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Indonesia Defence Forum

kalo foto-foto operasi-operasi militer Indonesia era pasca kemerdekaan mulai dari pasca kemerdekaan dari ops agresi militer belanda I & II , operasi dwikora,operasi trikora, operasi seroja enak gak ya di-posting? klopun diposting, ditrit ini apa buat thread baru masbro? maaf nih kebanyakan nanya jadinya, spaya gak salah posting nantinya..
kalo foto-foto operasi-operasi militer Indonesia era pasca kemerdekaan mulai dari pasca kemerdekaan dari ops agresi militer belanda I & II , operasi dwikora,operasi trikora, operasi seroja enak gak ya di-posting? klopun diposting, ditrit ini apa buat thread baru masbro? maaf nih kebanyakan nanya jadinya, spaya gak salah posting nantinya..

post disini aja, kalo foto foto sejarah kan juga termasuk military matters.
Indonesian Navy selects VSTEP’s NAUTIS Class A Full Mission Bridge Simulators for SIGMA Class Corvette bridge training

Thursday, 18 April 2013


VSTEP Class A bridge simulator.

For training of its Sigma Class Corvette bridge personnel, the Indonesian Navy and Ministry of Defence selected VSTEP to supply two Class A NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge (FMB) Simulators for its Kobangdikal marine training facility in Surabaya.

The Indonesian Navy is currently modernizing its fleet to more effectively combat maritime crime and piracy. Beginning 2012, the Indonesian Navy added several Sigma Class Corvettes to its active fleet. To allow realistic training of the Sigma Class bridge personnel, the Navy ordered two NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge Simulators, each with a 270 degree field of view projected on a cylindrical screen. The simulator bridges match the actual SIGMA Class Corvette bridge, allowing efficient and true-to-life bridge operations and navigation training. The Indonesian Navy also ordered five custom built ports, and customised navigation screens. VSTEP cooperated with local development and implementation partners, to increase the local content.

The NAUTIS FMB simulators have been delivered by maritime simulator developer VSTEP in cooperation with its Indonesian partner Terravision. The Kobangdikal Marine Facility in Surabaya counts as one of the most important development, training and education facilities of the Indonesian Navy. In addition to the two Class A NAUTIS FMB Simulators, two NAUTIS Instructor Stations and two NAUTIS Desktop Training Simulators have also been installed at the premises.

VSTEP Director, Cristijn Sarvaas: “We are deeply honoured to have been selected as the simulation partner at this prestigious technology centre. The cooperation with our local partners has worked out really well and we look forward to working with them on other projects in the future. We are looking forward to the delivery and commissioning of these impressive simulators, and the training of the local instructors.

The NAUTIS range of advanced maritime training simulators is developed by VSTEP and offers an affordable and effective alternative for training maritime professionals, officers and crews. With a full range of simulators, from desktop trainer to full mission bridge simulator, VSTEP has a cost-effective training solution fulfilling the training requirements of both the civilian and military maritime industry, including nautical colleges, naval academies, maritime training centres and individual ship owners.

About TerraVision
Terravision is a system integrator company which focuses in system implementation and integration and technical support of various system technology to Indonesian market which utilizes satellite network and data, high performance database with user friendly application.

VSTEP is a leading European developer of simulators and virtual training software. Using interactive 3D technology, VSTEP creates awardwinning training applications that allow people to build their skills in a practical and cost effective way. Since its founding in 2002, VSTEP has delivered numerous simulator solutions for leading industry clients and governmental organisations worldwide. As one of the industry leaders, VSTEP continues to innovate the virtual training world with professional, accurate and groundbreaking new simulation technology. A winner of multiple innovation prizes and awards, VSTEP sets the standard for virtual training and simulation and advocates more effective training through enhanced virtual reality.

BYM Marine & Maritime News

Product detail: Nautis | Maritime Simulation
Keel Laying of the new KCR 60, 60m Guided Missile Vessel at PT PAL (Navy's Industry) Dockyard




PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) held Keel Laying ceremony for Fast Missile Ship (KCR) M hull No. 60. M000274 which is the second ship of the 3 (three) similar orders from the Navy. Kasal (Navy Chief) planned to witness the event.

KCR development is based on a 60m ship. Purchase Agreement Number: No. KTR/1056/02-48/XII/2011/Disadal. M000273 development, W000274 and W000275 between PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) and the Navy is represented by the DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MABESAL, built on the basis of class BKI.

Scheduled that ship 2 will be submitted in mid-March 2014, while the ship 1, is planned to be delivered in late December 2013, while the 3rd vessel to be delivered in mid-June 2014.


