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Indonesia Navy commissions third Teluk Bintuni-class landing ship
by Gabriel Dominguez

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has commissioned its third Teluk Bintuni-class landing ship tank (LST) vessel.

Named KRI Teluk Youtefa (with pennant number 522), the 120 m-long ship entered service in a ceremony held on 12 July at the naval base at Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, according to a TNI-AL statement issued that same day.


The Indonesian Navy commissioned KRI Teluk Youtefa , its third Teluk Bintuni-class LST, in a ceremony held on on 12 July at the naval base at Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. (TNI-AL)
Launched in May 2019 by local shipbuilder PT Daya Radar Utama (DRU), Teluk Youtefa has now joined first-of-class Teluk Bintuni , which was commissioned in June 2015, and Teluk Lada , which entered service in February 2019, as part of the TNI-AL's strategic sealift command.

Teluk Youtefa is part of a contract for three additional vessels of the class that was awarded to PT DRU in January 2017, with the other two LSTs – Teluk Palu (523) and Teluk Calang (524) – currently in advanced stages of construction and expected to enter service later this year.

Two more vessels of the class were launched in late February of this year.

Teluk Youtefa , which has a crew of 120, has an overall beam of 18 m, and a hull draught of 3 m. The ship is powered by two 4,320 kW STX-MAN diesel engines and can attain a top speed of 16 kt with a standard range of 7,200 n miles at 13.6 kt, according to the TNI-AL.

14 JULY 2021

Jakarta approves plan to obtain USD600 million loan for interim submarine programme
by Ridzwan Rahmat


KRI Nagapasa , one of four submarines in service with the Indonesian Navy. The country has approved a plan to obtain up to USD600 million in foreign loans to procure at least one second-hand boat as a stopgap measure while awaiting new submarines. (Juni Kriswanto/AFP via Getty Images)
The Indonesian Ministry of Finance (MoF) has granted approval for the country to obtain up to USD600 million in foreign loans to procure at least one second-hand submarine for the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL).

Documents provided to Janes by industry sources indicate that the approval was granted for the Interim Readiness Submarine Class (IRSC) programme, which seeks to temporarily fill gaps in the TNI-AL's underwater warfare capabilities with boats retired by other navies while the service awaits the delivery of new vessels.

The programme calls for a submarine class that displaces between 1,800–2,800 tonnes. However, the documents seen by Janes did not specify the expected number of hulls that will be procured.

The approved loan quantum for the IRSC was reached in consultation with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional: BAPPENAS).

The TNI-AL operates a fleet of four diesel-electric submarines (SSKs) comprised of three Nagapasa (DSME 209/1400)-class boats, and one Cakra (Type 209/1300)-class SSK, KRI Cakra (401). A second Cakra-class boat, KRI Nanggala (402), sank in the Bali Sea in April 2021 killing everyone onboard.

14 JULY 2021

Jakarta approves plan to obtain USD600 million loan for interim submarine programme
by Ridzwan Rahmat

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KRI Nagapasa , one of four submarines in service with the Indonesian Navy. The country has approved a plan to obtain up to USD600 million in foreign loans to procure at least one second-hand boat as a stopgap measure while awaiting new submarines. (Juni Kriswanto/AFP via Getty Images)
The Indonesian Ministry of Finance (MoF) has granted approval for the country to obtain up to USD600 million in foreign loans to procure at least one second-hand submarine for the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL).

Documents provided to Janes by industry sources indicate that the approval was granted for the Interim Readiness Submarine Class (IRSC) programme, which seeks to temporarily fill gaps in the TNI-AL's underwater warfare capabilities with boats retired by other navies while the service awaits the delivery of new vessels.

The programme calls for a submarine class that displaces between 1,800–2,800 tonnes. However, the documents seen by Janes did not specify the expected number of hulls that will be procured.

The approved loan quantum for the IRSC was reached in consultation with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional: BAPPENAS).

The TNI-AL operates a fleet of four diesel-electric submarines (SSKs) comprised of three Nagapasa (DSME 209/1400)-class boats, and one Cakra (Type 209/1300)-class SSK, KRI Cakra (401). A second Cakra-class boat, KRI Nanggala (402), sank in the Bali Sea in April 2021 killing everyone onboard.

