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Indonesia Defence Forum

Haha it sure is, Jakarta has the shittiest traffic between Indonesian cities as the result of relatively cheap oil prices and low vehicle credits, even people from lower class may have cars. No, Indonesia is not planning to be a hub for Korean weaponry, but Korean strategic industries will open their branch in Jakarta and Surabaya.

OK so this just to benefit the Indonesia Military we are following your country's led but it would take us longer because we sold all our facilities in 90s especially the shipyards and factories poor economic planing but we are creating facilities now we are no even planning to hubs for ships and planes in SEA but this just planning some are still in paper.

On a lighter side ya your right about Jakarta traffic but it made me feel home the language is different but Indonesia made me fill at home same sound same traffic problem well my country is traffic is a little better 1 -2 hours Philippine traffic compare to 3-5 hours Indonesian traffic and its was Ramadan people were just going to pray. Great country nice beaches etc.
OK so this just to benefit the Indonesia Military we are following your country's led but it would take us longer because we sold all our facilities in 90s especially the shipyards and factories poor economic planing but we are creating facilities now we are no even planning to hubs for ships and planes in SEA but this just planning some are still in paper.

Why did your country sell those strategic facilities? Subic bay shipyards are one of the biggest shipyards in the world right? Hubs for planes. are you also planning on building aircraft manufacturing facilities?
RI to Purchase Three Frigates from Britain
17 Jan 2013 10:15:55| News in English | Penulis : Supervisor


Jakarta - The Indonesian government, through the ministry of defense will purchase three multi-role light frigates from Britain, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said.

"The purchase of the armament system from Britain will include the transfer of technology (TOT) so that Indonesia would be able to develop the same system," Purnomo said after receiving British Defense Minister Philip Hammond here on Wednesday.

The Indonesian defense minister has yet to decide when the purchase will be realized because it is still in the planning stage.

He said that Indonesia would send a team first to look at the sea ship's specification.

Purnomo said that the courtesy call made by Minister Philip Hammond at his office was part of the efforts to strengthen relations of both nations which had been well established since a long time ago.

The visit was to follow up the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Indonesia and Britain in London on November 1, 2012.

In the meantime, Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin said the meeting between the two defense ministers was held to strengthen the two nations' cooperation in the defense sector, which covered among others the purchase of armament system and military exercises.

He said that in 2013 a total of Rp81 trillion of budget was allocated for the Indonesian defense ministry. (*)

RI to Purchase Three Frigates from Britain | ANTARA JATIM : Portal Berita Daerah Jawa Timur
Indonesia needs to develop its Air Force and should have at least 250 4.5 generation Planes F-16 or SU -30 or 35 and some other planes
Sir among those planes only good ones are the F-16 I am talking about Figther Planes of the level of F-16

Then, it will have to wait the parliamentary session whether to develop the military simultaneously massive or not. And say we finally decided to develop the air force massively, who's gonna be the enemy? Building a big offensive force will destabilize the current peaceful situation in S.E.A, as it may turn to be an arm race.
Indonesia's Deputy Defence Minister calls on Ng Eng Hen
Posted: 18 January 2013 1834 hrs


Indonesian Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant-General (Rtd) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin shakes hands with Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen at the Ministry of Defence. (Photo: MINDEF)

SINGAPORE: Indonesia's Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant-General (LG) (Rtd) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin called on Singapore's Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen at the Ministry of Defence on Friday.

LG (Rtd) Sjafrie, who is in Singapore for an official visit from January 17 to January 19, also met Senior Minister of State for Defence Chan Chun Sing.

He visited Headquarters Armour at Sungei Gedong Camp in the afternoon.

Singapore's Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said his visit underscores the close and longstanding defence ties between Singapore and Indonesia.

The Singapore Armed Forces and the Indonesian National Defence Forces interact regularly through exercises, visits, professional exchanges and courses.

MINDEF said these mutually beneficial interactions have enhanced the professionalism and camaraderie between the two militaries.

- CNA/xq

Indonesia's Deputy Defence Minister calls on Ng Eng Hen - Channel NewsAsia
Why did your country sell those strategic facilities? Subic bay shipyards are one of the biggest shipyards in the world right? Hubs for planes. are you also planning on building aircraft manufacturing facilities?

No Subic was an American rent base am talking about our old Aircraft factories (but one survived the government owned PACC but they just make parts now for both civilian and military but still too small to make anything) both private and public and our limited but promising shipyards in our central island group all of which are private that would have been a great help to both the military and the civilian market but after the 90s more specifically the 1997 Asia crisis this factories just can't recover they sold it to foreigners or just simply close down or move out of the country.

