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Indonesia Defence Forum


AASAM 2017 Update

Medal Tally
  1. Indonesia : 21 Gold, 4 Silver, 5 Bronze
  2. Australia : 9 Gold, 13 Silver, 14 Bronze
  3. Jepang : 8 Gold, 5 Silver, 5 Bronze
  4. Philipina : 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 2 Bronze
  5. Korea : 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze
  6. Uni Emirat Arab : 2 Gold
  7. Thailand : 1 Gold, 4 Silver, 2 Bronze
  8. Anzac : 1 Gold, 2 Silver
  9. US Army : 1 Gold
  10. Canada : 2 Silver, 4 Bronze
  11. Singapura : 2 Silver
  12. UK (INGGRIS) : 1 Silver, 2 Bronze
  13. Malaysia : 1 Silver, 2 Bronze
  14. New Zealand : 1 Silver
  15. US Marines : 2 Bronze
  16. Perancis : -
  17. Kamboja : -
  18. Timor Leste : -
  19. Tonga : -
  20. PNG : -

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Indonesia pushes for universalization of convention of chemical weapons
Kamis, 25 Mei 2017 01:07 WIB - 0 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Government has pushed for universalization of convention on chemical weapons through promotion of international cooperation.

In cooperation with Organization on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Indonesia has organized a Regional Forum of the Signatories of the Convention on Chemical Weapons in Asia Pacific to discuss issues related Assistance and Protection for Opposition to Chemical Weapons, a press release issued by the Foreign Ministry said here on Wednesday.

The three-day meeting is now underway to end on Thursday in Nusa Dua, Bali. Indonesia is represented by the National Authority in Chemical Weapons and the International Security and Disarmament of Weapon Directorate General of the Foreign Ministry and the Industry Ministry

Muhammad Khayam representing the National Chemical Weapon Authority attached important on international cooperation in anticipating the danger of chemical weapons.

Khayam said the developments of the global situation that showed growing threat of mass destruction weapons including chemical weapons proved the importance of international cooperation in preventing the use of chemical weapons.

"Considering the importance of the fulfillment of the obligation of the Chemical Weapon Convention as part of global prohibition and elimination of all chemical weapons, the Convention should be universalized," he said.

In order to meet its commitment, Indonesia already has a law No. 9 of 2008 on the use of chemical materials and prohibition of the use of chemical weapons.

In addition, the government of Indonesia has already formed a special unit at the national military (TNI) to handle the threats of nuclear , biological and chemical weapons. The government has also formed the National Authority on Chemical Weapons through Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2017.

The meeting on chemical weapons in Bali is attended by 30 delegates from 16 countries in the Asia Pacific including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cook Islands, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Fiji, Malaysia, the Maldives, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Indonesia.

The meeting is to promote the capacity of the signatories of the Chemical Weapon Convention in emergency reaction in facing the possibility of chemical weapons attacks and leaks of dangerous chemicals.

As outlined in the Chapter 10 of the Convention on Chemical Weapons, the signatories are given room for cooperation in protecting themselves and in increasing their readiness against chemical weapon attacks.

The Chemical Weapon Convention is an international convention on prohibition, development , production, piling up and the use of chemical weapons as well as the destruction of the weapons.

Until now , 192 countries have ratified the convention. Indonesia ratified the Convention on Chemical Weapons through its Law No. 6 of 1998 and officially has become a member of the Convention since 12 December 1998.(*)
Editor: Heru

Indonesian marines begin using Ukrainian BTR-4M armored personnel carriers


The all-purpose maritime battalion of Indonesian marines have officially begun to use a test batch of BTR-4M armored personnel carriers produced at Ukraine's Kharkiv-based Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau. The contract was signed in February 2014 between the state-run SpetsTechnoExport Concern, which is part of Ukrainian state-run Ukroboronprom, and Indonesia's Defense Ministry.

Ukroboronprom's press service on Thursday cited SpetsTechnoExport CEO Pavlo Barbul as saying the first five BTR-4 vehicles have completed testing and have been transferred to Indonesia's military for use.

"The procedure for transferring Ukrainian BTRs to Indonesia's military has taken place. Since the start of May, Indonesia marines have been using them," Barbul said.

As earlier reported, the contract to produce and send a test batch of five BTR-4Ms was signed in February 2014. The contract provides the option for further supplies of 50 vehicles. The first batch was offloaded in Indonesia in 2016.

The success of the Indonesia contract comes within the framework of increased capacity of Ukraine's military industrial complex after supplying BTR-4s to Ukraine's armed forces.

Indonesia is one of Ukraine's best potential partners in the Asian Pacific region. Ukrainian tank and armored vehicles, as well as aviation equipment, have been provided to Indonesia on a bilateral basis, as well as repair and modernization services.

