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Indonesian Army receives two indigenously produced LCTs
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International
24 February 2015

An Indonesian Army indigenously produced LCU, KM ADRI XLVIII. Source: TNI-AD

The Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Darat, or TNI-AD) has taken delivery of two landing craft tank (LCT) ships produced by local shipbuilder PT Dok Kodja Bahari.

The vessels, with pennant numbers ADRI XLVIII and ADRI XLIX, were received by the TNI-AD's chief of staff, Lieutenant General Gatot Nurmantyo, at PT Dok Kodja Bahari's shipyard in Tanjung Priok on 18 February. The pair will replace two older landing craft logistics (LCL) ships currently in service with the same pennant numbers.

In addition to the new LCTs, the service also took delivery during the handover ceremony of two new tugboats produced by the shipbuilder. All four vessels were produced with inputs from other Indonesian companies including state-owned PT Pindad.

According to specifications provided by the TNI-AD, the LCTs measure 68 m in length, 13.5 m in width, and have a draught of 2.75 m. Each vessel has a deadweight tonnage of 1,000 and can deliver up to 500 tonnes of military lift.

During the handover ceremony, Gen Nurmantyo described the ships as crucial additions to the TNI-AD's amphibious lift capabilities in the context of the country's archipelagic nature. He noted that the service may require more such vessels in the future as part of its modernisation efforts.

The two new LCTs will be inducted into the TNI-AD's supply and transport directorate.

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Indonesian Army receives two indigenously produced LCTs - IHS Jane's 360
23 February 2015, Indonesian Marines Corps, 1st Infantry Battalion. Inspection routine for Armaments and personnel gear. Karangpilang, 1st Army Formation, Marines Corps Heard Quarter

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the row of M67 Recoilless rifle with their operator units
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Pindad M60 Mortar unit
Spain Joins the Competition to Arm Indonesia

By Arientha Primanita on 11:06 pm Feb 25, 2015


Visitors pass in front and behind a Eurofighter Typhoon logo during the third day of the tenth edition of the 'Aero India-2015' at the Yelahanka air base in Bangalore, India, 19 February 2015. (EPA Photo/Jagadesh NV)

Jakarta. Spain has submitted a tender to supply Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets to the Indonesian government, entering a bidding war with other producers of combat aircraft as the country seeks to beef up its military strength.

Indonesia has dedicated 7 percent of budgetary spending to defense over the past two years in an attempt to regenerate an aging military arsenal to both match regional powers and to secure the vast archipelago.

“The competition the Eurofighter is entering is for the replacement of the regular old combat aircraft that you [Indonesia] have,” Spanish Ambassador to Indonesia Francisco Jose Viqueira Niel said on Wednesday.

The Eurofighter, whose primary users are the Spanish, German, British and Italian air forces, faces serious competition from Russia’s Sukhoi and Sweden’s Gripen aircraft.

The latter, produced by Swedish aerospace and defense company Saab, opened a representative office in Indonesia last year to seek opportunities for cooperation with the government.

“We thought the door was closed for Eurofighter. But after we went public saying we wanted to participate, we are now in the game,” Viqueira said.

The ambassador has met with senior officials including Defense Minister Ryamirzard Ryacudu, Industry Minister Saleh Husin and Indonesian Military Chief Gen. Moeldoko.

Indonesia’s military spending has risen 3.3 percent to Rp 97 trillion ($7.8 billion) in the 2015 state budget, with 40 percent of that amount dedicated to weaponry and equipment.

Viqueira said the Typhoon cost more than its competitors, but declined to name a figure, saying that it would be disclosed in government-to-government meetings between Indonesia and Spain.

Saab announced last October that Brazil had agreed to buy 36 Gripen NG jets at a total price of 39.3 billion Swedish krona ($4.7 billion), putting the plane’s unit cost at around $130 million.

Spain Joins the Competition to Arm Indonesia - The Jakarta Globe
Rosoboronexport: Indonesia is interested in purchasing Su-35 fighters

Russian Aviaton » Wednesday February 25, 2015 14:43 MSK

Rosoboronexport and Indonesia are negotiating deliveries of a batch of Su-35 jets, RIA Novosti reports with reference to Deputy CEO of the company, Sergey Goreslavskiy.

Goreslavskiy was the head of Rosoboronexport’s delegation at Aero India-2015 airshow held in Bangalore.

