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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

Any progress on your N219? I am affraid that its destiny will be similar with your N250 ...:-)

any progress on your razakSAT-2 ? which is expected to be launched by the end of 2015, i am affraid that its destiny will be similar with your razakSAT-1... :).

the launch was initially planned for late 2005 but due to the long delays,The RazakSat -1 spacecraft was launched on July 14, 2009. The operational lifespan of RazakSAT-1 is three years. But the RazakSAT-1 satellite failed to function fully on August 30, 2010, a year and sixteen days from launch date. :lol:

the remote sensing satellite was designed to “capture images within 1km accuracy” but “an image of an area in Sungai Buloh and Subang missed by 37km and captured Kuala Selangor.” :lol:

state-owned Astronautic Technology Sdn Bhd (ATSB), which operates RazakSAT, lost RM10.89 million in 2009, of which RM7.7 million went towards insurance premiums for the faulty satellite. :lol:
Rugged transport to fly soon [INDODEF16-D3]

PT Dirgantara Indonesia expects to fly the first prototype of its N219 19-seat airliner/utility transport around the end of the year. The aircraft was rolled out at PTDI’s Bandung facility in November 2015. A second flying prototype is due to fly early next year. PTDI has also constructed an airframe for static tests and one for fatigue tests. Certification by Indonesia’s civil aviation authority is due at the end of 2017.


Equipped with a Garmin G1000 avionics suite and powered by two 634kW (850shp) Pratt & Whitney PT6A-42 turboprops driving Hartzell four-bladed propellers, the N219 has a maximum take-off weight of 7,030kg (15,500 lb). The aircraft’s stall speed is just 59kt. Combined with the sturdy fixed undercarriage, this makes it highly suitable for both civilian and military use throughout Indonesia’s remote islands and mountainous regions, notably in Papua. Take-off run is estimated to be 393m (1,290ft) and landing run 492m (1,617ft).As a true utility transport, the N219 is aimed at a variety of roles, its unobstructed 1.7 x 1.8m (5.6 x 5.9ft) cabin offering class-leading width. In passenger transport form, the N219 can carry 19 in a 2+1 arrangement, while it can also be fitted with paratroop-style seats for 21 soldiers.

As a cargo transport it can accommodate three D2 containers or pallets loaded through the large aft door.Other roles envisioned for the type include medical evacuation (with room for eight stretchers), and special mission duties.

Story from South Korea... a look into Indonesia and Korea's collaboration in KFX/IFX project

  • Currently there are 70 Indonesian engineers working in Korea for KFX/IFX and more up to 200 Indonesian engineers are expected to join the project until 2021.
  • Indonesian engineers are involved in the whole process from designing to production. Some are assigned as team leader for their respective task.
  • Indonesian engineers are expected to return in 2026 to start build IFX at home.


ENDRO S EFENDI - Sacheon, Korea Selatan

“Assalamualaikum…,” sapa para pria yang mengenakan jaket bertuliskan KAI itu secara serempak. Mereka menyambut 13 wartawan dari Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI), yang mendapat kesempatan berkunjung ke pabrik pembuatan pesawat milik KAI ini.

Sapaan salam itu sontak seperti tetesan air di tengah padang pasir. Maklum, sudah hampir lima hari sebelumnya, para wartawan harus membiasakan diri mendengarkan sapaan “Anyeonghaseo”. Entah pagi, siang, atau malam, sapaannya selalu sama.

Suasana hangat dan akrab pun sangat terasa, ketika para wartawan bersalaman dengan para insinyur dari PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) yang kini sedang ‘mondok’ di KAI.

Gatot Mulia Pribadi, kepala insinyur PT DI yang didaulat mewakili para tenaga ahli pesawat dari Indonesia ini menyampaikan, kerja sama dengan KAI sudah dilakukan sejak 2011 – 2012 dimulai dengan pengembangan teknologi.

“Kemudian sekarang dilanjutkan dengan pengembangan rekayasa dan produksi,” ujarnya. Bahkan nantinya akan dibuat sistem pelatihan, termasuk melatih pilot dan perawatan pesawat. Targetnya, akan dibuat enam prototipe pesawat yang akan dites, dievaluasi dan disertifikasi internasional.

