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Sah! Lubuk Linggau-Bengkulu Segera Dibangun Tol
Dana Aditiasari - detikFinance

Foto: Dana Aditiasari

Bengkulu - Pembangunan infrastruktur di era pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) terus berlanjut. Teranyar adalah Provinsi Bengkulu yang segera punya jalan tol yang membentang di ruas Lubuk Linggau yang ada di Sumatera Selatan menuju Bengkulu.

Hal itu ditandai dengan penandatanganan Perjanjian Pengusahaan Jalan Tol (PPJT) jalan Tol Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu. Penandatanganan PPJT dilakukan oleh Kepala Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol (BPJT) Danang Parikesit dan Direktur Utama PT Hutama Karya, Bintang Perbowo di Balai Semarak, Bengkulu, Jumat (15/3/2019).

Tol ini direncanakan memiliki total panjang 95 km dan menjadi tol pertama di Bengkulu. Jalan tol ini sekaligus menjadi bagian dari ruas tol Trans Sumatera yang juga tengah dikebut pembangunannya.

Direktur Utama HK Bintang Perbowo mengatakan keberadaan tol ini akan sangat membantu lalu lintas dari Bengkulu yang merupakan kawasan pantai dan pelabuhan di sisi barat Sumatera dengan sejumlah wilayah lain di sebelah timur Pulau Sumatera.

"Bayangkan, ini (Bengkulu) kan di laut selatan, laut terbuka di sini. Itu pasti kapal besar semua yang bersandar. Kalau jalannya kecil, bagaimana barang dari kapal-kapal besar itu mau diangkut ke tengah," sebut dia di sela seremoni penandatanganan PPJT tersebut.

Baca juga: Hadiah Jalan Tol untuk Warga Bengkulu

Untuk pembiayaan sendiri, Bintang mengatakan, total biayanya akan mencapai Rp 33,12 triliun yang bersumber dari Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN) dan pinjaman perbankan.

"Karena ini LHR-nya (lalu lintas harian rata-ratanya) masih kecil, kemungkinan porsi PMN-nya akan lebih besar, bisa 60%, 40%-nya pinjaman bank," tandas dia.

Hadir dalam seremoni penandatanganan tersebut Gubernur Bengkulu Rohidin Mersyah, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono dan sejumlah pejabat lainnya.

Selain ditugaskan menggarap Tol Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu, PUPR juga akan meminta Hutama Karya membangun 2 ruas tol lain, yakni Tol Indralaya-Muara Enim sepanjang 88 km dan Muara Enim-Lubuk Linggau sepanjang 125 km.

Industry Minister targets footwear exports to reach US$6.5 billion
15th Mar 2019 19:57


Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto is optimistic that the exports of national footwear products would increase US$6.5 billion in 2019 and reach $10 billion in the next four years.

"Moreover, Indonesia has signed the CEPA with Australia and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). This has the potential to expand the export market for our manufactured products," Hartarto noted in his statement in Jakarta on Friday.

The footwear industry is one of the mainstay manufacturing sectors that is able to contribute significantly to the national economy.

This is reflected in the growth of the leather industry group, with leather goods and footwear recording a significant increase of 9.42 percent in 2018, as compared to some 2.22 percent in 2017.

Last year's achievement exceeded the national economic growth at 5.17 percent.

"National footwear exports also increased by 4.13 percent, from US$4.91 billion in 2017 to $5.11 billion in 2018," Hartarto pointed out.

The industry minister explained that the footwear industry was being prioritized owing to its development as an export-oriented, labor-intensive sector.

"Along with the textile and clothing industry, the footwear industry is also prepared to enter the industrial era 4.0, so that it is more globally competitive and the exports rise. PT KMK is one model that applies the future of production," he added.


Reporter: Eliswan Azly

Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Pertamina, Aramco not on same page regarding Cilacap refinery upgrade
  • Stefanno Reinard Sulaiman
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Thu, March 14, 2019 / 11:51 pm
Two employees check a refinery in Cilacap, Central Java. (Antara/Idhad Zakaria)
A plan to revitalize Pertamina’s refinery in Cilacap, Central Java, is still full of uncertainty as the state-owned energy holding company has not sealed a partnership deal with Saudi Arabian oil giant Saudi Aramco.

Before getting to the final talk for a deal in June, the two companies have to settle a discussion regarding the valuation of the refinery, known as enterprise value (EV).

Pertamina director of refinery and petrochemical megaprojects Ignatius Tallulembang said talks on the valuation of the refinery would be concluded by the end of March.