“We are negotiating with Indonesian specialists. However, it is too early to discuss the quantity of jets and a date for signing the deal,” Goreslavskiy said.

He reminded that recently the Commander-in-Chief of Indonesian Air Forces, Agus Supriatna, said: “Su-35 jets meet all the requirements of the national air forces”.

Rosoboronexport: Indonesia is interested in purchasing Su-35 fighters - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM
what is the current pakistan military spending? is it 2%?
Its around 14 % but our economy because of corrupt politicians is to shot that is why over all budget is still around 8 billion dollars only

Terjun Tempur Kompi TrengginasSejumlah prajurit pasukan khusus Batalyon Intai Amfibi-1 (Taifib-1) Korps Marinir, melakukan terjun tempur free fall dari pesawat Casa NC212 Skuadron Udara 600 Wing Udara 1 Puspenerbal, di atas Lanudal Juanda Surabaya, Rabu (25/2). Terjun tempur free fal tersebut dalam rangka Lomba Kompi Trengginas Batalyon Taifib-1 Korps Marinir, dalam rangka HUT Ke-54 Batalyon Taifib Korps Marinir. (ANTARA FOTO/Eric Ireng)

RI, S’pore hope to mend military ties with new cooperation
Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Thu, February 26 2015, 7:09 AM

Indonesia and Singapore are working to improve defense relations after last year’s spat over the naming of a Usman Harun Navy corvette.

A joint press announcement from Singapore Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen and Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu revealed the two nations would engage in joint exercises, joint patrols and regular dialogue.

“Both ministers are on the same page, that it is very important to maintain cooperation and friendship between Singapore and Indonesia,” Indonesian Defense Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen. Djundan Eko Bintoro told The Jakarta Post in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Ryamizard visited his Singaporean counterpart on Jan. 28, as well as several strategic companies. During the trip, the respective defense ministers discussed strategies for strengthening defense cooperation.

Djundan said both countries would work together to curb terrorism and piracy and to enhance disaster management.

On Monday, Singapore’s Navy chief, RADM Lai Chung Han, visited Ryamizard to discuss implementation of the cooperation.

Navies from both countries have been discussing strategies for reducing piracy in the Malacca Strait and the South China Sea.

Indonesian Navy chief of Staff Ade Supandi said the government was still reviewing the plan.

“Both navies are still seeking new innovation to [spur] cooperation,” he told the Post.

The new defense cooperation between Singapore and Indonesia is a hopeful sign after a last year’s row.

In February 2014, relations between Singapore and Indonesia hit a new low after Indonesia named one of its Navy corvettes, an Usman Harun 359, after Second Sgt. Usman bin Haji Muhammad Ali and Second Cpl. Harun bin Said, who were executed in Singapore in 1965 after carrying out an Orchard Road bombing three years earlier that killed three and injured 33.

Indonesia had previously named them national heroes.

The Singaporean government later canceled a bilateral meeting concerning defense cooperation. The Indonesian Defense Ministry retaliated by cancelling a plan to attend the Singapore Airshow.

Despite the deleterious effect on bilateral ties, Indonesia stressed it would not rename the ship.

Djundan said Indonesia found no problem in the relationship between Indonesia and Singapore.

“If the relationship does not improve, we won’t stop trying with this cooperation,” he said.

source : jakarta post

Posted: Rabu, 18 Peb 2015


As a representative of British Embassy for Indonesia, Great Britain’s defence attaché, Colonel Adrian visited PT Pindad (Persero) on Wednesday, February 18th 2015. He received by Director of Technology and Development Ade Bagdja at BOD Meeting Room of PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung. The delegation also received by Vice President of Quality Assurance, Vice President of Development and Process, and Head of Communication Corporate Department.

Defence corporation between Indonesia and Great Britain has been created since long time ago. Therefore, Great Britain’s defence attaché visit to PT PIndad (Persero) aimed to keep the cooperation bridge between two countries. “On this visit, we act as representative of Great Britain Defense Industry. We hope that we could became a good bridge for defence industry cooperation between Indonesia and Great Britain,” said Colonel Adrian.

Director of Technology and Development Ade Bagdja said that PT Pindad (Persero) expressed gratefulness for Great Britain Embassy for the help on bridging defence industry between Indonesia and Great Britain. “Hopefully, we will have better connection between nations on defence field,” said Bagdja.

