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Indo Defence 2018: Luerssen offers variant of Frankenthal class for Indonesia’s MCMV replacement programme
Ridzwan Rahmat, Jakarta - Jane's Navy International
08 November 2018
Key Points
  • Luerssen has offered a variant of the Frankenthal-class minehunter that is currently in service with the German Navy to Indonesia
  • Company has indicated its commitment to build the ships in-country, in collaboration with a local shipyard
Luerssen has offered a variant of the Frankenthal class for Indonesia’s Pulau Rengat (Tripartite)-class mine-countermeasure vessel (MCMV) replacement programme, a representative from the company confirmed with Jane’s at the Indo Defence exhibition in Jakarta.

Like the Frankenthal class, which has been in service with the German Navy since the early 1990s, the variant that is being offered for the Indonesian Navy’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut, or TNI–AL’s) requirements also features non-magnetisable hull, and the ability to launch remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), said Peter Kneipp, regional director of sales for Luerssen Asia.
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Indo Defence 2018: Indonesia’s defence capabilities enhanced through sharing practices
8th November 2018 - 09:19 GMT | by Helen Haxell in Jakarta


The island nation of Indonesia is one of independence; however, through ongoing and new transfer of technology (ToT) programmes the indigenous production of equipment is looking to shape the country’s defence and policing policies now and into the future.

From the domestic production of RIBs to missile launchers, the nation’s manufacturing capabilities are strongly focused on patrolling the 18,000 islands as well as combating terrorist activities.

This is being supported by the international community, particularly the UK. Whilst the foreign trade embargo lift 16 years ago is a distant memory ToT is now a big part of the defence business in Jakarta.

One case in point is PT Bhinneka Dwi Persada, a supplier to the Indonesian military and beneficiary of foreign equipment, is using ToT to boost the nation’s independence in producing its own equipment.

Feba Affan, director at PT Bhinneka Dwi Persada, commented to Shephard that in recent years the Indonesian government had stated that now was the time to start developing in Indonesia and this has been helped through ToT, which, in turn, has aided the company’s growth.

‘We were pushed to start thinking on local content but you can’t start from zero, it takes a long time, we are [continuing] to look for overseas partners with products,' Affan said.

PT Bhinneka Dwi Persada works closely with UK-based company Qinetiq on its target systems, in particular the Rajawal-TG ‘Banshee’.

Licensed by Qinetiq, the Banshee target system is operated in more than 39 countries by over 60 customers and can be utilised on sea and land. With 23,000ft maximum altitude and a 90-minute endurance, its launch speed stands at 62kt.

The Indonesian company spans multiple domains including the Rajawal RH-2000 hovercraft, a mobile command control vehicle as well as the 330 and 720 UAV systems.

‘First, we ask companies how to maintain the equipment, secondly, we [focus on] training for us, our military at our facility and thirdly, we [consider] which products we can do locally,’ she said.

The team currently learns to incorporate the technology techniques for equipment then it applies these skills going forward, Affan confirmed ‘The team here can-do integration, we [then] learn how to do it for ourselves.’

Key areas the company is exploring is the adoption of UAVs in the patrolling of some of the remote islands which form part of the archipelagic nation’s composition.

Another area is engine manufacturing in-country which the company is looking to develop further with the Ukraine.

Affan did remark to Shephard that the prospective of Brexit was good for the UK as before trade relations and partnerships just might not have come to fruition being part of the EU.

In a press briefing at Indo Defence 2018, the UK government’s regional director for Asia, Alexis Hammer said that ‘Indonesia is front and centre of [the UK’s] South East Asia strategy’.

Hammer highlighted key areas in Indonesia are: ground-based air defence; maritime and cyber. He said how the UK and Indonesia can share experiences on patrolling waters both being island nations; conversations at the show between the Chief of Navy and the UK government took place but no details were provided on what was discussed.

Whilst ToT partnerships is a key driver for the UK-Indonesia partnership, the shared knowledge between the two nations on cyber crime was highlighted as a key tool in tackling this activity.

