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Indonesia Defence Forum

I am quite wonder, M113 is quite cheap to be operated, their maintainance is easy and their gasoline consumptions is relatively on low order. And their number is very large, made them very cheap (sometimes free to get ones). Why bother for simulator ....
DSME win, end case

Kapal selam yang diproduksi PT PAL gunakan kandungan lokal
Rabu, 7 November 2018 22:06 WIB

Pewarta: Roy Rosa Bachtiar


Pembangunan kapal selam KRI 405. (Foto PT PAL)

Jakarta (Antaranews Jabar) - Direktur Utama PT PAL Budiman Saleh memastikan pembangunan kapal selam untuk kebutuhan TNI Angkatan Laut pada batch II akan menggunakan kandungan lokal yang lebih tinggi dibanding batch sebelumnya.

"Yang jelas 'local content'nya akan lebih tinggi dibanding batch pertama," kata Budiman usai menandatangani nota kesepahaman dengan DSME Korea Selatan di gelaran Indo Defence di Jakarta, Rabu.

PT PAL saat ini tengah mengerjakan kapal selam ketiga yang masuk ke dalam batch pertama kontrak pembelian kapal selam dengan Daewoo Shipbulding and Marine Engineering Co, Ltd (DSME) Korea Selatan.

Ada tiga kapal selam yang dibuat dalam batch pertama ini, dua dibuat oleh DSME di negara asalnya dan sudah diserahkan kepada TNI AL dengan nama KRI Nagapasa-403 dan KRI Ardadedali-404.

Budiman menjelaskan, penandatanganan tersebut untuk memperjelas konsorsium bersama dengan DSME dalam pembagian tugas pengerjaan kapal selam.

"Nanti yang batch kedua, yaitu kapal keempat, lima, dan enam, sepenuhnya PT PAL yang akan mengerjakan. Tapi tetap ada pengawasan dari mereka," katanya menambahkan.

Kontrak batch kedua tersebut direncanakan mulai berjalan akhir tahun ini, dan diperkirakan akan berjalan sekitar tiga hingga enam tahun untuk melayani TNI AL sebagai konsumen utamanya.
Editor: Zaenal A.

COPYRIGHT © 2018 ANTARA News Jawa Barat

bye bye Kilo, Scorpene....
I am quite wonder, M113 is quite cheap to be operated, their maintainance is easy and their gasoline consumptions is relatively on low order. And their number is very large, made them very cheap (sometimes free to get ones). Why bother for simulator ....

proyek... proyek.... :cheers:
I am quite wonder, M113 is quite cheap to be operated, their maintainance is easy and their gasoline consumptions is relatively on low order. And their number is very large, made them very cheap (sometimes free to get ones). Why bother for simulator ....

Aside from the possibility of project fraud, it's actually much more efficient and convenient to conduct preliminary driver training using simulator, until they get all the basic understanding of the vehicle. Using simulator, we don't need large space required for field training if we want to practice driving maneuver on various kind of terrains, or any other possible driving scenarios. So overall, it's probably more cost effective to.
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Airbus Helicopters looking for new orders from Indonesia


“Airbus Helicopters is the leader on the Indonesian market, as it represents 40% of the country’s market with more than 160 helicopters sold, 90 of which are in service in the armed forces, rescue agencies and law enforcement agencies, meeting a variety of Indonesian military requirements,” a company official present at Indo Defence told EDR Magazine. Among the helicopters in service we find the H225M Caracal, the first of six such helicopter having been delivered to the Indonesian Air Force in 2015 to be used for Combat SAR missions, the first of 12 Fennec light attack helicopter having been delivered to the Army that same year. In 2014 a contract was signed for 11 AS565 Mbe, the naval version of the Panther. Airbus delivers green platforms to local PT Dirgantara Indonesia, who is responsible for fitting the mission package to the aircraft, this including L-3 HELRAS DS-100 long-range active dipping sonar as well as Leonardo A.244/S lightweight torpedoes, and other modifications. Five of the 11 AS565 Mbe on order have already been delivered and are in service and operational with the Indonesian Navy.

Airbus Helicopters expects a new Fennec order for the Indonesian Army, as part of the service fleet modernization.

Prevent infiltration of radicalism in mosques in Indonesia`s universities: VP
Sabtu, 10 November 2018 18:37 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Illustration. Baiturahmah Campus Mosque, one of the grandest mosques in the city of Padang, West Sumatra, when it was inaugurated by Vice President Jusuf Kalla last year. (ANTARA PHOTO/Iggoy el Fitra)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Vice President Jusuf Kalla urged academic community members of universities across Indonesia to prevent the spread of religious radicalism at mosques in their campuses, as it was not in line with Indonesia`s moderate Islam.

Speaking at an event of the Association of Indonesian University Mosques here on Saturday, Kalla affirmed that students or lecturers could become fanatic or enthusiastic regarding their religious beliefs.

However, their fanaticism should not veer to religious radicalism, which is then proliferated among members of academic communities at mosques within their respective universities, he noted.

"Islam in Indonesia is expected to remain moderate. Do not let mosques in our university campuses be infiltrated by those spreading religious radicalism," Kalla remarked, adding that being a fanatic is not similar to being a radicalist.