Kyiv and Jakarta have stepped up talks about increased military cooperation. Indonesia today is interested in the creation of a joint enterprise for the production of guided air-to-air missiles, Ukrainian radar systems and Ukrainian military cargo planes.
I think Ukrainian could be a veri potensi countri to improoving our militaries industry, espesially on avianic and radar. At present time they need money indeed, so we have a great chance to get Tot then any other country.
{QUOTE="Hindustani78, post: 9513189, member: 156041"]25.05.2017
Indonesian marines begin using Ukrainian BTR-4M armored personnel carriers


The all-purpose maritime battalion of Indonesian marines have officially begun to use a test batch of BTR-4M armored personnel carriers produced at Ukraine's Kharkiv-based Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau. The contract was signed in February 2014 between the state-run SpetsTechnoExport Concern, which is part of Ukrainian state-run Ukroboronprom, and Indonesia's Defense Ministry.

Ukroboronprom's press service on Thursday cited SpetsTechnoExport CEO Pavlo Barbul as saying the first five BTR-4 vehicles have completed testing and have been transferred to Indonesia's military for use.

"The procedure for transferring Ukrainian BTRs to Indonesia's military has taken place. Since the start of May, Indonesia marines have been using them," Barbul said.

As earlier reported, the contract to produce and send a test batch of five BTR-4Ms was signed in February 2014.

Kyiv and Jakarta have stepped up talks about increased military cooperation. Indonesia today is interested in the creation of a joint enterprise for the production of guided air-to-air missiles, Ukrainian radar systems and Ukrainian military cargo planes.[/QUOTE]
Selamat berpuasa untuk teman2 yang beragama muslim where ever you are right now.
May God direct and leading you on this month to fullfil one of your "fully blesing duty: to feast and be fitri"
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Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif Para Raider 432 Kostrad Patroli Patok di Perbatasan

Prajurit Yonif Para Raider 432/Waspada Setia Jaya Kostrad yang tergabung dalam Satgas Pamtas RI–PNG Sektor Utara saat ini sudah menduduki di posnya masing masing.

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Di mana Satgas Pamtas ini mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab mulai dari wilayah Skouw di Patok MM 1 membentang sepanjang garis perbatasan sampai dengan Patok MM 3 masuk wilayah Bewan Lama, wilayah tersebut merupakan tugas pokok yang harus dilaksanakan kegiatan patroli patok secara rutin oleh Prajurit Yonif Para Raider kedepan, karena disinyalir masih terdapat adanya Pelintas Batas illegal, ilegal logging, penyelundupan dan lain lain.

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Prajurit Satgas Pamtas dari Poskotis di Skouw dengan kekuatan 10 orang dipimpin Lettu Ctp Joko Setiono telah melaksanakan patroli patok perbatasan RI-PNG Patok MM 1. Diposisi koordinat peta perencanaan patroli dalam perjalanan untuk mencapai patok perbatasan ini ternyata tidak sama dengan kenyataan medan di lapangan, ternyata medan di lapngan sangat sulit dan sangat berat karena posisi patok berada di bagian paling utara, posisinya sangat dekat dengan bibir pantai setelah ditelusuri melalaui jalan setapak.

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Medan yang dilalui adalah sebuah jalan setapak setelah mendekati pantai ternyata kita berada di suatu ketinggian, harus berhati hati dan mengutamakan faktor keamanan dalam menuruni tebing yang sangat curam dan terjal dengan batu batu karang yang sangat tajam, kedalaman kira kira sekitar lebih dari 139 meter diatas permukaan air laut rata-rata.

Dengan mengikuti jalan setapak dan anak tangga dari kayu yang sudah dibuatkan oleh Satgas yang terdahulu pada medan yang tidak bisa di lewati namun kondisinya sudah rusak sehingga kita menyusurinya menggunakan bantuan ranting-ranting kayu di sekeliling untuk pegangan atau bantuan, setelah rintangan itu dilewati perjalanan patroli patok ini bisa sampai di bibir pantai dimana tidak ada pasir yang menghampar, tetapi batu karang yang tajam yang mengahampar didepan. Pemandangan laut lepas yang ombaknya sangat keras dan posisi patok MM 1 ada di sisi kanan sekitar 50 meter dari jalan setapak.

Setelah tiba di lokasi patok kegiatan selanjutnya mengadakan pembersihan sekitar patok karena adanya tumbuhan semak dan mengamati di sekeliling patok khususnya seberang kanan, karena itu sudah masuk wilayah negara PNG. Setelah diamati situasi aman walaupun terdapat aktivitas masyarakat negara tetangga, karena posisi patok juga dekat dengan pemukiman Kampung Wutung- PNG.

