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Indonesia Defence Forum

71th TNI Birthday ceremony from Aceh, Jakarta, and Bali province.

Credit : Airmen Twitter @TNI_AU

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Aceh province

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Jakarta province

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Bali province

The Indonesian Armed Forces / TNI has been a staunch supporter of anti illegal-logging, anti illegal-fishing, and anti wildlife poaching in Indonesia. This beautiful elephant - with that beautiful tusk - seems to offer a tribute to a TNI officer on-behalf of Indonesia's wildlife . I love this picture.
Edited B&W pic of the Indonesian Army Leopard 2RI MBT. Original pic by Ardhito Hadyan Ramadhan.



Target drone

Su 30MK2i, T-50i, Hawk 209, SuperTucano, Uav Aerostar

Super Puma and EC 725 in SAR action

View from inside

Super puma presidential and VVIP chopper

Su 27/30 TNI AU showing its armament

Su 30 MK2i take off

Oerlickon skyshield in action




Rustem Khamitov has met with Ambassador of Indonesia to Russia Mohammad Wahid Supriyadi

UFA, 6 October 2016. /Bashinform News Agency, Alexander Smirnov/. On October 5, the Head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia in the Russian Federation Mohammad Wahid Supriyadi at the House of the Republic. The sides discussed prospects of cooperation in the industrial, trade, economic, scientific and cultural spheres.

“We have joined this work on establishing relations with the regions of Indonesia at the republican level. The first contacts with the province of West Java are now considered. We should be more active in establishing the relationship between our countries business”, said Rustem Khamitov.

According to the Head of the Republic, the cooperation can be developed in the field of oil production, oil refining, mechanical engineering, mining, and agriculture.

“In addition, we need to establish cultural and humanitarian cooperation. We need to discuss the issues of education, training students from Indonesia in our universities, and vice versa,” Rustem Khamitov said.

Speaking about cooperation in the sphere of industry, the Indonesian Ambassador said that currently negotiations on purchasing eight aircrafts Su-35 were conducted, which engines were assembled in Ufa.

“Also, we would like to purchase helicopters in Russia. In West Java there are a lot of islands, there is a high demand for them,” said Mohammad Wahid Supriyadi.

The Indonesian Ambassador also said that during his visit to Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, a possibility of cooperation with the Technical University in Bandung, West Java's capital was discussed.

“We can start cooperation with signing of an agreement between the chambers of commerce of our regions. Then we can proceed to education, to collaborate in this sphere. And in the future we can enter into an agreement between the two regions. This issue will be discussed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow”, said Mohammad Wahid Supriyadi. “As a result of our meeting, we will prepare an official letter addressed to the Governor of West Java. We will indicate those interesting aspects in it, on which we can establish friendly ties.”

The volume of foreign trade turnover of Bashkortostan with Indonesia amounted to US $ 1.5 million in 2015, with the bulk of this amount accounted for exports.

Among the exported products from Bashkortostan there is synthetic rubber, crude sulfur, turbojet engines and monophenols. The main import positions are leather products, hardware, garments and other products.

The Indonesian Armed Forces / TNI has been a staunch supporter of anti illegal-logging, anti illegal-fishing, and anti wildlife poaching in Indonesia. This beautiful elephant - with that beautiful tusk - seems to offer a tribute to a TNI officer on-behalf of Indonesia's wildlife . I love this picture.

Just added what you missing hehe...TNI also support the The Indonesias Ministry of Environment and Forestry for routine patrol with anti fireforest taskforce and also become firefigthers in peatlands of Sumatera and Kalimantan.
Indonesia's PT Pindad secures funds to upgrade production facilities
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
06 October 2016

State-owned Indonesian firm PT Pindad, a land systems specialist, has said it will modernise some of its production facilities to meet growing demands from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI).

The state-funded modernisation programme will focus on building new manufacturing units as well as upgrading some existing plants, according to a statement from the Bandung-based company on 5 October.

State funding will support the construction of production lines for small- and large-calibre munitions and the further development of production facilities for military vehicles and weapons, said PT Pindad's newly appointed president, Abraham Mose, in the statement.

Efforts to develop new products will also receive funding.

New fighter jets to boost Kupang airbase security
Jumat, 7 Oktober 2016 08:40 WIB | 888 Views

Kupang, E Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - Four Sukhoi-type fighter jets will soon be stationed at El Tari airbase in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), to help support security operations in the eastern region.

