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Indonesia Defence Forum

Alam Indomesin Utama will upgrade Panser VAB manual transmission, into Automatic transmission, using ZF automatic transmission. Few of the panser was arrived at their workshop few weeks ago.



At ADEX we are exhibiting our latest contribution in the airborne segment; a new AESA fighter radar addressing the Korean KF-X programme, but with many other applications also.


Saab presents new AESA fighter radar at ADEX 2015


Not all pilots?

It's mean Downgrade from interceptor fighter to trainer attack :frown:
Till the SU-35 Arrived here :lol:
Still they have to undergo some conversion program to be adapted to new aircraft. After all the tech. generation is different between 70's and 2000's
India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol


The 26th edition of India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) was conducted from 3rd Oct to -19th Oct 2015. The Indonesian Navy was represented by an anti submarine corvette, KRI Teuku Umar 385 and a Maritime Patrol aircraft CN 235 whilst INS Saryu and one IN Dornier represented the Indian Navy.
INS Saryu and IN Dornier had visited the port of Belawan, Indonesia from 30th Sep to 3rd Oct 15 to participate in the Opening Ceremony. Vice Admiral Pradeep Kumar Chatterjee PVSM, AVSM, NM, Commander-in-Chief Andaman and Nicobar Command witnessed the Opening Ceremony accompanied by Commodore Deepak Kumar Naval Component Commander. The opening ceremony was followed by three phases of patrolling by both the navies.
The maiden Bilateral Exercise between the Indian and Indonesian navies was conducted from 17 - 18 Oct 2015. The exercises included SAR Operation, Tactical Exercise, VBSS Drills, Surface Firing, Aircraft and Helicopter Operation.
The exercise culminated with a closing ceremony held at Port Blair from 19 to 22 Oct 15 under the aegis of the Commander in Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command. A high level Indonesian delegation headed by Rear Admiral Achmad Taufiqoerrochman M., S.E, Commander-in-Chief, Western Fleet Command visited the Andaman and Nicobar Command for the closing ceremony.
Singapore, Indonesia armies conduct annual bilateral exercise
Code-named Safkar Indopura, the 12-day combined battalion field exercise provides opportunities for both armies to build stronger bonds and deepen mutual understanding, says MINDEF.

Commander 3rd Singapore Division (3 DIV) Brigadier-General Ong Tze-Ch’in (right) and Commander of Military Area I, Indonesian Army (TNI AD), Major General Lodewyk Pusung (left) at the closing ceremony of Exercise Safkar Indopura. (Photo: MINDEF)

SINGAPORE: About 300 army personnel from Indonesia and Singapore are taking part in an annual bilateral exercise from Oct 12 to 23, announced the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) on Wednesday morning (Oct 21).

The personnel are from the Headquarters 3rd Singapore Infantry Brigade and 6th Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment and TNI AD 7th Infantry Brigade and 121st Infantry Battalion, MINDEF said in a news release.


Soldiers from the Singapore and Indonesian armies conducting a combined urban operations exercise as part of Exercise Safkar Indopura. (Photo: MINDEF)

Code-named Safkar Indopura, the 12-day combined battalion field exercise provides opportunities for both armies to build stronger bonds and deepen mutual understanding, it said.

The ministry added that Commander 3rd Singapore Division Brigadier-General Ong Tze-Ch’in and Commander of Military Area I, Indonesian Army (TNI AD), Major General Lodewyk Pusung, were also present at the Murai Urban Training Facility to co-officiate the closing ceremony of the exercise.


Chief of Staff of Military Area I, TNI AD, Cucu Sumantri (centre), viewing a static display of a SAR21 at the opening ceremony of Exercise Safkar Indopura on Oct 14. (Photo: MINDEF)

First conducted in 1989, Exercise Safkar Indopura underscores the close and long-standing defence relations between Singapore and Indonesia, said MINDEF. Besides bilateral exercises, the Singapore Army and TNI AD also engage in a wide range of bilateral activities, including visits, professional exchanges and cross-attendance of courses.

"These interactions have enhanced the interoperability between the two armies and helped foster mutual understanding between their personnel", the ministry added.

Singapore, Indonesia armies conduct annual bilateral exercise - Channel NewsAsia
Menuju Roll Out N219 Pada Peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda
Penulis Berita : DN, PPES • Fotografer : PPES • 08 Sep 2015


LAPAN dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia tengah berkomitmen mewujudkan pesawat transport nasional yang sepenuhnya dirancang oleh putra putri Indonesia. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan pembuatan pesawat penumpang berkapasitas 19 orang yang diberinama Pesawat N219. Pesawat N219 kelak menjadi noda transportasi utama bagi pulau-pulau di Indonesia yang tidak dapat ditempuh oleh jalur darat dan laut.

