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Indonesia a potential JF-17 buyer.

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Sep 24, 2016
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Pakistan made an offer to Indonesia in 2010 for JF-17 but the efforts were not stretched but with a rapid advance in development and JF-17 turning out a more skilled platform than the available 4th gen under a low price tag is attracting many potential customers and Indonesia with a need to purchase Jet fighters is exploring the market. With the coming JF-17 block 3 and Myanmar as a first buy in the same region is making Indonesia closer to ink the JF-17 deal. Pakistan should make new approach to Indonesia as now JF-17 has a more advance versions under the name and price tag.

2010 efforts report.
Pakistan Defense Minister Chaudhary Ahmed Mukhtar offers his Indonesian counterpart the latest jet fighter called the JF-17 during his visit to Jakarta on Wednesday.

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro responded to the offer, saying that further discussion would be conducted in October.

Minister Mukhtar was here to sign the Defense Cooperation Agreement between the two countries at the Defense Ministry.

“We will see it first before we decide if we have an interest in purchasing the aircraft,” Purnomo said.

He said the JF-17 jet fighter was the product of a joint production between Pakistan and China. The manufacturers claimed the jet to be cheaper and stronger than the US F-16.

Purnomo said he learned there had been 500 JF-17 jet fighters produced; 350 are allocated for Pakistan and the remaining 150 are for China.

“I have been informed that Pakistan’s jet fighter’s level is above the US F-16 jet fighter, as well as Russia’s Sukhoi. But we need to see it first hand,” he said.

Minister Mukhtar said the jet fighter project was a result of years of engineering improvements that was made by the Pakistan defense industry back home.

“We have developed our defense industry properly, we have prepared for those who plan to disrupt our peace,” he said.

Pakistan Ambassador to Indonesia Sanaullah, who also attended the press conference, promoted the product, saying the aircraft had met the requirements to be used by the Indonesian military.

The Defense Ministry is currently developing its own jet fighter project with South Korea. Dubbed the KFX project, the project is aimed at providing both countries with five jet fighter prototypes before 2020.

Mass production of the KFX jet fighter is expected to take place after the project reaches its break-even point of 200 aircraft units.

Bhatara Ibnu Reza, Imparsial’s research coordinator, warned that the Indonesian military should prioritize the improvement of its own defense industry.

He said if offers like that from Pakistan contributed to the reinforcement of the country’s defense industry, then Imparsial suggested Indonesia take advantage of it.

“I strongly suggest that we pay serious attention to rebuilding our defense industry so it becomes a strong backbone for the future,” he told The Jakarta Post.

In addition to offering the jet fighter, the Pakistan defense minister also tightened cooperation in the field of education and sharing intelligence on counterterrorism.

Both countries have also planned to conduct a joint naval exercise in December this year.

“We face similar internal security problems here. Therefore cooperation will enable us to tackle these problems,” he said.

