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Indonesia Defence Forum

So... these are missle drones? Like piloted rockets I take it?

As far as I know, Petir is not equipped with any camera so it can't be used as loitering munition / kamikaze drone. It is more like a drone-shaped cruise missile (there are news in the past that said the final form wouldn't be aircraft-like). You pintpoint the target, launch, then wait until it reached the target. Can't change the target or route in mid-flight I suppose.

Edit: A new phase of Petir prototype is already equipped with seeker

The fifth phase is something like this
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I certainly hope everyone already well versed in washing / cleaning any NIR or IRR treated fabric. Otherwise those camo pattern would be ruin real fast. Its already difficult enough for me for cleaning / washing my own personal backpack (which is NIR treated) to the point I've spend over Rp100k just for dry cleaning it with very specific instruction given to the laundry (detergent type, water temperature, drying method). I eventually sold it to a friend after I wash it clean (it still has the NIR treatment)

Air Force forms cyberunit to anticipate cyberwarfare, attacks
The Indonesian Air Force established a cyberunit to anticipate future threats of cyberwarfare, specifically attacks against the force’s infrastructure.

As much I welcome the establishment of this new unit, finding & training the necessary manpower going to be very difficult.

What the ****, government should banned such misionaris with shady background to be operated in Papua. They even Made such accusation against TNI only based on Suara Papua news a well known OPM media. Hell know how much local people being brainwashed by such misionaris and giving new blood for OPM

Kecuali beli nya lgs hard cash ga pengaruh CAATSA

Doesn't matter, with this kind of "fear / scared" mentality we won't have the guts, even with hard cash... Worse part is, there doesn't even seem to be much effort in our part to stand up to it... or at least get any additional concessions... just manut nrimo...

Realizing just how easy it is to pressure us and get our compliance, it's highly likely the US will continue demanding more from us in the future...
What the ****, government should banned such misionaris with shady background to be operated in Papua. They even Made such accusation against TNI only based on Suara Papua news a well known OPM media. Hell know how much local people being brainwashed by such misionaris and giving new blood for OPM

And how will our gov't can even tell the difference?! Looking at the qualitative aspect of our gov't aparatus I strongly doubt they can tell the difference between head or tail. Also keep in mind that missionary going politic is very much the exception rather the norm. The vast majority of missionary that operate in Indonesia are staying away from politic.

Over hype. After market mod can deliver at least something in par with less cost.
ditagih moment ...

Korean officials fly to Jakarta to claim delayed KF-X payments

By Kim Byung-wookPublished : Sept 22, 2020 - 16:54
Updated : Sept 22, 2020 - 16:54
The first prototype of the KF-X fighter is being assembled at KAI headqaurters in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province, on Sept. 3. (Defense Acquisition Program Administration)
The first prototype of the KF-X fighter is being assembled at KAI headqaurters in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province, on Sept. 3. (Defense Acquisition Program Administration)

South Korean officials on Tuesday flew to Jakarta to claim development costs Indonesia owes to Korea for the joint development of next-generation KF-X fighters.

According to industry sources, a Korean task force of 10 officials from Korea Aerospace Industries and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration will renegotiate with Indonesian officials from Wednesday to Thursday on how the Southeast Asian country will deliver its portion of development costs for the KF-X project.

The joint KF-X project requires 8.7 trillion won ($7.4 billion) for development. Indonesia is responsible for 20 percent of the costs, which is approximately 1.7 trillion won. However, Indonesia has been delaying its payments recently, with 500.3 billion won overdue as of April.

Indonesia, while withholding the payment, has reportedly still been seeking technology transfers from KAI, the developer of the KF-X fighters.

“Indonesian officials have requested DAPA to keep the renegotiation confidential,” a DAPA official said. “Only the Korean task force in the field will know which technology Indonesia requests for transfer.”

This month, the Indonesian government said it sliced the cost-sharing rate to 18.8 percent in the last renegotiation, though the target was 15 percent.

By Kim Byung-wook (kbw@heraldcorp.com)

Lol at the title article from Korea Herald. This one is more tone down.

2020-09-22 17:34

Korea, Indonesia set renegotiations for joint fighter jet development project

The first KF-X advanced multirole fighter prototype is being assembled at a Korea Aerospace Industries facility in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province, Sept. 3. Courtesy of Defense Acquisition Program Administration
The first KF-X advanced multirole fighter prototype is being assembled at a Korea Aerospace Industries facility in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province, Sept. 3. Courtesy of Defense Acquisition Program Administration

By Jung Da-min

Korea and Indonesia are working on a new agreement for their joint fighter jet project, which has hit a snag following Indonesia's delay in paying hundreds of millions of dollars.

About 10 officials from the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) ― the maker of the KF-X aircraft ― left for Jakarta, Tuesday, to meet Indonesian officials on Wednesday and Thursday, according to the two organizations.

The joint fighter jet project is called the KF-X (Korean Fighter eXperimental) in Korea and the IF-X (Indonesian Fighter eXperimental) in Indonesia.

While the two sides have held four rounds of renegotiations, the latest talks come after about a year. It is also the first meeting since Indonesia's Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto took office last October. Subianto had been putting off resuming talks with the Korean government, saying he would review the overall content of the country's defense budget and weapons systems.

During this week's meeting, officials of the two countries are expected to review conditions of the joint development project to strike a deal, as Indonesia wants a reduction in how much it promised to pay the Korean government.

Indonesia initially agreed to pay 1.7 trillion won ($1.46 billion), which accounts for about 20 percent of the total 8 trillion won project budget. But it has only paid about 220 billion won. It stopped paying in late 2017, citing the country's deteriorating financial situation.

While payment is supposed to be completed by 2026, the arrears are around 500 billion won.

According to industry officials, the Indonesian side wants to reduce its contribution from the promised 20 percent to 15 percent. The proposal was raised by Indonesian President Joko Widodo when he met President Moon Jae-in during a visit to Korea in September 2018, according to the officials.

Last year, Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto said the country was considering offering CN-235 aircraft from the country's state plane maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia as part of its contribution, instead of cash.

Industry officials said Indonesia also wanted the Korean government to transfer more of the technology for the fighter jet development to Indonesia ― a request that Korea cannot decide alone because some of the technology is linked to the United States.

Meanwhile, the fighter development by KAI is going smoothly, with the manufacturer set to roll out the prototype in the first half of 2021. Earlier this month, KAI started assembling the prototype of what will be the country's first indigenously developed fighter jet.

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Industry officials said Indonesia also wanted the Korean government to transfer more of the technology for the fighter jet development to Indonesia ― a request that Korea cannot decide alone because some of the technology is linked to the United States.
Some of our folks failed to see this connection, iI hope they now understand that its not easy for both Sokor and Indonesia to come up with the deal that could satisty both side. And getting US fighter jets to smooth things out is crucial now, I think Prabowo know this and try to make it works for all sides.

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