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i wonder why indonesia does not invest in high number of 4x4 MRAP and 6x6 MRAP/APC , when i see the case like what's happening in syria , it's the common armored vehicle that's going to be deployed the most in high tension area especially US with their Oskosh MATV & international Maxxpro , Turkey with their BMC Kirpi and Otokar Cobra , Russian with their GAZ Tigr and Typhoon MRAP , They are very flexible and can move troops into other location rather fast .
We could expect Bushmaster MRAP to be mass produced (maybe) later on.

i wonder why indonesia does not invest in high number of 4x4 MRAP and 6x6 MRAP/APC , when i see the case like what's happening in syria , it's the common armored vehicle that's going to be deployed the most in high tension area especially US with their Oskosh MATV & international Maxxpro , Turkey with their BMC Kirpi and Otokar Cobra , Russian with their GAZ Tigr and Typhoon MRAP , They are very flexible and can move troops into other location rather fast .

Anoa and Komodo and P 2 KM (from SSE company) is fitted to be frontline vehicles
Anoa and Komodo and P 2 KM (from SSE company) is fitted to be frontline vehicles
They need to enlarge P2.

Make it wider, and the roof need to be higher.

Ain't the KM is for Command? The APC variant should be for frontline

i wonder why indonesia does not invest in high number of 4x4 MRAP and 6x6 MRAP/APC , when i see the case like what's happening in syria , it's the common armored vehicle that's going to be deployed the most in high tension area especially US with their Oskosh MATV & international Maxxpro , Turkey with their BMC Kirpi and Otokar Cobra , Russian with their GAZ Tigr and Typhoon MRAP , They are very flexible and can move troops into other location rather fast .

Anoa and Komodo and P 2 KM (from SSE company) is fitted to be frontline vehicles

IMO, simply because currently TNI is not facing any IED threat (Level ancamannya baru selevel GAM/OPM) so maybe they don't think it's necessary to mass-produce/acquire a lot of MRAP in near future

But yes, i totally agree that TNI needs to level-up its armored vehicle to MRAP
IMO, simply because currently TNI is not facing any IED threat (Level ancamannya baru selevel GAM/OPM) so maybe they don't think it's necessary to mass-produce/acquire a lot of MRAP in near future

But yes, i totally agree that TNI needs to level-up its armored vehicle to MRAP
set aside the (M)ine (R)esistant, we need the (A)mbush (P)rotected capability .

if TNI looking for 6x6 MRAP to locally produce / license , i think they should try to take a look at Finnish Protolab MISU 6x6 , that MRAP have amphibious capability .

as for 4x4 , Bushmaster MRAP / Sanca are more than enough , they are battleproven in afghanistan and able to operate at condition that is more harsher than indonesia climate (Australia Climate is hotter than us)
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some insight about indonesia radar technology achievement from balitbang .

like it or not , the transmitter and antenna technology need to be supported by semiconductor company , i dont know if LEN have capability to do that .

some insight about indonesia radar technology achievement from balitbang .
View attachment 607801

like it or not , the transmitter and antenna technology need to be supported by semiconductor company , i dont know if LEN have capability to do that .

I bet we are to depend on SOE in this defense cluster, in fact We got many private owned electronic components maker company in Indonesia like Maspion group and Panasonic gobel groups. The lack of sufficient market and relatively small chance for follow up order hampering the chance of our private industry to join this defense industry even as components supplier
Upgrade Seluruh Jet Tempur F-16 Ditargetkan Rampung pada 2024

Satu di antaranya sudah diuji terbang

Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KASAU) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna

Nofika Dian Nugroho
18 Februari 2020
Magetan,IDN Times – Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna memastikan bahwa proses upgrade pesawat tempur F-16 ditargetkan rampung pada 2024 mendatang. Ini sesuai perencanaan jangka pendek dan panjang di tubuh TNI Angkatan Udara.

