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Skadron Udara 12 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin melaksanakan latihan terbang malam yang berlangsung mulai Senin (18/5) hingga Kamis (21/5).
(Foto : Pen Lanud Rsn).
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Indonesia confirms deployment of C-705 missiles on KCR-60M class
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International
18 May 2015


A senior official from the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has confirmed the deployment of Chinese-made C-705 surface-to-surface missiles on the service's KCR-60M missile attack craft.

The official was speaking to IHS Jane's on 19 May during a visit to the second-in-class KCR-60M vessel KRI Tombak at Changi Naval Base during the IMDEX 2015 exhibition in Singapore. The TNI-AL sent two ships to the expo - the other being the Bung Tomo-class corvette KRI John Lie (358).

Tombak , built by Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL and commissioned in August 2014, is the second of three KCR-60M ships currently in service. The vessel is fitted with four (two twin) missile launchers. The KCR-60M class was initially believed to be deploying either the C-705 or C-802 missiles, but there were conflicting reports from Jakarta regarding the confirmed choice of missile.

"It is the C-705 for now. There are no plans to deploy the C-802 as yet," the TNI-AL official said. The KCR-60M class is also armed with one 57 mm main gun on the foredeck and two 20 mm guns aft.

During an interview in Jakarta on 13 August 2014, then TNI-AL Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio told IHS Jane's that the navy was looking to procure at least 16 KCR-60M vessels by 2018, subject to funding. The platform is seen as a core component of the country's 'Minimum Essential Force' strategy that it plans to deliver by 2024.

IMDEX 2015: Indonesia confirms deployment of C-705 missiles on KCR-60M class - IHS Jane's 360

Indonesia confirms deployment of C-705 missiles on KCR-60M class
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International
18 May 2015


A senior official from the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has confirmed the deployment of Chinese-made C-705 surface-to-surface missiles on the service's KCR-60M missile attack craft.

The official was speaking to IHS Jane's on 19 May during a visit to the second-in-class KCR-60M vessel KRI Tombak at Changi Naval Base during the IMDEX 2015 exhibition in Singapore. The TNI-AL sent two ships to the expo - the other being the Bung Tomo-class corvette KRI John Lie (358).

Tombak , built by Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL and commissioned in August 2014, is the second of three KCR-60M ships currently in service. The vessel is fitted with four (two twin) missile launchers. The KCR-60M class was initially believed to be deploying either the C-705 or C-802 missiles, but there were conflicting reports from Jakarta regarding the confirmed choice of missile.

"It is the C-705 for now. There are no plans to deploy the C-802 as yet," the TNI-AL official said. The KCR-60M class is also armed with one 57 mm main gun on the foredeck and two 20 mm guns aft.

During an interview in Jakarta on 13 August 2014, then TNI-AL Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio told IHS Jane's that the navy was looking to procure at least 16 KCR-60M vessels by 2018, subject to funding. The platform is seen as a core component of the country's 'Minimum Essential Force' strategy that it plans to deliver by 2024.

IMDEX 2015: Indonesia confirms deployment of C-705 missiles on KCR-60M class - IHS Jane's 360

Please post picture of Missiles
Indonesian attack craft complete test of C-705 missile system

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

30 July 2014

A computer generated image of KCR-40 lead ship KRI Clurit. Source: PT Palindo

The Indonesian Navy's (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL's) first two KCR-40-class attack craft, KRI Clurit and KRI Kujang , have completed sea acceptance tests of its C-705 surface-to-surface missiles' fire-control system.

According to a statement issued by the TNI-AL's Western Fleet Command (KOARMABAR) on 24 July, the tests, which included firing the missiles at a target, were carried out in the waters near Lingga Island, which is located about 200 km south of Singapore.

The TNI-AL has, however, stopped short of revealing further details of the fire-control system or the type of target engaged during these tests.

The C-705 is a multipurpose missile that was first displayed by China in October 2008 and bears resemblance to the C-602 (YJ-62) anti-ship missile, albeit smaller and lighter. The projectile has a maximum effective range of 140 km and is, in its basic version, guided by an 8 mm active radar during its terminal stage. The C-705 is believed to be capable of carrying a 130 kg HE semi-armour piercing (SAP) directional warhead.

