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Indonesia to follow up on Senegal's plan to procure trains
Red: Reiny Dwinanda


Train manufactured by PT. Inka.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- The Indonesian government will follow up on Senegal's proposal to procure trains from PT. Inka that was discussed during a meeting between Indonesia's deputy foreign affairs minister and the Senegalese railway minister in July 2017.

"Indonesia needs to follow up on this proposal before it is grabbed by other countries, such as China, France, and Turkey, which have built express trains," Indonesian Ambassador to Senegal Mansyur Pangeran noted in a statement received by Antara here on Friday.

Ambassador Pangeran expressed hope that the Senegalese government would immediately purchase trains manufactured by PT. Inka.

"The embassy is ready to help communicate further with relevant agencies to speed up the purchase process," he remarked.

Ambassador Pangeran also invited the management of PT. Inka to Dakar to evaluate the potential of railways in Senegal and the surrounding countries.

President Director of PT. Inka Agus Purnomo responded positively to Senegal's interest in procuring trains, and the company is currently reviewing the purchase mechanism.

Purnomo said Asia and Africa are the main target markets of PT. Inka. The company offers competitive prices as compared to those from other developed countries.

Senegal is keen to procure trains in a bid to support its grand design to build a 750-kilometer-long rail network that will connect the three provinces of Dakar, St. Louis, and Tambacounda.

Sumber : Antara
Deal inked with Indonesia for modernisation of train service

Bangladesh Railway today signed a deal with an Indonesian company to procure 200 meter gauge passenger coaches involving Tk 579.38 crore to provide modern, safe and comfortable passenger service.


Md Shamsuzzaman, additional director general of (rolling stock) of Bangladesh Railway and R Agus H Purnomo, president director of PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero), Indonesia, signed the agreement on their organisations’ behalf at Railway Bhaban in the capital.

Delivery of the carriages will be started in 20 months from the effective date of contract and to be completed in 33 months, according to the contract.

Funded by Asian Development Bank and Bangladesh government, procurement of 200 meter gauge passenger carriages -- with stainless steel body, high speed bogie, roof mounted air conditioning system and automatic air brake system -- will create positive impact on mass transport, Bangladesh Railway officials said.

A huge number of passengers will get the opportunity of safe, speedy and comfortable train journey resulting in enhancement of commercial and economical activities, they said.

At present, the railway has 1,193 meter gauge passenger carriages, out of which 567 carriages are overaged and crossed economic life (35 years) and 166 carriages are of around 31 to 35 years old.

Moreover, passengers’ demand is increasing significantly for which additional carriages are required to add to the existing fleet of passenger carriages.

“Newly procured meter gauge carriages will be used to replace the overaged carriages of existing intercity trains to fulfil the demand of the passengers with additional safety and modern amenities as well as to introduce new trains.”

Railway Minister Mazibul Hoque, Indonesian Ambassador to Bangladesh Rina P Soemarno, Kamal Krishna Bhattacharyya, addition secretary (planning and development) of the ministry, and Amzad Hossain, director general of the BR, spoke at the programme.

World's Tallest Library Inaugurated

* Stands at 126.3 meters with 27 floors. Second tallest is Shanghai Library in China at 106 meters and 24 floors.
* Green building concept with Energy Consumption Index of 150 kwh/mm2 per annum.
* Fascilities include:
-CAT-7 cable network with 100 Gbps data transfer
-children's library,
-nursing rooms,
-senior citizens service,
-services for the disabled including special room for the visually impeared,
-tier-3 data center with telelift,
-exhibition room,
-1000 - seat assembly room,
-teleconference room and discussion rooms.




Melihat dari Dekat Perpustakaan Indonesia Tertinggi di Dunia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Perpustakaan Nasional RI telah memperbarui gedung fasilitas layanannya. Gedung yang baru diresmikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo, Kamis (14/9), ini terbilang sebagai perpustakaan tertinggi di dunia.

Fasilitas layanan perpustakaan merupakan perpaduan layanan inklusif, diversifikasi layanan, berbasis komunitas yang berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK).

Bangunan tersebut berdiri di atas lahan seluas 11.975 meter persegi dengan luas bangunan 50.917 meter persegi dan tinggi 126,3 meter, memiliki 24 lantai dan tiga basement, yang diklaim sebagai gedung perpustakaan tertinggi di dunia.

Fasilitas layanan dirancang dengan konsep ramah lingkungan dengan indeks konsumsi energi (IKE) 150 kwh/mm2 per tahun yang hampir sama dengan gedung-gedung di Singapura dan Malaysia.

Gedung dibangun dengan menggunakan anggaran multi years (2013-2016) yang menelan biaya Rp465.207.300.000 dilengkapi dengan teknologi kabel jaringan data kategori 7 (CAT-7) dan perangkat jaringan aktif yang mampu mentransfer data sampai dengan 100 Gbps.