“Once we [settle] the valuation [EV], which is carried out by a third party, we will report to our partner. And if the agreement with Aramco can’t be completed by June, we will terminate it and look for other options,” he said.

The valuation work is now being done by a global consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

If no deal is reached, Ignatius said, Pertamina could either find a new partner or upgrade the refinery by itself.

“One thing is for sure, the project will still go on, either with us doing it alone or with another partner. If we continue [with Aramco], the next steps are the engineering phase and setting up the joint company,” he said.

Previously, Aramco pledged to invest US$6 billion in the revitalization of the Cilacap refinery. However, the company has set several conditions for the investment, including incentives from the government such as tax holidays and the handover of assets to its subsidiary in Indonesia.

A preliminary agreement, known as heads of agreement (HoA), between the two firms was signed in November 2015.

The revitalization is expected to increase the production capacity to 400,000 barrels per day of fuel meeting the Euro V standard.

However, one big problem concerns a difference in valuation of the facility between Pertamina and Aramco, which has seen the project progress at snail’s pace in the past four years.

In an official document of the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry dated Feb. 14, Pertamina stated that the EV of the Cilacap refinery was US$5.66 billion, while Aramco values it at $2.8 billion.

The difference in valuation prompted Pertamina to hire PwC to reassess the refinery.

“[The Cilacap refinery project] needs a boost from Saudi Crown Prince [Mohammed bin Salman] to approve Pertamina’s valuation or the new valuation to be submitted by PwC,” reads one of the statements in the document.

Cilacap is only one of Pertamina’s six refinery projects -- four for upgrades of existing refineries and two for new ones -- completion of which is now targeted for date late 2026.

That date marks the second delay from the initial deadline of completing all projects in 2021.

The upgraded and new refineries reflect Pertamina’s effort to double its refining capacity to 2 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) by 2025 from only 1 million bopd at present.

The existing refineries are located in: Cilacap, Central Java; Balongan, West Java; Dumai, Riau and Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Meanwhile, the two new refineries are the Tuban and Bontang facilities in East Java and East Kalimantan, respectively.

The total investment for these projects is expected to reach US$45 billion or Rp 600 trillion. That marks a steep increase from only Rp 210 trillion in the initial plan.

When asked about progress on the other refineries, Ignatius said the company was in the stage of looking for a partner for the Balikpapan refinery and had set a September deadline to achieve this.

“Hopefully we will already have the partner for the Balikpapan refinery in September. Right now, there are a lot of potential partners, such as [Russian oil firm] Rosneft and [Azerbaijan’s] Socar,” he said, adding that there were a total of nine potential partners.

Rosneft is already a partner for Pertamina on the Tuban refinery project, which will cost around $16 billion.

Meanwhile, regarding the Tuban refinery, Ignatius said the land procurement issue had been settled following approval from the president.

The refinery projects have been criticized over delays and cancellations due to uncertainty in policies and a lack of funding, says global think tank BMI Research, a unit of the Fitch group.

“Indonesia's regulatory and bureaucratic landscape remains among the most complex in the region. We believe it will continue to stand in the way of meaningful projects in the coming years,” BMI Research said in a 2018 report.

Commenting on the slow progress of Pertamina’s refinery projects, Golkar lawmaker Ridwan Hisjam said the delay also delayed benefits for the small-business economy near the sites.

“The damage [of the project’s slow progress] is born by the local people. They are waiting for the social and economic impacts of the projects. Unfortunately, they still haven’t get those,” he said.
Indonesia Improves Ranking on Global Intellectual Property Index

MARCH 07, 2018

Jakarta. Indonesia has increased its ranking on the United States Chamber of Commerce's 2018 International Intellectual Property Index this year, which shows that the government's efforts to protect copyrights are starting to bear fruit.

The sixth edition of the annual report titled "Create," published last month, shows the state of intellectual property rights in the world's 50 biggest economies.

The index uses 40 indicators in eight categories to evaluate which policies and efforts have been effective in protecting intellectual property rights.

Indonesia scored 12.14 compared with last year's 9.64, putting it in 43th place – just above India (44), but below Thailand (41), Vietnam (40), Brunei (35) and Singapore (9).

Topping the list are the United States, Britain, Sweden, France and Germany.

Patrick Kilbride, vice president of international intellectual property for the Global Innovation Policy Center at the US Chamber of Commerce, said music and film are two of the sectors that have improved the most in Indonesia.

"Indonesia does well [in the creative industry]. I think copyright helps to preserve [intellectual property]. It's a vehicle for cultural experience," he said.