According to Kalla, a fanatic is a person keen on implementing the sharia. Instead, a radicalist is the one who has crossed the "Wasathiyah," or line of moderation.

"Sometimes, it will be more destructive, if we are radicalists," he noted.

Hence, Kalla, who is also head of the Indonesian Mosque Council, called on those in charge of managing the mosques in universities to remain on alert and remind their colleagues of the dangers of the seeds of religious radicalism.

Religious radicalism is not in line with Indonesia`s moderate Islam, he emphasized.

"It is okay if you want to be bearded or wear trousers below the ankles. It does not matter as long as they do not adopt religious radicalism for misaligned interests. This must also be taken care of, so as to not cause problems," Kalla stated.

Indonesia has at least 4,586 higher educational institutions spread across the country. All universities and colleges generally have at least one mosque to help its academic community members offer their obligatory prayers.

Reporting by Fransiska Ninditya
Editing by Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Indo Defence 2018: Lockheed Martin positioned to meet Indonesian air transport requirements
Jon Grevatt, Jakarta - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
09 November 2018

The Indonesian Air Force has identified a requirement to procure Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules transport aircraft, similar to this platform operated by the US Air Force. Source: IHS Markit/Patrick Allen
The Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara: TNI–AU) is moving closer to formally selecting the Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules aircraft to meet its expansive air transport requirements.

Air Commodore Novyan Samyoga, the chief of information in the TNI–AU, confirmed to Jane’s at the Indo Defence show in Jakarta that the service had identified the platform as a priority procurement given the age of some of the service’s existing transport aircraft.

In the first phase of the procurement, the TNI–AU will procure five platforms but follow-on orders are expected.

The TNI–AU currently operates about 20 legacy C-130 models, with some dating back to the 1960s. The Indonesian government has also acquired two Airbus A400M multirole transport aircraft, which are operated by a state-owned trading company, but Air Cdre Samyoga said the TNI–AU is unlikely to procure this platform because of costs. He did not elaborate.

Richard Johnston, Lockheed Martin’s director for international business development within the corporation’s air mobility and maritime missions unit, told Jane’s that the US corporation was fully engaged with the TNI–AU about the requirement and that it has recently responded to a request for information (RFI) from the service.

“We have developed a roadmap in collaboration with the air force based on the age and condition of some of their C-130s. This helps determine when aircraft need to be modified or replaced,” he said. “The air force understands the advantages of the C-130J and also the cost advantages – in terms of training, logistics, and support – from transitioning from legacy models to the J version.”

Johnston also confirmed, contrary to previous news reports, that any TNI–AU acquisition of the C-130J will proceed through the US government’s Direct Commercial Sale (DCS) mechanism, not the Foreign Military Sale (FMS) process.
At Palindo Marine Shipyard


Still no FCS, empty hulls with no real SSM. When will these ships be outfitted?

The T-50 radar contract, if I recall, T-50 uses Elta radar. No wonder the type of radar was not specifically mentioned.
Indonesia Presses Ahead with IF-X 4.5 Gen Fighter Programme

November 7, 2018


Indonesia is continuing ahead with its ambitious plans to partner with South Korea for the 4.5 generation KF-X/IF-X programme.

Daily News spoke with Nurkaswiyanto, Chief Engineer IF-X, Technology Centre Division, Directorate of Technology & Development at Indonesia’s state owned airframer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) for an update on the programme.

According to Nurkaswiyanto, one of the main goals of the programme was to develop fighter development capability within Indonesia. The development of capability to manufacture large composite structures for aerospace requirements was another key aspect of the IF-X programme.

Indonesia is now trying to better manage its financial commitment for the IF-X programme and Korea has been supportive of such requests, company officials say. In September, following discussions with the presidents of Indonesia and South Korea, both nations agreed to move ahead with the programme.

The total cost of developing the 4.5 generation fighter is pegged at US$8 billion, with Indonesia to undertake a 20 percent workshare. The total financial commitment for Indonesia is expected to touch US$2.2 – 2.3 billion, over the 10-year design and development cycle.

The cost of each KF-X/IF-X fighter which was initially pegged at US$70 million per aircraft, is now expected to increase to US$75 million per aircraft.

Around 200 Indonesian engineers are already working on the IF-X programme, with some engineers based in South Korea. Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) has also deputed some senior engineers to Indonesia. PT Dirgantara Indonesia has been tasked with producing the composite wing and horizontal and vertical stabilisers for the KF-X and IF-X. While the wing for the first prototype will be built in Korea, all wings for production versions of the KF-X and IF-X will be built in Indonesia, Nurkaswiyanto says.

PTDI will also undertake the integration of weapons and sensors proposed by the Indonesian Air Force, including older weapons such as the AGM65. Indonesia is expected to retain the Diehl Iris-T and MBDA Meteor as the main missile armament for the IF-X.

PTDI will undertake the integration of a 480-gallon external drop tank to meet an Indonesian air force requirement. Korea will use a 370 gallon drop tank for KF-X aircraft.

The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for the KF-X/IF-X programme was completed in June and the Critical Design Review (CDR) is slated for completion in April 2019, following which the production of the first prototype will commence. The first KF-X prototype will roll-out in 2020.


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