“Kami beruntung, karena benar-benar terlibat di semua area pembuatan pesawat,” ucapnya.

Saat ini, sudah 70 insinyur PT DI berada di KAI. Hingga akhir 2016 diharapkan ada 90 insinyur yang dikirim ke KAI, dan hingga 2021 ditargetkan terus bertambah menjadi 200 orang.

“Setelah 10 tahun nanti diharapkan bisa alih teknologi dan akan dapat satu prototipe. Nantinya sampai 2026, para insinyur partisipan ini akan pulang ke Indonesia dan akan mengembangkan pesawat tempur sendiri,” bebernya.

Para insinyur Indonesia yang terlibat dalam proyek ini bervariasi, dari mulai usia di bawah 30 tahun, hingga yang senior, termasuk ada 8 wanita yang turut serta. Mereka umumnya lulusan S2 bahkan S3 teknik dari luar negeri.

Berhubung penempatan para insinyur di negara ini cukup lama, maka beberapa insinyur sengaja memboyong keluarganya ke Korea Selatan.

Dijelaskan Gatot, kerja sama Indonesia dan Korea Selatan ini adalah untuk menggarap pembuatan pesawat tempur canggih bertajuk Korea Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX), yang digadang-gadang mampu menjawab keperluan pertahanan udara pada dua dasawarsa mendatang.

Semula, dari sisi Korea Selatan, Turki juga diajak bergabung untuk membangun pesawat tempur bermesin dua yang diklaim bisa menandingi F-35 atau malah F-22 Raptor. Namun kemudian, Turki meninggalkan Korea Selatan, sehingga kini Indonesia yang menjadi partner negeri ginseng tersebut.

Pesawat jet tempur KFX ini sebenarnya proyek Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). Proyek ini dimotori Presiden Korea Kim Dae Jung, Maret 2001 yang diharapkan menggantikan pesawat F-4D/E Phantom II dan F-5E/F Tiger. Jika dibandingkan F-16, KFX diproyeksi memiliki radius serang lebih tinggi 50 persen, sistim avionic lebih baik serta kemampuan anti radar (stealth).

Dalam kerja sama ini, Pemerintah Korea menanggung 60 persen biaya pengembangan pesawat. Sisanya KAI menanggung 20 persen dan kemudian pemerintah Indonesia berkontribusi 20 persen. Dari kontribusi ini, Indonesia akan mendapatkan 50 pesawat yang mempunyai kemampuan tempur melebih F-16, sementara 150 pesawat untuk Korea Selatan.

Konon, total biaya pengembangan selama 10 tahun untuk membuat prototype pesawat itu diperkirakan menghabiskan dana USD 6 miliar. Pemerintah Indonesia menyiapkan dana tak kurang USD 1,2 miliar.

Penandatanganan kerja sama dua negara ini sudah dilakukan 15 Juli 2010 dan diharapkan Indonesia kelak bisa mengembangkan pesawat tempur dari proses alih teknologi ini.

Teknologi yang digunakan dalam pesawat jet tempur IFX dan KFX mirip dengan pesawat siluman F-22 buatan Amerika Serikat. Artinya, secara struktur, pesawat buatan Dirgantara Indonesia ini memiliki teknologi stealth atau teknologi siluman seperti dimiliki pesawat generasi 5. Setidaknya, hingga proyek ini selesai, Indonesia akan memiliki 50 pesawat IFX. Selanjutnya mulai 2026 bisa memproduksi IFX sendiri.

Lalu mengapa PT DI sampai kerja sama dengan KAI? “Selama ini Indonesia hanya pengalaman untuk membuat pesawat komersial, sama sekali tidak ada pengalaman membuat untuk pesawat tempur dengan kecepatan sampai 600 km per jam,” beber Gatot Mulia Pribadi, kepala insinyur PT DI kepada rombongan PWI yang berkesempatan mengunjunginya di Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI).

Kelak ditargetkan, Indonesia bisa membuat satu pesawat tempur setiap satu bulan. Kerja sama membuat pesawat tempur dengan negara lain, menurutnya adalah kesempatan langka.