The statement by KOARMABAR claims that during the tests it assessed the C-705's probability of sinking a ship to be 95.7% for vessels with a displacement of up to 1,500 tonnes. Each KCR-40-class vessel can carry up to four C-705 missiles.

IHS Jane's reported in February 2013 that the TNI-AL's KCR-40-class missile boats will be equipped with an initial batch of C-705 anti-ship missiles purchased from China, before making the transition to a version built indigenously by state-owned arms manufacturer PT Pindad. PT Indonesian Aerospace was also reported to be participating in local production of the C-705 in the future but no details of the company's progress on this are yet available.

It is believed that TNI-AL will receive between six to 12 missiles from China by the end of 2014 to equip the first two vessels of the class. Clurit (641) and Kujang (642) were commissioned in April 2011 and February 2012 respectively and were joined by two other vessels in class in 2013 - KRI Beladau (643) and KRI Alamang (644). Indonesia is expected to operate up to 24 KCR-40 missile attack craft.

Clurit and Kujang are currently under the strength of the TNI-AL's Western Fleet (KOARMABAR) and are expected to be deployed for maritime patrol duties in the Riau Archipelago once fully operational.

Indonesian attack craft complete test of C-705 missile system - IHS Jane's 360
@Zarvan the news is quite obsolete, Indonesian Navy is deciding not to equip or built small sized missile boats for patrol duty anymore, as they can't handle a rough water in most of Indonesian Open Water, especially in Eastern area and West Area near Kalimantan and Natuna.

Right now Indonesian Navy and Department of Defence in collaborate with ITS (Institute Technology of Surabaya) is designing a new class of Frigate ships with length of more than 150's meter and multiple missile and cannon armament to cope with the ever increasing pressure Indonesian Navy had today and in near future.

as usual the news is in Indonesia

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com- Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) telah menunjuk ITS Surabaya menjadi Pusat Desain dan Rekayasa Kapal Perang.

"Kita sudah memiliki Pusat Desain Kapal Nasional, lalu Kemenhan meningkatkan statusnya menjadi Pusat Desain dan Rekayasa Kapal Perang," kata Dekan FTK ITS Prof Eko Budi Djatmiko di Surabaya, Sabtu (9/5/2015).

Ditemui di sela "Marine Icon 2015" yang diselenggarakan mahasiswa FTK ITS di kawasan Monumen Kapal Selam (Monkasel) Surabaya, 8-10 Mei itu, ia menjelaskan penunjukan tersebut merupakan bagian dari peran ITS mendukung Poros Maritim.

"Untuk mendukung Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia, banyak dosen ITS ditarik ke pusat untuk membantu dalam mewujudkan kebijakan Presiden Joko Widodo itu," katanya.

Selain penunjukan sebagai pusat desain dan rekayasa kapal perang, ITS juga diminta membantu dalam membangun tol laut dan pembuatan kapal selam di PT PAL yang merupakan kerja sama antara Indonesia dengan Korea.

"Untuk itu, ITS diminta membantu untuk menyiapkan desain pembangunan galangan kapal selam, karena kerja sama dengan Korea itu sudah ditindaklanjuti dengan membuat dua kapal selam di Korea," katanya.

Tahun berikutnya, kerja sama pembuatan lima kapal selam itu akan dilanjutkan dengan membangun tiga kapal selam sisanya di PT PAL.

"Sejak tahun 1960, ITS sebenarnya sudah mendapat amanah untuk menyiapkan teknologi kemaritiman, namun selalu terkendala dengan kebijakan pemerintah," katanya saat mendampingi Rektor ITS Prof Joni Hermana.

Untuk itu, ITS akan mengambil peran dalam pembangunan Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia itu dengan menyiapkan desain galangan kapal berukuran besar, sekaligus menyiapkan sumber daya manusia untuk galangan itu.

"Dengan demikian, kita akan segera memiliki kapal jenis fregat yang panjangnya sampai 150 meter, bukan sekadar kapal patroli berukuran besar seperti selama ini," katanya.