“Harapannya, seluruh F-16 setara dengan yang dimiliki negara lain,” kata dia usai menyaksikan uji terbang satu pesawat F-16 A/B Block 12 yang di Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan, Selasa (18/2).

1. Proyek EMLU-Falcon STAR berlangsung sejak 2017
Pesawat F-16 A/B Block 15 yang rampung di-upgrade di Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan. IDN Times/Nofika Dian Nugroho
Saat ini, pesawat F-16 yang dimiliki Indonesia masih perlu ditingkatkan kemampuannya. Oleh karena itu, proyek Enhanced Mid-Life Update (EMLU)–The Falcon Structural Augmentation Rodmap (Falcon STAR) dijalankan sejak September 2017.

Sebanyak empat jet tempur F-16 A/B yang sudah berumur 30 tahun masuk ke hanggar Skadron Teknin 042 Lanud Iswahjudi untuk di-upgrade. Satu di antaranya telah rampung diperbaharui dan diuji terbang.

2. Empat penerbang akan disekolahkan ke Amerika Serikat
Satu pesawat F-16 A/B Block 15 yang diperbarui dalam proyek EMLU – Falcon STAR menjalani first flight dari landasan pacu Skuadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan, Selasa (18/2). IDN Times/Nofika Dian Nugroho
Yuyu menuturkan, sebanyak empat pilot segera diberangkatkan ke Amerika Serikat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengoperasionalkan jet tempur setelah di-upgrade. Setelah masa pendidikan cukup, penerbang itu akan kembali ke Indonesia.

“Kembali ke sini akan menerbangkan pesawat yang tadi (diuji terbang),” tuturnya.

Baca Juga: Mengintip Peremajaan F-16, Si Elang Besi Penghuni Lanud Iswahjudi

3. Sebanyak 33 Jet F-16 yang perlu di-upgrade
Satu dari empat pesawat F-16 A/B Block 15 yang diperbarui dalam proyek EMLU – Falcon STAR henda menjalai test flight dari Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan, Selasa (18/2). IDN Times/Nofika DIan Nugroho
Upaya itu sebagai persiapan melakukan uji terbang sendiri pascaproses pembaruan pesawat F-16 rampung dijalankan para teknisi TNI AU.

Dalam proyek itu, ada 10 pesawat F-16 A/B yang bakal diperbaharui. Jet sebanyak itu dibeli melalui program ‘Peace Bima Sena’ pada tahun 1989. Selain itu, 23 jet tempur F-16 C/D juga akan di-upgrade. Jadi, total ada 33 F-16 milik Indonesia yang teknologi dan kemampuannya diremajakan dengan kebutuhan terkini.


Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) bersama sejumlah instansi lain sedang mengembangkan kemampuan untuk bisa memproduksi sendiri roket pertahanan, R-Han 122B, untuk kebutuhan Korps Marinir TNI. Selama ini kebutuhan ribuan roket jenis itu diimpor setiap tahunnya.

“Kami sedang men-substitusi-nya supaya mandiri dan saat ini sudah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari Kementerian Pertahanan,” kata Kepala Pusat Teknologi Roket di Lapan, Sutrisno, mengungkapkan saat ditemui di kantornya di Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Jumat 21 Februari 2020, sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Tempo.

Sutrisno menyebut produksi R-Han 122B dilakukan lewat konsorsium yang melibatkan di antaranya PT Pindad. Serangkaian uji statis dan dinamis telah dilakukan sejak 2015.

“Kalau sudah ada kajian ekonominya, kami akan bangun ekosistem industrinya,” kata dia mengungkapkan.

Sutrisno menjelaskan, roket, selain drone yang berkembang belakangan ini, masih merupakan senjata paling efektif di dunia. Itu sebabnya, pengembangan teknologi roket untuk kepentingan militer, menurutnya, tak terelakkan.