The report also notes that Indonesia has improved measures to control copyright infringements through an online system. The government and the creative and advertising industry established the Infringing Website List to address such cases in the creative industry.

The report lauds the government's framework for intellectual property rights, which was established across ministries. It notes that over the past decade, the country has had an inter-ministerial group tasked with the enforcement of these rights.

Through a 2006 presidential decree, the government also created a national intellectual property task force, which is responsible for designing policies and measures to enforce intellectual property rights.

The task force, which consists of cabinet-level officials from the ministries of industry, trade, finance, foreign affairs, justice and home affairs, reports directly to the president.

Biotech, Software

However, Kilbride said the biotechnology and software sectors are still vulnerable in the country.

"Foreign companies operating in that space [biotech and software] may be less inclined to bring their products to Indonesia and must be less inclined to invest in domestic innovation," Kilbride said.

The report further highlights certain weaknesses Indonesia still has to address, such as limited participation in international intellectual property treaties, copyright piracy and a 2016 law that has proven to be a barrier to foreign companies entering the country, as it requires them to transfer all patented technologies and processes.

Kilbride said 80 percent of research and development in Indonesia is currently state-funded, but that it should be the exact opposite. Private companies are deterred from investing or expanding in the country if there are no clear regulations on intellectual property rights.

"The private sector doesn't have enough confidence in the domestic system to take risks. Intellectual property is to enable risk-taking. If you are in a sector with a high cost of entry, maybe it takes a long time to take a product to market, from research to development and testing. It costs a lot of money. You won't want to spend a lot of money without rock-solid rights," Kilbride said.

He said Indonesia will do well in the coming years as it has a large population, dynamic economy, young workforce and abundant natural resources. However, innovation is key.

"With strong intellectual property protections, the industry would be willing to invest in Indonesia; to invest in R&D. [This will] put Indonesia on the cutting edge of global technology and help it to overcome the middle-income trap," Kilbride said.

Governor plans to build railroad in South Sulawesi
16th Mar 2019 17:51


Makassar (ANTARA) - South Sulawesi Governor HM Nurdin Abdullah plans to build a railroad in the southern part of South Sulawesi.

"There used to be a train route in the Dutch era to the south. It was what the BPPT wanted to explore," Abdullah noted in a statement in Makassar on Saturday.

He explained that it was in line with the Ministry of Transportation's program that was also focused on making South Sulawesi one of the centers of railway development in Indonesia.

The governor added that work on the Makassar-Parepare train project is still ongoing and must be completed.

"The train and railroad will be imported from Japan. The train model is a fast train one. Hence, it needs to be studied first. There are cars from Hokkaido. Try to examine whether it is suitable for our conditions," he stated.

The study conducted by BPPT will serve as the basis for taking the right decision later. To support this, the next plan is to hold a joint office of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government-BPPT.

"We will hold an office here, specifically with the BPPT to design our train needs," he remarked.

In addition to the train team, a special team will each be deployed for accelerating agricultural, fisheries, and livestock development.
Editing by Eliswan Azly

Reporter: Antara

Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Indonesia joins the 2019 Matta Fair in Kuala Lumpur
16th Mar 2019 17:24


Illustration. Indonesian entrepreneurs join the "Matta Fair" exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ANTARA PHOTO / Aulia Badar)

Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA) - Indonesia through the Ministry of Tourism participated in the 2019 Matta Fair International exhibition in Hall 3, Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) Kuala Lumpur, which was held on March 15-17, 2019.

"Participation in this annual activity is one of the efforts to continue the promotion program of the Ministry of Tourism which focuses on 'branding' and 'selling'," said Deputy Minister of Marketing Development, Rizki Handayani in Kuala Lumpur, Saturday.

Rizki said Indonesia's participation in this activity was to promote and maintain the existence of Indonesian tourism in the world, especially the ASEAN region, in addition as an effort to continue the Ministry of Tourism's program promoting "Wonderful Indonesia".

"Malaysia is the main market focus of concern from the Ministry of Tourism in its efforts to promote tourism to ASEAN countries.

At this year's participation, Indonesia presented a 180-square-meter pavilion with the main theme of Banyuwangi which raised the architecture of the Osing house and the atmosphere at the Sabha Swagata Blambangan Hall, "he said.

Participants who joined the Indonesian booth consisted of 22 Indonesian tourism industries (travel agents / tour operators, hotels and tourist attractions) representing the destinations of North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara.

