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Kemhan Dapat Tambahan Anggaran Rp 17,5 Triliun

Menjadi Rp 126,5 triliun untuk 2020Menhan Ryamizard Ryacudu bersama Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto saat rapat kerja dengan Komisi I DPR RI. [Foto/SINDOnews] ♣

ementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) bakal mendapatkan tambahan anggaran sekitar Rp 17,5 triliun. Kepastian itu didapatkan dalam rapat bersama Komisi I soal anggaran kerja tahun 2020 di Ruang Komisi I DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (19/6/2019).

Sekjen Kemhan Laksamana Muda TNI Agus Setiadji mengatakan, pagu indikatif 2020 sekitar Rp 126,5 triliun. Naik sekitar Rp 17,5 triliun dari 2019 sebesar Rp 108 triliun. ”Anggaran yang kita ajukan Rp 126,5 triliun untuk 2020, dan alhamdulillah disetujui oleh Komisi I,” ujar Agus Setiadji kepada wartawan usai rapat tertutup.

Agus mengatakan bahwa anggaran tersebut dialokasikan untuk Mabes TNI, Kemhan, dan tiga matra AD, AL dan AU. Salah satunya untuk pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista), serta untuk kebutuhan bela negara. ”Kenaikan utama adalah untuk sumber daya manusia. Dalam hal ini juga untuk pendidikan latihan, kemudian alutsista, dan untuk di Kemhan otomatis sesuai prioritas kita adalah untuk bela negara,”paparnya.

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto menambahkan, dari kenaikan anggaran sekitar Rp 17,5 triliun itu, sebesar Rp 1,9 triliun untuk pengembangan organisasi baru yaitu Koopsus TNI sebesar Rp 1,9 triliun. Sekitar Rp 3,4 triliun akan digunakan untuk modernisasi alutsista, nonalusista, sarana dan prasarana Matra Darat. Sedangkan untuk Angkatan Laut mendapatkan jatah Rp 2,8 triliun. ”Ini juga hal yang sama untuk modernisasi alutsista, nonalusista dan sarpras matralaut,” katanya.

Sementara untuk Angkatan Udara mendapatkan jatah Rp 3,9 triliun untuk merealisasikan alusista, nonalusista dan sarpras Matra Udara.

Jadi total Rp 17 triliun mudah-mudahan akan dibahas sesuai pagu indikatif nanti keluarnya untuk pembangunan khususnya adalah wilayah bagian timur,” katanya. (sco)


If realized, Armed forces will get around 8.9 billion US dollar funds
Ibarat dah akad mas kawin ngutang wkwkwkwkwk
Di group FB maxdefense . ada design LPD baru pt PAL untuk pinoy . ada sonar oto melara dll ...
19-JUNE-2019. First Cutting ceremony of 40m Patrol Vessel (PC-40) built in PT. Caputra Mitra Sejati for Indonesian NAVY. These vessels are the 39th & 40th unit built under compliance of BV-Classification Rules for the NAVY.



PT.PAL OPV & New LPD scale models shown at Naval Defense Philippines 2019 event.

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Target KSAU Setelah Alutsista Ditambah: Cetak 52 Penerbang per Tahun
Ristu Hanafi - detikNews

Foto: Tim aerobatik TNI AU Jupiter Aerobatic Team (JAT). (Dok. Tim JAT)
Sleman - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU), Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, berharap TNI AU setiap tahun mampu mencetak minimal 52 penerbang. Hal itu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan seiring dengan penambahan alutsista.

"Saya berharap setiap tahun tak kurang dari 52 penerbang yang dicetak dari setiap angkatan," kata Yuyu di sela acara Tupdik dan Wisuda Sarjana Taruna Tk.IV 2019 Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) di Gedung Sabang Merauke (GSM) Kampus AAU, Yogyakarta, Kamis (20/6/2019).

Yuyu menjelaskan, kebutuhan penerbang TNI AU sudah hitung sampai renstra keempat yang akan dimulai tahun 2020-2024. "Saat ini berada di akhir renstra ketiga, tak hanya penerbang, tapi juga teknisi, pendukung, semuanya kita hitung," ujarnya.