Roket, dia menerangkan, menihilkan risiko korban nyawa karena sasaran bisa dituju dari jarak jauh sementara kerusakan hebat bisa dihasilkan di pihak musuh. Sayang, dia menambahkan, “Di Indonesia semua penggunaan roket untuk militer itu masih impor.”

Sesaat sebelumnya, Sutrisno mempresentasikan kemampuan dan pengembangan teknologi roket Indonesia di hadapan Menteri Ristek Bambang Brodjonegoro dan jajaran petinggi Lapan. Saat itu disebutnya kalau teknologi roket Indonesia masih berada di era 1960-an.

Sebagai gambaran, Sutrisno memaparkan kalau Lapan masih fokus di pengembangan roket diameter 450 mm berdaya jangkau 70 kilometer. Roket dua tingkat diameter yang sama milik Cina, dia membandingkan, bisa menjangkau batas atmosfer di ketinggian 200 kilometer.

Itu sebabnya, Sutrisno berharap banyak pada kerja sama yang berhasil dijalin pemerintah Indonesia dengan pemerintahan Beijing pada tahun lalu. Kerja sama, menurutnya, bisa mengembangkan kemampuan roket Indonesia.

“Kita belum pernah alih teknologi dengan negara luar sejak 1960-an mengimpor roket Jepang, Kappa, waktu mau membentuk Lapan di era Presiden Sukarno. Jadi kita hanya mengembangkan dari yang ada itu,” katanya.

Photo: Roket R-Han 122B yang sedang dikembangkan di Pusat Teknologi Roket, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) di Rumpin, Bogor, seperti terlihat pada Jumat 21 Februari 2020. Roket R-Han digunakan Marinir TNI AL dan selama ini impor. (TEMPO/WURAGIL)

Editor: (D.E.S)


if the only submarine that use Kongsberg MSI-90U beside nanggala and changbogo are the german top notch dead silent submarine type 212 , could prabowo actually interested in that subs especially for commonality of the subsystems ? (The type 212 are no joke , there are only few navies that operate them and some of the article in the internet said it's even could be more deadlier than type 214)

it's nice to see our subs is compatible with the link 16 integration , and that could also be mean kongsberg NSM is the best potential for our future submarine launched cruise missile / anti ship missile if the mindef demand it .
Kongsberg is still working on a submarine launched variant of its Naval Strike Missile (NSM) and is cooperating with Babock and Nammo for this project. The information was confirmed to Navy Recognition by a Kongsberg official. We first revealed the existence of this project last year during Balt Military Expo, a maritime defense exhibition held every two years in Poland.

The current weapon system studies are being conducted under the project name, NSM-SL (Submarine Launch) since NSM is the family name used by the Norwegian Navy. The Royal Norwegian Navy Fridtjof Nansen-class frigates and Skjold-class corvettes are all equipped with NSM surface-to-surface missile system.

Kongsberg are considering the market potential for this system to be high, since Sub Harpoon will have to be replaced by many navies in the near future and the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) option might not be easily accessible. Kongsberg is naturally looking at Norway as the primary customer, however, numerous other NATO countries and Western allies including Australia, Poland, Singapore and Japan are prospective future opportunities that have new submarine and weapon integration programs.

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if the only submarine that use Kongsberg MSI-90U beside nanggala and changbogo are the german top notch dead silent submarine type 212 , could prabowo actually interested in that subs especially for commonality of the subsystems ? (The type 212 are no joke , there are only few navies that operate them and some of the article in the internet said it's even could be more deadlier than type 214)
U-212 and U-214 are answers to different problems, and therefore they are different.
U-212 is the result of a german requirement for a submarine with a non magnetic hull. This requirement has to do with the average depth of the Baltic Sea (56m). In those circumstances, the most important defence method of a submarine is just to go to the bottom and try to disappear in the sonar. Hence, the need for a non-magnetic steel hull.