In October, a MoU was signed between the countries which stresses safeguards and educational moves in adopting and sustaining cyber strategies and preventative measures.

Hammer told Shephard, ‘it provides an avenue so the UK and Indonesia are able to share equipment and also experiences in developing credible cyber skills.’

He said how it was a strategy which works at a public level, educating on rudimentary measures like safe passwords all the way up to the macro level of best practices with businesses and government – ‘it’s about protecting critical infrastructure,’ Hammer added.

SAAB jelaskan berbagai sistem pertahanan untuk Indonesia
Kamis, 8 November 2018 16:27 WIB

Pewarta: Ade P Marboen


Dokumentasi sosok JAS39 Gripen NG saat diluncurkan secara perdana kepada publik undangan, di Linkopping, Swedia, Rabu waktu setempat. Walau sepintas sama dengan JAS39 Gripen C/D, namun banyak inovasi teknologi terkini disematkan di dalamnya, termasuk teknologi "supercruise" yang memungkinkan dia meningkatkan kecepatan tanpa after burner. Teknologi ini sebetulnya lebih banyak diterapkan pada pesawat tempur mesin ganda, semisal Eurofighter Typhoon. (ANTARA News/Ade P Marboen)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Perusahaan penyedia sistem pertahanan dari Swedia, SAAB, hadir di Indo Defence & Expo Forum 2018, di Jakarta, pada 7-10 November ini. Mereka mengusung berbagai sistem pertahanan yang ditawarkan kepada Indonesia ataupun yang sudah diadopsi di sini.

“SAAB mendukung misi Indonesia untuk memodernkan angkatan bersenjatanya dan memajukan industri berteknologi tinggi dalam negeri. Dengan diperkenalkannya UU Nomor 16/2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan, Indonesia sedang menuju kemandirian kapabilitas pertahanan dan SAAB menaati segala kewajiban tentang ini,” kata Kepala Perwakilan SAAB di Indonesia, Anders Dahl, di Jakarta, Rabu.

Di antara sistem pertahanan yang mereka bawa, adalah sistem peringatan dini, intelijen, dan komando Erieye berbasis pesawat propeler SAAB 2000, pesawat tempur multiperan Gripen serie, dan sistem pertahanan titik Very Short Range Air Defence RBS 70 NG.

Indonesia sejak 1992 sudah mengadopsi sistem pertahanan titik artileri ringan RBS 70, yang diakuisisi dalam paket pengadaan senjata pada masa itu. Setelah puluhan tahun, sistem ini perlu diremajakan dan dipercanggih.

Dalam uji coba di Sumatera Selatan, beberapa waktu lalu, sistem RBS 70 ini tetap dapat berfungsi secara sempurna.

“Bayangkan, setelah puluhan tahun dan masih berfungsi baik,” kata Dahl.

Tentang Gripen, yang dinamakan dalam nomenklatur resminya, JAS39 Gripen, Kepala Komunikasi SAAB Asia Pasifik, Robert Hewson, menyatakan, “Pesawat tempur ini dirancang pada dasawarsa ’90-an dan didedikasikan untuk mampu mengatasi pesawat tempur Uni Soviet pada masa itu, yaitu MiG dan Sukhoi, bahkan Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker.”

Ia mengatakan, pernah bertemu dengan pilot tempur Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Swedia yang pertama kali berjumpa dengan Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Angkatan Udara Uni Soviet pada saat itu, di atas Laut Baltik.

“Ia adalah pilot pertama negara-negara Barat yang melihat secara langsung Sukhoi Su-27 di udara; sementara negara lain blok Barat hanya menjumpai mereka melalui foto-foto satelit,” kata dia.

JAS39 Gripen merupakan salah satu pesawat tempur bermesin tunggal yang masuk dalam daftar alternatif pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II dari Skuadron 14 TNI AU. Program pengadaan pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II ini masuk dalam program pengadaan sistem kesenjataan pada fase Kekuatan Esensial Minimum II, yang berakhir pada 2019 ini.