Ketua Panitia "Marine Icon 2015" ITS, Nityasa Manuswara, Marine Icon 2015 yang dibuka Rektor ITS Prof Joni Hermana (8/5) itu, juga bukan sekadar lomba, namun untuk menggugah kesadaran dan pemahaman terhadap pentingnya kemaritiman bagi Bangsa Indonesia.

"Kita lihat kenyataan Indonesia adalah negara maritim, tapi masyarakat belum sadar bahwa kita masyarakat maritim. Buktinya, masih banyak masyarakat yang 'concern' ke daratan," katanya.

Lomba dengan tema "Berkarya Bersama Membangun Peradaban Maritim Indonesia" yang digelar di kawasan Monumen Kapal Selam (Monkasel) Surabaya pada Jumat (8/5) hingga Minggu (10/5) itu, mempertandingkan enam jenis lomba dan memperebutkan Piala Menpora.

Sebanyak enam jenis lomba adalah Marine Diesel Assembling (bongkar pasang mesin diesel) bagi siswa SMK, Waterbike Competition (sepeda air), National Maritime Paper and Essay Competition (lomba karya tulis kemaritiman), Pop Pop Boat Race (kapal uap/perahu tok-tok), Marine Photography Contest (lomba foto kemaritiman), dan Dragon Boat Race (lomba dayung/lomba balap perahu naga).

Kemenhan Tunjuk ITS sebagai Pusat Desain Kapal Perang - Kompas.com

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com- Government through the Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defense) has appointed ITS into Engineering Design Center and Battleship. "We already have a National Ship Design Center, then Kemenhan improve the status of a Centre of Design and Engineering Warship," said Dean FTK ITS Prof Budi Eko Djatmiko in Surabaya, Saturday (05/09/2015). Met on the sidelines "Marine Icon 2015" organized by students of FTK ITS in the Submarine Monument (Monkasel) Surabaya, 8-10 May it was, he explained appointment is part of the role of ITS support shaft Maritime. "To support Indonesia as World Maritime Axis, many ITS lecturers drawn to the center for help in realizing the policies of President Joko Widodo it," he said.

In addition to the appointment as a center for war ship design and engineering, ITS also asked to assist in establishing a marine highway and manufacture submarines in PT PAL which is the cooperation between Indonesia and Korea. "To that end, ITS asked to help to prepare the design of the submarine shipyard development, because cooperation with Korea that was followed up by making two submarines in Korea," he said. The following year, the cooperation of making five submarines will be followed by the construction of three submarines remaining in PT PAL. "Since 1960, ITS actually already got the mandate to prepare the maritime technology, but always constrained by government policy," he said while accompanying ITS Rector Prof. Joni Hermana.

To that end, the ITS will take part in the development of Indonesia as the World Maritime Axis with preparing the design of large-sized shipyards, as well as preparing human resources for the shipyard. "Thus, we will soon have a frigate ship up to 150 meters in length, not just large-sized patrol boats as long as this," he said.Chairman of the Committee "Marine Icon 2015" ITS, Nityasa Manuswara, Marine Icon opened in 2015 ITS Rector Prof. Joni Hermana (8/5), it is also not just a race, but to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of maritime for the Indonesian nation. "We see the fact Indonesia is a maritime country, but people do not realize that our maritime community.

The proof, there are still many people who 'concern' to the mainland," he said. Competition with the theme "Working Together Building Indonesian Maritime Civilizations" held in the Submarine Monument (Monkasel) Surabaya on Friday (8/5) to Sunday (10/5), the fight for six types of races and trophy Affairs. A total of six types of competitions are Assembling Marine Diesel (diesel engine disassembly) for vocational students, waterbike Competition (water bikes), National Maritime Paper and Essay Competition (writing competition maritime), Pop Pop Boat Race (steamer / boat tok-tok ), Marine Photography Contest (contest maritime photo), and the Dragon Boat Race (rowing race / dragon boat race).
@Zarvan the news is quite obsolete, Indonesian Navy is deciding not to equip or built small sized missile boats for patrol duty anymore, as they can't handle a rough water in most of Indonesian Open Water, especially in Eastern area and West Area near Kalimantan and Natuna.