Unfortunately, non-magnetic steel is also known in the industry as «sweet.steel.» Meaning that it is «softer» than the steel used in the U-214. Thats why a U-214 can go deeper than a U-212, although in the shallow water of the Baltic the U-212 would go un-notices while the U-214 would probably be caught by sonar.

Actually the family legacy of U-212 is not U-209, but the Thyssen project from the 1970s that resulted in the TR-1700 submarine from Argentina. The fastest Diesel-electric submarine in the world. The same basic layout with two decks is also found in the Dolphin class from Israel, although without non-magnetic steel nor AIP.

U-214s legacy is the U-209, although much changed. It is narrower and longer that U-212. It was not thought for the Baltic, but for open deep sea operation. Therefore U-214 will have no bottom of the sea limit, other than the limit imposed by the resistance of its stronger hull.

Both U-214 and U-212 can operate in shallow waters or deep waters, but U-212 has the edge on shallow water, while U-214 has the edge on deep water.

The systems can be changed and installed on either vessels, depending on the requirement of the users.
U-212 has older systems than the U-214 (which is just natural as the projects are almost 10 years apart).

Note that U-212 was never offered as an option to a navy. When it was offered to the Italian navy, there was no U-214 yet.

U-212 uses an imported combat system partially made in Norway by Kongsberg, known as MSI-90, while U-214s combat system is made in germany.by Atlas-Elektronik, being the latest version of the ISUS-90 system.

There are many differences in combat systems, but one of the most important results in U-212 being only able to fire torpedoes, while U-214 can fire both torpedoes and submarine launched sub harpoon missiles. This will change in future versions of U-212 though.

The consolidation of german naval industry ended with the competition between both models in the 1990s.

One cant just say which of them is better. The U-212 was an absolute german need for the Baltic conditions. Italy wanted an AIP submarine, and there wasnt really any real choice at the time. When a navy makes an option for a model, the most logical option is to stick to it, and thus Italy is going to get an additional two U-212.

For a navy that is going to protect shallow waters, there is no doubt about the clear superiority of U-212. In deep sea operations away from the shores, U-214 will fare better.
if his statements is true, Jokowi Dana Desa in several area in Papua should be stopped at all

Bupati Mimika: Banyak Kecurigaan Dana Desa Dipakai Bantu OPM
Senin, 24 Feb 2020 19:10 WIT

Bupati Mimika Eltinus Omaleng. (Foto: Anya Fatma/SP)
TIMIKA | Bupati Mimika Eltinus Omaleng menyatakan bahwa ada banyak kecurigaan dana desa digunakan untuk membantu Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM).

"Kan banyak orang curiga bahwa dana desa ini bantu OPM beli peluru dan lain-lain," katanya saat diwawancara di Gedung Eme Neme Yauware, Timika usai melantik 133 Kepala Kampung, Senin (24/2).

Untuk itu, setelah melantik kepala kampung, Ia mengingatkan kepada para kepala kampung agar tidak membantu mereka dalam bentuk apapun.

"Jadi saya pertegas supaya jangan sampai mereka ini takut, karena OPM buat begini supaya mereka bisa kasih uang," kata Bupati.

Katanya, dana desa itu seharusnya digunakan untuk pembangunan di desa dan bukan untuk membelanjakan yang lain.

"Beli peluru kasih ke mereka tidak boleh, uang untuk membangun. Dana desa yang pakai beli amunisi itu hanya isu-isu saja supaya kita jaga," tutur Eltinus.

Untuk itu, sebelum ada hal-hal seperti demikian terjadi, Ia sudah mengingatkan sejak awal kepada para kepala kampung.

Lagi-lagi dengan tegas Ia mengingatkan kepada para kepala kampung agar tidak menggunakan dana desa untuk membeli peluru dan diberikan kepada pihak ketiga.

"Terutama di gunung, kalau ada yang berani kasih uang untuk beli peluru, resiko tanggung sendiri," tegasnya.

Reporter: Anya Fatma
Editor: Sev


This more like we are trying to shoot our feets ourselves.
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