Singapore Naval ship arrives in Jakarta sending medical equipment

It is related to Prabowo stubborn effort to buy Rafale which price is 225 million USD per plane and cannot be upgraded into 5 generation fighters, while he can wait KF 21/IFX program instead with 65 million USD price tag per plane ( developed by Korean and Indonesian and the IFX will be produced in Indonesia inshaAllah) and can potentially be upgraded into 5 generation fighters since the design has already used STEALTH parameters as main consideration and target, composite material for the fuselage and the belly part of the plane is made in modular so possibly can be replaced with the belly that has internal weapon bay (IWB) that will be developed for KF21/IFX later block inshaAllah.


French Judge To Probe Rafale Jet Sale To India
The 7.8-billion-euro ($9.3-billion) deal for 36 planes between the government and French aircraft manufacturer Dassault has long been mired in corruption allegations.

All IndiaAgence France-Presse
Updated: July 03, 2021 2:38 am IST

A French judge has been tasked with investigating a controversial 2016 multi-billion-dollar sale of Rafale fighter jets to India on "corruption" suspicions, the national financial prosecutors' office (PNF) said Friday.

The 7.8-billion-euro ($9.3-billion) deal for 36 planes between the government and French aircraft manufacturer Dassault has long been mired in corruption allegations.

The PNF had intially refused to investigate the sale, prompting French investigative website Mediapart to accuse it and the French Anti-corruption Agency of "burying" suspicions surrounding the September 2016 deal.

In April, Mediapart claimed "millions of euros of hidden commissions" were given to a go-between who helped Dassault conclude the sale, of which "some... could have been given as bribes" to Indian officials.

Dassault retorted that no wrong-doing was flagged in the group's audits.

After the reports, France's Sherpa NGO, which specialises in financial crime, filed an official complaint for "corruption" and "influence peddling" among other accusations, prompting an investigating magistrate to be designated to probe the deal.

Sherpa had already asked for an investigation into the deal in 2018, but the PNF took no action.

In this first complaint, the NGO had denounced the fact that Dassault chose Reliance Group as its Indian partner, a conglomerate headed by billionaire Anil Ambani, who is close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Dassult had intially won a contract in 2012 to supply 126 jets to India and had been negotiating with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
By March 2015, those talks had almost reached a conclusion, according to Dassault.

But in April of that year, after PM Modi paid an official visit to France, the talks suddenly broke down to general surprise.

Reliance Group, which has no experience in aeronautics, replaced HAL and finalised a new contract for 36 jets.

In January 2016, at the time of the negotiations, Reliance had financed a film co-produced by Julie Gayet, the partner of Francois Hollande, who was president at the time.

Sherpa believes this could constitute "influence peddling".

The KF-21 Boramae will evolve until possess characteristics of sixth generation fighters



KAI, the Air Force and the South Korean National Institute of Science and Technology plan to develop sixth-generation technologies to address threats beyond 2035, many of which will be incorporated into the KF-21 Boramae.

While the KF-21 Boramae is a very new 4.5 Gen fighter, which had its rollout this year, it was designed from the ground up with the ability to evolve to achieve the capabilities of 5th Gen dot aircraft such as the F-35 and the F-22.

But the new 6th Gen fighters from the US (NGAD and F / A-XX programs), Europe (Tempest and FCAS) and Japan (FX program) are already on the horizon, which would be taking flight from 2030 and they will dominate the skies beyond 2040.

Although Korea was able to finish, almost alone, the prototype and the assembly line of the KF-21, which is in itself a great achievement, and that it still has years of development to rub shoulders with the F-35, the truth is that future technologies that would bring the Boramae closer to the capabilities of a 6th Gen fighter are already being explored.

More reading in this link :

There are many Indonesian I see on FB page which dont have any idea about Indonesia participation in KF 21/IFX program. They still dont have any clue even until Today. So I give more explanation using credible sources and people involved in the program.