Hewson menyatakan, Swedia merupakan negara yang berbatasan langsung di utara dengan Rusia. “Mereka memiliki kekuatan udara dalam jumlah besar, berkekuatan besar, dan disegani. Swedia menghadapi itu dengan mengandalkan kekuatan yang berbeda, sistem informasi tempur dan komando yang berjejaring, Datalink 16, dan handal pada keadaan minimum sekalipun,” kata dia.

Di antara kondisi minimum yang dia maksud adalah kemampuan JAS39 Gripenuntuk mendarat dan lepas landas di jalan raya dengan tanpa persiapan apapun untuk pengoperasian pesawat tempur.

Sedangkan Erieye SAAB 2000 merupakan sistem peringatan dini di udara dan komando-kendali yang mampu menyapu apapun di udara, darat, dan laut hingga jarak 450 mil laut. Untuk bentangan Indonesia yang memiliki panjang hingga 5.000 kilometer, cukup dilayani oleh dua atau tiga Erieye SAAB 2000 di udara.

Sistem radar Erieye ini dikembangkan dan dibuat di pusat penelitian dan pengembangan radar SAAB di Gotheborg, di mana sistem radar dan peringatan dini darat-laut, Giraffe dan Giraffe 1-X, juga dibangun.
Editor: Kunto Wibisono

Sritex Bikin Baju Pemadam Kebakaran Pakai Teknologi Astronout
Selfie Miftahul Jannah - detikFinance

Foto: Selfie Miftahul Jannah/detikFinance
Jakarta - PT Sritex memiliki seragam baru untuk para petugas pemadam kebakaran. Bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat seragam baru ini menggunakan teknologi tercanggih, yaitu bahan yang sama seperti kain yang digunakan astronaut Nasa.

General Manager Uniform Division PT Sritex Torang Siburian menjelaskan, jika seragam pemadam kebakaran saat ini hanya bisa menahan suhu panas hingga 300- 500 derajat celsius. Namun, baju pemadam kebakaran terbaru milik Sritex bisa menahan panas sampai 700 derajat celsius.

"Jadi kalau orang dulu kan dibuat dari nomax. Kalau ini hanya hisa 300 derajat, ada juga dari bahan lain bisa tahan sampai 500 derajat celsius. Kalau yang baru ini kita buat tiga lapis dan bisa menahan panas sampai 700 derajat celsius, nah kalau kainnya terbakar itu ke kulit nggak panas. Nggak tembus," kata dia kepada detikFinance, di Pameran Indo Aerospace 2018 Expo & Forum, featuring Indo Helicopter 2018 Expo & Forum di JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (8/11/2018).

Baju Pemadam Kebakaran dengan Teknologi Pakaian astronaut Produksi Sritex Foto: Selfie Miftahul Jannah/detikFinance

Bahan yang digunakan untuk seragam baru milik Sritex ini terdiri dari tiga lapis yaitu terdiri dari nomex, gore tax airlock dan polybenzimidazole (PBI). Jenis PBI ini merupakan produsen serat PBI di dunia. Semua serat PBI dibuat di Amerika, sejak saat PBI diperkenalkan ke Nasa untuk misi Apollo pada akhir 1960-an, kain ini dianggap sebagai perlindungan terbaik yang tersedia untuk aplikasi panas dengan suhu tinggi.

"Seragam ini punya bahan yang sama seperti apa yang dipakai Nasa," kata dia.

Ia menjelaskan, hingga saat ini pemakaian untuk seragam pemadam kebakaran ini sudah digunakan untuk pemadam kebakaran di Hongkong dan Singapura.

"Baru empat bulan ya ini. Karena seragam ini diproduksi oleh anak perusahaan kami di Jerman. Baru empat bulan kemarin tapi sudah dipesan sekitar 500 seragam untuk para pemadam kebakaran di Hongkong dan Singapura," papar dia.

Baju Pemadam Kebakaran dengan Teknologi Pakaian astronaut Produksi Sritex Foto: Selfie Miftahul Jannah/detikFinance

Mengenai harga untuk satu set seragam ia menjelaskan yaitu US$ 3.000 atau setara Rp 43 juta (kurs Rp 14.525).