"Dengan penambahan alutsista, banyak pengadaan alutsista di renstra ketiga ini, pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, helikopter, rudal, pesawat tanpa awak, itu akan tiba mulai 2021 awal. Penambahan personel sudah kita perhitungkan," lanjutnya.

Baca juga: Balon Udara Liar Juga Ganggu Latihan Sekbang Lanud Adisutjipto

Yuyu menambahkan, terkait wisuda sarjana Taruna Tk IV ini, dia mengingatkan bahwa tantangan bagi TNI AU ke depan semakin kompleks seiring dengan perkembangan di bidang teknologi, sumber daya dan peralatan yang semakin canggih.

"Harus dijawab dengan kualitas pendidikan yang memadai. Sehingga alutsista bisa diawaki SDM yang memadai," kata Yuyu.

"Tantangan revolusi industri perlu diantispiasi dengan sebaik mungkin, terlebih AU, pesawat tempur sudah generasi terbaru, harus lebih meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan mengarahkan ke tantangan tersebut, buka lagi program yang normatif," sambungnya.

Baca juga: KSAU Resmikan 2 Skadron Baru di Wilayah Timur Indonesia

Dalam wisuda ini, AAU meluluskan 99 orang sarjana bergelar Sarjana Terapan Pertahanan dari 3 program studi, yakni studi Aeronautika Pertahanan, Elektronika Pertahanan, dan Teknik Manajemen Industri Pertahanan. Seluruhnya lulus dan 15 di antaranya berpredikat cumlaude.

"Lulusan tahun ini jauh lebih baik peningkatannya dibandingkan tahun-tahun lalu. Lulusan 2019 ini insyaallah dilantik bapak presiden menjadi letnan dua pada 16 Juli di Jakarta, mudah-mudahan mereka bisa mengisi organisasi di AU dan menjawab tantangan yang akan dihadapi AU ke depan," imbuhnya. (mbr/mbr)

Additional 52 new pilots per annual is needed by our air force.

All equipments including fighters, helicopters, drones, missiles, transport aircrafts will arrive starting from 2021.

My prediction :

Arrival of equipment = 2021 to 2025
Year from now 2019 to 2025 = 2025 - 2019 = 6 years

52 = 12 + 16 + 24

24 pilots x 6 years = 144 new pilots
16 pilots x 6 years = 96 new pilots
12 pilots x 6 years = 72 new pilots

Transport aircraft needs 3 crews (pilot, co-pilot and navigators)

Each transport aircraft will be served by 3 crews multiply with 3 shifts a day.

72 pilots divided by (3 x 3 = 9) pilots per aircraft equals to 8 transport aircraft.

Each Helicopter needs 2 crews (pilot and co-pilot) per shift and there will be 3 shifts a day.

Thus each helicopters needs 6 pilots.

96 pilots divided by 6 pilots per helicopter equal to 16 helicopters.

Each fighter needs minimum 1 pilot per shift and there will be 3 shift a day.

1 pilot x 3 shift = 3 pilots a day.

144 pilots divided with 3 pilots equals to 48 fighters aircraft.

Conclusion :

Our Air Force will have additional 8 new transport aircrafts, 16 new helicopters, 48 new fighters.
Any news or progres regarding your "ambition" to take over flight control over Riau islands and Natuna from Singapore by the end of 2019?
Any news or progres regarding your "ambition" to take over flight control over Riau islands and Natuna from Singapore by the end of 2019?
WTF you again?!?

The Navy and DoD should prioritize the follow up order for these sexy beasts, or even go with the plan to standardize them along with the smaller Sigma corvette as our prime ship model to replace all the frigates and corvettes that soon will be retired.
WTF you again?!?

The Navy and DoD should prioritize the follow up order for these sexy beasts, or even go with the plan to standardize them along with the smaller Sigma corvette as our prime ship model to replace all the frigates and corvettes that soon will be retired.
Sensor, we need indiginous ship's sensors builder, radar (i/j, X band), ecm/esm, FLIR, integrated com, and many things...

If not, we build ship in the cost of two for just one ship
WTF you again?!?

