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Indonesia Defence Forum



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Tribute to female members of the Armed Forces in service for UN mission


Female member of Air Force Para-Commando Paskhas unit, wears her Beret during the celebration of Indonesian Air Force Anniversary in Indobatt HQ in Lebanon.


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Is indo defence 2014 open to public visitors? I heard its only for officers??

For those who visit indo defence dont forget to take pictures of Russian booth, Saab gripen booth, Northop, Lockheed, Eurofighter, PTDI etc and share it here. Thanks

the last day will be open for Public
Here is the list of exhibitors for Indo Defence 2014

"558 Aircraft Repair Plant" JSC Republic of Belarus
"Belspetsvneshtechnika" SFTUE Belarus
A 3 Securicon Pty Ltd Indonesia
Acez Instruments Pte Ltd Singapore
Aerodyne Research LLC USA
Aerospace Australia Limited Australia
AgustaWestland S.p.A. Italy
Air Defence Concern "Almaz Antey",jsc Russia
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Poland
AirbusGroup Germany
AirbusGroup The Netherlands
Aircraft Industries, a.s. Czech Republic
Almaz central Marine Design Bureau,jsc Russia
Amyntas Aristos Stratos Singapore
AOBP Czech Republic
Armscor South Africa
Artha Pratama Wicakson Indonesia
Aselsan Indonesia Indonesia
Asociatia Clusterul Tehnologiilor de Securitate Romania
Australian Defence Apparel (ADA) Australia
Aviation Services (GSA ) PTE Ltd Australia
Avon Protection USA
B.O.I.S. - FILTRY, spol. s r.o. Czech Republic
BAE System Belgium
Bank Negara Indonesia Indonesia
Basatria / Bogar Artha Satria Indonesia
Bay Industrial Indonesia Indonesia
Beijing Longhope Police Equipment Co.,Ltd. (B 072 China
Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. USA
Beretta Defence Technologies Italy
Bhimasena Research & Technologies,PT Indonesia
Brahmos Aerospace India
Canadian Technology Systems Canada
Cassens & Plath GmbH Germany
Cenrex Ltd Poland
Central Design Bureau For Marine Engineering "RUBIN" ,jsc Russia
Central Military Bureau of Design and Technology Poland
Cenzin sp.z.o.o Poland
Česká letecká servisní a.s. Czech Republic
Chemring UK United kingdom
CILAS France
CMI Teknologi Indonesia
concern Kalashnikov Russia
Condor Non - Lethal Technologies Brazil
Cornerstone Technica Pte Ltd Singapore
CSIR South Africa
Czech Trade Czech Republic
Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise (DIME) South Korea
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Maring Engineering CO.,LTD. (DSME) South Korea
Dahana (Persero), PT Indonesia
Damen Schelde Netherlands
DASAN Machineries Co., Ltd. South Korea
DCI France
DCNS France
Denel SOC Ltd South Africa
Diehl Defence GmbH Germany
Diratama Jaya Mandiri , PT Indonesia
Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Indonesia
Dong In Optical Co., Ltd South Korea
Doosan DST CO.,Ltd. South Korea
Drei Söhne Technologies (Deutschland) Sdn Bhd Malaysia
Dunia Marine Indonesia
Duveet co., ltd. South Korea
EID - Empresa de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento de Electronica, SA Portugal
Elmas Indonesia
Embassy of Brazil Indonesia
Embassy of Canada Indonesia
Embraer SA Brazil
EO System Co.,Ltd. South Korea
ERA a.s. Czech Republic
Eurenco France
Eurofighter Jadgflugzeug GmbH Germany
Expal Systems Spain
Fabryka Broni "Lucznik" - Radom Sp. z o.o Poland
Famatex, PT Indonesia
Farin Industri Nusantara, PT Indonesia
FIDAE 2016 Chile
Flir Systems USA
France Pavilion (GIFAS) France
Garda Persada, PT Indonesia
( A Govt. of India Undertaking ) India
General Dynamics C4 System USA
Genesys Aerosystems Indonesia
GEW Technologies (Pty) Ltd Republic of South Africa
Gicat / Coges France
Gielissen Interior & Exhibitons The Netherlands
GLOBE TRADE Prague Czech Republic
GMF Aero Asia Indonesia
GORDIC spol. s r. o. Czech Republic
Ground Co., Ltd South Korea
Gumarny Zubri as Czech Republic
Haix®-Schuhe Produktions and Vertriebs GmbH Germany
Harris Corp. USA
Hawker Pasific Australia
Heliflite Australia
Honeywell Aerospace USA
HT Srl Italy
Huta Stali Jakosciowych S.A. Poland
Hutchinson France
Hytera Communication Co., Ltd China
IAMSA Indonesia
Indoguardika Cipta Kreasi, PT Indonesia
Indonesia Defence services Indonesia
Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero), PT Indonesia
Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Indonesia
Infoglobal Indonesia
Innosimulation Technology Indonesia Indonesia
Insitu Pacific USA
Instalaza S.A. Spain
Interstate Corporation for Development Rusia
Jain Technology Co., Ltd. South Korea
Jihua 3513 Industry Co.,Ltd. (BP 10) China
Kadomas Aviasindo, PT Indonesia
Kalimasada Pusaka, PT Indonesia
Kangnam Co., Ltd. South Korea
Kärcher Futuretech GmbH Germany
Kelvin Hughes Ltd Singapore
Kenindo Teknologi Indonesia Indonesia
KNT Engineering & Trading Pte. Ltd. Singapore
Kolon Global Corporation South Korea
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS Norway
KOREA CNO TECH CO.,Ltd. South Korea
Korea Defense Industy Association (KDIA) South Korea
Krakatau Steel (Persero), PT Indonesia
L3 Wescam Canada
Lacroix France
LANEX a.s. Czech Republic