Patroli Patok ini sangat menguras tenaga Prajurit Yonif Para Raider 432/WSJ Kostrad, namun demi keutuhan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yang kita cintai ini mereka tetap melaksanakannya dengan penuh semangat dan dedikasi yang tinggi, sehingga kegiatan bisa terlaksana dengan lancar dan aman sampai kembali ke Poskotis di Skouw.

Dansatgas Letkol Inf Ahmad Daud mengatakan, bahwa patroli patok akan rutin dilaksanakan oleh Prajurit Satgas Pamtas Yonif 432/WSJ Kostrad,

“Kepada Prajurit pada saat pelaksanaan Patroli patok batas agar mengecek rute-rute jalan jalan-jalan yang sering dilalui oleh masyarakat disekitar perbatasan untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya pelintas batas ilegal.” Demikian penekanan Dansatgas.

Kegiatan Patroli Patok bagi Prajurit Satgas Pamtas Yonif 432/WSJ Kostrad menjadi pengalaman yang sangat mengesankan dan sangat membanggakan karena merupakan tantangan dan kesan tersendiri bagi seluruh Prajurit yang ditunjuk untuk ikut Tim setingkat regu dalam pelaksanaan patroli patok ini.

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I think Ukrainian could be a veri potensial country to improving our militaries industry, espesially on avianic and radar. At present time they need money indeed, so we have a great chance to get Tot then any other country.

Could be, but their QC sucks... their weapon cracks and broken down even before u use it. Sucks big time! Don't know about the reliability of their radar and avionic though...

AASAM 2017 Update

Winners of the US Chief of Army Reserve Trophy for Service Rifle Applied Marksmanship Aggregate, the Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) team.

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Indonesia Army Won 28 GOLD @ AASAM 2017



Perolehan medali akhir tanggal 26 Mei 2017

1. Indonesia : 28 Emas, 6 Perak, 5 Perunggu.
2. Australia : 14 Emas, 16 Perak, 16 Perunggu.
3. Jepang : 10 Emas, 7 Perak, 7 Perunggu.
4. Uni Emirat Arab : 2 Emas.
5. Anzac : 3 Emas, 3 Perak.
6. Philipina : 4 Emas, 4 Perak, 4 Perunggu.
7. US Army : 1 Emas, 1 Perunggu.
8. UK (INGGRIS) : 1 Perak, 2 Perunggu.
9. Canada : 2 Emas, 5 Perak, 4 Perunggu.
10. Malaysia : 1 Perak, 3 Perunggu.
11. Thailand : 1 Emas, 4 Perak, 2 Perunggu.
12. US Marines : 2 Perunggu.
13. Korea : 2 Emas, 3 Perak, 1 Perunggu.
14. Singapura : 2 Perak.
15. New Zealand : 1 Emas, 1 Perak, 1 Perunggu.
16. Kamboja : Nihil.
17. Timor Leste : Nihil.
18. Tonga : Nihil.
19. PNG : Nihil.
20. Perancis : Nihil.

Indonesia military identifies three graft suspects over helicopter deal

Indonesia's military and anti-corruption agency have identified three suspects in a corruption investigation into the controversial purchase of an AgustaWestland helicopter, the military chief said on Friday.

General Gatot Nurmantyo said the investigation, in which the police, state auditors and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) participated, found the deal did not follow proper procedures, causing a loss of 220 billion rupiah ($17 million).

Originally meant for the use of Indonesia's president, the AW101 helicopter looked set to become a white elephant when Joko Widodo in 2015 rejected the $55-million purchase in favor of continuing to use an older helicopter, media have said.

The three suspects are all military personnel on active duty, Nurmantyo said, referring to them only by their initials at a joint news conference at the headquarters of the anti-corruption agency.

"In the military, corruption is very detrimental to the soldiers because...those who do it are policymakers and they could endanger soldiers by buying sub-optimal equipment," Nurmantyo said.

Investigators have also frozen the bank account of a domestic company linked to the procurement, holding a balance of 139 billion rupiah ($10.5 million).

Italian defense group Leonardo Finmeccanica, the parent company of AgustaWestland, could not immediately be reached for comment.

Controversy over the Air Force's helicopter purchase deal grew late last year when Nurmantyo sought to cancel it.

In response, Air Force officials said they had government and parliamentary approval to continue with the purchase and alter the craft to equip it for search and rescue missions.

Nurmantyo then ordered an investigation into the deal.

The AW101 helicopter arrived in Jakarta in February but was sealed at the capital's Halim military airbase, media have said.

In 2014, India canceled a $770-million deal to buy 12 AW101 helicopters after the arrest of the then chief executive of Finmeccanica, Giuseppe Orsi, for allegedly paying bribes to secure the deal.

Congratulation for the army.
For all the pk defence members and guest who are muslim, i pray for you to have a good mental and phisic on following your feasted month.
Selamat berpuasa semoga pintu kebajikan dan kebijakan-NYA turun berlimpah atas kalian semua.
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