“Pesawat N219 siap Roll Out pada Peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda 2015”. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Kepala Deputi Bidang Teknologi Penerbangan dan Antariksa LAPAN, Dr. Rika Andiarti dalam acara FGD dan Monitoring Progress Kesiapan Roll out N219 di Gedung PM PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung, Selasa (8/9).

Rika menjelaskan bahwa LAPAN dan PT DI sudah berkomitmen Kepada Presiden & Menristek Dikti untuk melaksanakan roll out pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2015 bertepatan dengan Peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Pada acara tersebut akan ditampilkan komponen Airworthiness N219 yang terdiri dari Fuselage, Wing, Ethernet & Control services dan komponen-komponen Class one Mockup.

Sebagai upaya untuk menumbuhkembangkan industri UKM di Indonesia, tool & panel Jig N219 merupakan hasil produksi industri kecil di area Bandung & Jateng.

Sesuai target awal, untuk prototype pesawat N219 akan memenuhi 40% TKDN (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri). Kemudian untuk jangka waktu 5 sampai dengan 10 tahun kedepan akan dinaikkan menjadi 60%. Sejalan dengan dukungan dan semangat dari Kemenperin dan Asosiasi Industri Komponen untuk mempersiapkan Airframe Part (Komponen Pesawat Terbang) buatan dalam Negeri.

Pesawat N219 ini nantinya akan menjadi perwujudan harapan anak bangsa akan pencapaian teknologi tingkat tinggi dibidang penerbangan. Dengan demikian, pesawat N219 benar-benar akan menjadi karya kebanggaan anak bangsa yang melintas di langit nusantara.

Indonesia Will Buy US-2 SinMaywa Amphibious Aircraft

Indonesia Beli Kendaraan Amfibi Buatan Jepang
Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015 09:16 WIB

Tribunnews.com/Richard Susilo

Perundingan pembelian kendaraan amfibi baru dimulai antara pihak Indonesia yang diwakili KBRI di Tokyo dengan pihak Jepang, Jumat (23/10/2015)

Indonesia akan membeli persenjataan amphibi dari Jepang dalam waktu dekat. Perundingan baru dimulai antara pihak Indonesia yang diwakili KBRI di Tokyo dengan pihak Jepang.

"Presiden kita sudah menandatangani kesepakatan jual beli ini dengan pihak Jepang lewat MOU Pertahanan Indonesia-Jepang dan kini kita sedang bicarakan soal teknisnya," papar Ben Perkasa Wakil Duta Besar Indonesia di KBRI Tokyo khusus kepada Tribunnews.com pagi ini Jumat (23/10/2015).

Amphibi US-2 yang akan dibeli Indonesia itu masih dalam proses pembicaraan khususnya dengan pembuatnya, Shin Maywa perusahaan Jepang.

"Itu multi function bisa untuk SAR, pemadam kebakaran, patroli pengawasan di pulau terpencil, penanganan cepat kecelakaan di laut, dropping logistik sampai terjunkan pasukan TNI di berbagai lokasi," papar Tawakal Syaifulhaq, mantan atase pertahanan KBRITokyo yang hari ini serah terima dengan pejabat yang baru Ian Fuady.

Mesin amphibi tersebut butuh take off dan landing hanya butuh jarak 350 meter di laut, "Bisa berjalan pada ketinggian ombak 3 meter. Sangat baik sekali khususnya bagi Indonesia yang memiliki banyak pulau bagi pertahanan dalam negeri Indonesia," tambahnya.

Penawaran dari Shin Maywa telah dilakukan dan presentasi sudah dilakukan dengan harga sekitar 100 juta dolar AS per unit.

Indonesia Beli Kendaraan Amfibi Buatan Jepang - Tribunnews.com

Teknis ShinMaywa via si_mantap at Formil Kaskus:

Last edited:
1 ShinMaywa can get 2.5 Beriev Be-200 based on 2006 price in wikipedia (US$ 40 million).

Maybe this old news from ARC can describe about them:
Be-200 juga memiliki banderol harga yang murah. Dalam sistem pengadaan alutsista yang mengutamakan harga yang murah, murah, dan murah sebagai prioritas, Be-200 dapat memenangkan persaingan walaupun secara performa mayoritas lebih inferior dari US-2. Namun patut juga diingat, belajar dari India yang mengakuisisi US-2, Jepang rela membagi kontrak offset nyaris 50% dari nilai kontrak senilai 1,65 miliar USD, plus ditambah seluruh pesawat akan dirakit dalam lini perakitan di India. Ini berarti merupakan transfer of technologyyang sangat berarti, bukan yang sekedar memenuhi persyaratan UU Indhan. Apalagi Jepang sebagai negara donor selama ini dikenal kooperatif dan dapat diajak bicara mengenai proyek-proyek yang sifatnya strategis. Bukan tak mungkin tawarannya jauh lebih baik daripada India yang baru-baru ini saja mesra dengan Jepang.