"Kita nggak jual gitu saja, ada perawatannya juga kalau mau dicuci ya bisa kita layani," kata dia.

Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan, pihaknya pada tahun depan akan fokus untuk memperluas pasar ke beberapa negara lainnya seperti Thailand, Filipina, Indonesia, dan kawasan negara di Asia Tenggara.

"Asia tenggara lah, yang penting ada pasarnya dulu," kata dia.


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Indo Defence 2018: Indonesian missiles with Seoul
8th November 2018 - 11:03 GMT | by Helen Haxell in Jakarta


Seoul-based company LIG is ambitiously projecting its hopes of increasing its footprint in Indonesia, in the coming years, by raising its production of the short-range missile system, Chiron for the air force.

With a presidential election taking place in April next year in Indonesia, Joon-Gi Hong, manager, global business team at LIG Nex1, said the company was positioning itself to be included in the government’s five-year defence plan with a specific push on the procurement of more Chiron missiles.

The Indonesian government signed a contract in 2012 for six Chiron missilse, with Rheinmetall as the prime contractor.

‘Next year there will be a new government we are attempting to push and expand the air force’s [Chiron missile] quantity to 100,’ Hong told Shephard.

The weapon has a maximum range of 7km with a missile diameter of 80mm and weighs in at 2.5kg.

Hong explained that Indonesia was the only country the weapon had been exported to although it has also been procured by the South Korean MoD. The company has an indigenous facility in Jakarta.

By 2015 Hong said that the delivery of the 12 missiles had been completed; this took place over the course of two years with three batches of four missiles being received by the Indonesian Air Force in stages.

In the summer of 2017 the air force fired two of the missiles and according to Hong the service said the firings were successful.
An ideal combination, particularly if RX 550 rocket (plan to have 300-500 km range) and seeker technology is ready, inshaALLAH. We can get our own indigenous air defense system.

LEN Air Surveillance radar (with IFF system) 200 km


RX 450 rocket
Indo Defence 2018: Indonesia acquires follow-on batch of Skyshield air-defence system

Ridzwan Rahmat, Jakarta - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
08 November 2018


The TNI-AU’s Skyshield air defence system, seen here at a military parade in Surabaya. Source: IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat

Key Points
  • Indonesia has signed a second contract for the Skyshield air-defence system with Rheinmetall
  • Deliveries, which are scheduled to begin in 2019, will bolster the air force’s base-defence capabilities
The Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara or TNI-AU) is scheduled to begin receiving its second batch of Oerlikon Skyshield air-defence effectors and sensors from late-2019, a representative from Rheinmetall confirmed with Jane’s on 8 November at the Indo Defence 2018 exhibition in Jakarta.

The equipment will be delivered under a contract that was signed by the Indonesian government in mid-2017, but became effective only in 2018. It is Indonesia’s second contract for a similar air-defence system with Rheinmetall, and the disparity between its signing date, and its effective date was due to funding issues, said the company.

Rheinmetall has declined to reveal the number of effectors and sensors that have been acquired under the second contract, citing customer confidentiality issues.

The Skyshield air-defence system is operated by the TNI-AU’s special forces ground corps known as the Korps Pasukan Khas (PASKHAS). The system, which was first acquired by the Indonesian government in 2009, is deployed primarily for protection of airstrips, and other critical infrastructure.

Jane’s understands that TNI-AU infrastructure currently utilising the system are the Supadio, Halim Perdanakusuma, and Hasanuddin air bases.

Skyshield is a short-range air-defence system that can engage low-level threats from air-launched weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, and ground attack aircraft.

The system’s typical setup includes a tracking and surveillance radar unit, a remote command post, and 35 mm revolver gun mounts that fire the programmable Advanced Hit Efficiency and Destruction (AHEAD) ammunition rounds.