"Right now, we are still building a new hangar to accommodate the arrival of several Sukhoi planes in NTT," Chief of the El Tari airbase Col. Jorry S. Koloay said here on Thursday.

He explained that the development of the hangar at El Tari is a five-year-long program introduced by the Defense Forces (TNI) headquarters.

In addition to the defense system equipment, a number of personnel will also be added to the airbase to maintain the aircraft, he remarked.

Col. Koloay said the decision to station a number of fighter jets in the capital of NTT was made in view of the position of the province, which borders two foreign countries, Timor Leste and Australia.

"We border Timor Leste and Australia and the province has a lot of small outlying islands, so the presence of these war planes will help secure these areas," he noted.

He said TNI headquarters hoped the El Tari airbase would become the main air base for the countrys southern region.

Apart from stationing the Sukhois and employing more personnel, air defense in NTT will continue to be enhanced, Koloay stated, adding that the TNI plans to build a radar unit in Southwest Sumba to ensure full coverage for air defense in NTT and West Nusa Tenggara.

"To make El Tari an airbase in the southern part of Indonesia, a radar unit must also be built in NTT," the former commander of the Sam Ratulangi airbase in Manado, North Sulawesi, remarked.(*)


just a token force .........

President to visit Natuna to attend TNI anniversary event
Rabu, 5 Oktober 2016 22:42 WIB | 793 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo will visit Natuna in the Riau Islands province on Thursday to attend an event to mark the anniversary of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said here on Wednesday.

The TNI anniversary this year would be marked in a different way than usual, he stated.

"The TNI anniversary events series will be marked differently. There will be a discussion between the TNI commander and the President. Besides, the President will attend several events to be held in various regions," he added.

President Joko Widodo will visit Natuna, an archipelago region in the countrys northern most in the Karimata strait directly bordering Vietnam and Cambodia.

Various activities related to the TNI anniversary will be organized, including an air show in the South China Sea, he observed.

"Tomorrow, in Natuna, an air show will be held to show that Indonesia, as a big, maritime and archipelago country, has a strong air force," he noted.

He underlined that the event would not only be a mere formality. "The President as the supreme commander must personally know the state of development of all branches of the defense forces - the navy, the air force and the army," he concluded.(*)


Indonesia air force holds its largest military exercise in South China Sea


Indonesian Air Force Sukhoi fighter jets land after training for an upcoming military exercise at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia October 3, 2016 in this photo taken by Antara Foto. Picture taken October 3, 2016. Antara Foto/M N Kanwa/ viaREUTERS


Indonesian Air Force Sukhoi fighter pilots and crew walk across the tarmac after training for an upcoming military exercise at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia October 3, 2016 in this photo taken by Antara Foto. Picture taken October 3, 2016. Antara Foto/M N Kanwa/ via REUTERS

Indonesia's air force is holding its largest military exercise this week, near some of its islands in the South China Sea, in a show of sovereignty over the gas-rich area on the fringe of territory claimed by China, officials said on Tuesday.

President Joko Widodo in June launched an unprecedented campaign to bolster fishing, oil exploration and defense facilities around the Natuna island chain after a series of face-offs between the Indonesian navy and Chinese fishing boats.

China, while not disputing Indonesia's clams to the Natuna islands, has raised Indonesian anger by saying the two countries had "over-lapping claims" to waters near them, an area Indonesia calls the Natuna Sea.

"We want to show our existence in the area. We have a good enough air force to act as a deterrent," said Jemi Trisonjaya, spokesman for Indonesia's air force.

More than 2,000 air force personnel were taking part in the two-week long exercise, which includes the deployment of Indonesia's fleet of Russian Sukhoi and F-16 fighter jets, he said.

Other branches of the Indonesian armed forces are not taking part in exercise, which ends on Thursday.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, where about $5 trillion worth of trade passes every year. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims.

While Indonesia is not part of the dispute over claims in the South China Sea, it objects to China's inclusion of waters around the Natuna Islands within its "nine-dash line", a demarcation line used by China to show its claims in the sea.

