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Minggu 09 Jul 2017, 14:42 WIB

Tak Kalah dengan Luar Negeri, Papua Punya Jalan Indah di Tepi Laut
Citra Fitri Mardiana - detikFinance

Foto: Hendra Kusuma
Jakarta - Pemerintahan Presiden RI Joko Widodo saat ini memang tengah mengebut sejumlah pembangunan infrastruktur jalan di Papua yang terhubung dalam 5 segmen Trans Papua dengan panjang 4.330,07 km.

Namun salah satu yang mencuri perhatian adalah proyek segmen II Trans Papua dengan panjang 475,81 km. Nantinya proyek jalan tersebut akan menghubungkan ruas Manokawari-Wasior-Batas Provinsi Papua.

Jalan Trans Papua Segmen II Foto: Hendra Kusuma

Meski proses pengaspalannya hingga kini masih terus berjalan, namun keindahan ruas jalan tersebut rasanya sudah cukup menjanjikan. Pasalnya berbeda dengan ruas jalan Trans Papua lainnya, proyek segmen II memiliki permukaan jalan yang hampir seluruhnya berbatasan langsung dengan laut lepas. Seperti halnya di km 102 sampai dengan pertigaan antara arah Mameh dengan arah Bintuni.

Jalan Trans Papua Segmen II Foto: Hendra Kusuma

Titik keindangan lain berada di km 160, yang memiliki latar pemandangan Gunung Botak atau pegunungan tanah yang rentan mengalami longsor. Oleh karena itu, saat ini bebagai teknologi tengah didalami untuk mencari teknologi yang paling tepat guna mengantisipasi potensi hambatan tersebut.

Jalan Trans Papua Segmen II Foto: Hendra Kusuma

Di sepanjang ruas jalan ini, hanya ada satu perkampungan yang menghuni yakni Distrik Wamesa, Kabupaten teluk Kondama, Ibu Kota Wasior. Penduduk di perkampungan tersebut hidup erat dengan ekosistem hutan, bahkan binatang liar seperti rusa, dan burung rangkong yang kerap terlihat melintasi jalan.
Jalan Trans Papua Segmen II Foto: Hendra Kusuma

Lebih lanjut Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) akan terus menggenjot Tim Kerja pembangunan Trans Papua hingga akhirnya target pembangunan proyek tersebut dapat diselesaikan sesuai target yakni pada 2019.

Jalan Trans Papua Segmen II Foto: Hendra Kusuma

Indonesian Manufacturing Back in Expansion Mode
Jakarta. Indonesia's manufacturing sector has returned to growth in August, thanks to improving business confidence and rising demand for exports, according to the Nikkei Indonesia Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index report, released on Monday (09/04).

The PMI is penciled in at 50.7 after two consecutive months of decline. Any figure above 50 represents an increasing growth rate in the manufacturing sector for the month. July's index of 48.6 was the lowest reading for this year.

"Business conditions in Indonesia improved midway through the third quarter as companies benefited from stronger demand for their goods from domestic and externally based clients," Pollyanna De Lima, principal economist at IHS Markit, the research firm that conducts the survey, said in a statement.

IHS Markit said manufacturing production rose in August for the first time since May, in line with an upturn in new export orders, which clocked their second-quickest pace in the six-and-a-half years of the PMI survey's history.

Raw material purchases increased and a contraction in payroll numbers slowed down last month, further cementing the case for manufacturing expansion, IHS Markit said.

Manufacturers face scarcity in raw materials, reflected in increased purchasing costs, but they were able to pass some of the costs to their clients.

"The rebound from July's downturn lifted spirits among firms, who are more cheerful about the year-ahead outlook than they were in the previous survey period," she said.
Indonesian seismic sensors detect, unusual seismic activity on North Korean region.
more tourist coming in, except they're not going to Bali. govt effort to promote tourism seems to be working good

Foreign Tourist Visit Up 21.57% in July



TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded an increase in foreign tourist arrivals. In the month of July, international arrivals to Indonesia rose 21.57 percent compared to June.

On an annual basis, the number of foreign tourist visits rose 30.85 percent to 1.35 million visits from July 2016's 1.03 million.

BPS chief Suhariyanto said that the sharpest increase was recorded occurred at Adi Sucipto Airport, Yogyakarta with 107.23 percent; followed by Adi Sumarmo Airport in Surakarta with an increase of 79.39 percent.

From the 1.35 million foreign visits, 1.14 million arrived in 19 main gateways.

The biggest tourist influx came from China (PRC) with 214,500 visits, followed by Australia with 117,600 visits, Singapore 109,200, Malaysia 94,400 visits and Japan 48,700 visits.
Tourist arrivals up 21.57 percent in July
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Mon, September 4, 2017 | 03:41 pm
Former United States president Barack Obama (right) waves as he arrives at the Borobudur Buddhist Temple in Magelang, West Java, on June 28. (Antara/Anis Efizudin)
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded a 21.57 percent increase in foreign tourist arrivals in July, to 1.35 million from 1.11 million in the previous month.