Here are the article talking about what happened during development phase:

Of the total workers of the two countries involved in the making of KF-X / IF-X, 30 percent are more from Indonesia and the majority of the rest are from South Korea. This is also the reason for making aircraft centered on Sacheon, not in Indonesia.

The proportion of more than 30 percent of Indonesian engineers involved in working on the KF-X / IF-X actually increased from the original amount of 20 percent. The addition of Indonesian workers occurred as time went by cultivation.

"It signifies that Indonesian engineers count on Korea. There is even a work package whose technology is only owned by Indonesians. He is a doctor from ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology), the only one who has inlight design capabilities. So Korea does not take Indonesia lightly, "Anne said.

Jet Tempur RI Buatan 'Sendiri' Mengangkasa 9 Tahun Lagi


This is about first development phase

Translation from Google translate:

KFX / IFX program continued , Government Asked to Immediately Selecting Design

February 6, 2014 (Angkasa/Space Magazine)

Korea was once considered Indonesia engineer do not understand about the design of a jet fighter. But the notion was quickly turned , when the Indonesian team describes the design and the various inputs. The Indonesian side also the one who finally managed to convince that the aircraft take-off weight of 50,000 pounds must .

Confirmation of the Parliament of South Korea on the resumption of the program KFX / IFX team warmly welcomed designers from Indonesia. They include asking both governments immediately call the engineers involved in preparing work that has been long overdue. They also want the governments of both countries to make sure one of the two designs that have been produced in the Technology Development phase for cultivation in the next phase .

"Program KFX / IFX is a multi - program years , costly, and involve various sectors and foreign partners. For that there must be a definite declaration on it goes. For Indonesia it is important to determine the financing schemes and their human resources planning, "said Dr Rais Zain, M. Eng , KFX / IFX Configuration Design Leader for Angkasa , in late January.

"In the near future Indonesia will also work on the N219 and R - 80. We do not have enough engineers to work three programs, especially KFX / IFX will take place until the 2020s. The government is expected to call home engineers who are now working abroad to come help the regeneration process. Outside there are approximately 200 people . If half of it can be returned to the country, it is enough to help, " added Rais who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering ITB, Bandung.

As reported by the national media, the confirmation of the continuation of the program of making front - liner Korean - Indonesian fighter jets received by the Ministry of Defense on January 3, 2014. Notice is further announced Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro told reporters, Wednesday, January 8, 2014, on the sidelines of Rapim Kemenhan in Jakarta. Explanations related to exposure delivered weapon system procurement plans in the Strategic Plan II, 2015-2019.

The Indonesian government hopes the project of making the 4.5 generation fighter jet could be done because it would be a referral program to remove the dependence of the transfer of technology from other countries. Besides KFX / IFX, Indonesia is also pursuing a program of making submarines , warships, propellants , rockets, and tank size medium. For submarines, Indonesia is also cooperating with the same country.

Superior to the Su - 35Program KFX / IFX was stopped temporarily by Korea's new leader Park Geun - Hye end of 2012 after reviewing the state financially in the country. This prestigious project was worked on since the beginning of 2011, shortly after President Lee Myung - bak and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed the bilateral cooperation in the defense field in Jakarta. From the Technology Development Phase that has been completed, a team of scientists has completed a number of conical design that later became two.

The two designs is a model of the stealth fighter jet -winning twin-engine air superiority with horizontally - tails in the back, and the other one is with canards on the front. "Each has consequences different financing and partners. Thus , it must first be decided which one is selected. It is important that when followed, all parties are ready to do it , "said Rais Zain , whose day-to- day lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,ITB, Bandung.

As stated Wamenhan Sjafrie, Korean parliament has prepared 20 million U.S. dollars (temporary , Indonesia : $ 5 million) to continue this program in 2015. At that time , the team will go to the Engineering Manufacturing Development Phase. In addition must have a high thrust engine with a power to be able to fight in the air, the aircraft must also have weapons stored in the internal weapons bay , the data - link capable of randomizing communications, advanced radar target voters, and anti - jamming device.

The prototype is expected to finish by the end of the Strategic Plan II . Even if there are things that need to be criticized , it is a matter of operation requirements are much more determined the Korean Air Force . This was inevitable because the Korean bear 80 percent of the funding, and the country actually have a real enemy. This program is targeted to spawn a jet fighter with performance equivalent or superior to the opponent fighter jets which are the Sukhoi Su - 35.