"They will bring tour packages which of course are ready to be offered to buyers through cooperation with local Malaysian travel agents. The travel agent industry, hotel and resort industry agents will intensify promotions and business meetings with buyers or customers who come, "he said.

Aside from being a place to promote tourist destinations in Indonesia, the 2019 Matta Fair is also expected to generate potential transactions for tour packages in an effort to bring Malaysian tourists on a large scale to Indonesia.

The program in the Indonesian pavilion is held by the Indonesian tourism industry, information services and distribution of tourism promotion materials by the ministry of tourism, New Indonesia Destination Corner which will elevate Banyuwangi and Lake Toba destinations, Gimmick and Gift Redemption, Coffee & Refreshment Corner which will serve delicious coffee and snacks typical of Banyuwangi, and Photobooth Corner.

MATTA Fair 2019 is a potential place to continue the promotion program of the Ministry of Tourism which focuses on "branding" and "selling" because it is a "business to customer" exhibition that enables industry players in Indonesia to expand their market networks and offer Indonesian tourism packages with through its local partner in Malaysia.

"The promotion that has been focusing on" selling "has begun to be balanced with 'branding' again. Especially for two new destinations, namely Banyuwangi in East Java and Lake Toba in North Sumatra.

Making use of direct flights from Kuala Lumpur to Banyuwangi by Citilink which has been opened since December 19, 2018 The Ministry of Tourism is very aggressively promoting Banyuwangi destinations to the Malaysian market as a choice of themed attractions exploring nature, relax and heritage, "he said.

As for Lake Toba, by utilizing the plan to reopen AirAsia's direct flight routes from Kuala Lumpur to Lake Toba in April 2019, the Ministry of Tourism is still consistent in promoting it to the Malaysian market as a tourist destination that is also themed 'exploring culture and nature,' he said.

Reporter: Eliswan Azly

Editor: Fardah Assegaf

President orders extension of FL Tobing Airport's runway
17th Mar 2019 15:03


President Joko Widodo inaugurated Sibolga port in Central Tapanuli district, North Sumatra province, on Sunday (March 17, 2019). (Desca Lidya Natalia)

Sibolga, N Sumatra (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the extension of Ferdinand Lumban (FL) Tobing Airport's runway in Sibolga, Central Tapanuli district, North Sumatra province.

"When I had just descended from the plane at the airport, the Central Tapanuli district head proposed the extension of the runway. (The Sibolga) mayor also proposed the extension of the runway to enable wide-bodied planes to land," the president said while inaugurating Sibolga port in Central Tapanuli on Sunday.

The president further ordered Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi who was also present at the inauguration ceremony to extend the airport's runway.

"How many flights are there from Jakarta (to Sibolga) everyday? There are one flight (from Jakarta) and two to three flights from other regions. I hope the number could be increased to more than seven to boost the economy," he said.

The government was encouraging the growth and improvement of land, sea and air transportation services, he said.

"Mr. Transportation Minister will calculate it (the cost) so not only sea transportation but also air transportation will grow. The palm oil and mining industries here begin to grow well and that we must pay attention to facilities related to land, sea and air transportation services," he said.

He believed that after the central government had built infrastructures regional governments could prepare new economic growth centres.

"Our task is preparing infrastructures, while the tasks of provincial, municipal and district governments is preparing new economic growth centers. I believe there will be more companies engaged in mining, palm oil and fishery sectors here the more so because facilities including processing units have been built," he said.

State port operator PT Pelindo 1 has completed the construction of Sibolga port including the arrangement of multi-purpose terminal, the expansion of pier for containers and general cargoes, the expansion of ferry pier, the construction of container yard and the instalation of fix crane.

Also present at the inauguration ceremony were First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno, Chief of the Presidential Staff Moeldoko, North Sumatra Governor Utara Edy Rahmayadi, Deputy Chief of the Golkar Party's Honorary Council Akbar Tanjung, Pelindo 1 President Director Bambang Eka Cahyana, Central Tapanuli District Head Bakhtiar Ahmad Sibarani, and Sibolga Mayor Syarfi Hutauruk

Reporting by Desca Lidya Natalia , Suharto

Reporter: Antara

Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Indonesia's railway industry can become global player: minister
26th Jan 2019 15:11


Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto (second left) visited Stadler Rail Group headquarters in Bussnang, Switzerland. (ANTARA News/Industry Ministry PR)

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - Indonesia's railway industry has improved its competitiveness through cooperation with global companies that will allow transfer of technology, and improve its role in the global supply chain, Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto stated.