The sharpest increases in arrivals occurred at Adi Sucipto International Airport in Yogyakarta (107.23 percent), Adi Sumarno International Airport in Surakarta, Central Java, (79.39 percent) and Sutan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, South Sulawesi (66.16 percent).

“There were a number of events in Yogyakarta and Surakarta that boosted the arrivals,” said BPS head Suhariyanto in Jakarta on Monday.

The agency recorded that 1. 35 million tourists arrived at 19 main gates – 1.13 million were regular tourists, while 75,000 were categorized as specific tourists.

Read also: Wonderful Indonesia takes part in UNWTO Award-Tourism Video Competition
Meanwhile, 208,900 tourists entered Indonesia through other gates, including 170,700 tourists who entered through checkpoints in border areas, while 38,200 tourists entered Indonesia through other gates, including Batam, Riau Islands.

With 214,500 arrivals, China was the largest contributor of tourists, followed by Australia with 117,600, Singapore (109,200), Malaysia (95,400 tourists) and Japan with 48,700 tourists.

The July figure was 30.83 percent higher than the 1.03 million tourists who arrived in the corresponding month of 2016.

The total figure for tourist arrivals from January to July, 2017 amounted to 7.81 million, a 23.53 increase compared with the 6.32 million in the corresponding period last year.

The tourists stayed in Indonesia for 1.89 days in July on average. (bbn)


Indonesia to push capital market instruments for infrastructure financing
  • 115.jpeg

    Anton Hermansyah
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Tue, September 5, 2017 | 02:13 pm

Financial Services Authority (OJK) chairman Wimboh Santoso shakes hands with Finance Minister Sri Mulyani at the Supreme Court after he was sworn in as OJK chairman on July 20. (JP/Dhoni Setiawan)

Indonesia Is On Course for Record Inflows

Foreign investors, used to double-digit returns from Indonesian stocks, are suddenly deserting equities in favor of bonds following a sovereign rating upgrade and the central bank’s signal that it’s open to more interest rate cuts to spur growth.


Overseas funds withdrew more than $2.3 billion from Indonesian equities in the past three months, while investing an additional $9.2 billion in the country’s bonds so far this year, the most since all of 2014, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“It seems that funds are flowing to Indonesia’s bonds, especially after the recent rate cut, while stocks had already risen quite significantly amid the global equity rally,” said Takeshi Yokouchi, a senior fund manager in Tokyo at Daiwa SB Investments Ltd. with the equivalent of about $51 billion in assets. “Investors see Indonesia as a positive destination due to its political stability and fundamental improvements, and for bonds, especially with their higher yields, that scenario hasn’t changed.”

Daiwa SB holds more Indonesian bonds and rupiah in its funds than its model portfolio suggests.

Slower-than-expected inflation in August also supports the case for further interest rate cuts, said Tariq Ali, a Singapore-based investment strategist at Standard Chartered Plc. Bank Indonesia saw room for further easing as inflation for this year and in 2018 is likely to remain “manageable,” Assistant Governor Dody Budi Waluyo said on Aug. 27. The central bank cut its benchmark rate to 4.5 percent on Aug. 22, after lowering borrowing costs six times last year.

The Jakarta Composite Index has rallied 10 percent so far this year and touched an intraday record high on Aug. 24. The measure was valued at 16.6 times of its estimated earnings, ahead of its five-year average of 15.73 times, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The stock benchmark trades at a 17 percent premium to the MSCI Asia Pacific Index.

The $9.2 billion inflows into fixed income assets has helped push the yield of the benchmark 10-year government bond to 6.57 percent, after it reached the lowest since June 2013 on Sept. 5, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Below are views from investors and analysts on what is driving the market moves:

  • Standard Chartered Plc (Tariq Ali, a Singapore-based investment strategist)
    • Indonesian stocks valuations “are expensive relative to their own history and other Asia ex-Japan peers
    • “Local currency bonds are still attractive amid a combination of a decent yield pick-up, extremely low rupiah volatility and another likely Bank Indonesia rate cut”
  • PT Sinarmas Sekuritas (Jeffrosenberg Tan, head of investment strategy)
    • The implied return from investing in equities is now less than that from bond yields
    • Risks from a “weak” economy will also lure more investors to bonds than equities
    • While the pace of growth in Southeast Asia’s largest economy is forecast at just over 5 percent this year, slower than an average 5.7 percent rate over the past decade, it’s still faster than that of its regional peers
  • Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. (Jennifer Kusuma, a Singapore-based senior Asia rates strategist)
    • “The current steady state of the economy is supportive of bonds, arguably over stocks”
    • The rally in bonds “could take a breather following August’s strong performance but the trend should remain intact in the medium term”

Indonesia should focus on manufacturing and high-tech industries

Furthermore, Indonesia needs better connectivity between its Islands via road bridges and ferry/ships services.