Right now Indonesian Navy and Department of Defence in collaborate with ITS (Institute Technology of Surabaya) is designing a new class of Frigate ships with length of more than 150's meter and multiple missile and cannon armament to cope with the ever increasing pressure Indonesian Navy had today and in near future..

i want to ask a question if i may sis. based of your article above, the TNI-AL decide to terminate KCR40 and/or KCR60 program completely or just stop temporarily and start built again for different role? like coastal defense maybe.

im confused with the word "patrol duty" because maybe both KCR40 & KCR60 cant handle rough water in the high seas but for much more shallow water the KCR still fit for patrol duty doesnt it?
i want to ask a question if i may sis. based of your article above, the TNI-AL decide to terminate KCR40 and/or KCR60 program completely or just stop temporarily and start built again for different role? like coastal defense maybe.

im confused with the word "patrol duty" because maybe both KCR40 & KCR60 cant handle rough water in the high seas but for much more shallow water the KCR still fit for patrol duty doesnt it?

for patrol duty you will not need the missiles, but you need the endurance and the capability to weather the tricky environment at our ocean, so they will stopping to equip such boat with missile and instead will focusing the resources into a larger platform.

Perahu karet TNI merapat ke Pulao Rondo, Aceh, pulau terluar ujung barat wilayah Indonesia, saat memasok logistik menjelang kedatang Panglima TNI, Jenderal TNI Moeldoko di Pulau Rondo, Aceh, Selasa (19/5/15). Kunjungan Jenderal TNI Moeldoko ke pulau itu juga untuk meresmikan monumen patung pahlawan Aceh, Teuku Umar. (ANTARA FOTO/Ampelsa)


Pangdam II Sriwijaya Mayjen TNI Iskandar M Sahil menyalami prajurit Yonzipur 2/Samara Grawira Prabumulih Satgas Ops pembangunan jalan paralel perbatasan Kalimantan Barat dengan Malaysia di Makodam II Sriwijaya. Palembang. Sumsel, Senin (18/5). Sebanyak 90 orang personel akan diperbantukan untuk pembangunan jalan trans Kalimantan sepanjang 290 KM dan lebar 12 KM dan memakan waktu selama 1 tahun. (ANTARA FOTO/Nova Wahyudi)
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Prajurit TNI AL memeriksa kondisi Pesawat CN-235 220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) TNI AL sebelum patroli wilayah perbatasan di Landasan Udara TNI AL Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau, Rabu (6/5). Pesawat intai maritim dibawah kendali Gugus Tempur Laut Komando Armada Barat ini dilengkapi Radar Ocean Master (OM) 400 dengan daya jangkau kurang lebih 200 NM dan dilengkapi FLIR (forward looking infra red) SAFIRE III atau kamera intai laut dengan sudut 360 derajat serta jarak jangkau sekitar 80-90 NM untuk patroli laut wilayah perbatasan. (ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa)


Wakil Komandan Pesawat Udara 1 Flight 2 Juanda Letnan Satu Laut [P] Indra Permana mengintai kapal laut dengan monitor Ocean Master Radar dan FLIR (forward looking infra red) SAFIRE III di pesawat CN-235 220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) TNI AL, di Tanjung Pinang, Selasa (5/5). Pesawat intai maritim dibawah kendali Gugus Tempur Laut Komando Armada Barat ini dilengkapi Radar Ocean Master (OM) 400 dengan daya jangkau kurang lebih 200 NM dan dilengkapi FLIR (forward looking infra red) SAFIRE III atau kamera intai laut dengan sudut 360 derajat serta jarak jangkau sekitar 80-90 NM untuk patroli laut wilayah perbatasan. (ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa)


