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Indonesia Defence Forum

Russia's Kalashnikov Concern has delivered the first batch of Saiga-12S shotguns to Indonesdia's anti-drug agency.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Kalashnikov Concern delivered the first order of Saiga-12S shotgun to the Indonesian anti-drug agency (BNN), the manufacturer's press service said Monday.

"Kalashnikov Concern, a part of the Rostec state corporation, has successfully completed the delivery of the first batch of Saiga-12S shotguns to the Indonesian national anti-narcotics agency (BNN). This delivery is strategically important for the expansion of civilian products exports, as well as foreign cooperation strengthening," the press service said.

The manufacturer's experts also conducted a training and show shootings for the BNN employees.
saiga s12
Indonesia, Portugal explore defence industry collaboration
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
13 February 2017
Indonesia and Portugal are to explore opportunities for defence industrial collaboration, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Jakarta said on 9 February.

The MoD added that co-operation would be focused in areas of defence electronics, particularly communications systems, as well as military aerospace maintenance, repair, and overhaul activities.

Although not confirmed by the MoD it is likely that such collaboration would be channelled through Portuguese exports to Indonesia and associated technology transfers. The two countries have no history of defence trade collaboration.

The agreement was announced by the MoD following talks in Jakarta between Indonesia's defence minister Ryamizard Ryacudu and Rui Fernando Sucena do Carmo, Portugal's Indonesian ambassador.

Portugal Ingin Jalin Kerjasama Pertahanan dengan Indonesia
Kamis, 9 Februari 2017


Jakarta, 8 Februari 2017 – Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) RI Ryamizard Ryacudu menyambut baik Portugal yang berkeinginan menjalin kerja sama bilateral sektor pertahanan dengan Indonesia.

Keinginan Portugal tersebut, diungkapkan Duta Besar (Dubes) Portugal untuk Indonesia, Rui Fernando Sucena Do Carmo, saat melakukan kunjungan kerja kepada Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) RI Ryamizard Ryacudu di Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan), Kamis (8/2).

Kerja sama sektor pertahanan itu diantaranya dengan melakukan komunikasi intensif ke industri-industri pertahanan dalam negeri Indonesia, sebagi upaya tindak lanjut keikutsertaan Portugal pada Pameran Industri Pertahanan Internasional Indo Defence Tahun 2016 yang saat itu menghadirkan industri pertahanannya dalam hal sistem komunikasi dan perawatan pesawat tempur.

Sedangkan Menhan menyatakan, bahwa kerja sama sektor pertahanan dapat dimulai dan difokuskan pada pertukaran informasi atau data intelejen, untuk mengantisipasi secara dini ancaman terorisme yang sudah merebak ke berbagai belahan dunia.

Dan hal pertama yang akan dilakukan Portugal untuk memulai jalinan kerja sama sektor pertahanan, mengagendakan pertemuan pejabat pertahanan kedua negara untuk membicarakan lebih lanjut rencana kerja sama. (Bond/Sugi)


Jokowi wants House to swiftly pass Terrorism Law amendments


On guard: Members of the National Police’s Densus 88 counterterrorism squad escort security officials in possession of evidence from the residence of a terrorist suspect, in Setu, South Tangerang, Banten, on March 22, 2015. (Antara/Muhammad Iqbal)

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has instructed Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly to meet with House of Representatives leaders to speed up deliberation of amendments to the Terrorism Law.

Jokowi summoned Yasonna to the State Palace on Monday to brief him on the deliberation, which has been stalled on the roles of law enforcement bodies in counterterrorism.

“The process has been dragging [at the House]. We need to reach a common understanding on the issue in order to speed up the discussion of the law. It’s been around one year now but it's nowhere near completed,” Yasonna told reporters at the State Palace on Monday.

He said the recent growing protests against US President Donald Trump’s controversial immigration policy could inspire domestic radical groups to carry out attacks in Indonesia.

“Don’t let something happen first before we move to speed up the discussion of the law at the House,” Yasonna said.

Yasonna said the House and the government were still discussing whether to expand the definition of terrorism in the revision of the law and whether to strengthen de-radicalization programs in the future. (wit)

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Indonesian Air Force 1st Wing, Halim Perdanakusuma AFB, Jakarta. Home of the Airlifters #SKU31 #SKU2 #SKU17#SKU45. Photographer : Jeff Prananda. Credit to FSM.

