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Indonesia asked for clarification on sinking of Vietnamese fishing vessel

Not really. Vietnam will probably beat the shit out of Indonesia in a war. Confucian Asian cultures >>>> Other Asian cultures every time.
Vietnamese been know to talk big but when come to real they will chicken out just like China sunk their fishing boat but their coast guard didn't dare to touch the Chinese ship.
Not really. Vietnam will probably beat the shit out of Indonesia in a war. Confucian Asian cultures >>>> Other Asian cultures every time.
Bullets >>>> confucian cultures every time.

& seeing vietnamese suffered from triple inferiority (quality, command structure & logistic) compared to the TNI we will beat them easily.
Over 25-50k dead fighting an even worse army of peasants even with soviet supports.

This pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the VPA.
only idiot hua chinese descent from Indo barking here like idiot kid.
I'm just stating facts. If you don't like it then counter me with your points why the VPA doesn't sucks. A herculean task if there was ever one.
US-Indonesia strategic partnership

Well, US already see Indonesia as a close partner and US has actually offered some kind of strategic defense partnership recently but some how is rejected by Indonesia in order to keep our neutral balance stance between US and China. But of course if the situation is escalated in South China Sea, we would reconsider our current neutral position.

We have been partnered with US in many defense program like how recent development show US let the upgrade and mild life extension of 10 of our F 16 A/B in our home country under supervision of Lockheed Martin. This program will give valuable experience and knowledge to our Air Force technician and also our Aerospace company (Dirgantara Indonesia) engineers who are heavily involved in the program.

Not to mention our KFX/IFX program that also include Lockheed Martin as technical assistant. These program alone with so many sensitive technology being shared there has shown that in term of defense technology, our cooperation with US has already exceeded the country like Singapore and Australia. Singapore for instant still need to bring their F 16 to USA to be upgraded and as far as I know the program is still in very early phase.

US has given Indonesia a huge incentive economically when The Fed give our Central Bank 60 billion dollar Repo Line amid Covid 19 crisis that has been proven to be quite significant to bring market confident into our currency in the time we needed it the most. As you know, our currency feel deeply in the beginning of Covid 19 outbreak in our country. We havent use the money yet and I believe we are not going to use it since our Forex reserves is still adequate, but the facility is important to bring market confidence and strengthen our currency, Rupiah.


Navy and Air Force Program

In term of building our Navy and Air Force, I believe there is no free lunch here. It depends more on our financial capability then any thing else. Since SBY administration (2004-2014) until second term of Jokowi administration, our Navy is still undergoing modernization program and not yet thinking about fleet expansion except for submarine and missile boat. We still have 6 very old frigates and 32 ex East German ASW corvettes that needs to be replaced. Not to mention huge LST fleet that is very old.

Our Air Force I believe is not going to add any meaningful fighters either during Jokowi second term, except for the replacement of one F 5 squadron. It is because we are still focusing more on economic development. Furthermore, recent Covid 19 outbreak I think will make the emphasis on economic keep continuing, at least until the new administration comes.

Meaningful Air Force acquisition IMO will likely happen in the period of 2025-2029 where KFX/IFX program is expected to reach mass production phase inshaAllah. If on going renegotiation can reach satisfying result for both part, I believe we will keep our promise to buy at least 48 IFX fighter in this period. Other acquisition like military satellite, AWACS planes, meaningful acquisition of SAM system will likely to happen in the period of 2029-2034. So in my opinion, Indonesia can only pose meaningful military projection in the region starting at the year 2034.

How US views Indonesia

US views Indonesia as very important actor in South East Asia region and even has said explicitly that Indonesia is the leader in this region. This is why US is eager to have a strategic partnership with Indonesia and both country have upgraded their relationship into strategic partnership in 2015.

More on US view on Indonesia

As I said in the beginning of this post, USA has actually offered closer relationship that can make international public view Indonesia as American Ally. USA through his ambassador has offered Indonesia help and asked to our security minister about what Indonesia want from USA in defending North Natuna Sea. Sadly, our security minister rejected the offer and I think it is not a wise thing to do, but it is still quite understandable from international politics point of view. It is because, once again, Indonesia wants to be seen as neutral power in the contested South China sea and want the tension to deescalate rather than escalating it further by signing a defense pact with USA and get enormous US help which show we are already in US camp.

Here is about the offer that is widely reported by our local media


Indonesian F 35

Talking about Indonesia interest on F35, it is still being discussed by our President close staffs. Our Defense Ministry office has said it has interest on F 35 but currently we are still bounded with SU 35 contract. But the final say will be given by Jokowi himself since the decision I believe will effect our relation with Russia as well. It is because we have already signed SU 35 contract with Russia and those two fighter are the options to replace our F5 squadron.

I dont think Indonesia cannot buy F 35 since before giving those two options to President office, our Defense Minister has spoken to US Defense Minister. So it is impossible if Defense Minister suggest President to buy F35 if there is no green light from US.

Not to mention amid covid 19 at least 27 USA companies are planning to move to Indonesia.....

Indonesia is very important country strategically in south east Asia against growing power of China ...

It's a gateway between Pacific and Indian Ocean..... geographically Indonesian location is as strategic as Pakistan in west as one of the world's largest trade passes through this stretch.....Indonesia location can also be troublesome for China to project its ambitions in Indian Ocean.....

USA has China to face in future and large powerful country like Indonesia cannot be ignored.....

About F35 I don't understand why people make it sound like it's something from another galaxy??? If Indonesia wants they will get this fighter.... after all it's meant for export and earn revenue.... only countries which may have trouble getting it will be those who are strategically close to China, Russia and Iran.....
Anti-Chinese and anti-Christian sentiment is not new in Indonesia Indonesia people do best when they don't like chinese smugglers to be state officials.

May 18, 2017 1.09pm AEST

Do you seriously want to die on this hill?

Things are deteriorating in Vietnam. Human Rights Watch’s end-of-year report stressed that “Vietnam’s appalling human rights record worsened in 2018 as the government imprisoned dissidents for longer prison terms, sanctioned thugs to attack rights defenders, and passed draconian laws that further threaten freedom of expression.” Its annual report for 2019 will likely describe yet another worsening year for Vietnam’s human rights record.


Mate you are defending a COMMUNIST country. You are essentially defending the indefensible. That's the thing you are not supposed to do. What do they even teach you in communist school?

Whatever problems indonesia have is nothing compared to yours.

Don't go down this road please. I don't want to further humiliate you.

Also stick to the topic. Instead give me a counter to why the VPA are not actually garbage.
Do you seriously want to die on this hill?

Things are deteriorating in Vietnam. Human Rights Watch’s end-of-year report stressed that “Vietnam’s appalling human rights record worsened in 2018 as the government imprisoned dissidents for longer prison terms, sanctioned thugs to attack rights defenders, and passed draconian laws that further threaten freedom of expression.” Its annual report for 2019 will likely describe yet another worsening year for Vietnam’s human rights record.


Mate you are defending a COMMUNIST country. You are essentially defending the indefensible. That's the thing you are not supposed to do. What do they even teach you in communist school?

Whatever problems indonesia have is nothing compared to yours.

Don't go down this road please. I don't want to further humiliate you.

Also stick to the topic. Instead give me a counter to why the VPA are not actually garbage.

Why indonesia Goverment has Indonesian Policies Toward the Chinese Minority Under the New Order ?

theChinese,PresidentSuhartohasbeen quoted as sayingthat theChinese, constitutingessthan3%oftheIndonesian popula-tion,dominate70%of the Indonesianeconomy.

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