Prerequisites itself dismissed the proposed counter designs KAI ( Korean Aerospace Industrie) recently, rather than to cut development costs are too great. In configuration ( see Space, December 2013 ), looks KFX type E is only one engine powered with weapons outside the radar sweep prone opponent.

Angkasa examine admiration of ADD ( Agency for Defense Development, Defence Research and Development Agency of Korea ) submitted to the Indonesian engineer team. Initially, the team assumes Korea really had no idea about the design of Indonesian fighter jets. However, the assumption was turned when Indonesian engineers began to describe the design and the various inputs to the design of Korea. The Indonesian side also who ultimately ensure that the aircraft must have a takeoff weight of 50,000 pounds.(A.Darmawan/Angkasa magazine).



This is the most respected aerospace media in Indonesia but unfortunatelly they have erased that 2014 page but I have posted the translation in previous KFX/IFX thread in 2014.



Indonesian engineers who are mostly design engineers came back home to Indonesia in May 2020 which is the time where the design has been completed (late 2019) and prototype is being constructed. There are more than 140 Indonesian engineers who are part of development program based on report from Jane Defense.

Menanggapi media vietnam yg mengatakan

The fact has been proved by the fact that the whole NATO fleet along with anti-submarine patrol aircraft have repeatedly been powerless to find the Varshavyankas of the Russian Navy in a relatively narrow area.

Sebenarnya Kilo class itu tidak siluman , kalian nonton video ini sampai selesai episode 1 dan 2 agar tercerahkan ga lagi dikibuli media media luar dan dalam tentang kilo class ..

Dijelaskan sampai rampung , belum ada yg menjelaskan ini di manapun di forum forum militer ,di blog militer , medsos , youtube . Sangat informatif dan menambah wawasan dunia militer .

KAI exports Six additional T-50i to Indonesia

20 Juli 2021

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced on the 20th that it had signed an additional supply contract for the introduction and export of the T-50i tactical introductory trainer with the Indonesian Ministry of National Defense (Air Force).

With this contract, KAI will export six T-50i tactical introductory trainers and a follow-up support package for aircraft operation to Indonesia.

The contract size is 274.488 billion won, and the contract period is from December 16, this year, to October 30, 2024.

The contract start date is the expected date when KAI receives the advance payment from the Indonesian government, and the contract end date is 34 months from the start of the contract. KAI will re-publish when the advance payment is received.

The T-50i is an Indonesian export aircraft based on the T-50, the first domestic supersonic advanced trainer developed for the Korean Air Force. It can perform both training and light attack missions at the same time.

Previously, KAI exported 16 T-50i units to Indonesia on May 25, 2011 and T-50i radar and machine gun installation works on November 8, 2018.

Korea Aerospace wins US$240 mln trainer jet deal in Indonesia

All News 14:28 July 20, 2021

SEOUL, July 20 (Yonhap) -- Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), South Korea's sole aircraft manufacturer, said Tuesday it has received a US$240 million trainer jet deal in Indonesia.
Under the deal, KAI will supply six T-50 advanced trainer jets to the Indonesian air force from Dec. 16, 2021, to Oct. 30, 2024, the company said in a regulatory filing.
In 2012, KAI achieved $400 million worth of deals to supply 16 T-50 trainer jets.

As of Tuesday, KAI has exported a total of 154 trainer jets worth US$3.1 billion -- 70 T-50 advanced trainer jets worth $2.6 billion and 84 KT-1 basic trainer jets worth $700 million -- to countries such as Indonesia, Iraq, Thailand, Turkey, Peru and the Philippines since its foundation in 1999.

This undated file photo provided by KAI shows a TA-50 lead-in fighter aircraft. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap)

TANKBOAT X18 Specification.

North Sea Boats

The X18 Tank Boat is an innovative, fast, stealthy, and highly maneuverable catamaran design that provides a stable weapons platform for close-in and long range direct fire support in normally inaccessible coastal and riverine Environments

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