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dm11 only? those aren't even APFSDS munition. how on earth the leopards going to face neighboring mbt's

Dm 11 is very good for the intended infantry support and urban warfare

The rest still unfolded, most likely we got dm63 too
hope so, note that l/44 120mm rheinmetall doestn't support the use of dm63, but probably dm 43
Second LST after Bintuni



Army ordered two more a larger version of ADRI L, Got 1500 dwt

Not only that, they also plan to acquire 2000 DWT LCU in the future.
Ia mengatakan, saat ini sedang berjalan proses tender penambahan kapal ADRI berdaya angkut 1500 DWT. Kapal besar tersebut mampu menampung delapan tank Leopard, serta satu helikopter. "Diharapkan 2018 sudah beroperasi.
Lebih jauh ke depan, lanjut dia, diharapkan Yonbekang juga memiliki kapal dengan kapasitas daya 2000 DWT. Dengan kapasitas sebesar itu, maka pengangkutan juga lebih efisien karena mampu mengangkut sejumlah alat-alat perang serta pasukan sebanyak satu batalyon atau sekira 700 sampai 1.000 personel. "

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You're right, 2000DWT is too big for LCU.

As of today, the Army operates 12 units ADRI vessel.
1 unit Kapal ADRI 1200 DWT
3 unit Kapal ADRI 1000 DWT
2 unit Kapal ADRI 500 DWT
3 unit Kapal ADRI 300 DWT
3 unit Kapal ADRI 150 DWT

So they want to operate at least seven vessels with tonnages more than 1000 tonnes as part of their amphibious assault capacity building programme before 2018? Our army got means and tools more than several Navies in the region to conduct amphibious assault operation independently
So they want to operate at least seven vessels with tonnages more than 1000 tonnes as part of their amphibious assault capacity building programme before 2018? Our army got means and tools more than several Navies in the region to conduct amphibious assault operation independently
imho amphibious assault is still a marines thing.. the army comes after the beach is secured...
So they want to operate at least seven vessels with tonnages more than 1000 tonnes as part of their amphibious assault capacity building programme before 2018? Our army got means and tools more than several Navies in the region to conduct amphibious assault operation independently

If the army keep adding heavy armored assets into their inventory, no doubt they'll end up getting more and more amphibious landing ships with bigger and better capability. The planned 2000DWT LST is quite similar in size with the biggest LST owned by the navy, KRI Teluk Bintuni.

imho amphibious assault is still a marines thing.. the army comes after the beach is secured...

With their amphibious capability, the army can move in sync behind marines in amphibious assault waves. So we can strike hard and fast.
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