Pilot Mayor Laut [P] Bambang Edi Saputro (kiri) berkoordinasi dengan Co-Pilot Kapten Laut [P] Novi Manunggal (kanan) saat melakukan patroli di sekitar kepulauan Riau dengan pesawat CN-235 220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) TNI AL, di Tanjung Pinang, Selasa (5/5). Pesawat intai maritim dibawah kendali Gugus Tempur Laut Komando Armada Barat ini dilengkapi Radar Ocean Master (OM) 400 dengan daya jangkau kurang lebih 200 NM dan dilengkapi FLIR (forward looking infra red) SAFIRE III atau kamera intai laut dengan sudut 360 derajat serta jarak jangkau sekitar 80-90 NM untuk patroli laut wilayah perbatasan. (ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa)


Wakil Komandan Pesawat Udara 1 Flight 2 Juanda Letnan Satu Laut [P] Indra Permana mengintai kapal laut dengan monitor Ocean Master Radar dan FLIR (forward looking infra red) SAFIRE III di pesawat CN-235 220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) TNI AL, di Tanjung Pinang, Selasa (5/5). Pesawat intai maritim dibawah kendali Gugus Tempur Laut Komando Armada Barat ini dilengkapi Radar Ocean Master (OM) 400 dengan daya jangkau kurang lebih 200 NM dan dilengkapi FLIR (forward looking infra red) SAFIRE III atau kamera intai laut dengan sudut 360 derajat serta jarak jangkau sekitar 80-90 NM untuk patroli laut wilayah perbatasan. (ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa)

International committee of military medicine lauds Indonesian Military Medicine Association
Rabu, 20 Mei 2015 07:43 WIB | 151 Views

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla (third right), accompanied by the Minister of Defence, Ryamizard Ryacudu reviewing medical equipment exhibition in the 41st World Congress of Military Medicine (ICMM) in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday (May 18, 2015). (ANTARA/Wira Suryantala)
Nusa Dua (ANTARA News) - The International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) lauds the contribution of the Indonesian Military Medicine Association for playing an active role in social programs in several countries.

"As the Indonesian Military Medicine Association has been active in international medical programs, the ICMM accepts Indonesias leadership of the international medicine committee," Secretary General of ICMM Roger Van Hoof stated here.

Indonesia now chairs the ICMM, following the completion of Saudi Arabias term.

The position has been officially handed over during the opening ceremony of the 41st International Medicine Conference Committee in Nusa Dua, Bali, on May 18, 2015.

According to Hoof, the capability of the Indonesian Military Medicine Association is no longer doubted as it has been credited for lending assistance to other countries, both those suffering from disasters and also the ones that are engulfed in conflicts, as a peacekeeping force.

The Indonesian Military Medicine Association was also active in dispatching aid to the Nepalese people when their country was hit by an earthquake on April 25.

Regarding the aid given to conflict ridden countries, the ICMM, which has no political interests, offers opportunity to all countries, including Indonesia, to actively participate in providing health assistance to disaster victims.

"We call on all ICMM member countries to help each other," Hoof emphasized.

Head of the Indonesian Military Health Center Major General Daniel Tjen, who is also the chairperson of the 41st International Medicine Conference Committee, noted that the Indonesian military medical team has been actively involved in the health mission in Nepal.

"We are striving to provide humanitarian aid to Nepal. We have sent a task force to the country and have established a field hospital to help the disaster victims," Tjen added.

International committee of military medicine lauds Indonesian Military Medicine Association - ANTARA News
Jakarta - Membanggakan! Tim Indonesia
meraih kemenangan mutlak dalam lomba
tembak tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh
Australia. Indonesia bahkan mengalahkan
sang tuan rumah dan hingga saat ini berhasil
mendapatkan 28 medali emas dalam
Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting
(AASAM) 2015.

Berdasarkan informasi dari Kedutaan Besar
Republik Indonesia Canberra, Rabu
(20/5/2015), tim Indonesia unggul di posisi
pertama. Adapun 21 peserta Indonesia yang
terdiri dari pejabat dan petembak profesional
dari lingkungan TNI AD serta teknisi PT
Pindad sudah berhasil meraih 28 medali
emas, 16 medali perak, dan 10 medali

"Prestasi yang membanggakan ini
menunjukkan betapa tangguhnya anggota TNI
dan persenjataan buatan Indonesia di medan
laga," puji Dubes RI untuk Australia Nadjib
Riphat dalam keterangannya.