But know starting from early 2000s shipbuilding has made comeback little by little just recently just last mouth we are opening new shipyard in Cebu i think it was Australian Shipbuilding company now along the Japanese and Korean shipbuilding companies here and the little Filipino companies who are just too stubborn to give in, In fact one of our transport ship the BRP Tagbanua in the Navy was made by one of our remaining filipino ship building companies (forgot the Names of the two) along with our new ships the MPAC and the BRP Del Pillar so i had new hope for the Philippine Industries i hope our Aerospace follows suit that's why am so impress with your country you people manage to preserve your Industries while we lost ours now were stating at the beginning again thank god they protected our national arsenal now they are jumping from Ammunition to repair of weapons to mass production of weapons which great news for us more money on other things.
Russia Buys Its Way In


President SBY & Putin shakes hand during the G-20 meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico.

January 6, 2013: A Russian bank will handle a $400 million loan to Indonesia for the purchase of six more Su-30 jet fighters. The Russian government is guaranteeing the seven year loan. Indonesia agreed to this purchase a year ago but sorting out details delayed closing the contract until recently. Indonesia already has ten Su-27s and Su-30s but wants at least 16 of these modern aircraft, so they will have a full squadron. Although expensive, the Russian fighters are modern and look great. They are also relatively cheap to maintain.

This was all part of a plan to switch from American fighters (ten F-16s and 16 F-5s) to Russian Su-27s and 30s. But used F-16s are so much cheaper than Su-27s, and the public pressure forced the Indonesian politicians to hang on to the F-16s and upgrade existing F-16s, an expensive proposition that appeals to corrupt Indonesian officials.

Although Indonesia originally wanted to buy 180 Su-27 and Su-30 fighters from Russia, they found that there was not enough money for that and are now rebuilding their older force of early model F-16s. In addition, Indonesia has ordered 24 used, but modernized, F-16Cs for $31 million each. The ten older F-16s will also be modernized to the same standard.

Indonesian Air force generals opposed the acquisition of the F-16s because they fear this will lead to a reduction in the procurement of new Russian fighters. The generals believe the Russian fighters are a better match for the F-18Es and MiG-29s that neighboring Malaysia is acquiring and the F-35s that Australia is buying. But the F-16s have a proven combat record that the Su-27s and Su-30s lack.

Six years ago Russia broke into the Indonesian market by guaranteeing a billion dollars in loans so Indonesia could purchase eight Su-30 fighters, two submarines, and four Mi-26 assault helicopters over five years. The U.S. had not sold weapons to Indonesia for a while because of human rights issues. The Russians stepped in with low prices, immediate delivery, and, most importantly, attractive credit terms. Many Indonesian military leaders preferred Western equipment and that attitude proved a constant obstacle to additional Russian sales. But the Russians have their foot in the door and will use easy credit and fast delivery to remain competitive.

Procurement: Russia Buys Its Way In
Indonesia Negotiating Purchase Of Warships From Britain
Ezra Sihite | January 21, 2013


Indonesia has sent a team to London to negotiate the purchase of warships from Britain, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said over the weekend, several days after meeting with his British counterpart Philip Hammond in Jakarta.

Purnomo said Indonesia is interested in buying three frigates from Britain in a bid to modernize the country’s naval fleet. “We are still negotiating the prices,” he said.

The team has checked the ships several times already and is satisfied with them, Purnomo said. “The problem is we have our budget ceiling. That’s why must have the ships within our ceiling.”

Purnomo added that the agreement on the purchase was conducted on a transfer-of-technology basis as Indonesia was aiming to produce its own similar ships in the future.

Purnomo said that he conveyed Indonesia’s intention to purchase the ships during his meeting with Hammond on Wednesday.

Hammond told the Financial Times recently that he was hopeful that defense sales could form a key part of last year’s pledge by British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to double bilateral trade by 2015.

He added, however, that as Indonesia sought to strengthen its military industry, its military contractors would have to incorporate more local production and the transfer of technology.

“The days of bashing metal in the northwest of England, crating it up and shipping it off are over,” Hammond told the paper. “What people want to buy is the technology transfer and partnership but with local production, leveraging lower local production costs and also building an indigenous capability.”

Indonesia has already sealed contracts with the British defense industry on supply of parts for Hawk jets and Scorpion battle tanks.

During their meeting on Wednesday, Hammond and Purnomo discussed defense training and defense system procurement. “Some of our equipment is from Britain, and we hope to share experience in that field,” Purnomo said.

Yudhoyono and Cameron sealed a defense deal that would boost cooperation in research and development, investment and production.

Yudhoyono told a seminar at London’s Royal College for Defense Studies last year that Indonesia would continue to modernize its defense. He said he was happy that Britain is assisting in that area.

After last week’s meeting, Purnomo said that Indonesia would consider emulating Britain’s army reserve.

