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INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

Indian Land , Indian Law , and now stop crying ... when someone come with law book US started crying for mama, when IT dept came for US school they started running from media also. India will throw rule Book in Uncle SAM face and uncle SAM will say he forget how to read, and started again running.

OH STFU. You got no point so you ramble some BS. This wouldn;t be an issue if INDIA didn't break patent rules. If you were so worried about it, then INDIA should be in better position to provide medication without US TECH, RESEARCH, EXPERTISE....got it

the f00k are u rambling about !

IPR rules are different and those patents were given in US not in India.

Significant safeguards are present in WTO guidelines where a State's govt policy will have primacy over the fact that the patent has been granted or not in another country !

Seems you need to get versed with WTO guidelines ! please read it thanks ! I will be glad to be corrected but so far nothing !

What r u stoopid? WHY won't you read you clueless twat. Or simply don;t respond to my posts if you cant understand the statements you made about turmeric
Did the parliament pass rigid law knowingly ?

We have seen what happened after Bhopal tragedy ...our law has been shaped based on past experiences ...
If French have openly expressed readiness to work within Nuclear liability law ...why we should give leeway to other countries ?

Bhopal? As much as Union Carbide is to blame for the disaster, what about the responsibility of the politicans? They formulated laaws that lacked any regulation at the time. They purposely hid data and made it impossible to get to any real justice. The settlement was a sham which much of the money being not dispersed on time for the acutal victims. There is no real accountability of the money itself.


Laws? India allowed the dumping of toxic chemicals in and around the factory long after the tradegy? Where was the law then? India to this day does NOT HAVE AN AGENCY LIKE THE EPA! Instead, we allow other bloated agencies to share these responisbilites but there are major conflicts of interest.

India to open new Environmental Protection Agency

I noticed we have a bad habit of blaming everyone else BUT OURSELVES.

Let them reduce their prices then.
For these behemoth pharma companies patients can only be RICH,ones who cant afford to pay are as good as cockroaches who can be trampled upon.

True but then the govt should pay for the medications if it cares so much about affordability
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OH STFU. You got no point so you ramble some BS. This wouldn;t be an issue if INDIA didn't break patent rules. If you were so worried about it, then INDIA should be in better position to provide medication without US TECH, RESEARCH, EXPERTISE....got it

What r u stoopid? WHY won't you read you clueless twat. Or simply don;t respond to my posts if you cant understand the statements you made about turmeric

u gotta be kidding me .. u dont understand sh!t and arguing with me .. just do me a favour dont quote me again in this thread ! Dumbass !
u gotta be kidding me .. u dont understand sh!t and arguing with me .. just do me a favour dont quote me again in this thread ! Dumbass !

STFU....i have seen your half *** post son this site...a waste of time....do us all a favor....and just remain a guest. You add nothing of value to this site. DUMbass
India is not PAK or IRAQ or SA which dance on US says....... India is India , that is India way to No Way.... US has to follow India and stop cribbing.
Round 1 goes to India

India dodges bullet from Big Pharma in US - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration has resisted pressure from the American domestic business lobby, notably Big Pharma, and avoided escalating a simmering trade dispute with New Delhi. It has retained India on the priority watch list in 2014 instead of naming and shaming it as a priority foreign country as demanded by the western drug industry.

"In making this determination, the United States recognizes ... the critical role that meaningful, constructive, and effective engagement between India and the United States should play in resolving concerns," the United States trade representatives annual "Super 301" report released here on Wednesday said, while mollifying US pressure groups by announcing an out-of-cycle review of India in fall this year.

Super 301 refers to a section of the US Trade Act of 1974 that authorizes the American president to take punitive action against foreign governments that violates international trade agreements or discriminates against or restricts US commerce.

American business lobbies have been up in arms over the past several months alleging that New Delhi is guilty on both counts, mainly on account of widely different interpretations between their commercial interests and profiteering from life-saving drugs, and India determination to lower the cost of such medicines through broader interpretation by way of domestic patent law.

At the heart of the dispute are instances such India's decision in 2012 to issue its first ever compulsory licence to domestic drugmaker Natco Pharma on a kidney and liver cancer drug, Nexavar, patented by Germany's Bayer AG. Such licensing is intended to make the drug more affordable to India's poor.

Big Pharma fears that such moves may become more commonplace and embolden other countries such as Brazil and China to follow suit, eroding the immense profitability of large western drug companies, widely seen as rapacious in poor countries. Generic Indian drug manufacturers who make what Big Pharma says are knock-offs of patented drugs under protection from Indian laws are seen as nibbling away at their profits.

Big Pharma mounted great pressure on the Obama administration ahead of the April 30 Super 301 report seeking to designate India as a "priority foreign country," a category in which only Ukraine is in at present. New Delhi also fought back, enlisting its supporters, including the US defence industry which has its own wares to sell to India.

In the end, Washington stayed India in the milder "priority watch list", but not before announcing that "in the coming months, the United States will redouble its efforts to seek opportunities for meaningful, sustained, and effective engagement on IP-related matters with the new government, including at senior levels and through technical exchanges, that will both improve IP protection and enforcement in India."

"To further encourage progress on IPR issues of concern, USTR will publish a federal register notice and initiate an out-of-cycle review (OCR) of India in the fall of 2014, commencing an assessment of the progress in that engagement," the USTR report said.
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