Sementara itu sang tuan rumah, Australia
berada di posisi kedua dengan perbedaan
raihan yang cukup jauh yakni 4 medali emas,
7 medali perak dan 5 medali perunggu.

Bahkan tim petembak Indonesia jauh
melampaui tim dari Inggris yang baru
mampu meraih 3 medali emas, 5 medali
perak, dan 3 medali perunggu. Sementara US
Army hingga hari ini baru mendapat 1 medali

Menambah keterangan Dubes Nadjib, Atase
Militer KBRI Canberra, Taufan Gestoro
menyatakan tim Indonesia bertarung dengan
profesionalisme dan kemampuan tinggi. Tim
Indonesia diperkirakan akan terus
menambah perolehan medali hingga
pertandingan berakhir pada 22 dan 23 Mei

"Di bawah tekanan dan kompetisi
internasional yang ketat, para peserta dari
TNI bertanding dengan semangat yang luar
biasa dan menyelesaikan tiap kompetisi
dengan profesionalisme dan skill yang tinggi,"
jelas Taufan Gestoro yang mendampingi Tim
Indonesia selama pertandingan itu.

Perlombaan AASAM kali ini digelar di
Puckapunyal, Victoria, mulai tanggal 2 hingga
23 Mei 2015. Selama perhelatan yang
mengharumkan nama Indonesia, tim
menggunakan 4 jenis senjata. Yaitu senapan
buatan dalam negeri SS-2 V-4 Heavy Barrel
dan pistol G-2 (Elite&Combat) dari PT Pindad,
senapan SO-Minimi buatan Belgia, senapan
GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun)
buatan Belgia, dan senjata sniper AW buatan

Keberhasilan bukan hanya didapat dari
perlombaan kategori beregu. Pada kategori
perorangan, prajurit TNI AD berhasil
memenangkan kompetisi. Mereka adalah
Letda Inf Safrin Sihombing (Kopassus), Serda
Misran (Kostrad), Serda Suwandi (Kostrad),
dan Serda Woli Hamsan (Kostrad).

Kalahkan AS dan Inggris, RI Menang Telak di Lomba Tembak Tahunan
Indonesian Army just inducting another Motor Commando Boats, this time Bukit Barisan First Regional Command who get them


KMC Komando TNI ADKapal Motor Cepat (KMC) Komando TNI AD melakukan manuver pada peluncuran Kapal Motor Cepat (KMC) Komando Kodam I/Bukit Barisan di Pelabuhan Belawan Medan, Sumatera Utara, Rabu (20/5). Kapal yang memiliki kecepatan 35 knot dan mampu berlayar terus menerus sejauh 250 NM dalam kecepatan tersebut dilengkapi dengan senjata berat dan dapat mengangkut 36 prajurit untuk pendaratan di pantai. (ANTARA FOTO/Septianda Perdana)
KMC Komando TNI AD - Foto ANTARA News


Omar Patek, a notorious terrorist villain, leader of Jamaah Islamiyah in Indonesia and perpetrator of several bombs attack in Indonesia had made an amend for himself and realized his wrongdoing all of the time, right now tightly embraced to sacred Red and White flag of Republic of Indonesia.


Terpidana kasus terorisme Umar Patek (kiri) memberi hormat ketika menjadi pengibar bendera merah putih pada upacara memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional (Harkitnas) di Lapas Porong, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Rabu (20/5/15). Umar Petek yang merupakan pemimpin kelompok radikal Jamaah Islamiyah tersebut menjadi pengibar bendera merah putih sebagai bentuk rasa cinta kepada Indonesia. (ANTARA FOTO/Umarul Faruq)

Umar Patek Pengibar Bendera - Foto ANTARA News
. . .
for patrol duty you will not need the missiles, but you need the endurance and the capability to weather the tricky environment at our ocean, so they will stopping to equip such boat with missile and instead will focusing the resources into a larger platform.

ah i see
okay i get the pictures. thanks sis :tup:

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