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Indo-US strategic pairing has failed: Chinese report

Ignoring facts and arguing on subjectivity is hardly a base for productive discussion. Which brings me back to my original point that India cannot offer much to USA if doesn't follow what the Americans want. Its not just about the Indian interests here, it's about the Americans as well...........India may want to have to relations with USA on diverse fields, but the question is if India doesn't serve the best interests of USA, would USA still be interested?
Speaking of cold war era, don't we all know that Pakistan was given membership to important defence pacts like SEATO and CENTO.....and where exactly did India stand in all this? Did India receive any benefits from USA for pursuing a neutral policy? NOPE!!!

It's a bit naive to assume that India does not have much to offer to the US or to anybody, makes it difficult to fathom why world leaders visit India routinely.

As I have been saying there's much more to any relations then just a strategic location or being a proxy against someone else.

Pakistan definitiely got seato and cento, and India for all practical purposes was in the Soviet camp and we got actual assistance from the soviets when it was direly needed, though we never got involved in their war against NATO, not even in Afg and we still maintain all our old relations.

Though you have a point that the US is keen for India to join up against China.
india and china if work together they can become super power but india is plagued by the british system which is corrupt which it follows on the other hand pakistan and china policies are controlled by the millitary of pakistan which helps pakistan and china tremendously and is not corrupted by the pakistani politics as far as us is concerned it does not want to loose domination over the world so it will try to do whatever it can to maintain its position by bribing pakistani politians and indian politicians to not work with china but in pakistan and china its policies are controlled by millitary but between india and china its the politicians
india and china if work together they can become super power but india is plagued by the british system which is corrupt which it follows on the other hand pakistan and china policies are controlled by the millitary of pakistan which helps pakistan and china tremendously and is not corrupted by the pakistani politics as far as us is concerned it does not want to loose domination over the world so it will try to do whatever it can to maintain its position by bribing pakistani politians and indian politicians to not work with china but in pakistan and china its policies are controlled by millitary but between india and china its the politicians

Its the same with India and Pakistan, Indian politicians talk to Pakistani politicians and not to PA who are the real controllers of Pakistani foreign relations specially India relations - that's why all are talks end up in the dust bin.
Its the same with India and Pakistan, Indian politicians talk to Pakistani politicians and not to PA who are the real controllers of Pakistani foreign relations specially India relations - that's why all are talks end up in the dust bin.

india and pakistan would never comes to terms no matter how you try it it like israel and palestine no matter who is involved both have veiws towards each other that are negative the only thing that will happen betweeen india and pakistan is a deciding war and who ever wins it will decide how to deal with other Like israel and india relation ships are militarily based strategies just like china and pakistan Just like Nato with each other Rest of the diplomacy crap is just that crap that other nations play with each other and the biggest fools are arabs to think that they can work out deals by selling oil and buy weapons that are expensive and of lesser quality then israel Strong relations are militarily based strategies that defines projection of power US can never be a military partner with india because india does not choose sides so thats india s draw back
We deterred India with our military build up in Tibet.

lol.....thanks for the laugh......

back to topic....its not a complete failure......
only America's vision in the alliance has failed while India has got what it wanted to acheive in the alliance
due to our neutral foreign policy,a direct military alignment is not possible.

but that was never on cards,was it??
Question: Did WE (India) ever wanted to ally with the US??????

lol.....thanks for the laugh......

back to topic....its not a complete failure......
only America's vision in the alliance has failed while India has got what it wanted to acheive in the alliance

LOL, its a Chinese report, dont take it seriously.
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