Len Industri (Persero) , PT Indonesia
LIG Nex1 Co., Ltd South Korea
Lockheed Martin USA
Loew Brant Pte Ltd Singapore
LOGA Czech Republic
Lundin Indonesia
Lürssen International Singapore
Machinery & Industrial Group N. V (Kurganmash - Zavod) Russia
Malaysia Industry Council for Defence, Enforcement and Security Defence Industry ,Division, Ministry of Defence Malaysia Malaysia
MAN Diesel & Turbo France
Marine Jet Power AB Singapore
MATS International Indonesia, PT Indonesia
MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED (MDL) ( A Govt. of India Undertaking ) India
MBDA France
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute "NIMI",jsc Russia
Meopta Systems, s.r.o Czech Republic
Merpati Wahana Raya, PT Indonesia
Meta Networks South Korea
Microflown AVISA The Netherlands
Milworks Solutions PTE. LTD. Singapore
Minotor Service Belarus
Miratech International Tradindo, PT Indonesia
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) ( A Govt. of India Enterprise ) India
MJA Tech Indonesia
Multi Integra ,PT Indonesia
Navantia Spain
Naviworks Co.,Ltd. South Korea
Nexter France
Northrop Grumman Integrated Defence Services Australia
NPO High Precision Complex,jsc Russia
Nusantara Turbin Dan Propulsi Indonesia
OIP Sensor System Belgium
OMNIPOL Praha Czech Republic
OPTIX CO Bulgaria
Optokon Czech Republic
Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) India
OSI Maritime Systems Canada
Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.S. Turkey
PAL Indonesia (Persero), PT Indonesia
Palindo Marine, PT Indonesia
Panorama Timur Jaya ,PT Indonesia
Paris Airshow 2015 France
PCO JSC Poland
Peopleworks Republic of Korea
Persada Aman Sentosa, PT Indonesia
Photonis Night Vision Netherlands
Pimco Ltd. Poland
Pindad (Persero), PT Indonesia
poličské strojírny a.s Czech Republic
Polish Chamber of National Defence Manufactures Poland
Poongsan Corporation South Korea
Precision Technologies Pte Ltd Singapore
Przedsiebiorstwo Innowacyjno-Wdrozeniowe Armpol Ltd. Poland
Putrindo Adiyasa Perkasa ,PT Indonesia
Pyrotek Indonesia , PT Indonesia
Pyser-SGI (Asia) Pte Ltd Singapore
Queen World, PT Indonesia
Radian Putra Metropolindo Pratama, PT Indonesia
Radiotechnika Marketing Sp. z o.o. Poland
Radiozavod Russia
Radius c/o RUAG Singapore
Regio Aviasi Industri,PT Indonesia
Renault Truck Defense France
Research and Production Corporation "URALVAGOINZAVOD", Jsc Rusia
Reutech Communications A Division of Reutech Pty Ltd South Africa
Rheinmetall AG Corporate Sector Defence Germany
Ripple Effect Systems (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Rockwell Collins USA
Rohde & Schwarz Indonesia ,PT Indonesia
Rosoboronexport Russia
Roxel France
Russian Technologies State Coorporation Russia
Ryca PTE LTD Singapore
Saab Asia Pacific Co. Ltd Thailand
SAAB Australia Australia
Saba Wijaya, PT Indonesia
Sabiex International Belgium
Samyang Comtech Co., Ltd. South Korea
Sari Bahari, PT Indonesia
Selex ES Italy
Sellier & Bellot JSC Czech Republic
Sentra Surya EkaJaya, PT Indonesia
Severnoye Design Bureau,jsc Russia
Shenzhen Tangreat Technology Co.,Ltd. (BOOTH NO. BP 05) China
Shoghi Communications Ltd India
Sistemindo Teknotama Mandiri Indonesia
SOG Indonesia , PT Indonesia
Soon Lian Hardware (PTE) LTD Singapore
Sri Rejeki Isman Indonesia
Stelop Pte. Ltd Singapore
Stream Peak International Pte Ltd Singapore
Sun Drive S.r.o Czech Republic
Sunghan Corporation Co., LTD South Korea
Surya Kepanjen Indonesia
T & E SIMULATION Indonesia
T-CZ Czech Republic
Team Defence Australia Australia
Tekmast Belgium
Teltronic S.A. Unipersonal Spain
Tenikaina, PT Indonesia
Terma A/S Denmark
Tesco Marine Indonesia
Thales France
Theon Sensors S.A. Greece
Tiga Laras Indonesia, PT Indonesia
Trakka Corp Pty , Ltd Australia
Turangga Group Indonesia Indonesia
Turbomeca France
Turkish Defence & Aerospace Industry Exporters' Association Turkey
UKROBORONPROM State Concern Ukraine
UKTI DSO United Kingdom
Ultra Electronics / Nobiskrug Gmbh United Kingdom
United Aircraft corporation Russia
United Shipbilding Corporation Russia
Universal Avionics USA
URAL Automobile Works,OJSC Russia
Varley Australia
Victorinox (Kawan Lama Internusa, PT) Indonesia
VOGO Co. Ltd South Korea
VOP Dolní Bousov s r.o Czech Republic
Vympel Shipyard Rusia
Wahana Sarana Baladika, PT Indonesia
Weibel Scientific A/S Denmark
Wojskowe Zaklady Inzynieryjne JSC Poland
Woo Kyung Optics Co., Ltd. South Korea
Woosung I.B. Co., Ltd. South Korea
Yugoimport-SDPR Serbia
Zelenodolsk Design Bureau Russia
ZEVETA AMMUNITION s.r.o. Czech Republic
Indonesia Must Rise to Strengthen ASEAN
Source: Getty
Vikram Nehru, Nadia BulkinOP-ED MARCH 5, 2014NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW
Indonesia’s future rests with Southeast Asia, and ASEAN is at the heart of the region’s institutional architecture. If Indonesia is to shape its own geostrategic environment, then it must work with its neighbors to strengthen ASEAN.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is at the heart of the region's institutional architecture. Having driven economic integration and four decades of rapid growth, Asean has enabled its 10 member states to punch above their weight in Asian and global affairs.