Malaysia plan to order Multirole Support Ship from Indonesia
Malaysia akan Pesan Kapal Perang Indonesia


Malaysia akan melakukan tanda tangan kontrak resmi dengan PT PAL Indonesia untuk pemesanan kapal perang buatan putra bangsa jenis "Multirole Support Ship" (MRSS) ukuran 163 meter.

"Sekitar bulan Agustus 2017, kami dan Malaysia sudah berencana teken kontrak, dan ketetapan waktu pembuatannya sudah ada dengan ukuran panjang 163 meter," kata Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) M Firmansyah Arifin di Surabaya, Senin (6/2).

Ia mengatakan, kepercayaan Malaysia terhadap PT PAL Indonesia dalam pemesanan kapal perang didasari karena kualitas bahan yang digunakan, sehingga negara tetangga tersebut melakukan penunjukkan langsung.

Ia mengatakan, ekspor kapal perang ke Malaysia ini adalah pesanan kapal jenis "Landing Platform Dock" (LPD) kedua yang diterima PT PAL Indonesia setelah sebelumnya pemesanan LPD dari Militer Filipina.

"Kabar baiknya, ada kemungkinan Malaysia akan memesan lebih dari satu MRSS. Platform MRSS mirip dengan LPD Angkatan Laut Indonesia dan SSV Filipina. Namun, MRSS akan lebih besar, dengan panjang 163 meter, dan bersenjata lengkap," katanya.

Firmansyah berharap, pesanan dari Malaysia dan beberapa militer asing akan membuat nama baik bangsa Indonesia, dan membuktikan PT PAL memiliki teknologi kapal perang setara dengan galangan kapal negara lain.

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Indonesia to send 5000 tons of rice to drought-stricken Sri Lanka


As a friend, Indonesia will help Sri Lanka, which is currently facing a food crisis because of drought, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said on Tuesday.

The country is going through a prolonged dry spell, and more than one million of its people are facing acute water shortage and a food crisis.

“As friends, it is appropriate that Indonesia help Sri Lanka face this difficult situation,” President Jokowi said, as the country delivered humanitarian aid in the form of 5,000 metric tons of rice to Sri Lanka on Tuesday, according to Antara News.

The foodgrain was delivered following a request made by Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena through the countrys ambassador to Indonesia in Jakarta. “I immediately responded to the request and asked the ministers concerned to send the aid, and Alhamdulillah, today, we can send it to Sri Lanka,” Jokowi said.

The Indian Express reported that the Sri Lankan government has declared a state of alert in response to the worst drought the country has faced in four decades. It has implemented measures such as water-use restrictions, deployed soldiers, established a presidential commission and urged its citizens to consume water prudently.

The Sri Lankan National Water Supply and Sanitation Council on Sunday warned of the need to rationalize the consumption of drinking water as the countrys current reserve is expected to last for only two months.

Alahudeen Ansar, head of the Council, said the demand for drinking water has increased by 15 per cent and that measures have been taken to restrict its use in many areas in the 13 affected districts. (Colombo Gazette)

Pengadaan Alkomlek TNI Berdayakan Industri Dalam Negeri

Alkomlek PT LEN ○

Kepala Staf Umum (Kasum) TNI Laksdya TNI Dr. Didit Herdiawan, M.P.A., M.B.A., mengatakan bahwa, proses pengadaan Alat Komunikasi dan Elektronika (Alkomlek) TNI, baik dalam rangka modernisasi maupun pemenuhan Alkomlek satuan, agar memperhatikan faktor interoperabilitas, transparansi, akuntabilitas, tepat guna dan berdaya guna dengan memberdayakan industri dalam negeri.

Demikian amanat tertulis Kasum TNI yang dibacakan Inspektor Jenderal (Irjen) TNI Letjen TNI Setyo Sularso pada pembukaan Rapat Koordinasi Komunikasi dan Elektronika (Rakor Komlek) TNI TA. 2017, dengan tema “Melalui Rakor Komlek TNI Dan Semangat Kebersamaan, Kita Mantapkan Interoperabilitas Komlek TNI Guna Mewujudkan TNI Yang Kuat, Hebat, Profesional dan di Cintai Rakyat”, yang diikuti 70 peserta , di Aula Gatot Subroto Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (14/2/2017).