Hartarto made the statement after visiting the Stadler Rail Group headquarters in Bussnang, Switzerland, on Friday (Jan 25), as quoted in a statement obtained here on Saturday.

State-run train manufacturer PT INKA (Persero) has signed an agreement with the Swiss railway company Stadler Rail Group.

"Stadler is a player in the railway industry in Europe and also the world`s fourth-largest producer. This is a momentum for PT INKA to derive mutual benefit," he stated.

The two companies have agreed to build an integrated train manufacturing firm in Banyuwangi District of East Java, with a total investment of Rp30 trillion. In its first stage, the company will disburse Rp500 billion of investment.

Under the agreement, PT INKA will prepare a 12-hectare plot of land, while Stadler will provide the technology, machinery, and market.

The project is expected to absorb some two thousand workers.

"The cooperation is expected to open wider the export market for both companies, as each of them already has their networks," Hartarto remarked.

PT INKA can focus its market on Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines, while Stadler could meet the market demand in Singapore and Australia.

With its advanced technology, the new factory in Banyuwangi can produce various types of trains, such as light rail transit, metro, and high-speed train.

The factory can produce four coaches a day or more than one thousand coaches a year.

"We are encouraging the national railway industry to dominate the domestic market and improve its role in the global supply chain," he noted.

Reporting by Sella Panduarsa Gareta, Sri Haryati
Reporter: Antara

Editor: Sri Haryati


Governor plans to build railroad in South Sulawesi
Reporter: Antara 16th March 2019


South Sulawesi Governor HM Nurdin Abdullah plans to build a railroad in the southern part of South Sulawesi. (Antara Photo/Syaiful Arif)
Makassar (ANTARA) - South Sulawesi Governor HM Nurdin Abdullah plans to build a railroad in the southern part of South Sulawesi.

"There used to be a train route in the Dutch era to the south. It was what the BPPT wanted to explore," Abdullah noted in a statement in Makassar on Saturday.

He explained that it was in line with the Ministry of Transportation's program that was also focused on making South Sulawesi one of the centers of railway development in Indonesia.

The governor added that work on the Makassar-Parepare train project is still ongoing and must be completed.

"The train and railroad will be imported from Japan. The train model is a fast train one. Hence, it needs to be studied first. There are cars from Hokkaido. Try to examine whether it is suitable for our conditions," he stated.

The study conducted by BPPT will serve as the basis for taking the right decision later. To support this, the next plan is to hold a joint office of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government-BPPT.

"We will hold an office here, specifically with the BPPT to design our train needs," he remarked.

In addition to the train team, a special team will each be deployed for accelerating agricultural, fisheries, and livestock development.
Editing by Eliswan Azly

Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Indonesia nets $931.6m for cigarette exports
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Mon, March 18, 2019 / 10:23 am
Female workers package cigarettes at a factory in Kudus, Central Java. (Antara/Yusuf Nugroho)
Industry Minister Airlangga Hartanto has said Indonesia exported cigarettes worth US$931.6 million last year, up 2.98 percent from $904.7 million in 2017.

He added that the cigarette excise was recorded at Rp 153 trillion last year, up 3.9 percent from Rp 147 trillion in 2017. "Cigarette excise tax revenue contributed 95.8 percent of the national excise tax revenue," Airlangga said in a statement over the weekend.

The cigarette industry mostly uses domestic raw materials -- tobacco and clove – and therefore the products could compete on the global market.

Speaking about health issues related to tobacco products, he said: “We will take employment and people's health into consideration."

The government had been trying to create policies that could be acceptable to all parties in the tobacco industrial sector (IHT), he said, adding that it had to ensure business certainty among IHT players.

For that, he said, the government had issued a number of regulations -- Government Regulation (PP) No. 109/2012 on security for materials of addictive ingredients and Presidential Regulation No. 44/2016 on the negative investment list, which was supported by Industry Ministry Regulation No. 64/2014 on cigarette industry control. (ark/bbn)
Saham BRI Cetak Rekor Tertinggi, Market Cap Hampir Rp 500 T
Donald Banjarnahor, CNBC Indonesia

18 March 2019 19:32


Foto: Bank Rakyat Indonesia (detikFoto/Ari Saputra)
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Harga saham PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI) menyentuh level tertinggi sepanjang sejarah dan membuat kapitalisasi pasar sedikit lagi menembus Rp 500 triliun.