(Reporting by Agustinus Beo Da Costa; Writing by Randy Fabi; Editing by Robert Birsel)



Puncak Latpur Angkasa Yudha 2016 Di NatunaSebanyak 100 prajurit Korps Pasukan Khas TNI AU (Korpaskhasau) terjun dari pesawat angkut Hercules pada puncak Latihan Tempur Angkasa Yudha 2016 di Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, Kamis (6/10/2016). Sebanyak delapan pesawat tempur Sukhoi Skadron 11, 13 pesawat F-16 Skadron 3 dan 16, delapan T-50i Skadron 8, 11 Hawk Skadron 1 dan 12, delapan pesawat tempur EMB-314 Super Tucano Skadron 21 serta beberapa pesawat angkut seperti Hercules dan helikopter diikutkan pada puncak latihan tempur Angkasa Yudha 2016 di Natuna dalam rangka sosialisasi dan memperkuat kemampuan masing-masing skuadron untuk meningkatkan kesiagaan dan pengawasan wilayah perbatasan khususnya di Kepulauan Riau. (ANTARA/M N Kanwa)


Puncak Latpur Angkasa Yudha 2016 Di NatunaPilot mengoperasikan helikopter NAS 332 Skadron 6 guna mengevakuasi seorang pilot yang pesawatnya tertembak dalam puncak Latihan Tempur Angkasa Yudha 2016 di Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, Kamis (6/10/2016). Sebanyak delapan pesawat tempur Sukhoi Skadron 11, 13 pesawat F-16 Skadron 3 dan 16, delapan T-50i Skadron 8, 11 Hawk Skadron 1 dan 12, delapan pesawat tempur EMB-314 Super Tucano Skadron 21 serta beberapa pesawat angkut seperti Hercules dan helikopter diikutkan pada puncak latihan tempur Angkasa Yudha 2016 di Natuna dalam rangka sosialisasi dan memperkuat kemampuan masing-masing skuadron untuk meningkatkan kesiagaan dan pengawasan wilayah perbatasan khususnya di Kepulauan Riau. (ANTARA/M N Kanwa)


HUT Ke-71 TNI Di JakartaPrajurit TNI bersiap mengikuti upacara peringatan HUT ke-71 TNI di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta, Rabu (5/10/2016). Dalam kesempatan tersebut Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo berpesan agar TNI selalu dekat dan hidup berdampingan dengan rakyat. (ANTARA/M Agung Rajasa)


HUT Ke-71 TNI Di AcehDua ekor gajah putih ditungangi pawang berjalan melintasi arena pengunjung saat perayaan HUT ke-71 TNI di Banda Aceh, Aceh, Rabu (5/10/2016). Peringatan HUT TNI di Aceh dimeriahkan berbagai atraksi dan pementasan. (ANTARA/Ampelsa)


Pemusnahan SenjataRatusan senjata hasil temuan dan penyerahan masyarakat selama tahun 2016 dipamerkan sebelum dimusnahkan saat upacara peringatan HUT ke-71 TNI di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Maluku, Rabu (5/10/2016). Ratusan senjata tersebut terdiri dari 128 pucuk senjata rakitan laras panjang, 83 pucuk senjata rakitan laras pendek, 39 pucuk senjata standart laras panjang dan 38 pucuk senjata standart laras pendek. (ANTARA/izaac mulyawan)


Tafisa Games 2016Gubernur Maluku Said Assagaff (tengah) melakukan pemotongan senjata hasil temuan dan penyerahan masyarakat selama tahun 2016 disela-sela upacara peringatan HUT ke-71 TNI di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Maluku, Rabu (5/10/2016). Ratusan senjata tersebut terdiri dari 128 pucuk senjata rakitan laras panjang, 83 pucuk senjata rakitan laras pendek, 39 pucuk senjata standart laras panjang dan 38 pucuk senjata standart laras pendek. (ANTARA/izaac mulyawan)


Ratusan senjata hasil temuan dan penyerahan masyarakat selama tahun 2016 dipamerkan sebelum dimusnahkan saat upacara peringatan HUT ke-71 TNI di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Maluku, Rabu (5/10/2016). Ratusan senjata tersebut terdiri dari 128 pucuk senjata rakitan laras panjang, 83 pucuk senjata rakitan laras pendek, 39 pucuk senjata standart laras panjang dan 38 pucuk senjata standart laras pendek. (ANTARA/izaac mulyawan)
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