Bangunan perpustakaan yang tinggi berbentuk persegi seperti jendela mengartikan perpustakaan adalah jendela dunia (the window of the world), menjadi sumber pengetahuan bagi masyarakat Indonesia dan dunia serta menjadi sentra aktivitas edukatif, rekreatif, dan kultural.

Bangunan tersebut dilengkapi dengan layanan inklusif yang didesain untuk melayani penyandang disabilitas dari segi sarana prasarana, koleksi, maupun ruangan khusus bagi disabilitas tuna netra.

Area membaca anak-anak juga didesain secara apik, menarik dan penuh warna, juga tersedia ruang khusus laktasi (menyusui) sehingga para ibu tidak perlu khawatir saat mendampingi buah hatinya bermain, membaca, bereksplorasi maupun berkreasi.

Sedangkan, bagi para pengunjung lansia diberikan pelayanan khusus, termasuk koleksi maupun petugas yang mendampinginya.

Fasilitas layanan Perpusnas dilengkapi pusat data koleksi dengan teknologi Tier3 dan telelift (sistem transportasi buku secara otomatis), ruang pameran, teater, aula berkapasitas 1.000 kursi, ruang telekonferensi, dan ruang-ruang diskusi yang dapat digunakan oleh para komunitas literasi.

Kartu anggota perpustakaan dikembangkan secara mutakhir berbasis radio frequency identification (RFID) sebagai sarana pengamanan dan inventori koleksi.
- National shipbuilder PT. PAL received order from Turkish energy company Karadeniz Holdings Ltd.
- Order worth US$ 320 million to build four powerships with output of 36 MW - 80 MW.


PT PAL dapatkan order kapal dari Turki
KONTAN.CO.ID - PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) mendapatkan pesanan produksi kapal senilai US$ 320 juta dari perusahaan energi asal Turki, yakni Karadeniz Holdings Limited. Pesanan Karadeniz ini berupa empat buah floating power plant powership atau kapal pembangkit listrik dengan total daya 36 megawatt (MW) sampai 80 MW.

Menurut Direktur Rekumhar PAL Sutrisno, saat ini progres pesanan masih dalam tahap basic desain yang dibuat sendiri oleh Karadeniz. "Setelah itu baru mereka memberikan desainnya pada kami. Butuh 4 bulan kami melakukan pendetailan desain, yang dilanjut dengan proses pengadaan dan konstruksi," ujarnya kepada Kontan, Sabtu (16/9).

Ia mengatakan belum bisa menyampaikan kapan proses kontruksi akan dimulai. Karena, kembali pada sistem penganggaran dana dari negara pemesan.

"Sama saja dengan di Indonesia. Mereka harus menunggu anggaran dari kemhan dan pemerintahan di sana," ungkapnya.

Saat ini, potensi kapal di pasar internasional semakin tinggi. Beberapa negara asing berminat memesan kapal dari Indonesia. Sebelumnya, Senegal telah menyatakan keinginannya untuk membeli enam kapal perang dan empat kapal komersial dari PT PAL.
It's from PNG but related.


North Fly plans to partner with Indonesia
BY: Freddy Mou - 13:01, September 17, 2017

North Fly MP, James Donald is planning to establish a partnership with Indonesia to create market access for his people.

He is planning to engage contractors from Indonesia to work on major roads and other infrastructure projects in the District.

Donald said this is one of his priorities under his first 100-Days Plan in Office.

He said, it is cheaper to bring in materials across the border from Indonesia than shipping them from Port Moresby to Kiunga or Tabubil in Western Province.

Donald said his decision to look further West is in line with the current economic situation the country is facing and the need to cut cost and work within the means of his district’s budget.

He added that the Government’s decision to cut costs in some of its expenditure items means remote districts like his, which is quite expensive to deliver services, given the high cost of freight involving logistics, out of Port Moresby, must come up with best available alternatives, which is to look no further than Indonesia which is just next door to North Fly District and Western Province as a whole.

The first term North Fly MP said arrangements are underway to engage formal meeting with the Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresby to advance discussions on the need for creation of free trade centre along the border between North Fly and Indonesian Province of West Papua.

He added that partnering with Indonesian Government will enable better and quality infrastructure built along the border that will not only encourage economic development and trade between communities from both sides of the PNG-Indonesia Border but also benefit PNG Defence Force soldiers operating out of Forward Operations Base in Kiunga, who do routine patrols along the border in Western Province.

Donald also believes that engaging contractors from Indonesia will see quality roads build in his district at a reasonable price compared to local PNG contractors who tend to charge exorbitant fees with little track record of completing project on time and on budget.

He said major contracts such as road infrastructures in the district will be given to Indonesian contractors under his term in Office because he wants to see quality roads built under reasonable price and on budget.


Soekarno hatta international airport - Skytrain






T-3 Ultimate Soekarno Hatta International Airport

T-1 Soekarno Hatta International Airport by Paul Andreu

The ministry of transportation also plan to build skytrain in Ngurah rai international airport/Denpasar/Bali




More companies than ever are using the profit motive to solve a multitude of societal problems.
These companies are World-Changer Companies 2017 (Fortune magazine).