“Di Amerika, yang bisa bekerja di industri pesawat hanya warga negara mereka sendiri, tidak boleh ada warga asing,” tuturnya. Sementara Korea Selatan memberikan akses yang sangat terbuka dan luas melalui kerja sama pembuatan pesawat tempur ini.

Untuk urusan pesawat komersial, menurut dia, Indonesia tidak perlu diragukan. Bahkan nama BJ Habibie menjadi jaminan, termasuk sangat dikenal di dalam industri penerbangan di Korea Selatan.

Indonesia merupakan pembeli pesawat terbanyak buatan Korea Selatan. Sejak 2010, total sudah 131 pesawat diproduksi KAI. Dari jumlah ini, 16 pesawat di antaranya sudah dikirimkan ke Indonesia untuk jenis T 50 Golden Eagle. Saat pengiriman ke Indonesia, yakni ke Pangkalan Udara Marsma Iswahdyudi, pesawat tempur itu sempat singgah ke Bandara Sepinggan Balikpapan untuk mengisi bahan bakar.

Lantas, dari mana Korea Selatan memiliki teknologi membuat pesawat tempur? Menurut Director & Head KFX Cooperation Departement KAI, JL Jo, ini berawal dari pihak industri pesawat tempur Amerika Serikat, Lockheed Martin yang mempercayakan kerja sama pembuatan pesawat tempur F 16 dengan Korea Selatan. Sejak 1992, ada 140 pesawat F 16 yang dibuat negara ini. Sebenarnya tidak hanya Korea Selatan yang dipercaya, namun juga Jepang dan Taiwan. “Tapi sampai sekarang, hanya kami yang meneruskan pembuatan pesawat. Jepang dan Taiwan tidak meneruskan,” tuturnya.

Dikatakan, KAI sangat fokus membuat pesawat tempur karena menyesuaikan kondisi negara yang kecil. “Kalau Indonesia memang cocok mengembangkan pesawat penumpang,” kata JL Jo.

Tak hanya pesawat, Korea Selatan juga berharap Indonesia membeli helikopter produksinya yang diberi nama Surion, yang diklaim sangat tangguh untuk patroli udara, termasuk untuk medis. Helikopter dua awak itu bisa mengangkut 18 penumpang sipil atau 9 tentara dengan peralatan lengkap.

Perusahaan ini juga menawarkan jika Indonesia memerlukan peluncuran satelit, bisa dilakukan di negaranya dan diklaim bisa menghemat anggaran hingga 20 persen.

Terkait pengembangan KFX/IFX, JL Jo mengakui, kualitas insinyur dari PT DI yang dikirimkan ke KAI sangat mumpuni. “Mereka memang orang-orang terbaik. Bahkan mereka jadi leader di tim kami,” sebutnya.

Ia berharap, nantinya pesawat tempur hasil kerja sama dengan Korea Selatan itu bisa memperkaya tentara Indonesia. “Kekuatan tentara itu sangat penting untuk menunjukkan kekuatan sebuah negara. Indonesia selama ini kuat, salah satunya dari tentara yang hebat,” ulasnya.

Dalam kunjungan itu, Kaltim Post mendapat kesempatan melihat dari dekat proses pembuatan pesawat tempur dan helikopter Surion. Sayangnya area ini sangat ketat hingga tidak diperbolehkan mengambil gambar. Terlihat, beberapa pesawat tempur yang sedang dibuat untuk pesanan Iran dan Filipina. Itu terlihat dari logo bendera yang terpasang di ekor pesawat. Untungnya ketika berada di luar pabrik, pihak perusahaan memperbolehkan para wartawan foto dengan salah satu pesawat yang sudah siap terbang.

Di seberang lokasi pabrik ini, terlihat landasan pacu. Sesekali ada dua bahkan tiga pesawat bermanuver di atas udara.

Uniknya landasan pacu itu dipisahkan oleh jalan raya. Sehingga sesekali pihak perusahaan harus menyalakan lampu lalu lintas, untuk menyeberangkan pesawat dari pabrik menuju landasan pacu.