But amid rapidly evolving challenges, the institution must adapt equally swiftly

In times of crisis, Asean has often looked to Indonesia for leadership. The country's size, vibrant democracy, economic performance and relative military strength make it primus inter pares in the Asean community. Beyond the region, Indonesia's clout is enhanced by growing international prominence through its roles in the G-20, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, the World Trade Organization and in climate change diplomacy. There has even been talk of Indonesia "outgrowing" Asean as its outlook becomes more global.

That does not mean Indonesia always gets its way in the region. For example, it failed in its 2004 bid to build a genuine regional security framework as envisioned in the Asean Charter. Asean instead chose "soft cooperation" that stopped well short of the robust security arrangements Jakarta wanted.

Now, however, a new security risk confronts Southeast Asia. It stems from the rise of China as a military superpower and the challenge it poses to a weakened, distracted United States.

China has used its expanding military capabilities to advance its interests in the East China and South China seas. Recently Beijing announced an air defense identification zone covering most of the East China Sea, including areas claimed by Japan and South Korea. Just six days later, the Chinese province of Hainan issued fishing regulations covering 2 million sq. km of the South China Sea -- overlapping with areas claimed by the Philippines and Vietnam.

Both announcements reinforced concerns in the Asia-Pacific about China's strategic intentions. The ADIZ announcement, in particular, raised tensions in the East China Sea to the point where the slightest miscalculation by either Japanese or Chinese patrolling vessels around the disputed the Senkaku Islands -- known as the Diaoyu in China -- could lead to conflict. China has every intention of extending its ADIZ to cover the South China Sea. This will constrain sea and air lines of communication, with possibly severe repercussions for Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia's strategic location astride the Strait of Malacca has generated enormous benefits. The region cannot afford to have its transport links constrained by any country's decision to change the status quo in violation of international law.