Indonesia Negotiating Purchase Of Warships From Britain | The Jakarta Globe
The establishment of the (KOMARTENG) Central Area Fleet will be finished in 2014
January 23, 2013


Fleet Command Headquarters of the Republic of Indonesia Central Region will be based in Surabaya, East Fleet will be stationed in Sorong, West Papua, Western Fleet will temporarily remain stationed in Jakarta. (Photo: TNI AL)

Jakarta - TNI Navy plan to form a Central Region fleet will be completed in 2014, but until now the Navy is still awaiting approval from the President related attestation revising of Presidential Decree Number 10 of 2010 on military organizational structures.

"Once the regulation is approved, we will immediately begun building the fleet infrastructure. Quite possibly realized in 2014," said Chief of Navy Information Office (Kadispenal) First Admiral TNI Untung Suropati on Wednesday.

Yet adoption of regulation, assessed because there are some proposals that are pending. However, most of the proposals have been approved by the TNI Commander Admiral Agus Suhartono.

According to him, Fleet Command Headquarters RI Central Region will be placed in Surabaya which is currently the headquarters of the Eastern Fleet Command RI (Armatim), while Armatim will be placed in Sorong, West Papua.

Surabaya is also the headquarters of Sea Defence Command (Kohanla) will be placed. The existence of three fleets, he said, allowing the establishment of Kohanla to be in charge of the three fleets. While the Indonesian Fleet Command West Region (Armabar) will be temporarily stationed in Jakarta.

"We plan, the headquarters will be centered in the middle, in Surabaya," he said.

Untung added, needed to build a fleet of at least two to three years, where infrastructure development is the most time consuming.


Navy Fleet distribution plan (Image: TNI AL)

Chief of Staff of the Navy (KSAL) Vice Admiral TNI previous Marsetio expect the formation of Sea Defence Command (Kohanla) may be approved by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"The formation of Kohanla has been approved by the Armed Forces Commander and already described. Hopefully soon the Kohanla establishment will be approved," said Marsetio.

According to him, the establishment Kohanla need to be equipped with a revised Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 10/2010 on the TNI Organization for infrastructure development for Armada RI Central Region.

Kohanla formation will be in charge of the three fleets, namely the Western Fleet, Central Fleet and the East Fleet, instead of the Western Fleet and the Eastern Fleet like today.
Marsetio said Kohanla infrastructure gradually be finalized, including in the 2013 budget.

To target Kohanla formation itself, plus KSAL, subject to the approval regulation and TNI commander's decision, but of course also depends on the budget allocation.

Development of posture will be followed by the rank strata. To be led by a 3 star Admiral or Vice Admiral (Laksdya). While for each fleet led by 2 star Admiral or Admiral (Rear Admiral).

Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives Defence Susaningtyas Nefo Handayani Kertopati, believes the establishment of Marine Defense Command (Kohanla) are just waiting for the approval of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is very important, given the vast sea area of Indonesia.

"At this time of 17,499 islands are owned by Indonesia, there are 92 outermost islands and 12 islands of which are strategic islands scattered along the borders with neighboring countries, and is used as the outer boundary points (base points) measurements with state boundaries of neighboring countries, "said Susaningtyas.

Related to the function of defense and state security, said a member of the House of Hanura Party, the position of the outer islands of the archipelago is "Porch" that needs to be monitored and supervised. (*)

Pembentukan Armada Kawasan Tengah Selesai 2014 | ANTARA JATIM : Portal Berita Daerah Jawa Timur
First C-130H being readied for Indonesia
3:50 pm, Thursday January 24 2013


A97-006 is the first H-model to be prepared for transfer to Indonesia. (Josh Williams)

The first former RAAF C-130H is being prepared for transfer to the Indonesian air force.

Photographed by H-model fan Joshua Williams at RAAF Base Richmond, A97-006 was seen departing the base on a test flight following deep-level maintenance. With evidence of significant work having been performed on the aircraft by Qantas Defence Services, it is believed -006 was the last aircraft to go through deep level maintenance under the existing contract between Defence and QDS. The aircraft was subsequently flown to Townsville for repainting.

A Defence spokesperson told Australian Aviation: “A97-006 is expected to be the first aircraft to be transferred to Indonesia, following completion of deeper level maintenance servicing and other activities, as well as finalisation of transfer arrangements between the governments of Australian and Indonesia.”


First C-130H being readied for Indonesia | Australian Aviation Magazine

THX for the Bird Australia :yahoo:
Indonesia has long been training Cambodian troops

These unit was seen in Thai-Cambodia border conflict.



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I personally didn't like those used C-130.
IMO it make us look like a second class air force :crazy_pilot:
I personally didn't like those used C-130.
IMO it make us look like a second class air force :crazy_pilot:

Then find us a president like Soekarno, so the government will have political will to build our air military massively. Our military spending is too low compared to other countries with similar GDP like South Korea or Turkey.
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