Credit: Audreyliahepburn@kaskus/SSC

The main size 60 Meter F Ship Missile (KCR-60M):
- Length Overall (LOA): 59.80 M
- Length waterline (LWL): 54.82 M
- Width (B): 8:10 M
- High in the middle of the ship (T): 4.85 M
- Loaded full charge (Dd): 2.60 M
- Weight full charge (Displacement): 460 Ton

Armament systems
1. 1 X 57 mm main cannon
2. Weapons 2 X 20 mm
3. 2 X 2 surface anti-ship missile launchers (SSM)
4. 2 X Decoy Launcher

Movement System
KCR 60M has a high capability, agile in the firing position and is able to carry out the avoidance of a counter attack of the opponent.

endurance Sailing
1. Resilience at sea: 9 days
2. Cruising range: 2,400 nm at a speed of 20 knots
3. Accommodation: 43 people

Ships airworthiness
KCR 60m designed with sea worthiness criteria as follows:
1. Stability of the vessel meets IMO standards criteria A (749)
2. Patrol duty until the sea state 3
3. Interoperability of weapons to sea state 4

KEEL LAYING Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR-60 METER) TNI AL | PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)
Women to show up in force to commemorate Kartini
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Sun, April 21 2013, 9:33 AM


Military and police members rehearse for this year\'s Kartini Day ceremony. (JG Photo/Yudhi Sujma Wijaya)

Women in uniform showed off their prowess in riding motorcycles hands free to the cheers of spectators at National Monument (Monas) Park on Friday.

Around 2,500 women from the Indonesian Military (TNI), the National Police and university regiments were holding a rehearsal in advance of a joint ceremony to commemorate Kartini Day on April 22.

“The joint ceremony this year is being handled by the navy. We regularly hold this kind of activity, but among TNI women only. This year is different. We have gathered with polwan [policewomen] and women from the country’s other forces, too.

“It’s been 10 years since we last had a joint ceremony without the polwan,” Navy Col. Nora Lelyana, the commanding officer of the Navy Women’s Corps and the head of the event committee, told The Jakarta Post on Friday.

“This ceremony is just the beginning. What is important is not the ceremony, but how we tell the government that they can rely on us, too — and not just as a secondary force. We are sure that we have the professional capabilities to be trusted.”

It has been over a century since Kartini, a young Javanese noblewoman, broke a tradition and established a school for women, thus triggering the emancipation of women in what would become Indonesia.

In 1964, founding president Sukarno declared Kartini’s birthday, April 21, as Kartini Day and proclaimed her a National Hero.

The struggle, however, continues until today, as women still have to struggle for their freedom, autonomy and equality under the law.

Nora said that the movement that Kartini started has inspired women to expand their roles in many aspects of life.

“For example, what TNI women do today in military operations offers good proof that women can be the main players, too,” Nora said.

Brig. Efi Nurjaman of the Jakarta Police Motor Brigade agreed.

“Kartini is an inspiring figure. She is a hero. If not for her efforts, we women in Indonesia would not be equal as now,” adding that many important positions in the National Police were currently held by women.

Efi and 17 of her colleagues will be a part of a big motorcycle show on Monday.

“We have practiced for two weeks and we are proud that the rehearsals went well,” she said.

“I’ve just received instructions to add more forces for the final celebration on Monday. It is going to be very crowded and people are welcome to come and see the ceremony,” she said.

The women will entertain the public with the Haka-haka war dance and demonstrations of Army self-defense techniques, as well as music performances. (hrl)

Women to show up in force to commemorate Kartini | The Jakarta Post

Wiki page about Kartini:Kartini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myanmar to get RI rifles



Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro says the government hopes to sell Indonesian-made SS-2 assault rifles to Myanmar.

“[Myanmar] looked at the SS-2. We have been offering it,” he said Thursday after the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting in Jakarta.

Purnomo said that the nation’s arms trade was currently conducted by Indonesian Incorporated, which represented Indonesia’s state-owned weapons maker, PT Pindad; the Defense Ministry and the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP).

“Myanmar is already in the process of transition. They already had an election. It has to be done in phases,” Purnomo said.

Col. Jan Pieter Ate a special assistant to the Indonesian Defense Minister, said that in principle Indonesia would not limit its arms sales to any nation, including ASEAN member nations.

“They should control their own markets rather than countries outside ASEAN,” he said.

Jan Pieter said that Indonesia’s policy on arms sales was related to the ASEAN defense industry collaboration.

“It’s all right if we want to sell [arms] to Malaysia, Laos or Vietnam, and Myanmar. What we do not hope for — and we do not compromise in this — is if the weapons are used to threaten other countries,” Jan
Pieter said.

He added that Indonesia’s stance was firm, waving off the possibility that Indonesian-made weapons might be used on civilians.

“The main purpose of weapons is to defend a country. This appeals to us as well,” Jan Pieter said.