In defending its interests, Southeast Asia cannot rely solely on strategic partners for support. It must build its own capabilities. Unsurprisingly, growth in Southeast Asia's defense spending is now among the world's highest. Yet no Southeast Asian country is capable of going toe-to-toe with China. Asean's only route forward is to strengthen security relationships among its members and build security ties with strategic partners. In the process, Asean and its various security forums must graduate from information-sharing to defense cooperation, conflict resolution and conflict prevention.

Furthermore, if Asean is to build a security framework for the 21st century, then it needs a capable secretariat. Unfortunately, the Asean Secretariat (ASEC) is too small for its current mandate, let alone an expanded one. Financial contribution to ASEC, set at $1.5 million per member per year, gives it an annual budget of about $15 million, which, for Asean's 600 million inhabitants, comes to 2.5 U.S. cents per person. That is a pittance for an organization with a mandate as broad as Asean's. In contrast, the European Commission managed over $200 billion in contributions from EU member states in 2012, the equivalent of $400 per person -- 16,000 times Asean's budget.

ASEC is not just short on money. Its staff of 260 cannot possibly manage its many responsibilities. It does not help that two-thirds of its staff is assigned from the bureaucratic ranks of member states instead of being selected through competitive processes offering market-based salaries.

Asean has formed a task force to bolster ASEC. Indonesia should urge the task force to be innovative and propose fundamental changes to make the secretariat capable of coordinating effectively across its many functions. Then it should urge fellow member states to back ASEC with additional funding.

Indonesia's future rests with Southeast Asia. If the country is to shape its own geostrategic environment, then it must work with its neighbors to strengthen the region's institutional architecture. Asean needs to build a security framework capable of protecting the region's vital interests and its members' national sovereignty. In the past, when the organization has needed bold leadership, Indonesia has provided it. Indonesia must rise to the challenge again.

This article was originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.

Indonesia Must Rise to Strengthen ASEAN - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

nyesek banget ini artikel klo dibaca tetangga sblah.. sakitnya tu di siiniii !!! :p:
China calls for ‘new maritime silk road’ partnership with RI

Yohanna Ririhena, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | World | Mon, November 03 2014, 11:17 AM

World News
Chinese President Xi Jinping will push for closer trade and maritime cooperation with Indonesia under the establishment of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, a reference to the ancient trade and cultural route between China and other parts of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Only weeks after the inauguration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Xi has sent his foreign minister Wang Yi to Jakarta to discuss bilateral and regional issues.

The Chinese foreign minister is scheduled to meet with his Indonesian counterpart, Retno LP Marsudi, at the Pancasila Building in Pejambon, Central Jakarta, on Monday.

The Chinese embassy’s head of press and public affairs, Zhang Yongchao, said that the two chief diplomats would discuss an array of topics including the forthcoming visit of President Jokowi to Beijing to attend the APEC summit and to meet with Xi.

“They may touch upon important bilateral, regional and international issues of common interest with the aim of further strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership under the new circumstances,” Zhang told The Jakarta Post on Sunday.

After Jokowi’s inauguration, Xi congratulated the newly sworn-in President on his assumption of office.

During the telephone conversation, Xi said that strengthening comprehensive strategic cooperation between the two countries conformed to the common interests of both and was also conducive to regional and world peace, stability and prosperity.

“I am hoping to establish a good working relationship with you, jointly promote bilateral exchange and cooperation, push forward the establishment of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and promote continued progress in the China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership to realize mutual benefit, a win-win situation and common development,” Xi added as quoted by The China Daily.

Jokowi replied that to advance Indonesia’s comprehensive strategic partnership with China was very important to both countries, to Asia and to the whole world.

He also stressed his desire to enhance friendly cooperation between the two countries.

The new Indonesian president said he was looking forward to going to China to attend the APEC informal leaders’ meeting and hold talks with President Xi to boost cooperation between the two countries.

Illustrating his plan with the historical reference, Xi aims to boost both trade and maritime cooperation as well as shore up support for China’s controversial territorial claims in the South China Sea. The phrase was first mentioned by Xi during his state visit to Jakarta in October 2013 while speaking of the “shared destiny” of China and Southeast Asia.

Trade between China and ASEAN increased more than 10 percent last year to US$444 billion.