The Navy and DoD should prioritize the follow up order for these sexy beasts, or even go with the plan to standardize them along with the smaller Sigma corvette as our prime ship model to replace all the frigates and corvettes that soon will be retired.
Do you think PT PAL could make the next production batch bigger and better armed?
For example:
  • Increase the ship size and tonnage to 3000+ tonnes like Malaysia's Gowind based design
  • Add more stealth features by covering the RHIB and AShM with panel like what Thailand did with their ship
  • Change the VLS to mk41 to increase its interoperability with the upcoming Iver Huitfeldt based frigate
Do you think PT PAL could make the next production batch bigger and better armed?
For example:
  • Increase the ship size and tonnage to 3000+ tonnes like Malaysia's Gowind based design
  • Add more stealth features by covering the RHIB and AShM with panel like what Thailand did with their ship
  • Change the VLS to mk41 to increase its interoperability with the upcoming Iver Huitfeldt based frigate
If we want to build full fledge frigate of course, but due the budget 10514 volume is big enough. Small detail in the ship design may increase cost and capability. Such us space behid the 76mm, it can be clean or raised for extra room or deck. 10514 put the RHIB in the top deck to provide extra room and make the top of the ship an extra deck for easy acces on top sensors weapons minimize to much extra mast to put decoy or sensor bit higher because the deck is already higher
Do you think PT PAL could make the next production batch bigger and better armed?
For example:
  • Increase the ship size and tonnage to 3000+ tonnes like Malaysia's Gowind based design
  • Add more stealth features by covering the RHIB and AShM with panel like what Thailand did with their ship
  • Change the VLS to mk41 to increase its interoperability with the upcoming Iver Huitfeldt based frigate
Everything is possible in Indonesia, but, i don't think PKR 3-6 (if 6 is really the exact figure for Ahmad Yani-class replacement) would be of any different tonnage than the current PKR, i am both unconvinced of such a possiblity and i don't really support the idea. Only if they already finished their plan with this 2300 tonne Martadinata-class, especially if they did build 6 or more ships of this class, only then i think it's logical to make a 3000-4000 tonne frigate with higher capability, preferably also a Sigma family design.

PT PAL need to master whatever they are working on and have right now, which is tech transfer from DSME South Korea and Damen Netherlands. They have been pretty successful in implementing their naval architecture expertise in SSV, KCR and several PC models, but it's still a long time to go to really fully master shipbuilding as to pioneer it's own corvette or even frigate designs (but for support ships, they already good to go). I would argue that it doesn't really matter if Martadinata's counterpart have bigger tonnage or more armament, cause these are just some factor out of many that determined a ship's overall capability.

I would prefer a 2300 ton ship with good CMS, good radar and datalinking compatible with the rest of the fleets, rather than a 3000 ton ship with downgraded training-grade CMS, weak old radar and no datalink compatibility with friendly fleets. CMS is actually among the most important part of a ship that often overlooked by many people. It's not just about adding more tonnage, but also to redesign the whole ship as to accommodate different armament requirement, adding time and cost, just so that the bow is longer and have more space for VLS, that is of different class (Aster/ Sea Ceptor), which have different dimension and even different launch principle and guidance system. I personally don't find any strong reason to ditch MICA or even Exocet, sure they are not the best, but how much of a trouble would you go through just to get a slightly better toy? it's just a 2300 ton PKR , it's not going to be our "flagship" anyway, there's no need to be overdemanding of something that's not bad or broken.

Martadinata's architecture is good enough, i didn't see any reason to redesign the hull just to make a fancy garage for the RHIB, and i think the AShM mount is covered enough. I am skeptical of this "stealth" design in ships, cause ships are big, it's obviously hard to hide it from anything, not mention the trace it make on waters both by it's movement and sound, so i think stealth architecture in ships isn't as crucial as in aircraft.

Really dude, in that Thai frigates pic you posted, i am more concerned by that radar rather the "stealth" design of the ship, cause i kinda "hate" that radar, it bothered me somehow. If something is not 100% perfect, it's not necessarily "bad", 80-90 is a good number already right?. 2300 ton + good CMS and radar > 3300 ton + shite CMS and radar.
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