Kasum TNI menyampaikan bahwa, Sistem Komunikasi dan Elektronika (Siskomlek) di lingkungan TNI untuk mendukung kelancaran tugas pokok TNI, khususnya dalam menjamin kelancaran dan keamanan Kodal TNI secara komprehensif, baik dalam Operasi Militer Perang (OMP) maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP). “Tingkatkan efektivitas peran Siskomlek melalui berbagai program pengkajian, Litbang maupun diskusi/sharing, baik dikomuniti internal Komlek TNI maupun non TNI,” ucapnya.

Menurut Kasum TNI Laksdya TNI Dr. Didit Herdiawan, produk Komlek TNI yang dihasilkan tidak hanya mendukung kelancaran tugas TNI, namun lebih pada mendorong perkembangan industri pertahanan agar menjadi kekuatan yang membanggakan di mata dunia. “Upaya untuk mewujudkan interoperability Komlek TNI harus terus dibina dan ditingkatkan, sehingga diperoleh Siskomlek yang handal,” tegasnya.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Kasum TNI menyampaikan bahwa Rakor Komlek TNI memiliki nilai strategis untuk mengevaluasi realisasi program yang telah dilaksanakan dan menyampaikan kebijakan Pimpinan TNI dibidang Komlek, juga sebagai sarana untuk menyamakan visi, misi dan persepsi dalam rangka pelaksanaan tugas-tugas TNI pada TA 2017.

Lebih lanjut Kasum TNI menuturkan bahwa, pelaksanaan tugas-tugas yang bersifat gabungan tidak hanya dilaksanakan antar matra, tetapi juga antara TNI dengan Polri maupun dengan instansi lain. “Hal ini terlihat dalam tugas pengamanan daerah rawan, daerah perbatasan, menghadapi aksi demonstrasi berskala besar, pengamanan VVIP, penanggulangan bencana alam atau search and rescue (SAR), dalam pelaksanaannya dituntut kelancaran komunikasi kodal dan koordinasi dengan unsur terkait,” jelasnya.

Diakhir amanatnya, Kasum TNI memberikan beberapa penekanan yaitu :

★ Tingkatkan profesionalitas komunitas Komlek TNI dengan cara berlatih serta selalu belajar dan membuka diri terhadap kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang pesat saat ini;
★ Hilangkan ego sektoral yang dapat mengganggu terselenggaranya interoperabilitas Komlek TNI dalam pelaksanaan tugas;
★ Pelihara koordinasi yang intensif antar seluruh pemangku kepentingan Komlek TNI guna mencari solusi terhadap masalah yang dihadapi dan laksanakan kegiatan pengadaan barang dan jasa secara transparan, akuntabel sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Turut hadir pada Rakor Komlek TNI, antara lain Danjen Akademi TNI Letjen TNI Bayu Purwiyono, Asintel Panglima TNI Mayjen TNI Benny Indra Pujihastono, Aspers Panglima TNI Marsda TNI Bambang Samoedro, Aster Panglima TNI Mayjen TNI Wiyarto, Askomlek Panglima TNI Marsda TNI Bonar H. Hutagaol, Wakabais TNI Marsda TNI Wieko Syofyan, Kapuspen TNI Mayjen TNI Wuryanto dan Kas Kohanudnas Marsma TNI Tamsil.

Kabidpenum Puspen TNI
Kolonel Inf Bedali Harefa, S.H.

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We are a company engaged in the development and marketing of electronic devices such as sensors, communication devices, as well as maintenance services to the Indonesian Armed Forces & Public Institutions.

Activities and Scope of Work includes the RCS Infra manufactures and markets electronic devices, focused on the sensor.