Indonesia has a longggg way ahead of it. So best of luck!
Govt allows construction of artificial islands to proceed
  • Agnes Anya
    The Jakarta Post
  • Jakarta | Thu, September 7, 2017 | 10:28 am
An aerial view shows the reclamation of islets C and D in Jakarta Bay, on the Northern Jakarta coast. Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya has said she will soon revoke administrative sactions on PT Kapuk Naga Indah, the developer of the islets. (The Jakarta Post/Rendi A. Witular)
PREMIUMThe government will soon revoke the Jakarta administration’s sanction that halted the construction of man-made islets C and D in the controversial Jakarta Bay reclamation project last year. Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar said her ministry was going to revoke the sanction placed on PT Kapuk Naga Indah (KNI), a subsidiary of Agung Sedayu Group, a property developer. KN...

Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train to Upgrade Existing Tracks as Land Acquisition Deals Falter

The government has prepared to drop its plan for laying new tracks for the impending Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project and instead upgrade existing railway tracks to salvage President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's landmark project.

The $5.1 billion China-backed project has been plagued by chronic land acquisition problems, which has led to a delay of railroad construction for more than a year, and will most likely miss its 2019 deadline.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi held a meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Wednesday (07/09) to discuss the problem, where both parties agreed that clearing land for new tracks was a lost cause.

"It was the vice president's directive to use existing lines," Budi Karya told reporters.

"Using the existing line will be a much faster way to construct the fast train. We do not need to build new stations and the remaining job is to upgrade between 500-800 rail crossings [with elevated tracks]," he added.

In addition, the new plan would cut the cost of building the railway to Rp 50 trillion ($3.75 billion) from Rp 80 trillion, Budi Karya said.

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Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train to Upgrade Existing Tracks as Land Acquisition Deals Falter

The government has prepared to drop its plan for laying new tracks for the impending Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project and instead upgrade existing railway tracks to salvage President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's landmark project.

The $5.1 billion China-backed project has been plagued by chronic land acquisition problems, which has led to a delay of railroad construction for more than a year, and will most likely miss its 2019 deadline.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi held a meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Wednesday (07/09) to discuss the problem, where both parties agreed that clearing land for new tracks was a lost cause.

"It was the vice president's directive to use existing lines," Budi Karya told reporters.

"Using the existing line will be a much faster way to construct the fast train. We do not need to build new stations and the remaining job is to upgrade between 500-800 rail crossings [with elevated tracks]," he added.

In addition, the new plan would cut the cost of building the railway to Rp 50 trillion ($3.75 billion) from Rp 80 trillion, Budi Karya said.


Those sharks need to be punished by any necessary means as they had impending Construction progress
Those sharks need to be punished by any necessary means as they had impending Construction progress

I have my doubt from the very beginning about the possibility of completing Jakarta-Bandung bullet train project in just 3 years time frame. It is just impossible considering how difficult land acquisition process can be. Upgrading existing track sounds more grounded and feasible, cost and time wise.

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Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train to Upgrade Existing Tracks as Land Acquisition Deals Falter

The government has prepared to drop its plan for laying new tracks for the impending Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project and instead upgrade existing railway tracks to salvage President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's landmark project.

The $5.1 billion China-backed project has been plagued by chronic land acquisition problems, which has led to a delay of railroad construction for more than a year, and will most likely miss its 2019 deadline.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi held a meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Wednesday (07/09) to discuss the problem, where both parties agreed that clearing land for new tracks was a lost cause.

"It was the vice president's directive to use existing lines," Budi Karya told reporters.

"Using the existing line will be a much faster way to construct the fast train. We do not need to build new stations and the remaining job is to upgrade between 500-800 rail crossings [with elevated tracks]," he added.

In addition, the new plan would cut the cost of building the railway to Rp 50 trillion ($3.75 billion) from Rp 80 trillion, Budi Karya said.


Fix the tittle, its JAKARTA-SURABAYA, Not Jakarta-Bandung. oh my gosh, you just make me Keringat dingin.
Fix the tittle, its JAKARTA-SURABAYA, Not Jakarta-Bandung. oh my gosh, you just make me Keringat dingin.

Wooot, they changed the title? (even the old link still stated bandung), hmm... I genuinely thought they were trying to move away from the bullet train project.

Edit: Not only they changed the title, they also remove and redirect the old article.. damn...
i'll leave the old article intact, just for the record.

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves increase to US$128.8 billion in August

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves were recorded at US$128.8 billion in August, higher than $127.8 billion in July.

"The rise was especially caused by the foreign exchange income from taxes, the governments part of oil and gas exports, and results of the auction of Bank Indonesia securities in foreign denominations," Agusman, the executive director of Bank Indonesias Communications Department, noted in an official statement received by ANTARA here on Friday.

The foreign exchange income surpassed needs, especially for paying the governments foreign debts and maturity of BI securities in foreign currencies.

Foreign exchange reserves recorded at the end of August were sufficient for paying 8.9 months of imports or 8.6 months of imports and the governments foreign debt payment and was also above the international standard of adequacy, which is at some three months of imports.

Bank Indonesia viewed that the reserves could support the resilience of the external sector and help maintain sustainability of Indonesias future economic growth.

In July, the countrys foreign exchange reserves were also higher than $123.08 billion recorded in the previous month.

The hike recorded in the month was due to foreign exchange income from the issuance of government global bonds, taxes, and the governments part of oil and gas exports, as well as the results of the auction of foreign-denominated Bank Indonesia securities, among others.

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