“Kadang-kadang ini jadi hiburan tersendiri, pengguna jalan raya berhenti hanya karena ada pesawat lewat,” ujar JL Jo sembari tersenyum lebar.

KAI hingga kini juga dipercaya membuat bagian rangka sayap pesawat Airbus 350. Kaltim Post sempat diajak berkunjung ke lokasi pabrik pembuatan rangka sayap pesawat yang hampir 99 persen dilakukan oleh mesin itu. Terlihat, bahan rangka sayap yang terbuat dari bahan alumunium dipadu dengan lithium itu diolah dengan cermat dan teliti oleh mesin. Bahan bongkahan yang awalnya memiliki berat 3 ton itu, akhirnya menghasilkan rangka sayap dengan berat hanya 80 kilogram saja.

Pabrik tersebut beroperasi 24 jam. Sama dengan waktu yang diperlukan untuk membuat satu rangka sayap pesawat yakni 24 jam. Tak hanya Airbus, Boeing juga mempercayakan pembuatan rangka sayap pesawat buatannya, ke KAI. Terhitung sejak 2010 perusahaan ini mendapat kepercayaan dari perusahaan pesawat Eropa tersebut. (*/udi)


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Lapan Bakal Punya Laboratorium Antariksa di NTT


ILUSTRASI (Foto: beritahati)
TIMESINDONESIA, KUPANG – Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) memantau kesiapan lokasi pusat pembangunan teknologi keantariksaan di Tilong, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah, Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).

"Tim dari Lapan sudah melihat kesiapan lokasi pusat pembangunan teknologi keantariksaan di Tilong, sesuai hasil kajian yang dilakukan pihak Lapan ternyata lokasi di Tilong sangat strategis sebagai pusat pembangunan teknologi keantariksaan," ujar Stefanus Baha, Kabag Humas Pemkab Kupang, Senin (7/11/2016) di Oelamasi.

Ia berdasarkan rencana dari pihak Lapan, pembangunan pusat laboratorium antariksa di Tilong akan berlangsung pada 2017 mendatang.

Pemkab Kupang telah menyiapkan lahan seluas 10 hektar sebagai lokasi pembangunannya.

"Termasuk jalan raya ke Tilong telah dibangun pemerintah Kabupaten Kupang sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap pembangunan laboratorium antariksa di Tilong," jelasnya.

Nantinya, laboratorium ini akan menjadi pusat penelitian bagi mahasiswa Indonesia maupun luar negeri yang ingin melakukan penelitian tentang keantariksaan.

Ia berharap, dengan berdirinya pusat keantariksaan, Kawasan Tilong ini dapat menjadi pusat promosi potensi daerah Kabupaten Kupang.

"Semua potensi unggulan daerah ini dipamerkan di lokasi itu, karena para peneliti dari berbagai penjuru dunia akan datang ke Tilong untuk kepentingan penelitian antariksa," harapnya.

Selain membangun laboratorium antariksa, Lapan akan membangun pusat observatorium nasional di pegunungan Timau, Kabupaten Kupang yang menelan anggaran sebesar Rp 8 triliun.

"Program pembangunan observatorium dan pusat pembangunan teknologi keantariksaan ini merupakan proyek raksasa yang dilakukan Lapan di Kabupaten Kupang. Program pembangunan ini akan menjadi momentum percepatan pembangunan di Kabupaten Kupang, sehingga rencana yang dilakukan Lapan ini ditangapi secara serius pemerintah daerah ini," paparnya.

Indonesia’s Latest Regional Airliner Project Taking Shape
by David Donald
- November 9, 2016, 10:31 AM

Indonesia’s principal aircraft maker, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), has unveiled its latest regional airliner project, the N245. Although the company provided information on the program at the 2015 Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA), it revealed more details and a model at the Indo Defense show held November 2 to 5 in Jakarta.

Based on the CN235 medium utility transport that PTDI co-developed with Airbus Defense and Space (CASA), the N245 features a T-tail and Pratt & Whitney PW127 turboprops rather than the General Electric CT7s used in the CN235. The N245 shares much of its structure with the CN235 and would be built on the same production line at PTDI’s Bandung factory. It is slightly longer and lacks a rear cargo loading ramp, allowing for the installation of up to 54 passenger seats.