That day’s visit ended by production facilities visit to Special Vehicle Division to directly see the production process for some combat and tactical vehicle products of PT PIndad (Persero). (Anggia)

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Menjembatani Industri Pertahanan Indonesia dan Inggris


Posted: Rabu, 18 Peb 2015


As a representative of British Embassy for Indonesia, Great Britain’s defence attaché, Colonel Adrian visited PT Pindad (Persero) on Wednesday, February 18th 2015. He received by Director of Technology and Development Ade Bagdja at BOD Meeting Room of PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung. The delegation also received by Vice President of Quality Assurance, Vice President of Development and Process, and Head of Communication Corporate Department.

Defence corporation between Indonesia and Great Britain has been created since long time ago. Therefore, Great Britain’s defence attaché visit to PT PIndad (Persero) aimed to keep the cooperation bridge between two countries. “On this visit, we act as representative of Great Britain Defense Industry. We hope that we could became a good bridge for defence industry cooperation between Indonesia and Great Britain,” said Colonel Adrian.

Director of Technology and Development Ade Bagdja said that PT Pindad (Persero) expressed gratefulness for Great Britain Embassy for the help on bridging defence industry between Indonesia and Great Britain. “Hopefully, we will have better connection between nations on defence field,” said Bagdja.

That day’s visit ended by production facilities visit to Special Vehicle Division to directly see the production process for some combat and tactical vehicle products of PT PIndad (Persero). (Anggia)

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Menjembatani Industri Pertahanan Indonesia dan Inggris
That would be a very big leap if we choose to procure that giant ship, maybe when we already complete the 3rd MEF phase, toward the fulfilment of "World CLass Navy" slogan. From the budget standpoint alone, San Antonio with price tag arround $1.6B, the chance is quite thin. We can get 3 Changbogo class sub with that budget. Then there is TOT issue.

Karel Doorman Joint Support Ship class seems to be natural progression for PAL LPD since we already have strong partnership with Damen and seems qiute comfortable with them and their technology.

That would be a very big leap if we choose to procure that giant ship, maybe when we already complete the 3rd MEF phase, toward the fulfilment of "World CLass Navy" slogan. From the budget standpoint alone, San Antonio with price tag arround $1.6B, the chance is quite thin. We can get 3 Changbogo class sub with that budget. Then there is TOT issue.

Karel Doorman Joint Support Ship class seems to be natural progression for PAL LPD since we already have strong partnership with Damen and seems qiute comfortable with them and their technology.


From where you get the picture of this design ship?
here's the link: realitymod.com/forum/f22-military-technology/117943-karel-doorman-class-jss.html
doesn't know where i can put this news, but it is more urgent than diplomatic spat with Brazil

70 indonesians request for evacuation from yemen: ministry
Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 16:27 WIB | 850 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on Thursday that some 70 Indonesian citizens in Yemen have registered themselves at the Indonesian Embassy there seeking evacuation.

Spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Ministry Arrmanatha Nasir said here Thursday that to be evacuated, Indonesian citizens should first get an exit permit from the Yemeni Government.

"There are procedures. They will need an exit permit from the Yemeni Government. So far, some 20 of them have received the permits," Nasir added.

The Indonesian Government will arrange flights to bring back its citizens who have been granted the permits.

The Ministry Spokesperson noted that conditions in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, were tolerable, although not safe.

Houthi rebels, the most powerful and organized political and military group in northern Yemen, have taken control of a large area stretching from Saada in the north to the south of Sanaa.

"According to reports from the Indonesian Embassy, regions quite far from the capital city Sanaa are calmer," he pointed out.

Previously, the Ministry stated there were around 4,000 Indonesian citizens living in Yemen; some 100 of them in Sanaa, which is the most affected city by the political turmoil in the country.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi instructed the Indonesian Embassy in Yemen to announce a plan to evacuate Indonesian citizens from the Arab country.

The government has since taken two major steps.

The first step was to set up several safe houses for its citizens, such as at Wisma Duta, the Indonesian Embassy office, and the Indonesian Students Unity (PPI) Secretariat building.

The second step was to prepare safe routes through its Embassy to transport Indonesian citizens to a place from where they could be flown back home.

Reporting by Yuni Arisandy

70 indonesians request for evacuation from yemen: ministry - ANTARA News

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