Sementara bercermin dari pengadaan alutsista udara Rusia sebelumnya, kita sebagai negara mendapatkan apa sebagai imbal baliknya? Adakah transfer teknologi ke industri dirgantara dalam negeri yang berarti?

For full article in ARC:
Bagian I ARCinc.ID - Battle of the Amphibs (bag.1)
Bagian II ARCinc.ID - Battle of the Amphibs (bag.2)
Lockheed Martin announces Indonesian radar industry initiative - ANTARA News

Lockheed Martin announces Indonesian radar industry initiative
Rabu, 6 Agustus 2014 10:29 WIB | 2.823 Views

Lockheed Martin radar. (lockheedmartin.com)

Jakarta,Aug 6 (Antara) - Lockheed Martin has launched an Indonesian radar industry initiative as part of its efforts to support the countrys plans to modernize and extend its air surveillance coverage.

"Lockheed Martin is committed to supporting Indonesia and its defense industry revitalization plans," said Robert Laing, National Executive of Lockheed Martin Indonesia, in a press statement here on Wednesday.

This initiative includes technology transfers to aid in the development of a new Indonesian radar industry, as well as partnerships with local universities to cultivate the workforce necessary to support it.

Enhancing Indonesias ability to make critical radar components will reduce the nations reliance on foreign suppliers, while providing employment opportunities for its citizens.

"Our goal is to create a new technology sector and associated jobs to ensure a sustainable industry in Indonesia."

Lockheed Martin has worked with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to produce an engineering curriculum focused on radar technologies.

Similar programs, along with ongoing technical seminars and education opportunities, are training future leaders in the development of this technology. The Corporation also has established an Indonesia-based manufacturing capability with local companies, which have begun producing radar components.

Lockheed Martin is competing for Indonesias Ground Control Intercept (GCI) radar program. Should the company be selected for this opportunity, it would provide significant new employment possibilities for its local industry partners, estimated at up to 2 million labor hours over the lifetime of these radars. These Indonesian partners would be capable of producing nearly $100M (USD) of radar components per year.

Lockheed Martins extensive air surveillance radar experience can help Indonesia ensure a safe and secure airspace for both civilian air traffic and national sovereignty for many years to come.

Lockheed Martin has produced and currently maintains more than 200 air surveillance radars in 30 countries. Operational around the world 24 hours a day, these radars work completely unmanned and many have performed for decades in extremely harsh, remote environments.

None of these radars has ever been taken out of service, and many systems continue to operate well beyond their original 20-year service lives. This longevity is a result of Lockheed Martins continuous investment in state-of-the-art technology and its commitment to customer missions.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 113,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporations net sales for 2013 were $45.4 billion.

Lockheed Martin and Indonesia seek to progress radar programme
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
17 February 2015

Lockheed Martin and senior Indonesian defence officials met on 17 February with a view to progress the Indonesian Air Force's (TNI-AU's) requirement to procure ground-based air-surveillance radar systems.

The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said representatives of Lockheed Martin met with Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in Jakarta to "determine the continuation" of the radar requirement, which the MoD is undertaking in co-operation with the TNI-AU and local industry. The MoD said the procurement is being progressed, but did not elaborate.

The MoD added that Lockheed Martin, should it win the contract, is aiming to support the local production of radar systems by transferring technologies to Indonesia as per the terms of the country's Defence Industry Law 2012, which requires all foreign contractors to involve local industry in all major defence programmes.

Lockheed Martin and Indonesia seek to progress radar programme - IHS Jane's 360
President Jokowi to welcome Queen of Denmark
Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015 17:15 WIB | 1.152 Views

Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II (second left) together with President Jokowi inspects honour guards in Indonesian Presidential Palace, Jakarta, today. The queen with her husband, Prince Consort will be in Indonesia for three state visit. (ANTARA FOTO/Widodo S Jusuf)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo, in the company of First Lady Iriana, will welcome Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, who is on a state visit, at the Merdeka Palace today.

The president and the first lady are scheduled to host Queen Margrethe II and Prince Consort during a state welcoming ceremony at 10 am local time.

Thereafter, at 11:10 am local time, the Indonesian and Royal Danish Governments will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU).

According to a previous Antara report, Queen Margrethe II noted that her first official visit with the prince consort, minister, businessmen, and investors to Indonesia aims to establish mutual understanding and strengthen ties between the two countries.

Queen Margrethe II is the daughter of King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid. King Frederik passed away in 1972 and Queen Ingrid in 2000.

Denmark is a country following a liberal democracy as the political system is based on a constitution that was enacted in 1953.

Executive powers are in the hands of the government (prime minister), with the Queen (Margrethe II) playing the role of head of state.

Legislative powers are held by the parliament (Folketing), while the judicial power is held by the Supreme Court, which is chosen by the Queen.

President Jokowi to welcome Queen of Denmark - ANTARA News
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