Weapons sales might help Indonesia support Myanmar’s shift towards democracy, he added.

“With such a relationship, we will have better access to the country to improve democracy. If one [nation] does not have a relationship with another, it would be hard to influence one another. One of the ways is through trade, and defense is one of the ways [to do that],” Jan Pieter said.

University of Indonesia security analyst Andi Widjajanto said the idea of selling Indonesian weapons to Myanmar was more positive than negative. “An ‘embargo’ of light weapons to Myanmar will in fact push the junta to enter the black market,” he said.

Giving Myanmar the option to remain in the international weaponry market would cause the transnational criminal network supporting arms smuggling to lose revenue, he said

Myanmar to get RI rifles | The Jakarta Post
Keel Laying of the new KCR 60, 60m Guided Missile Vessel at PT PAL (Navy's Industry) Dockyard




PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) held Keel Laying ceremony for Fast Missile Ship (KCR) M hull No. 60. M000274 which is the second ship of the 3 (three) similar orders from the Navy. Kasal (Navy Chief) planned to witness the event.

KCR development is based on a 60m ship. Purchase Agreement Number: No. KTR/1056/02-48/XII/2011/Disadal. M000273 development, W000274 and W000275 between PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) and the Navy is represented by the DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MABESAL, built on the basis of class BKI.

Scheduled that ship 2 will be submitted in mid-March 2014, while the ship 1, is planned to be delivered in late December 2013, while the 3rd vessel to be delivered in mid-June 2014.


Credit: Audreyliahepburn@kaskus/SSC

The main size 60 Meter F Ship Missile (KCR-60M):
- Length Overall (LOA): 59.80 M
- Length waterline (LWL): 54.82 M
- Width (B): 8:10 M
- High in the middle of the ship (T): 4.85 M
- Loaded full charge (Dd): 2.60 M
- Weight full charge (Displacement): 460 Ton

Armament systems
1. 1 X 57 mm main cannon
2. Weapons 2 X 20 mm
3. 2 X 2 surface anti-ship missile launchers (SSM)
4. 2 X Decoy Launcher

Movement System
KCR 60M has a high capability, agile in the firing position and is able to carry out the avoidance of a counter attack of the opponent.

endurance Sailing
1. Resilience at sea: 9 days
2. Cruising range: 2,400 nm at a speed of 20 knots
3. Accommodation: 43 people

Ships airworthiness
KCR 60m designed with sea worthiness criteria as follows:
1. Stability of the vessel meets IMO standards criteria A (749)
2. Patrol duty until the sea state 3
3. Interoperability of weapons to sea state 4

KEEL LAYING Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR-60 METER) TNI AL | PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

How many of these ships Indonesia already have ?
How many of these ships Indonesia already have ?

The predecessors of this ship is basically the FPB 57 series, the new KCR 60 will be equipped with the 57mm gun similar to the gun that is used on FPB 57, Indonesia has already built 12 to 16 ships of this type. This project will be adding 16 more ships to the list of the 60m patrol vessels.



The predecessors of this ship is basically the FPB 57 series, the new KCR 60 will be equipped with the 57mm gun similar to the gun that is used on FPB 57, Indonesia has already built 12 to 16 ships of this type. This project will be adding 16 more ships to the list of the 60m patrol vessels.




and by 2030 How many Firgates destroyers Missile boats and Submarines Indonesia plan to have I want separate numbers for each and only numbers
and by 2030 How many Firgates destroyers Missile boats and Submarines Indonesia plan to have I want separate numbers for each and only numbers

I do not know how many ships Indonesia will have by 2030 because our defense procurement white paper will only be updated once every four years. The furthest acquisition draft I know is by 2019 where the MEF (Minimum Essential Force) phase two is done. Taking it from there, the list I know for the navy is


Indonesia plans to have a fleet of 12 submarines before 2024, (2 + 3 subs are in realization before MEF phase 2 be in effect by 2015, if there's no additional order on the MEF Phase 2, the second batch is still rather in talk) Submarines for Indonesia


Total expected number before 2024: 12 Submarines (10 new subs + 2 existing subs)

Destroyers (Light):

Indonesia plans to build 1 to 3 PKR (Guard Missile Destroyer) by 2019, but the closest deal is one PKR ship for this current phase.
Together with the Netherlands, Indonesia Produce Guard Missile Destroyer Ship | The President Post


Expected total number by 2019: 3 Destroyers


Indonesia plan to add 3 additional frigates to the list of frigates
RI to Purchase Three Frigates from Britain | ANTARA JATIM : Portal Berita Daerah Jawa Timur


Expected total number before 2019: 9 Frigates (3 new ships + 6 existing ships)

Corvettes: No further acquisitions nor plans, total numbers by the end of MEF Phase 2 in 2019: 24 Corvettes.

