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Indonesia Defence Forum


The Bimasuci tall mast will be installed...hope the sail will stand soon.
Any news re. your four TNI-AL personnel of KRI Layang who boarded a Philippine fishing vessel have been missing for more than 1 months since 14 December 2016 ?
Rabu 18 Jan 2017, 15:05 WIB
Kendaraan Buatan Pindad dan Tata Motors akan Diekspor
M Luthfi Andika - detikOto


Jakarta - PT Pindad (Persero) dan Tata Motors sudah menandatangani perjanjian untuk memproduksi kendaraan mobil tempur dan komersial. Hasil kolaborasi keduanya juga akan diekspor.

"Mobil komersial kita, akan kita jual seperti umum. Karena seperti yang saya katakan Tata Motors memiliki keunggulan dan keuntungannya sasisnya jadi satu," kata Direktur Utama PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose kepada detikOto.

Untuk pelayanan purna jualnya akan memanfaatkan jaringan distribusi Tata Motors. "Mudah-mudahan kita melakukannya, dan kita juga lagi survei, selain itu kita juga melihat pasar mereka di ASEAN. Sehingga besar kemungkinan mobil komersial ini (Pindad dan Tata Motors-Red) bisa diekspor," ujar Abraham.

Abraham juga menjelaskan kolaborasi PT Pindad dan Tata Motors, ini akan berada di bawah asuhan perusahaan baru Pindad.

"Pindad saat ini punya PT Pindad Global Sourching and Trading. Jadi perusahaan ini untuk kendaraan-kendaraan hasil kerja sama, untuk kendaraan komersial. Dan kami masih melakukan penjajakan," tambahnya. (lth/ddn)

Indonesia, Japan to deepen defense ties amid China challenge

'Japan will actively encourage cooperation on maritime security and encourage the development of the remote islands of Indonesia'

JAKARTA, Indonesia – Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Sunday, January 16, reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate on maritime security and deepen defense ties, as both nations feud with China over sea territory.

Abe – in Indonesia on a regional tour that has taken in Australia and the Philippines and will include Vietnam – said their two island nations gave maritime cooperation the “highest priority”.

“Japan will actively encourage cooperation on maritime security and encourage the development of the remote islands of Indonesia,” he said through a translator at the presidential palace in Bogor.

Last month Tokyo and Jakarta unveiled an agreement aimed in part at strengthening Indonesia’s ability to defend its vast marine borders.

Indonesia has no argument with China over ownership of reefs or islets in the disputed South China Sea. But Beijing’s expansive claims overlap with Indonesia's exclusive economic zone – waters where a state has the right to exploit resources – around the Natuna islands.

Indonesia has vowed to protect its sovereignty from intrusions by fishing vessels, and has blown up foreign boats in a show of force, including some from China.

Japan, which has a territorial row with China over disputed islands in the East China Sea, has worked to strengthen ties with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations such as Indonesia.

It has repeatedly stressed that maritime disputes should be addressed according to law.

The defense and foreign ministers of Japan and Indonesia will meet this year to discuss deepening “cooperation in the fields of defence and security”, Abe added.

Jokowi said Japanese investment in Indonesia had nearly doubled from 2015 to almost $5 billion last year. The two leaders discussed opportunities centred on large infrastructure projects including a medium-speed rail line and key port.

Japan has won bids to construct Indonesia’s largest coal-fired power plant and a mass rapid transit system for Jakarta. But it lost a lucrative contract to China to build the country’s first high-speed rail network. – Rappler.com

Jokowi installs new Air Force chief of staff
Haeril Halim The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Wed, January 18, 2017 | 04:09 pm

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (right) puts insignias on newly inaugurated Air Force chief of staff Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto at the State Palace on Wednesday. (Biro Pers Istana/Layli Rachev)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has inaugurated the former Defense Ministry’s inspector general, Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, as the new Air Force chief of staff, replacing retiring Air Chief Marshall Agus Supriatna, whose tenure ends on Jan. 20.

The handover ceremony took place at the State Palace on Wednesday.

The President had upgraded Hadi’s military rank to that of a four star Air Chief Marshal to make the 53-year-old eligible for the post.

Hadi, a 1986 Air Force Academy graduate, is no stranger to the President. He served as head of the Adi Soemarmo air base in Surakarta, Central Java, when Jokowi was Surakarta mayor in 2010 and 2011.

In 2013, Hadi became the spokesman of the Air Force, and two years later he was assigned to become commander of the Malang Abdurrahman Saleh air base in East Java.

Jokowi, who was sworn in as the country’s seventh President in October 2014, later promoted Hadi to become presidential military secretary in 2015.

Under Jokowi’s administration Hadi’s military career skyrocketed. Also in 2015, Hadi received another promotion to become the Defense Ministry’s inspector general, and the State Palace increased his rank from a two star to three star Air Force general.