Intended to fill the niche between the smaller N219 and larger airliners, the N245 would serve as a feeder airliner that can ferry passengers between outlying areas and regional centers with access to mainstream transport links. Its military transport roots would provide it with the capability to operate from short, unpaved runways in rugged terrain, and its design would allow it to undertake multiple short sectors between refuelings. With a maximum takeoff weight of 40,345 pounds, the N245 would carry a payload of 12,125 pounds, take off from a 3,280-foot airstrip and land on a strip as short as 2,360 feet. The pressurized cabin would allow for flight at up to 25,000 feet and range with 54 passengers extends to 600 nautical miles.

Destined to compete with the Bombardier Q300 and ATR 42, the N245 would offer a 5 percent reduction in operating costs over the ATR 42, and a wider, more spacious cabin than either of its competitors. PTDI expects to receive funding for two flying prototypes as part of a national aerospace program overseen by Lapan, the national institute for aeronautics and space. However, the company has not given a time frame for first flight and certification.

Meanwhile, PTDI is preparing to fly the first prototype of the N219 19-seat airliner/utility transport around the end of the year. Rolled out in November 2015, it was due to have flown this summer, but delays with the supply of some components have hindered progress. A second aircraft nears completion and should fly early next year. Single examples of static and ground test airframes have already begun trials. PTDI expects certification at the end of 2017.

Equipped with a Garmin G1000 avionics suite and powered by two 850-shp Pratt & Whitney PT6A-42 turboprops driving Hartzell four-blade propellers, the N219 traces its design from the Airbus/PTDI NC212 light transport, offering a very short field length and sturdy undercarriage that suits operations from the short, semi-prepared strips that serve Indonesia’s remote island and mountain communities.


THURSDAY, 10 NOVEMBER, 2016 | 07:34 WIB

Two U.S. Aerospace Companies Builds Factory in Bandung

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Two United States defense technology companies, Jabil Defense & Aerospace and UTC Aerospace System built a factory in Bandung City. Their total investment is valued up to Rp 2.1 trillion.

“It’s located in Soekarno Hatta Street (Gempol) across West Java’s Provincial Police command,” Ridwan Kamil said on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.

He added that the factory, owned by the two companies, has already entered its construction phase. “(It’s) not a blue collar factory, but a white collar. The value of their investments, Jabil Rp 1.3 trillion and UTC Rp 800 billion,” Ridwan added.

The local government is negotiating a plan for the two companies to absorb 70 percent of Indonesian local labor force. “It’s just an affirmative policy so that their workers are Bandung citizens. They say they can do 100 percent,” Ridwan said.

He added that both of the companies were willing to build a factory in Bandung because of the quality of local Bandung workers. “The investment value is enormous because of the foreign company’s faith in Bandung’s human resources and investment quality. Other than that, the history of Pindad and PTDI (shows) Bandung workers are used to producing technological products,” Ridwan Kamil said.



Indonesia Gearing Up


A member of Indonesia’s military personnel walks past a picture of a Sukhoi jet ghter during Indo Defence Expo in Jakarta. Reuters

JAKARTA (Reuters) – From rescue helicopters to air surveillance equipment, defense manufacturers jostled in Jakarta last week to claim one of the region’s biggest prizes: a slice of Indonesia’s shopping list as the country updates its aging air and sea security capability.

While it is not part of the dispute over claims in the South China Sea, Indonesia objects to China’s claim to waters around the Natuna Islands and has been ramping up military exercises and patrols in the region.

At this year’s annual defense gathering, only weeks after the largest Indonesian exercise to date off the Natuna archipelago, corridors were jammed and industry executives reported one of their busiest years at a time of high interest across the region after a lull of over five years.

Indonesia, which faced a US arms embargo until just over a decade ago, has yet to nail down a winner for the highest profile item on its wish list – a squadron of jets to replace its aging Northrop F-5 fighters, as talks continue with Russia to buy Sukhoi Su-35 jets.