JF-17 Block 3 a perfect Platform for Indonesia.
Hassan Guy is right, its just a blog.
Anyways its a good idea to sell to the Indonesians.
We offered them when it was just JF-17 but now JF-17 is going to be block 3 and is a proven platform. Indonesia is a big potential buyer and should be re approached with JF-17 block 2 or 3
Iam not certain this is what Indonesia wants. They have multiple islands and ideally may want longer ranged twin engined planes as it suits their philosophy better. However it is difficult to say what will happen in the future as national priorities and thought processes may change. So lets see what happens although it seems unlikely to me
Iam not certain this is what Indonesia wants. They have multiple islands and ideally may want longer ranged twin engined planes as it suits their philosophy better. However it is difficult to say what will happen in the future as national priorities and thought processes may change. So lets see what happens although it seems unlikely to me
Having more Islands is why they will go for JF-17. It is cheap that means more numbers can be bought and stationed around more Island. Twin engine will increase operational cost but will JF-17 mid air refueling capabilities it will make the best platform for them and with Chinese and Pakistani anti-ship missiles it suites them best. They are not in a long distance war they need them for self defense plus JF-17's ground and sea attack capabilities is what they require. Any lets see there will be more informed members who can shed some light on the issue. My point is that we approached them in 2010 why not again in 2017 they showed interest back then but were reluctant as it being new now it is proven and fit their needs.
Having more Islands is why they will go for JF-17. It is cheap that means more numbers can be bought and stationed around more Island. Twin engine will increase operational cost but will JF-17 mid air refueling capabilities it will make the best platform for them and with Chinese and Pakistani anti-ship missiles it suites them best. They are not in a long distance war they need them for self defense plus JF-17's ground and sea attack capabilities is what they require. Any lets see there will be more informed members who can shed some light on the issue. My point is that we approached them in 2010 why not again in 2017 they showed interest back then but were reluctant as it being new now it is proven and fit their needs.
Increase the bases, increase the infrastructure cost increase the cost of the platform. Generally single engined AC s are not considered safe when you have vast areas of sea to traverse. Anyways as I said lets wait and see but to me it seems unlikely.
Increase the bases, increase the infrastructure cost increase the cost of the platform. Generally single engined AC s are not considered safe when you have vast areas of sea to traverse. Anyways as I said lets wait and see but to me it seems unlikely.
Lets see what other members have to say.
:disagree: With more F-16s and T-50s on the pipeline, TNI–AU doesn't have any operational requirement for JF-17 at the moment :disagree:
Pakistan made an offer to Indonesia in 2010 for JF-17 but the efforts were not stretched but with a rapid advance in development and JF-17 turning out a more skilled platform than the available 4th gen under a low price tag is attracting many potential customers and Indonesia with a need to purchase Jet fighters is exploring the market. With the coming JF-17 block 3 and Myanmar as a first buy in the same region is making Indonesia closer to ink the JF-17 deal. Pakistan should make new approach to Indonesia as now JF-17 has a more advance versions under the name and price tag.

2010 efforts report.
Pakistan Defense Minister Chaudhary Ahmed Mukhtar offers his Indonesian counterpart the latest jet fighter called the JF-17 during his visit to Jakarta on Wednesday.

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro responded to the offer, saying that further discussion would be conducted in October.

Minister Mukhtar was here to sign the Defense Cooperation Agreement between the two countries at the Defense Ministry.

“We will see it first before we decide if we have an interest in purchasing the aircraft,” Purnomo said.

He said the JF-17 jet fighter was the product of a joint production between Pakistan and China. The manufacturers claimed the jet to be cheaper and stronger than the US F-16.

Purnomo said he learned there had been 500 JF-17 jet fighters produced; 350 are allocated for Pakistan and the remaining 150 are for China.

“I have been informed that Pakistan’s jet fighter’s level is above the US F-16 jet fighter, as well as Russia’s Sukhoi. But we need to see it first hand,” he said.

Minister Mukhtar said the jet fighter project was a result of years of engineering improvements that was made by the Pakistan defense industry back home.

“We have developed our defense industry properly, we have prepared for those who plan to disrupt our peace,” he said.

Pakistan Ambassador to Indonesia Sanaullah, who also attended the press conference, promoted the product, saying the aircraft had met the requirements to be used by the Indonesian military.

The Defense Ministry is currently developing its own jet fighter project with South Korea. Dubbed the KFX project, the project is aimed at providing both countries with five jet fighter prototypes before 2020.

Mass production of the KFX jet fighter is expected to take place after the project reaches its break-even point of 200 aircraft units.

Bhatara Ibnu Reza, Imparsial’s research coordinator, warned that the Indonesian military should prioritize the improvement of its own defense industry.

He said if offers like that from Pakistan contributed to the reinforcement of the country’s defense industry, then Imparsial suggested Indonesia take advantage of it.

“I strongly suggest that we pay serious attention to rebuilding our defense industry so it becomes a strong backbone for the future,” he told The Jakarta Post.

In addition to offering the jet fighter, the Pakistan defense minister also tightened cooperation in the field of education and sharing intelligence on counterterrorism.

Both countries have also planned to conduct a joint naval exercise in December this year.

“We face similar internal security problems here. Therefore cooperation will enable us to tackle these problems,” he said.

JF-17 Block 3 a perfect Platform for Indonesia.
it's a good news if indonesia inks the deal... but better than f-16 or even sukhois? then why is china fielding sukhoi copies or why did pakistan want to buy more of f-16s on loans? although i believe it's a good jet... i still put it below flankers or typhoons... maybe on head with gripen but not higher than that... it needs to prove itself first against other jets before making such a claim.
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