IndoDefence 2018: Indonesian army displays Mekatronic 81mm mortar

This 81mm mortar with autoloader, is aimed at being transportable on a very light 4-wheel trailer. The system weighs 825 kg. The hydraulic autoloader is powered by a 24 volts DC engine. The radius is 360°, the minimum elevation is 45° and the maximum one is 83°. The rate of fire turns around 5 rounds per minute. This fully indigenous mortar is the result of a project launched in 2016.




Indo Defence 2018: PT Len unveils locally developed air surveillance radar

Key Points
  • Indonesia is showcasing a locally developed air surveillance radar for the first time
  • The system is undergoing further validations on an island near the country’s maritime boundary

Indonesia’s state-owned defence electronics company PT Len has unveiled a locally developed solid-state air surveillance radar.

Initial tests of the system were completed on 31 October and the equipment is being showcased to the public for the first time at the Indo Defence 2018 exhibition in Jakarta, a company representative told Jane’s at the event.

“During its initial tests, which were conducted near our office in Bandung, we ran it at a fraction of its power capacity and we managed to detect aerial contacts at ranges of up to 15 km,” said a PT Len representative from the company’s Center for Technology and Innovation Division.

“Should the system run on its full-power capacity, it will have a range of about 200 km,” he said, adding that full-power trials are scheduled to be conducted on another evaluation unit that has been deployed on Pulau Nipa, a small island that lies close to the maritime border with Singapore.

PT Len’s air surveillance radar operates on the S-band, and features a rotating cosecant squared pattern antenna that can operate at 6, 10, 12, or 20 rotations per minute (rpm). The system incorporates an identification friend-or-foe (IFF) system that can interrogate contacts in Modes 1 to 4 for military aircraft, and Modes A and C for civilian aircraft.

Tracking of targets is achieved with monopulse signals and an inbuilt pulse compression feature improves the system’s low probability of interception (LPI) functions. The radar incorporates a constant false alarm rate (CFAR), and moving target indicator (MTI) algorithms to aid in the accuracy of target detection.

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Pindad introduces latest armored car in cooperation with CSG
Kamis, 8 November 2018 23:02 WIB - 5 Views

Reporter: Antara


CEO of PT Czechoslovak Indonesia Group Ashar Sjarfi (left), Vice President of Czechoslovak Daniel Kana (center), and General Manager of PT Pindad (Persero) Special Vehicle Agus Edy Suprihanto (right) on the sidelines of IndoDefence 2018 at JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta, Thursday. (special)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-owned defense equipment company PT Pindad introduced its latest armored car product made in cooperation with Czechoslovak Group (CSG), which is the development of Steyr Pandur II 8x8 produced by CSG.

The company`s general manager for special vehicle, Agus Edy Suprihanto, said here on Thursday that the best armored car produced by Pindad was APS-3 Anoa, which is a 6x6 armored personnel car or six-wheeled car.

"Armored vehicle 8x8 has characteristics that are different from those of the 6x6 car, especially in its development to carry 105-caliber cannon. The superiority of this car is that it can `swim` like an amphibious vehicle and has high mobility," he remarked.

He noted that Pindad has cooperated with the Czech company to produce armored car 8x8 covering not only production but also transfer of knowledge.

"This car can carry more than 12 personnel. What is certain is that for the 30 mm caliber, it will be the first we do," he explained at the Indo Defense 2018 Expo & Forum at JI Expo Kemayoran.

Suprihanto noted that the car is still in the form of a prototype and has not yet been mass-produced.

He expressed his optimism that Pindad would be able to produce it in the near future.

Cooperation process between CSG and TNI (Indonesian army) has been developed since 2016, while Pandur II 8x8 is one of the CSG products that has been bought by TNI under an agreement that covers technology transfer.

"We will conduct joint production to realize its production. The design has been with CSG, while production in Indonesia will be under CSG supervision. For the infantry navigation, we are able to install 30 mm caliber," he elaborated.

Suprihanto revealed that it would take a long time to produce the car as delivery of components could take 9 to 11 months, and so production would rely on supply chain.

"This is the first year. The second year, it will be shorter as supply chain strategy will be easier. We have ordered two for two years and so assembling will be quicker," he noted.

