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France Ready to Give RI Technology Transfer

Dassault Aviation Rafale (all photos : Okezone)

France asserted on Wednesday that it was willing to provide an industrial cooperation with Indonesia should the Dassault Rafale jet fighter be selected to modernize the Indonesian Air Force.

French Ambassador to Indonesia Corinne Breuzé said that France was open to all cooperation possibilities involving French aircraft maker Dassault Aviation and state-owned aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI).

“With the support of the French government, Dassault is open to any possibility of partnerships and transfer technology,” she said in a prepared statement.

Other than technology transfer, she said that being 100 percent French, the Rafale would allow its users independence. “It is designed with Safran/Snecma for the engine, Thales for the avionics and MBDA for the armament,” she said.

Breuzé was speaking at an event to introduce the French jet fighter to the Indonesian public, at the Halim Perdanakusuma Air Force Base in East Jakarta.

She said that the decision to bring the Rafale to Jakarta, despite a high level of operational engagement especially in Iraq, was made by the French defense minister and air force following a courtesy call from Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu, who met his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian on March 10.

Ryamizard also visited the Rafale’s assembly line in Bordeaux-Merignac during the March visit.

Two Rafale jet fighters, a Rafale B double-seater and a Rafale C single-seater, arrived on Monday from the just-concluded 2015 Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition in Malaysia.

On Tuesday, the jet fighters performed three flights for Indonesian Air Force pilots who flew on the Rafale B, taking the back seat.

There was also a solo aerobatic display performed by Capt. Benoit Blanche of the French Air Force.

The Rafale is a latecomer in the competition to replace the aging American-made F-5 E/F Tiger II operated by the Indonesian Air Force.

The French jet fighter is facing tough competition, locking horns with a stable of other contenders including the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-35, American-made F-16 Block 60, Swedish-made Saab JAS-39 Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon, a collaboration between Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.

The Indonesian Air Force has repeatedly said it prefers the Su-35, the latest iteration of the Flanker family of jet fighters, although the final decision will be made by the Defense Ministry.

Meanwhile, Dassault Aviation executive vice president for America, Africa and Asia military sales JPHP Chabriol told The Jakarta Post that the best example of French will to transfer technology was India, which selected the Rafale.

He said that from an order of 126 units, 18 were supposed to be produced in France and the rest to be produced locally by Indian industries through progressive transfer of technology.

“From French authorities’ point of view as well as from French industry, there is no limitation to transfer technologies of the Rafale to friendly foreign countries,” he said.

“The only constraints we have are linked to the budgetary aspect, good sense and cost efficiency.”

He said Dassault and all associated French companies were quite open to discussions with Indonesian actors to set up a program that suited Indonesian requirements.

“We are not imposing anything; we are ready for discussion to define what is the optimized scheme of transfer of technology in the framework of the Rafale bid,” Chabriol said.

Other than technology transfer, Chabriol emphasized that Indonesia would get total independence if it selected the Rafale because, as it is a 100-percent French product, Indonesia would not have to deal with a third party.

Another advantage of buying the Rafale, he added, was that it could be deployed with very minimal logistical support.

(The Jakarta Post)
F 16 Block 60 is a big no no no, we cannot shoot Singapore and Australia fighter with those planes :devil:

IFF ( Identification on Foe and Friend)


You do have huge private collection on this, I hope your wife doesnt know that particular file on your computer .... :D
F 16 Block 60 is a big no no no, we cannot shoot Singapore and Australia fighter with those planes :devil:

IFF ( Identification on Foe and Friend)


You do have huge private collection on this, I hope your wife doesnt know that particular file on your computer .... :D

Its not IFF because we cannot shoot them but they can shoot us I think.
Its not IFF because we cannot shoot them but they can shoot us I think.

Yup, correct....thats why........

Turkey has changed their F-16 IFF system ( 2011) using ASELSAN help, so they can take down Israeli planes now......

Our political bargain will be weak toward those nations if we choose F 16 block 60. As our Refurbished F-16 block 52 just for stop gap before replacing all of them into KFX/IFX
PT. Pindad (Persero) - Home

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Bulletin

Indonesian PT PINDAD had confirmed their cooperation with SAAB Dynamics to developt a medium range SAM system in which the basic system is developed from the reliable product of SAAB RBS-70 Point Defense system.


i am always had a suspicion if our flanker is actually numbered for more than 16


two 03?

:o: @Indos @pr1v4t33r @baukiki88 @nufix @Reashot Xigwin anyone can explained this?
Another Good News :D

I am quite satisfied with this Pindad confirmation :cool:

Regarding these double number, maybe it is just a disinformation tactic :dirol:
PT. Pindad (Persero) - Home

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Bulletin

Indonesian PT PINDAD had confirmed their cooperation with SAAB Dynamics to developt a medium range SAM system in which the basic system is developed from the reliable product of SAAB RBS-70 Point Defense system.

View attachment 208072

i am always had a suspicion if our flanker is actually numbered for more than 16


two 03?

:o: @Indos @pr1v4t33r @baukiki88 @nufix @Reashot Xigwin anyone can explained this?

One is 2703 the other is 3003. They have different canopy.

Any photos for 2701,02, 3001,02 not older than 5 yrs. If you notice, we never see 2701,02 3001,02 during event or show. many said they have been grounded since 2008 due to baaad condition.
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Yup, correct....thats why........

