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Overall it is not really that bad though, for instant, I feel happy we can get Mahakam Block which has 1/3 of our oil and gas. Just let go the police case for a while. Abdurrahman Ruki is a good one though.

Current development that we see suggest that Jokowi's governing is still not optimal of course, but it is the price we must pay for having a democratic nation, usually the leader doesnt keep his promise 100 % because of several reasons, from learning that fact we, then, can make better choice in the next election. And in the other hand, some clever and honest people from our younger generation ( like you for instant :D) should also help the nation by either going to politics or set up a pressure group. Not only thinking about themselves. :cool:

"The best person is the one who has the best in contribution" (Hadith)

It is actually the time that is waited by our ancestor for so long, so keep the faith Men........... :devil: :sniper:
Very well said bro. Hope the next generations will be the better ones. I absolutely want to help the nation through a social movement. Politic is a big no for me for the time being. It is too treacherous.
Nice to hear comment from ministry of energy and mineral resources today that express his confident in PERTAMINA to manage the Mahakam block.

Posted: Jumat, 06 Mar 2015

Komandan Pusat Kesenjataan Infanteri (Chief of Infantry Weaponery Centre) or Danpussenif Major General Hinsa Siburian visited PT Pindad (Persero) on Thursday, March 5th, 2015. The delegation was aceepted by Board of Directors and management of PT Pindad (Persero) at Auditorium, Directorate Building. On his welcoming speech, PT Pindad’s CEO Silmy Karim said that this visit was a support and concern for Pindad as one of players on national defence industry. “This is good opportunity for industry and user can meet to form synergy relationship to build Indonesia defence power,” said Silmy.

Silmy added that Pindad’s production capacity and technology mastery acceleration would always be increased in order to fulfill Indonesia National Armed Forces more comprehensively. “In accordance with President Jokowi’s support, capacity enhancement and equipments modernization will be conducted. On technology mastery acceleration, the Transfer of Technology process with some international defence companies has been initiated,” added Silmy.

Major General Hinsa Siburian explained that his visit to PT Pindad was to extend the cooperation that has established. “Infantry’s attack and maneuver capability always supported by technology advancement of PT Pindad on weapon, ammunition, and special vehicle,” he said. Moreover, Pussenif as the backbone of Indonesia National Armed Forces power was doing a program that titled infantry weaponry transformation where various range of innovations will be done in order to strengthen Indonesia National Armed Forces’ weaponry. “Consistency of our cooperation with
PT Pindad hopefully will be continued at the future because there are so many things that will involving both parties, especially on research and development field because in the end, our purpose is same, to achieve the independency of national defence industry,” said Hinsa.

Silmy Karim welcomed the initiative because relationship that been built with Pussenif could add confidence and spirit for PT Pindad to keep increasing the company quality and capability. “I will push Pindad’s product development division to always involves research and development at Indonesian Army unit so that the information that related to products could directly absorbed and implemented, because the user is the one who knows about detail of the products,” said Silmy.

After discussion and delivery of the souvenir, delegation visited production facilities for weapon and special vehicle. At the special vehicle division, the delegation got an opportunity to see the Amphibi Combat Vehicle maneuvered in the water. This variant of combat vehicle was currently on certification process by Research and Development Agency of Indonesian Army. After special vehicle division, delegation moved to Weapon Division to visit the production facilities and directly try the G2 handgun which produced by PT Pindad (Persero). (Anggia)

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Siaran Pers
Yeahhh...Welcome HOME KRI RIGEL 933
Credit : originally uploader

Last report:

Mar 06, 2015 19:56 UTC
Ship type: Unknown
ETA: Mar 07, 16:30
46.68163 N/3.09262 W
Course/Speed: 302 ° / 6.3 kn.
Current draught: 4 m
Callsign PLJJ
N/A / 525014077

SS1-V1 pindad...This weapon is used for the execution of Bali Nine
Credit : pindad.com
Indonesia seeking citizens missing in Turkey
Jumat, 6 Maret 2015 22:30 WIB | 497 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia continues with intensive efforts to find 16 citizens who vanished while in Turkey and are feared to have joined the ISIS group.

"There are actually 24 people who joined a tour to Turkey. We are still seeking the missing 16," foreign ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir said here on Friday.

He added that most of the missing Indonesians were from Surabaya (East Java) and others from Surakarta (Central Java).

Arrmanatha explained that immediately after arriving in Istanbul, they separated themselves from the tour group and did not visit tourist locations, as had been arranged.

"They said they would not join the group on the tour, but would go by themselves and later join the group again in a certain city before returning to Indonesia," he said.

"The groups leader agreed to let the 16 citizens separate from the group. But after arriving at the place where they were supposed to again join the group, none of them emerged. When they were called they asked for a change of the meeting place," he said.

After failing to meet them at the new location, members of the tour group began to worry, especially after they were unable to contact them.

"Finally, the incident was reported to the Indonesian embassy in Istanbul. We also tried to contact them and failed. At last, the embassy coordinated with Turkish police," he said.

While the remaining eight group members returned to Jakarta, the 16 citizens were still at large and remained so until now, he said.

Regarding rumors that they might have joined ISIS, Arrmanatha said nothing had as yet been confirmed.

"We cannot confirm if they have really joined ISIS or not. The Indonesian embassy is still coordinating with the Turkish police," he said.(*)

Indonesia seeking citizens missing in Turkey - ANTARA News
Marinir? his face is seem like Pakistani or middle eastern to me

View attachment 200034

Talking about our military officer who looks Pakistani, we shouldnt miss this one (general) 8-)



Marsekal Muda Muhammad Syaugi

Before one of Indonesian F-16 Aerobatic Team member (Blue Eagle)

Blue Eagle team got the training from USA Aerobatic Team "Thunder Birds"


He is on the left

Another Blue Eagle Team :

Last edited:
Reposted from Tmawa.net
Credit to original uploader

F/A-18 of Royal Australian Air Force greet Indonesian Air Force Sukhois in Exercise Pitch Black 2012
Note the external fuel tanks on the RAAF F/A-18

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