CSG operations director Indonesia Ashar Sjafri stated that regarding the name of the new product, it would be referred to as Pindad, but the base is Pandur II 8x8 from Czech that has been developed in cooperation with Pindad since 2016.

Reporting by Subagyo

Editing by Yoseph Hariyadi
Editor: Andi Abdussalam

Charting new waters [ID18D3]
09 November 2018

With a vast archipelago to safeguard, the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)) is continuing its modernisation efforts with the introduction of new submarines, frigates and helicopters.

Moreover, President Joko Widodo has put forward a vision of Indonesia as a 'Global Maritime Axis', intrinsic to which is the modernisation of the nation's maritime defence capability.

All this is occurring against the backdrop of China's increasingly muscular presence in regional waters, and its accelerated construction of artificial islands across sea areas it claims in the South China Sea. Although Indonesia is not a claimant to the South China Sea disputes, Beijing's unilaterally declared nine-dashed line demarcation overlaps with Jakarta's claim for an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around the Natuna Islands cluster.

Also, Chinese fishermen have been increasingly accused of encroaching into Indonesian territorial waters. Some of these alleged encroachments have resulted in high-profile collisions involving agencies such as the China Coast Guard and the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

The single most important naval acquisition programme is the introduction of three new DSME 1400 Nagapasa-class diesel-electric submarines, which were ordered from South Korean shipbuilder DSME in late 2011. First of-class KRI Nagapasa (403) was commissioned in August 2017, with the second boat, KRI Ardadedali (404) handed over at DSME's Okpo yard in April 2018. The third boat is currently being built at PT PAL's facilities in Surabaya under a transfer of technology arrangement, with delivery expected in 2021.

Evolved from the German Type 209/1200 design originally licensed to DSME in the late 1980s, the Nagapasa-class boats are built to the modified DSME 1400 design. Key features include a Kongsberg MSI-90U Mk 2 command and weapon control system, the Wärtsilä ELAC KaleidoScope sonar suite (consisting of a cylindrical array, a flank array, an acoustic intercept sonar and a mine avoidance sonar), a combination of Hensoldt Sero 400 + OMS 100 periscope and non-hull penetrating optronic mast systems, and a Safran navigation system (incorporating two Sigma 40XP laser gyro inertial reference units, a computer, and safety-critical navigation software).

Indonesia already operates two smaller Type 209/1300 submarines, KRI Cakra and KRI Nanggala, built in Germany by HDW and commissioned in 1981. Both boats have undergone refits and upgrades designed to keep them in service through to the mid-2020s.

At Indo Defence 2016, the Ministry of Defence's research and development branch revealed it had been working on the design and build of a 22m mini-submarine in conjunction with PT Palindo Marine. The TNI-AL has subsequently indicated that this boat is intended for test and evaluation purposes, and will not join the operational fleet.

Indonesia's Minimum Essential Force (MEF) defence modernisation plan had scoped a requirement for a force of 12 submarines by 2024 to address the proliferation of advanced submarines across the region. However, it became public knowledge in early 2018 that this headmark had been scaled back to eight boats, with work now underway to establish final requirements ahead of launching an acquisition programme. Options from Russia, Turkey and France have all been touted.

The most notable recent additions to the TNI-AL's surface fleet are the frigates KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata and KRI Gusti Ngurah Rai, both of which were acquired under the Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) programme. Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, as prime contractor, signed a contract in December 2012 for the first ship, with an option for the second exercised in mid- 2013. Modular construction of the ships, built to the SIGMA 10514 design, has been shared between the Vlissingen, Netherlands, facility of Damen Schelde and PT PAL in Surabaya, with final assembly, integration and test performed in Indonesia.

The two PKR ships were both delivered in 2017. While the baseline ship fit included a core mission system supplied by Thales Nederland - including the TACTICOS combat management system, SMART-S Mk 2 surveillance radar, STIR 1.2 EO Mk 2 radar/electro-optical tracking system and Kingklip hull-mounted sonar - the only weapon system included in the original contract was a single Leonardo 76/62 Super Rapid gun.