Missile boats:

Indonesia plan to complete the 16 KCR 40 by 2014
Tempointeraktif.com - Defense Minister Receives Beladau Warship


and 16 KCR 60 before 2024
JPNN.COM : PAL Garap 16 Kapal Rudal TNI AL

and also 3 KRI Klewang class stealth missile boat (the project deadline might be delayed due to the incident where we lost one of our most advanced ship)


Expected total number before 2024: 67 missile boats (36 new Fast Missile boats + 31 existing fast missile boats)

Note: There are some ambiguation whether PKR is a frigate or light destroyers and NR class is a light frigate or a corvette as Indonesia has a little different classification system for the ships. Other than those two, everything is just the same with common classifications.
I do not know how many ships Indonesia will have by 2030 because our defense procurement white paper will only be updated once every four years. The furthest acquisition draft I know is by 2019 where the MEF (Minimum Essential Force) phase two is done. Taking it from there, the list I know for the navy is


Indonesia plans to have a fleet of 12 submarines before 2024, (2 + 3 subs are in realization before MEF phase 2 be in effect by 2015, if there's no additional order on the MEF Phase 2, the second batch is still rather in talk) Submarines for Indonesia


Total expected number before 2024: 12 Submarines (10 new subs + 2 existing subs)

Destroyers (Light):

Indonesia plans to build 1 to 3 PKR (Guard Missile Destroyer) by 2019, but the closest deal is one PKR ship for this current phase.
Together with the Netherlands, Indonesia Produce Guard Missile Destroyer Ship | The President Post


Expected total number by 2019: 3 Destroyers


Indonesia plan to add 3 additional frigates to the list of frigates
RI to Purchase Three Frigates from Britain | ANTARA JATIM : Portal Berita Daerah Jawa Timur


Expected total number before 2019: 9 Frigates (3 new ships + 6 existing ships)

Corvettes: No further acquisitions nor plans, total numbers by the end of MEF Phase 2 in 2019: 24 Corvettes.

Missile boats:

Indonesia plan to complete the 16 KCR 40 by 2014
Tempointeraktif.com - Defense Minister Receives Beladau Warship


and 16 KCR 60 before 2024
JPNN.COM : PAL Garap 16 Kapal Rudal TNI AL

and also 3 KRI Klewang class stealth missile boat (the project deadline might be delayed due to the incident where we lost one of our most advanced ship)


Expected total number before 2024: 67 missile boats (36 new Fast Missile boats + 31 existing fast missile boats)

Note: There are some ambiguation whether PKR is a frigate or light destroyers and NR class is a light frigate or a corvette as Indonesia has a little different classification system for the ships. Other than those two, everything is just the same with common classifications.

Okay good numbers hope some are increased more but now please give the details of Corvettes you have and if some of them are really old how are they upgraded or will be upgraded ?
Okay good numbers hope some are increased more but now please give the details of Corvettes you have and if some of them are really old how are they upgraded or will be upgraded ?

Indeed, I hope the number, especially for the destroyers and frigates, will be increased if Indonesia is about to engage sea battle outside her own territory.

The corvettes are mainly filled by ships of Parchim Class, built in 1980's, acquired in 1990's. The upgrades for Parchim class are including the engine, ASW weapon, radars, and anti air defense.


Parchim class corvette

And then the heavier Sigmas and Fatahillahs, Sigmas are new, acquired in 2009, there are no upgrade plan yet.


Sigma class corvette

The Fatahillah class that is somewhat old school and most possibly will be upgraded by BAE System. The package will include the engine, radar, fire control, and air defense.

Fatahillah class corvette

Britain has sold Starstreak anti-aircraft missiles, Hawk jets and small arms to Indonesia. Now, British companies are keen to win contracts to upgrade Indonesia’s ageing Fatahillah-class frigates and other ships.

UK defence minister bullish on arms sales - FT.com
Indeed, I hope the number, especially for the destroyers and frigates, will be increased if Indonesia is about to engage sea battle outside her own territory.

The corvettes are mainly filled by ships of Parchim Class, built in 1980's, acquired in 1990's. The upgrades for Parchim class are including the engine, ASW weapon, radars, and anti air defense.


Parchim class corvette

And then the heavier Sigmas and Fatahillahs, Sigmas are new, acquired in 2009, there are no upgrade plan yet.


Sigma class corvette

The Fatahillah class that is somewhat old school and most possibly will be upgraded by BAE System. The package will include the engine, radar, fire control, and air defense.

Fatahillah class corvette

Now Indonesia needs to focus on it Air Force and should have have 300 4.5 Generation Planes at least by 2030
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