Pada perdagangan, Senin (18/3/2019) saham BBRI ditutup pada level Rp 4.040, menguat 1,51% dibandingkan dengan akhir pekan lalu yang tercatat Rp 3.980. Nilai transaksi BBRI mencapai Rp 475,26 miliar dengan pembelian bersih oleh asing (net foreign buy) sebesar Rp 235,93 miliar.

Harga saham BBRI pada hari ini merupakan yang tertinggi sejak bank terbesar di Indonesia ini melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada 2003. Kenaikan harga tersebut otomatis mendongkrak kapitalisasi pasar market cap BBRI menjadi Rp 498,32 triliun

Hal ini menjadikan Bank BRI sebagai bank terbesar ke 4 di Asia Tenggara dalam market cap, mengalahkan UOB Group asal Singapura. Market cap BBRI hanya selisih Rp 3,3 triliun di bawah OCBC Group asal Singapura.

Sejak awal tahun, saham BBRI telah mengalami kenaikan sebesar 10,38% dibandingkan posisi akhir 2018 di Rp 3.660 per saham. Kenaikan saham BBRI dua kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) yang meningkat 5,08% menjadi 6.509.45.

Sebagai informasi Bank BRI berhasil meraih laba sebesar Rp 32,4 triliun pada 2018, tumbuh 11,6% dibandingkan pada 2017. Raihan laba 2018 membuat Bank BRI mempertahankan predikat sebagai bank paling menguntungkan di Indonesia.

Pencapaian laba pada 2018 didukung oleh pendapatan fee based income yang tumbuh 22,7% menjadi Rp 23,4 triliun dari tahun sebelumnya tercatat Rp 19,1 triliun. Sementara itu pendapatan net interest income BRI mencapai Rp 77,7 triliun.

Direktur Utama Bank BRI Suprajarto mengatakan naiknya profit juga disebabkan oleh peningkatan efisiensi yang tercermin dari menurunnya rasio beban operasional terhadap pendapatan operasional (BOPO) BRI. BOPO pada akhir 2018 tercatat 70%, turun 70 basis poin dari setahun sebelumnya.

"Kinerja keuangan BRI tumbuh berkelanjutan ditopang sektor UMKM. Pertumbuhan positif dan sustainable dengan UMKM sebagai core business. Hal tersebut menjadikan BRI bank UMKM terbesar di Indonesia," ujar Suprajarto dalam paparan kinerja BRI 2018 di Jakarta, Rabu (30/1/2019).

Selain bank yang paling menguntungkan, Bank BRI juga mempertahankan predikat bank terbesar di Indonesia dari sisi aset. Bank BRI mencatatkan aset pada akhir 2018 sebesar Rp 1.296,9 triliun, naik 15,2% dari setahun sebelumnya yang tercatat Rp 1.126,2 triliun.


BRI, one of the most profitable bank in Indonesia. In this week, BRI market cap almost reaching 500 trillion Rupiah or about 32 billion US dollar, made BRI big four in ASEAN in term of market cap.
Toll road operator takes out Rp 30.03t in syndicated loans over one year
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Tue, March 19, 2019 / 01:59 pm
A section of the trans-Sumatra toll road. (Courtesy of Hutama Karya/-)
State-owned toll road operator PT Jasa Marga has taken out syndicated loans worth Rp 30.03 trillion (US$2.11 billion) over one year to finance a number of projects, namely the Kunciran-Serpong toll road, the elevated Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, the Bogor ring road, the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road and the Batang- Semarang toll road.

In addition, the company was also seeking out alternative financing through private equity funds (RDPT) in an attempt to reduce its dependency on debt-based financing, said Jasa Marga corporate secretary M Agus Setiawan in Jakarta on Monday.

“With this move, the company will be able to maintain its healthy financial condition, while it will also be able to continue its expansion,” he said as reported by kompas.com.

Agus said the company had also pursued innovation, such as integrating payments for a number of toll roads such as the Jakarta outer ring road (JORR), the Semarang-Surakarta toll road as well as sections A, B and C of the Semarang toll road.

The toll road operator is now also conducting a trial of a single land free flow (SLFF) system along the Bali-Mandara toll road using radio frequency identification (RFID) operated by Jasa Marga’s subsidiary PT Jasamarga Tollroad Operator (JMTO).

In the new system, vehicles do not need to stop to pay the toll, instead a device in the vehicle is automatically connected by radio frequency with a devise on the toll road.