Indonesia to Launch New Satellite on Elon Musk's SpaceX
source : https://seasia.co/2017/09/18/indonesia-to-launch-new-satellite-on-elon-musk-s-spacex


State-owned telecommunications company PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom Indonesia) plans to launch its Telkom 4 satellite in a year’s time to replace the Telkom 1 satellite.

“We have signed a contract to launch the Telkom 4 satellite. It will be launched from the United States in August 2018,” said PT Telkom president director Alex J. Sinaga during a press conference .

Telkom 4 is manufactured by Space Systems Loral (SSL) and will be launched by SpaceX.It will have transponders for the domestic market and some to be marketed in India.

Alex said the name of the satellite was still tentative, as his company was still considering possible names. The satellite, which will be placed in orbit slot 108 BT, the current location of Telkom 1, will have a 15-year lifespan, similar to Telkom 1.

“Telkom will closely monitor the progress on Telkom 4 to make sure that the satellite will be launched as scheduled,” Alex said.
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Govt to Trial Plastic Tar Roads in Medan, Surabaya
source : https://en.tempo.co/read/news/2017/09/18/056910075/Govt-to-Trial-Plastic-Tar-Roads-in-Medan-Surabaya


TEMPO.CO, Bekasi - The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry will trial plastic-tar roads in Medan, Surabaya and Tangerang-Merak toll road, followed by other cities at later dates. The trials will be carried out gradually based on traffic condition.

The plastic-tar road technology was trialed at Bali’s Udayana University 700-meter long road on July 18-29. “We have trialed it on roads with low traffic. The result is decent,” Public Works Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in a press statement received by Tempo yesterday.

The Public Works Ministry has also trialed plastic-tar roads in Bekasi in a 2.6-km long congested area.

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has expressed his appreciation of the technology. “If successful, Pak Basuki’s planned trial will continue and if all are successful, we will continue next year,” he said after inspecting the trial of the laying of asphalt in Bekasi on Saturday. He is confident that the project will work since similar technology has already been implemented in 113,000-km roads in India.

Minister Basuki believes that the plastic-tar mixture is stronger. Other positive aspects include reduction of plastic waste in the ocean since the demand for plastic-tar is high.

Basuki explained that Indonesia has 46,000-km roads. The plastic-tar technology needs three tons of plastic for every kilometer of road with standard specification. It means that 138,000 tons of plastic will be needed for plastic-tar mixture.

The Public Works Ministry Road and Bridge R&D Center director Deded P. Syamsudin said that the plastic-tar mixture is stronger 40 percent compared to the regular one. The price, however, is 2 percent more expensive.

At present, he said, some 5.2 tons of plastic waste are available for use. A mixture of tar and 6 percent plastic would consume 1.5 million tons of plastic per year and 50 percent plastic-tar mixture would need 0.45 million tons of plastic waste per year.

The Public Works Ministry said that it has been conducting research on plastic-tar roads since 2008. Earlier this year, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs encouraged the research to continue.

Indonesian Startup Investments Grow 60 Times Larger
source : https://en.tempo.co/read/news/2017/...sian-Startup-Investments-Grow-60-Times-Larger


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Based on research conducted by Google and AT Kearney, a number of investments towards startup companies have increased 68 folds in the past five years. This trend shows that investor confidence in the startup industry has improved significantly.

“The growth of Ventura Capital (VC) in Indonesia during the past five years has been explosive by improving 60 times larger,” said Mifza Muzayan, Google Sales Operations & Strategy Lead. He predicts a positive outlook for Indonesia in the next year or two.

In 2016, the total amount of investments in startup companies amounted to US$1,4 billion. That number has since risen to US$3,0 billion up to the eighth month of 2017.
Morowali polytechnic commences training of first batch
source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/...echnic-commences-training-of-first-batch.html

The Morowali Metal Engineering Polytechnic has commenced training its first batch of students in a bid to improve the skills of locals living in Sulawesi where a nickel and stainless steel industrial park, the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP), is located.

PT IMIP, a Chinese and locally owned firm that operates the polytechnic, offers scholarships to 96 youth in Sulawesi to learn skills such as machinery maintenance, electrical engineering and installation and mineral chemicals -- in exchange for work contracts after graduation.

The students were selected from 679 Sulawesi teenagers who took part in an enrollment test in Morowali, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi and Makassar, South Sulawesi.

“We opened this polytechnic because we still depend on Chinese employees for some technical work. We can’t depend on them continuously. We need skilled locals to work with us,” said IMIP CEO Alexander Barus on the sidelines of the commencement ceremony on Monday.

The polytechnic has six classrooms, five laboratories, two workshops and one innovation center.

Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto attended the event and emphasized the importance of more businesses contributing to improving the skills of locals by establishing polytechnics or helping local vocational schools or polytechnics upgrade their equipment. (bbn)








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