China calls for ‘new maritime silk road’ partnership with RI | The Jakarta Post
Two Su-27/30 intercepting a Gulfstream IV aircraft, (3/11) HZ-103 route SIngapore-Darwin, Australia, the aircraft was intercepted in Northern Kupang and escorted to land on Eltari airport on 13.30 because entering the Indonesian Air Zone without permissions

three cases of this in less than a year are strange. But...good job TNI!
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Eurofighter harap bisa bekerja sama dengan Indonesia
Senin, 3 November 2014 16:21 WIB | 2.828 Views
Pewarta: Monalisa

Dokumentasi satu Eurofighter Typhoon dari Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Inggris, di Pangkalan Udara Amerika Serikat Nellis, pada 2008. Hingga Oktober 2014, 418 unit telah diserahkan kepada negara operator, dan secara keseluruhan 571 pesanan pasti telah dibukukan Eurofighter.
... masih terlalu dini untuk membicarakan opsi yang ada secara lebih terperinci... " Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Konsorsium Eurofighter percaya diri produk jet tempurnya, Eurofighter Typhoon, akan menjadi pilihan terbaik bagi Indonesia sebagai salah satu jajaran pesawat tempur jet paling canggih di dunia.

"Kami siap untuk bekerja sama dengan industri kedirgantaraan Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kapabilitas lokal sesuai kebutuhan," kata CEO Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH, Alberto Gutierrez, di Jakarta, Senin.

Eurofighter menjadi salah satu partisipan pada Indo Defense 2014, di arena Pekan Raya Jakarta, 5-8 November ini. Untuk pertama kalinya, sosok sejati Eurofighter Typhoon akan dihadirkan kepada publik nasional, juga simulatornya.

Typhoon pernah digadang-gadang menjadi salah satu alternatif pesawat tempur baru dalam jajaran armada tempur TNI AU. Salah satu tipe pesawat tempur Skuadron 14 TNI AU, F-5E/FTiger II buatan Northrop Grumman, dari generasi '80-an disebut-sebut akan diganti.

Tentang ini, secara eksplisit, Panglima TNI, Jenderal TNI Moeldoko, sebelum upacara HUT ke-69 TNI, di Surabaya, menyebut, "Sukhoi Su-35... " sebagai pilihan arsenal terbaru TNI AU nanti itu.

Indonesia juga tengah mematangkan kerja-sama dan terobosan penguasaan teknologi pesawat tempur generasi kelima plus (5+ Fighter Generation) bersama Korea Selatan dalam Program KFX/IFX.

Korea Selatan menyatakan diri akan mentransfer teknologi kedirgantaraan mereka kepada Indonesia, termasuk teknologi rancang-bangun tak kasat mata (stealth) yang akan disematkan pada pesawat tempur KFX/IFX ini.

Terlepas dari itu, Gutierrez menjelaskan, kedatangan Eurofighter di Asia menawarkan kesempatan bagi Indonesia untuk sepenuhnya terlibat dalam program yang diyakini dapat memberikan keunggulan di berbagai bidang.

Dia menyebut bidang pertahanan udara, pengembangan kapabilitas lokal, transfer keahlian, serta pondasi bagi kinerja industri industri kedirgantaraan militer yang lebih kuat dalam beberapa dekade ke depan.

"Jika Indonesia memilih solusi Eurofighter, manfaat yang diperoleh bangsa ini akan jauh melampaui isu vital dan penting seperti keamanan nasional, tetapi akan juga merambah ranah yang lebih luas lagi," ujar Gutierrez.

Walau dia yakin, namun dia juga mengaku masih terlalu dini untuk membicarakan opsi yang ada secara lebih terperinci.

"Kami belum ada diskusi lebih jauh dengan pemerintah Indonesia tetapi kami harap bisa membuka kerjasama dengan industri kedirgantaraan Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kapabilitas lokal sesuai kebutuhan," tambahnya.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, mantan pilot dan Manager Capability Development Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH, Paul Smith, menyatakan, Typhoon tepat dengan geografi Indonesia.

"Dengan kombinasi Eurofighter Typhoon yang memiliki kapabilitas terbang tinggi, daya tahan, serba guna, dan sistem yang canggih maka bisa menjadi aset yang tepat," ujar Paul.

"Kami tidak ada kompetitor, tidak ada yang lebih jago dari kami," tambahnya.
Eurofighter Typhoon adalah pesawat tempur multi-role/swing-role generasi kelima yang menjadi komoditas ekspor utama mereka. Telah 418 unit Typhoon seharga 90 juta euro kosong itu diserahkan kepada tujuh negara operator, yaitu Inggris, Jerman, Italia, Spanyol, Arab Saudi, dan Oman.
Editor: Ade Marboen
Please post translation off article about Eurofightet

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