The trial in Bali, which involved Blue Bird taxis, was conducted in preparation for the implementation of the SLFF payment system on other major toll roads, he said, adding that Jasa Marga would also conduct the same trial on the Sedyatmo toll road in Jakarta involving vehicles owned by Garuda Indonesia. (bbn)
BI projects 0.10 percent inflation rate in March
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, March 22, 2019 / 05:16 pm
A beef vendor mans his kiosk at Pasar Minggu in South Jakarta. (Antara/Sigid Kurniawan)
Bank Indonesia (BI) has projected a 0.10 percent month-to-month inflation rate in March, or 2.47 percent year-on-year (yoy), after taking into account the result of a monitoring survey of prices up to the third week of this month.

“So, inflation is at a low rate and tending to decline. In January, the rate was 2.8 percent yoy and in February, the rate was at 2.57 percent yoy,” BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said on Friday as quoted by kontan.co.id.

The reduced inflation rate in March was caused by lower prices of many commodities in March compared to the prices in February, he said, adding that the price of some commodities had increased, such as shallots, garlic and chilies as well as the price of bottled water and air transportation.

“But the price increases were not too high,” he said, and the price of several commodities like chicken, eggs, vegetables and rice had gone down.

Perry said the low inflation rate also indicated the secure stocks of staple foods. He expressed his optimism that by the end of 2019, the inflation rate would be lower than 3.5 percent. (bbn)
232 kilometers of West Sumatra's railway lines not yet operational
22nd Mar 2019 20:33


Pariaman (ANTARA) - Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation Zulfikri revealed that 232 kilometers of the total 304 kilometers of railway lines in West Sumatra had yet to be operated.

"At present, only 72 kilometers of railway lines are operational in West Sumatra," he remarked after the inauguration of the Pariaman-Naras railway line by the Minister of Transportation in Pariaman on Friday.

He noted that since the past several years, he had prepared a program to activate 213 railway lines in West Sumatra, which currently has 27 kilometers.

The first railway line to be activated was from Lubuk Alung to 2x11 Kayu Tanam while the second was the Pariaman line to Naras.

He said that apart from activating the Kota Pariaman and Padang Pariaman District railroad lines this year, he had also activated the Kota Padang railway line to Air Island, with a three-kilometer track length.

"Hence, we seek the support of all parties, so that they can be completed and operated on time," he noted.

During the inauguration of the railway line to Naras, he also integrated a schedule of three cross-train services: Sibinuang Railway, Anai Valley Railway, and Minangkabau Express Train.

"The Anai Valley train, which earlier only arrived at the Lubuk Alung Station, has now reached Duku, and Sibinuang, which earlier only stopped at Pariaman, now arrives at Naras," he noted.

Zulfikri also expects subsidies, so that the tariff for the Anai Valley Railway stayed at Rp3,000, while that for Sibinuang is the same as before, at Rp. 5,000, and Rp10,000 for the Minangkabau Express Train.

Zulfikri acknowledged that his party had continued to face technical problems, in the form of jagged tracks, to reactivate the Kayu Tanam railway line to Bukittinggi.

"We are still looking for a solution," he said.

He said if the problem with the jagged tracks was solved, the railway line from Kayu Tanam with Bukittinggi could be operated again.

Meanwhile, West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno noted that the construction of the station and activation of the railway line could boost the economic sector.

"Because I say thank you," he noted.

He said the activation of the railway line in West Sumatra had been long overdue but was only realized starting from the Minangkabau Express Train to other trains.


Reporter: Eliswan Azly

Editor: Suharto


Java-Bali electricity to get additional 3,000 MW supply
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, March 22, 2019 / 01:05 pm
Technicians with state-owned electricity company PLN replace a damaged isolator in Jakarta. (The Jakarta Post/Dhoni Setiawan)
State-owned electricity company PLN will operate three steam-fueled power plants (PLTU) late this year and early next year that will produce 1,000 megawatts (MW) each and will be used as an additional supply for the Java-Bali electricity system (PJB), according to PJB operational director Sugiyanto.

The three power plants are PLTU Java 7 Unit 1 in Bojonegara, Banten and PLTU Cilacap Expansion 2 in Central Jakarta, the commercial operations of which will begin October, as well as PLTU Java 7 Unit 2, which will be operated in early, 2020, he said as quoted by kontan.co.id on Friday.

“With the operation of the two power plants, the Java-Bali electricity system will get additional supply of 2,000 MW from PLTU Cilacap Expansion 2 and PLTU Java 7 Unit 1 in late 2019, as well as 1,000 MW electricity from PLTU Java 7, Unit 2 in early 2020,” he said.

With the operation of three power plants, the capacity of the Java-Bali electricity system will increase from 11,000 MW to 14,000 MW in early 2020.