Turkey has changed their F-16 IFF system ( 2011) using ASELSAN help, so they can take down Israeli planes now......

Our political bargain will be weak toward those nations if we choose F 16 block 60. As our Refurbished F-16 block 52 just for stop gap before replacing all of them into KFX/IFX

We should modified our F 16 same as turkey. This plane will still in good cond even at 2030.

Yeah, and you are the official messenger here :ph34r:

I hope we have double planes on every number though , so we are actually having 32 Su 27/30, we just dont want Singapore to add more fighters if they know the actual number, thats why we hide the other half :sarcastic:
Different type maybe? Su27-Su3
(kl punya B2 atau Blackbird wajar diumpetin, cuma Sukro seri MK2 aja pake diumpet-umpetin) :P
Yeah, and you are the official messenger here :ph34r:

I hope we have double planes on every number though , so we are actually having 32 Su 27/30, we just dont want Singapore to add more fighters if they know the actual number, thats why we hide the other half :sarcastic:
I think for Sukhoi they dont hide. But For kilos and S300 I think they hide. Deagel reports that we have 2 kilos Sub
N219 modern glass cockpit design
With modern design, yet low investment and operational cost, plus large GAF nomad population in asean that this plane intended to replace, N219 can be a success story for PT. DI once sertification process and production phase rolled out next year.


Nomad cockpit


N219 cabin design

Nomad cabin


N219 military & civilian version


GAF Nomad


N219 technology demonstrator

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Korean like to eat sambal? I doubt that. Some people say it smells like dead rotten rats. Real original sambal must contain TERASI . you know what is terasi ?? just to give you an idea, Kim chi smell Fresh Terasi smells Rotten.

I had sambal oelek, not the original sambal. I had it with steamed rice and chicken. It wasn't anything special, just a regular meal. It did two things for this Korean. This Korean's mouth was on fire and it made him full. :partay:

Even if sambal terasi smells really bad, I would like to try it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't eat it again. Simple as that! Nothing personal against the sambal terasi or the Indonesian people. Whoever told you that sambal smelled like dead rotten rats was insecure about their own culture and they wanted to say an insult about Indonesian culture to make themselves feel important. Those people that compared sambal to "dead rotten rats" needed to shut the fvck up if they didn't like it.

If we Koreans have spicy food like Kimchi, there is 98 percent chance that we will look for foreign spicy foods like sambal. Just want to make that clear. :)
I had sambal oelek, not the original sambal. I had it with steamed rice and chicken. It wasn't anything special, just a regular meal. It did two things for this Korean. This Korean's mouth was on fire and it made him full. :partay:

Even if sambal terasi smells really bad, I would like to try it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't eat it again. Simple as that! Nothing personal against the sambal terasi or the Indonesian people. Whoever told you that sambal smelled like dead rotten rats was insecure about their own culture and they wanted to say an insult about Indonesian culture to make themselves feel important. Those people that compared sambal to "dead rotten rats" needed to shut the fvck up if they didn't like it.

If we Koreans have spicy food like Kimchi, there is 98 percent chance that we will look for foreign spicy foods like sambal. Just want to make that clear. :)

i would reccomend you for sambal terasi, the terasi itself is just an ingredient although smell awful more like a rotten socks from office worker but the smell of the sambal terasi is actually good when all of the ingredients mixed together and good cooked properly. For the sambal itself much better to eat it with rice, some fried chicken, tempe goreng and fresh vegetables leaves.

Geospatial Information Agency to verify 3,000 Indonesian islands
Jumat, 27 Maret 2015 21:05 WIB | 678 Views

Priyadi Kardono. (ANTARA)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Geospatial Information Agency will verify some 3,000 unnamed islands in Indonesia and put their coordinate on the map.

"Therefore, the official number of our islands may increase from 13,466 to around 17,000," Head of Indonesia Geospatial Information Agency Dr. Priyadi Kardono said here Friday, after a coordination meeting with the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry officials.

The archipelago country is said to have some 17,000 islands, but Geospatial Information Agency has done the verification of only 13,466 islands so far.

Around 3 thousand islands still need to be verified and named.

Kardono remarked that Indonesia has the most number of islands in the world and has the second longest coastline after Canada.

According to the agency, the length of Indonesian coastline has increased from some 91,000 kilometers to 99,093 kilometers after the latest verification process using a 1:250,000 scale.

The length of the coastline may increase further if the agency conducts the mapping using a scale of 1:25,000 for Java and Bali and 1:50,000 for Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua.

"With the mapping of all the coastal areas using more detailed scales, the length of Indonesian coastline may increase to 100 thousand kilometers," Kardono explained.

During the coordination meeting, the officials of Geospatial Information Agency and the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry signed a Memorandum of Understanding for utilizing geospatial information, such as the map of fish, coral, and mangrove distribution, for the management of marine and fisheries natural resources.

"As part of a plan to develop 24 major harbors, the agency will map the Indonesian coastal areas using a very detailed scale of 1:10,000," Kardono revealed.

The mapping is expected to finish in seven months and will involve the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, and Hydro-Oceanography Office. It is estimated to cost two billion rupiah per location.

On the occasion, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti noted that although Indonesia has the longest coastline, it only ranks fifth in seafood exports in the South Asian region. The Philippines is ranked number one.

(Reporting by Dewanti Lestari/Uu.A059/INE/KR-BSR/F001)

Geospatial Information Agency to verify 3,000 Indonesian islands - ANTARA News

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