Proven Product





Pada saat pelayaran, peralatan navigasi merupakan sarana vital dalam bernavigasi atau karena berfungsi sebagai mata kapal, maka digunakan untuk menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan dari kapal laut dalam melaksanakan operasi / pelayaran. Oleh karena itu, peralatan navigasi yang digunakan selain memberikan keyakinan bernavigasi juga memberikan keyakinan untuk mampu melaksanakan operasi secara aman dan cepat. Beberapa peralatan navigasi yang mendasar yang harus terpasang di KRI diantaranya adalah radar navigasi, perangkat gyro, speedlog, echosounder dan GPS (Global Positioning System) serta AIS (Automatic Identification system)

PT. Infra RCS Indonesia sesuai dengan visi dan misinya mengembangkan suatu sistem secara virtual yang mampu mengintegrasikan seluruh sistem tersebut dan ditampilkan dalam satu monitor sehingga crew atau awak kapal mampu melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap seluruh sistem perangkat navigasi yang ada di kapal secara mudah dan cepat.

Akurasi, kecepatan dan ketepatan pengambilan keputusan nahkoda akan lebih terjamin bila nahkoda mendapatkan informasi secara cepat dan tepat dari perangkat yang ada.




In developing IFX fighter aircraft, both countries will use the same core computer architecture, however the additional avionic devices will be provided by civil company. Infoglobal has been assigned to develop electronics and mission system for IFX aircraft.

In IndoDefence 2016, Kafasharkan and Operational Director of Puspenerbal review Infoglobal’s Tactical Mission System. Hopefully, the Tactical Mission System can support Indonesian Navy’s CASA NC 212/200 MPA. Until now, Infoglobal is the only one company in Indonesia that can develop Tactical Mission System for Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

On Tuesday 7 February 2017, Deputy Commander of Navy Aviation Centre (Puspenerbal) visits Infoglobal. The visit is welcomed by General Manager of Infoglobal, Khoirul Huda and Chief Financial Officer, Achmad Fauzi. This visit is also attended by a working group of Puspenerbal, i.e. Wing Commander, Chief of Maintenance and Repair Facilities, Logistics Directors and some officers of Puspenerbal. The group is welcomed at Infoglobal’s Workshop, Jl. Raya Dinoyo 109, Surabaya.

The visit is aimed to watch a demonstration of Tactical Mission System that will be installed on Puspenerbal’s aircraft. Tactical Mission System has ability to monitor and identify ships sailing in maritim areas of Indonesia. Thus, it helps Indonesia Navy’s operation to secure the maritim areas.

The participants of Puspenerbal’s working group is very excited by asking about the detail of technical specification, features, and non-technical aspects of Tactical Mission System made by Infoglobal. Deputy Commander of Navy Aviation Centre, Kolonel Laut (T) Guntur Wahyudi said that he hopes the cooperation with Infoglobal can enhance the capabilities of Navy’s aircrafts, thus supporting the operation and training the Indonesian Navy both in peacetime and in winning the war.

The Deputy Commander and the working group continue their visit by review the other Infoglobal products, such as MPD, CDU, WCP, WPU, Hawk cockpit, etc. This visit then continued by seeing the production process, from designing, manufacturing the casing, electronic components until the process of testing the avionic devices.

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Defense Ministry shows off locally made weapons
  • Margareth S. Aritonang
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Tue, February 14, 2017 | 07:06 pm

Technicians work on the assembly of an Anoa armored personnel carrier (APC) at state-owned PT Pindad's factory in Bandung, West Java. (JP/Arya Dipa)

The Defense Ministry showcased 15 newly launched items of defense equipment produced by local manufacturers on Tuesday, which will be used to support primary weapons defense systems for the Indonesian Military (TNI).

The locally engineered products consist of seven items for the Navy, four for the Army and four for the Air Force; all of which were the result of the government’s Rp 86 billion (US$6.45 million) defense industry development program throughout last year.

The equipment varied from mortar support for the Army to a swamp boat for the Navy. The products were from state-owned weapons manufacturer PT Pindad and several local private companies.

The development program is part of government's efforts at weapons modernization and to allow Indonesia to become gradually independent of foreign producers, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said.

“All of them were made by the sons and daughters of this country. We must support and continuously develop them to build our national defense capability,” he said in his office on Tuesday.

“In the coming years, we will be able to make our own fighter jets and submarines,” he added.

Ryamizard further lauded the locally engineered defense equipment saying that such products would not only positively impact on local producers but were also in line with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s policy of nourishing the domestic defense industry.

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