Hadi was among three generals recommended for promotion by Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo. The two other candidates were National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) deputy governor Air Marshal Bagus Puruhito and deputy Air Force chief of staff Air Marshal Hadiyan Sumintaatmadja.

Given his relatively young age as Air Force chief of staff and his close relationship with Jokowi, rumors have it that Hadi will be prepared to become the next TNI commander when Gatot retires in 2018. Hadi has denied such speculation, saying “I am just a soldier following instructions from my commanding officer.”
Indonesia has an important role: US ambassador
Rabu, 18 Januari 2017 09:22 WIB - 0 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - American Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph R. Donovan Jr. said that Indonesia plays an important role, not only in its cooperation with the United States, but also in its position in the ASEAN region.
"Indonesia is a key member of ASEAN, which is also very important to the United States, and Indonesia is a member of the G20. It is the largest economy in South-East Asia. For me, all of this means Indonesia and the United States can be great partners and I look forward to working to deepen our relations," he said following his opening speech at the U.S. - Indonesia Aviation Working Group Seminar in the Ministry of Transportation building in Jakarta on Tuesday.
Ambassador Donovan, who officially took office on January 12 when he presented his credentials to President Joko Widodo, said that the cooperation between Indonesia and the US strongly revolves around four main issues, including trade and investment, democracy, security, and global priority issues.
He further stated that he wishes to continue the efforts that have been carried out by his predecessors, Ambassadors Bob Blake and Scott Marciel.
"I certainly hope that we identify our priorities, as we have common interests and common values, and its a great foundation on which our relationship can continue," he remarked.
Before serving as the US Ambassador to Indonesia, Donovan most recently was Managing Director of the Washington Office of the American Institute in Taiwan.(*)
Editor: Heru


17 JANUARY 2017

Foto Ilustrasi : Torpedo (Shutterstock)

Tim Cepat Tanggap Armada Barat Pangkalan Utama TNI AL IV/Tanjung Pinang, menemukan benda mengapung berbentuk torpedo dan mirip alat deteksi bawah air. Mereka dibantu masyarakat nelayan Desa Pegudang, Berakit, Kabupaten Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.

Komandan Pangkalan Utama TNI AL IV/Tanjung Pinang, Laksamana Pertama TNI S Irawan, di Tanjungpinang, Selasa, menyatakan, benda yang ditemukan tadi pagi itu belum dapat dipastikan apakah torpedo atau pun alat deteksi bawah air. “Kami masih mendalaminya,” ujarnya.

Dari pantauan awal, kata dia benda berkarat itu berukuran panjang sekitar dua meter, dengan berat 300 kg. Dugaan awal barang temuan itu memiliki bagian dengan bahan peledak, dan masih dalam kondisi aktif.

Menindaklanjuti temuan itu, Tim Cepat Tanggap Armada Barat Pangkalan Utama TNI AL IV/Tanjung Pinang akan berkoordinasi dengan Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan TNI AL, di Jakarta.

Dinas itu akan mengetahui secara pasti apa benda yang ditemukan itu, termasuk negara yang memproduksi dan mengoperasikannya.

“Untuk alasan keamanan dan keselamatan, sampai dengan saat ini masyarakat setempat tidak diijinkan untuk mendekati benda asingitu tersebut,” katanya.

Sumber : Antara
Indonesia and Denmark to pursue industry collaboration

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
14 January 2016

Indonesia and Denmark are discussing a potential defence industrial collaboration programme featuring the co-production of naval vessels and accompanying mission systems, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Jakarta has said.

According to an MoD statement on 13 January, defence industry officials from Denmark held meetings in Jakarta with counterparts from Indonesia, including defence minister Ryamizard Ryacudu.

The statement said the theme of the meetings was defence industry co-operation based on technology transfers to Indonesian industry. Products under consideration, it said, include unspecified naval vessels, radars, and other electronic systems to support naval operations.

The MoD quoted Denmark's ambassador to Indonesia, Casper Klynge, as saying, "This is more than buying and selling.


Nice :-):chilli:
Indonesia and Denmark to pursue industry collaboration

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
14 January 2016

Indonesia and Denmark are discussing a potential defence industrial collaboration programme featuring the co-production of naval vessels and accompanying mission systems, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Jakarta has said.

According to an MoD statement on 13 January, defence industry officials from Denmark held meetings in Jakarta with counterparts from Indonesia, including defence minister Ryamizard Ryacudu.

The statement said the theme of the meetings was defence industry co-operation based on technology transfers to Indonesian industry. Products under consideration, it said, include unspecified naval vessels, radars, and other electronic systems to support naval operations.

The MoD quoted Denmark's ambassador to Indonesia, Casper Klynge, as saying, "This is more than buying and selling.


Nice :-):chilli:

between Itver and Absalon class

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