Rival contenders for the deal include the Saab Gripen combat jet, the Eurofighter Typhoon and Lockheed Martin’s F-16s, according to industry stakeholders. Most offers include the jets and industrial cooperation.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo had promised to double the country’s defense budget, clean up procurement and modernize its aging military equipment. Since he took office, the country’s total defense spending has jumped about 26 percent – though next year should actually see a slight dip to 108 trillion rupiah ($8.3 billion).

Much of the effort, as with other countries in the region, includes a push to bring skills to Indonesia through joint ventures and partnerships, like a deal with South Korea which analysts initially said could cost up to $8 billion, to develop a mid-level fighter jet program.

Korea Aerospace Industries said it is working with Indonesia’s state-owned aerospace company Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) on joint marketing efforts, as well as a drone development program for surveillance.

French defense firm Thales said it was getting interest in its air defense offerings, after selling to Malaysia last year, as other countries consider how to upgrade existing technology with lasers to improve accuracy.

Indonesia will also seek to upgrade its heavy-lift helicopters and the annual show saw Boeing promoting additional Apache helicopters and its Chinook. Indonesia has already ordered eight AH-64E Apache helicopters.



IAe ready to deliver two NC212i transports to Philippine

Indonesian Aerospace (IAe), also known as Dirgantara Indonesia, has completed the production of two NC212i tactical transport aircraft due for delivery to the Philippines air force in 2017.

The airframer made the disclosure following a visit to its Bandung factory by the chief of the Philippines air force.

IAe adds that it hopes to get EASA certification for Bandung-produced NC212i aircraft within the next few months.

Besides the Philippines, IAe is also building three NC212i for Vietnam.

In April 2013, Airbus Defence & Space (then Airbus Military) entered a deal with IAe to develop the type, an upgraded version of the C212 tactical transport. The two companies first announced plans for the NC212i in November 2012.

The aircraft offers new digital avionics and a new autopilot. The civilian variant will have a capacity for up to 28 passengers, compared with 25 for the C212.

The NC212i is powered by two Honeywell TPE331 turboprops.

Airbus and GigaSat Partner to Provide Milsatcom to Indonesia
By Juliet Van Wagenen | November 10, 2016 | Asia-Pacific, Government, Regional, Satellite News Feed, ST Briefs

The Skynet 5A satellite, launched in March 2007, provides secure beyond line of sight communications to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. Photo: Airbus Defence and Space

[Via Satellite 11-10-2016] Airbus Defence and Space has signed GigaSat to its channel partner program for Skynet services in a partnership that will enable Gigasat to provide Skynet 5 military satcom services to its Indonesian customer base. GigaSat will be offering Skynet services as part of their mobile and fly-away communications portfolio, to Indonesian Defence Forces operating within the Asia-Pacific region.

After moving the Skynet 5A satellite from 6 degrees east to 95 degrees east in 2015 to provide global X-band and Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) coverage in the Asia-Pacific, Airbus Defence and Space is working with service providers to develop new partnerships to deliver highly Skynet military satellite communication services to the region.

Airbus owns and operates the Skynet X-band satellite constellation of eight satellites and the ground network to provide all Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communications to the U.K. Ministry of Defence. The contract also allows other NATO and allied governments to use the Skynet system to augment their existing services.


Indonesian Fighter Requirements Aired at Local Show
by David Donald

Indonesia has a 20-percent stake in co-development of the KF-X/IF-X fighter with South Korea. (Photo: David Donald)

Indonesia has outlined a need for up to 200 new fighters over the next 15 years to meet its minimum force ambitions. Most pressing is the need to replace No. 14 Squadron’s elderly Northrop F-5E/Fs, and funding has been allocated for that in the current (2015-2019) five-year spending plan. Although selection of the Sukhoi Su-35 has been “announced,” no contract has been signed, and Western manufacturers have good reason to believe that it is still an open competition.

Apart from the merits and costs of the aircraft themselves, an important consideration is Indonesia’s Law 16, which calls for the development of the country’s own aerospace/defense industry and governs the conditions under which foreign companies can compete, including the need to provide 35 percent of the contract value in direct offsets and 50 percent indirectly.