He said the Java-Bali electricity system would also get an additional supply from other smaller power plants this year, including PLTU Lontar Unit 4, Banten 315 MW, Block 2 PLTG Grati, East Java 160 MW, and Steam Turbine PLTGU Tanjung Priok Blok M, Jakarta 200 MW.

“This will help strengthen electricity supply in the Java-Bali interconnection. […] the margin reserve will increase to 30 percent,” Sugiyarto said.

He added that East Java was rich in power resources and that it supplied 2,000 MW to Central Java, West Java and 500 MW electricity to Bali.(bbn)

Trade Expo Indonesia targets to boost exports to non-traditional markets
  • Rachmadea Aisyah
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Mon, March 25, 2019 / 04:41 pm
Trade Ministry Export Development Director General Arlinda (fifth left) poses with the secretary to the Foreign Ministry's Directorate General for America and Europe Ratu Silvy Gayatri (fourth left) along with representatives of various government bodies and business associations following the announcement on the 34th Trade Expo Indonesia at the Trade Ministry in Jakarta on Monday. (JP/Rachmadea Aisyah)
The Trade Ministry has announced that its annual trade exhibition, Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI), will be held for the 34thtime from Oct. 16-20 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) in Serpong, Banten, with a view to expanding exports to nontraditional markets.

The TEI is Indonesia's largest business-to-business exhibition for local producers to attract foreign buyers.

Last year, the TEI booked a record transactions value of US$8.49 billion in trade-related investment and sales of goods and services, more than five times the 2017 figure of $1.4 billion.

Trade Ministry Export Development Director General Arlinda said TEI 2019 would reaffirm Indonesia's export market diversification, including to Latin American and Caribbean countries, while maintaining access to traditional markets like the United States and China.

"Last year's visitors were mainly from nontraditional [markets] like those in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, whereas the biggest [goods and services] transactions came from buyers in Saudi Arabia, India and Egypt," Arlinda said during the TEI 2019 press conference on Monday. "This is in accordance with the government's target of diversifying toward nontraditional markets."

Arlinda said the ministry had not set any targets for transactions and visitor numbers this year, but she expressed confidence that it would be better than last year's figures.

The secretary of the Foreign Ministry’s Directorate General for America and Europe, Ratu Silvy Gayatri, said South American countries alone had absorbed $1.18 billion of Indonesia's exports last year, a number she said could be greatly improved.

"We will support the export of strategic products that have a high technology content, such as trains, ships, arms and heavy machinery," Silvy said at the same occasion. (bbn)


Trade Expo Indonesia targets to boost exports to non-traditional markets
  • Rachmadea Aisyah
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Mon, March 25, 2019 / 04:41 pm
Trade Ministry Export Development Director General Arlinda (fifth left) poses with the secretary to the Foreign Ministry's Directorate General for America and Europe Ratu Silvy Gayatri (fourth left) along with representatives of various government bodies and business associations following the announcement on the 34th Trade Expo Indonesia at the Trade Ministry in Jakarta on Monday. (JP/Rachmadea Aisyah)
The Trade Ministry has announced that its annual trade exhibition, Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI), will be held for the 34thtime from Oct. 16-20 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) in Serpong, Banten, with a view to expanding exports to nontraditional markets.

The TEI is Indonesia's largest business-to-business exhibition for local producers to attract foreign buyers.

Last year, the TEI booked a record transactions value of US$8.49 billion in trade-related investment and sales of goods and services, more than five times the 2017 figure of $1.4 billion.

Trade Ministry Export Development Director General Arlinda said TEI 2019 would reaffirm Indonesia's export market diversification, including to Latin American and Caribbean countries, while maintaining access to traditional markets like the United States and China.

"Last year's visitors were mainly from nontraditional [markets] like those in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, whereas the biggest [goods and services] transactions came from buyers in Saudi Arabia, India and Egypt," Arlinda said during the TEI 2019 press conference on Monday. "This is in accordance with the government's target of diversifying toward nontraditional markets."

Arlinda said the ministry had not set any targets for transactions and visitor numbers this year, but she expressed confidence that it would be better than last year's figures.

The secretary of the Foreign Ministry’s Directorate General for America and Europe, Ratu Silvy Gayatri, said South American countries alone had absorbed $1.18 billion of Indonesia's exports last year, a number she said could be greatly improved.

"We will support the export of strategic products that have a high technology content, such as trains, ships, arms and heavy machinery," Silvy said at the same occasion. (bbn)

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