20,000 digital talents in Indonesia by this year.

Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara said recently the program would develop talented students’ skills in the latest technologies such as AI, robotics and cloud computing. (ars)


Low inflation maintained in March: BI
5th Apr 2019 20:21


Bank Indonesia logo . (ANTARA News)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - March 2019 saw low and controlled inflation. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a 0.11 percent (mtm) inflation in the reporting period to upend the 0.08 percent (mtm) deflation reported the previous month.

The main driver of inflationary pressures in March 2019 was administered prices (AP), contrasting flatter core inflation and deflation of volatile foods (VF), Executive Director of BI Communication Department Onny Widjanarko said in a statement here on Friday.

On an annual basis, therefore, CPI inflation stood at 2.48 percent (yoy) in the reporting period, down from 2.57 percent (yoy) the previous month.

Bank Indonesia will continue to consistently sustain price stability and strengthen policy coordination with the Central Government and Regional Administrations to ensure low and stable inflation in pursuance of the target corridor for 2019, namely 3.5 percent+1 percent.

Inflationary pressures on administered prices (AP) edged upwards in the reporting period as a result of rising airfares.

AP inflation was recorded at 0.08 percent (mtm) in March 2019, up slightly from 0.06 percent (mtm) the previous month. Airfares were the main contributor to higher AP inflation, contrasting the deflationary pressures on fuels and electricity rates.

Annually, therefore, administered prices recorded a 3.25 percent (yoy) inflation in the reporting period, falling from 3.38 percent (yoy) in the previous period.

Core inflation slowed from 0.26 percent (mtm) in February 2019 to 0.06 percent (mtm) in March 2019.

House rentals, gold jewellery and homeworkers' wages were the key drivers of core inflation in the reporting period.

Annually, core inflation stood at 3.03 percent (yoy), down slightly from 3.06 percent (yoy) the previous month. Policy consistency by Bank Indonesia to anchor rational inflation expectations, including measures to maintain the rupiah in line with the currency's fundamental value, controlled core inflation.

Volatile foods (VF) experienced deflationary pressures in March 2019 in line with seasonal trends.

Volatile foods recorded 0.02 percent (mtm) deflation in the reporting period, reversing the 1.30 percent (mtm) inflation posted the previous month.

VF deflation stemmed from price corrections affecting purebred chicken meat, rice, fresh fish, purebred chicken eggs, tomatoes and carrots.

In contrast, the prices of shallots, garlic, papaya and red chillies continued to rise. Annually, VF inflation stood at 0.16 percent (yoy), down from 0.33 percent (yoy) the previous month.

Reporter: Azis Kurmala

Editor: Suharto



Very low inflation record for almost a year MtM points since February 2018, altough our economy growth is only 5 percentage every year, but for most people their purchasing ability is not much affected and getting better because of low inflation rates.
Agriculture Ministry pushes self-reliance in animal protein production
6th Apr 2019 02:16


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Agriculture Ministry is encouraging Indonesia to become self-reliant in animal protein production, an official said.

"We, at the (agriculture) ministry, continue to support Indonesia in becoming self-reliant in animal protein," Director General of Husbandry and Animal Health at the Agriculture Ministry I Ketut Diarmita said during a Farmer2Farmer 2019 event held in Jakarta on Friday.

Hopefully, our intake of animal protein would be derived not only from beef, but also from milk and animals such as chickens and sheep, he said.

Stating that domestic sheep have been exported to a number of countries, including Malaysia and the Middle Eastern countries, he said, "We aim to become a world food barn. Hence, breeders across Indonesia can play an important role."

He said the government has revised various regulations as part of its efforts to improve the welfare of breeders.

He further asked dairy farmers to refrain from complaining while increasing their milk productivity from 12 liters to 25 liters per day.

The Farmer2Farmer event serves to encourage dairy farmers to apply good dairy farming practices (GDFP) continuously and consistently.

The event's organizing committee will choose four of 110 farmers to visit dairy farms in the Netherlands and get a two-week intensive training from successful dairy farmers in July 2019.

The Farmer2Farmer program is expected to help the country meet the national demand for milk. The domestic milk production currently meets 20 percent of the national demand.

Reporter: M Razi Rahman, Suharto

Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Jakarta international Stadium

Jakarta International Stadium or BMW Stadium is a planned retractable roof multi-purpose stadium in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Once completed, it will be used as home ground for Persija and also will be mostly used for football matches. The stadium will be built on a 30 hectares land and will be able to host 82,000 spectators.

Other than football stadium, there will also be two volleyball courts, water sports facilities on the land and the stadium could be used for art performances besides sports.Other than sports facility, transit-oriented development (TOD) with hotel and apartment would be developed in the stadium area.The stadium is expected to be completed in 2021. It is planned to develop an agritourist connecting the stadium complex with neighboring Cincin reservoir and urban forest. The stadium is proposed to connect with Jakarta MRT and Jakarta LRT.




SOE Profit Reaches Rp188 Trillion in 2018
Wednesday 06 March 2019 16:46 WIB


JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rini Soemarno revealed that the current state of SOEs is getting stronger and stronger in line with growing performance.

The conclusion, according to Rini, is reflected in the performance reports of SOEs throughout 2018. Where assets, profits, equity, capital expenditure (Capital Expenditure / Capex) arrive at contributions to the APBN in the form of taxes, non-tax state income (PNBP) and dividends also rise quite significant.

"We will maintain this positive performance and improve so that SOEs can continue to serve the country, become agents of development that focus on improving people's welfare," Rini said as quoted by Antaranews, Jakarta, Wednesday (03/06/2019).

Also Read: Total BUMN Assets Increased by IDR 882 Trillion to IDR 8,092 Trillion

As stated in the constitutional mandate, continued Rini, BUMN must become a development agent and value creation agent.

As of December 31, 2018, the total assets of SOEs have exceeded Rp. 8,092 trillion, up Rp. 882 trillion from the 2017 achievement of Rp. 7,210 trillion. The total BUMN profits grew to IDR188 trillion from IDR186 trillion in 2017.

The large contribution of SOEs in infrastructure development can also be seen from the increase in BUMN capex throughout 2018, reaching Rp. 487 trillion, up significantly compared to 2017 at Rp. 315 trillion. Where the 2018 capex is dominated by the infrastructure sector.

The contribution of SOEs to the APBN also jumped to Rp.422 trillion, up Rp68 trillion from 2017 deposits of Rp354 trillion.


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