At the Indodefence show in Jakarta this week Eurofighter, Lockheed Martin and Saab outlined their offers. Eurofighter, represented by Airbus, is offering the latest AESA-equipped Typhoon and is emphasizing its swing-role capability. This year Airbus celebrates 40 years of collaboration with Indonesia’s airframer, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), which has resulted in licensed production and co-development of helicopters and transport aircraft. Airbus sees an industrial share in the Typhoon program as a logical next step, and could even set up a final assembly line at PTDI’s Bandung facility if selected.

Lockheed Martin is proposing the supply of 16 F-16V Block 72s, powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100 for commonality with Indonesia’s existing F-16s. These comprise early F-16A/Bs and the more recent delivery of former U.S. Air Force F-16C/D Block 25s refurbished to Block 52 standard. The U.S. government submitted a response to Indonesia’s request for information earlier this year, including significant offset proposals involving co-production and technology transfer, as well as the establishment of a systems engineering center of excellence at Bandung.

Saab’s offer is currently based on the supply of 14 Gripen C/D MS20s, and the Swedish company says it can begin deliveries 12 months after contract signature. The MS20 version entered Swedish air force service earlier this year, and is the first fighter to become operational with the MBDA Meteor long-range air-to-air missile. Saab plans to involve PTDI engineers in production from the start, initially in Sweden but then moving step-by-step to Bandung, with the aim of having the last aircraft built entirely in Indonesia.

All three Western fighter builders include technology transfer in their proposals that may help Indonesia, and PTDI in particular, meet its development commitments to the KF-X/IF-X 4.5-generation fighter being developed with South Korea. Jakarta holds a 20-percent stake in the project, which is being led by Korea’s DAPA (defense acquisition program administration) with Korea Aerospace Industries as the industrial lead.

The KF-X/IF-X entered the preliminary design phase on December 28 last year, which is to be completed in the second quarter of 2018. A prototype is slated to fly in 2021 or 2022, with deliveries planned for around 2025. Korea has a requirement for more than 100 KF-Xs, while Indonesia will initially take at least 50 IF-Xs. There are minor systems differences between the two.

On May 26 this year DAPA announced that the General Electric F414-GE-400 is the preferred engine type, and there are several other key systems to be selected from foreign suppliers. At the Indodefence show, Leonardo was promoting the ES-05 Raven AESA radar, with associated infrared search and track and IFF equipment, for the new fighter. Meanwhile, Saab is proposing the new fighter radar that it launched at the ADEX show in Seoul late last year. This is the world’s first such system to employ GaN (gallium nitride) transmit/receive modules. This sensor also forms part of Saab’s Gripen bid for India.

In other news from Indodefence, ShinMaywa of Japan reported that it is close to signing a deal with Indonesia for three US-2i amphibians for rescue, firefighting and disaster-relief operations. The deal surfaced during a visit to Tokyo last March by Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo, during which the nations signed an MoU covering defense cooperation. If concluded as expected next year, the deal would mark the first major sale of Japanese defense equipment since an export ban was lifted in 2014.

Leonardo reported that a single Airbus/PTDI CN235MPA twin turboprop has recently entered service with the Indonesian air force equipped with its SAGE electronic support measures equipment, the first application of this system to a large fixed-wing aircraft. The installation was engineered by U.S. company Integrated Surveillance and Defense, and was undertaken by PTDI.

Local company PT Indo Pacific Communication and Defence is to deliver an unmanned version of the LH Aviation LH-10 Ellipse to the Indonesian air force for evaluation as a Male UAV before the end of the year. The French-designed Ellipse was unveiled in its LHD optionally piloted form at the Paris Air Show in June last year. Indonesia’s Lapan (national institute of aeronautics and space) has also envisioned a Male UAV based on the German Ecarys ES-15 motor-glider, a manned example of which is being evaluated in-country, known as the LSA


woyy maap salah kamar , maklum newbie

citra satelit A1 LAPAN , dibawah ini wilayah singapore


pelabuhan hamburg ,germany
PT. GMF (Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia) and PT. MMF (Merpati Maintenance Facility) have signed a five year agreement on joint operation.
Saturday, 12 November 2016
  • Joint operation is aiming to enlarge domestic share in MRO business in Indonesia.
  • Planes operating in Indonesia are no longer have to do MRO oversea.