However, space, weight and service provisions were included in the SIGMA 10514 design to enable the retrofit of additional 'fitted for but not with' (FFBNW) weapon systems, including a point defence missile system, a surface-to-surface missile system, and a close-in weapon system.

In July 2016, Damen Schelde was contracted by the Indonesian MoD to procure these systems, together with other FFBNW ship equipments. The full list comprises the MBDA VL Mica point defence missile system (with space for 12 canistered missiles), the MBDA MM40 Block 3 Exocet surface-to-surface guided weapon, the Rheinmetall Millennium 35mm revolver cannon, Leonardo B515 triple torpedo tubes for A244 lightweight torpedoes, Thales Target Designation Sights, the Thales Vigile 100 electronic support measures system, and the Thales Scorpion jammer.

A new class of large surface combatant forces is part of the MEF blueprint. The TNI-AL is currently finalising requirements for a class of up to four ships.

As regards naval aviation, the TNI-AL is receiving 11 AS565 MBe Panther helicopters from PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) under a contract signed in 2014. Under the terms of the contract, Airbus Helicopters has built the basic AS565 MBe air vehicles at Marignane, France, for delivery to Indonesia. PTDI, acting as design authority, is then taking responsibility for reassembly and outfit of the helicopters in-country at its Bandung facility. This includes the installation of an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) suite co-developed with US-based Rotorcraft Services Group (RSG).

The ASW suite developed and integrated by PTDI and RSG includes the L-3 Ocean Systems DS-100 HELRAS dipping sonar, a lightweight torpedo launch system (allowing for release of either Mk 46 or A244/S weapons), and a lightweight operator console. According to RSG, the modular systems design will allow the helicopter to be quickly reconfigured for noncombat roles, including maritime surveillance, search and rescue, medical evacuation, utility and external cargo lift operations.

When they become fully operational, the AS565s will be operated by 100 Skuadron Udara, based in Surabaya.

Viper ready to strike [ID18D3]

09 November 2018

Despite the Indonesian air force only this year signing a contract to receive 11 Sukhoi Su-35 fighters from Russia, Western manufacturers are still eyeing the potential to offer their wares under an expected continuation of the recapitalisation of its combat aircraft fleet.

The air force operates a mixed fleet including Su-27, Su-30, Hawk 100 and 200s, and the F-16, and the experience that Jakarta had in operating the older Sukhoi designs was touted as the reasoning for selecting the Su-35.

However, this deal has not run smoothly, with a barter agreement in place to finance the deal, and sanctions from the US government over sales with Russia having complicated it further, so buying Western designs could provide Indonesia with an easy route to expanding the fleet.

A number of OEMs have expressed an interest in pitching for fighter requirements expected to emerge, including Saab, which would be willing to team locally to provide an offering with industrial benefits, and BAE Systems, which would offer the newer version of the Hawk, or if it met the criteria, even the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Lockheed Martin is delivering a mid-life upgrade on 10 of the F-16s in service with the IAF, Randy Howard, programme lead for the company, told the Show Daily, and an additional 24 of the type have been transferred from the US government’s former fleet, representing a sizeable amount of the total fighter force.

The company would offer the Block 70/72 F-16V (Viper) with capabilities including an AESA radar for any new-build sales, Howard said: “We believe that Indonesia is looking to further recapitalise its fighter fleet, and the F-16 Block 70/72 would be a suitable fit for this,” he explained. “The F-16 is uniquely qualified for this geopolitical environment that Indonesia faces.”

Howard noted that the F-16V would fulfil air-to-ground, air-to-air and sea search requirements suited to the air force, and would benefit from radar technology that is common with that found on the F-35.

He also emphasised that it would add commonality with the growing fleet. “We know how to work with Indonesian industry,” Howard added. “This is exactly what the Indonesians are looking for… We’re here to support the conversations that need to happen."

A sale of the aircraft would also offer commonality with other regional operators of the type, namely Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea.
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