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia (GMF) dan PT Merpati Maintenance Facility (MMF) menandatangani joint operation untuk meraih pangsa pasar perawatan pesawat yang sebagian besar lebih masih dikuasai perusahaan asing.

Direktur Utama GMF, Juliandra Nurtjahjo mengatakan kerja sama meliputi pekerjaan penerbangan umum seperti maintenance, repair and overhaul untuk airframe, engine dan komponen pesawat Cessna 172/152, Twin Otter, Casa 212, Cessna Caravan 208/206.

"GMF dan MMF memiliki keunggulan dalam hal perawatan pesawat. GMF unggul di perawatan pesawat jenis turbo dan jet, sementara MMF unggul di perawatan pesawat turbo propeller," terangnya usai penandatanganan, Sabtu (12/11/2016).

Dalam kerjasama yang berjangka waktu lima itu, GMF dan MMF sama-sama memberikan kontribusi teknis maupun non teknis dalam pengembangan bisnis bengkel pesawat.

"Target keuntungan itu tujuan utama, tapi berapa nilai target keuntungan masih dalam proses penghitungan," tambahnya.

Sementara itu Dirut PT MMF Suharto mengatakan, kerjasama tersebut adalah salah satu upaya perusahaannya untuk kembali eksis di bisnis bengkel pesawat pasca-Merpati dinyatakan pailit sejak 2014.

"Kami masih punya fasilitas yang dapat dioptimalkan untuk bengkel pesawat seperti di Surabaya dan biak," katanya.

Di sisi lain dia menyambut baik kerjasama tersebut, karena saat ini sebagian besar maskapai yang beroperasi di Indonesia justru memilih melakukan perawatan pesawat di luar negeri.

"Mereka ambil uang di Indonesia, tapi giliran perawatan diberikan ke luar negeri. Harusnya uang untuk perawatan harus kembali ke dalam negeri," terangnya.

THURSDAY, 17 NOVEMBER, 2016 | 06:44 WIB
Industry Ministry Supports Dirgantara Indonesia`s Aircraft Export

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Ministry of Industry is supporting PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) to export its aircraft through buyers credit financing under the National Interest Account (NIA) scheme of Indonesian Export Financing Institution (LPEI), or Indonesia Eximbank.

"Its about financing. The governments support for its first stage is in the form of buyers credit for some countries that need such funding. We give loans to countries which want to buy our aircraft," head of the industrial research and development in the ministry, Haris Munandar, said.

He earlier accompanied Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto in a meeting with PT DIs board of directors on Wednesday.

Haris disclosed that the buyers credit could reach Rp400 billion (US$30 million) for aircraft export to some countries, such as Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, Senegal and the United Arab Emirates."Such funding would not be available to all buyers. Only some countries in need, such as Nepal and Senegal, can enjoy this facility. Rich countries would not need this," Haris explained.However, the funding could also be used by PT DI to improve its exported products competitiveness."Thailand and the United Arab Emirates will not need such credit. The buyers credit will be submitted towards working capital so that the aircraft can compete in the global market in terms of price," he noted.Meanwhile, President Director of PT DI Budi Santoso revealed that the company has been making efforts to boost exports by 2018."If we look at our national market share, we cannot depend on the state budget or on government buying. Our target is to increase exports in 2018," he stressed.The company would target African countries next, considering the high demand potential there. The LPEIs financing scheme will help in this endeavor. "Under the NIA scheme, we sould be pusing exports to earn more state revenue. It can be used for funding or, as producers, we can use it as working capital," he added.Currently Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand have been using the companys NC212 type aircraft.The United Arab Emirates and South Korea bought its CN235 aircrafts.

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Hi All.. new member try to post news from Indonesia .here ...

Indonesia made radar ADS-B for international airport


radar ADS-B local made for Airnav for international airport


Radar ADS-B has been installed at Cakrabhuana Airport, Cirebon

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