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Indo-US strategic pairing has failed: Chinese report

How, explain? How is Indian Geo strategic location Important for USA? Other than being used to counter China(which isn't in Indian interests), what else can India do for USA?

Strategic location? there's a lot in this world besides a strategic location. I understand where u r coming from though - Pakistans only plus point presently is its strategic location - but how does that matter to the thousands of miles away US once they pull out of Afghanistan. Its a different matter if Pakistan continues to host US bases and forces in Pakistan beyond 2014, but that will clash with Chinese transit interests in Pakistan.

Lets go beyond strategic location, and look at other areas of mutual interests that happen between nations like business, human development, science, education, security, defense, research, environment etc.

India is expanding influences and investments in Far East, Africa, South America, North America, Australia and Central Asia and in most places US has strong influences which work in our favor.
@acid rain That's the whole point of economic integration. More we are inter-linked, more will be the people on both sides of borders will be hesitant about any war.

That's what EU countries did after fighting two World War.
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@acid rain That's the whole point of economic integration. More we are inter-linked, more will be the people on both sides of borders will be hesitant about any war.

That's what EU countries did after fighting two World War.

@KRAIT, do a rethink and tell me whether economy is the only reason that avoids a war? China and Japan have much more trade than us with China....aren't they on the brink of war? is economy preventing them from raising the war hysteria. Is trade preventing them from going to war or is there something else?

Germany had excellent trade with Britain and France but they still went to war, it was the US elephant in the room that has stopped them from from fighting with each other and the US which formed them into a cohesive unit otherwise they would have still be fighting like they have done over the centuries if it wasn't for US.
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I my view Russia is a natural and strategic partner with which India have lot of common interests for a long time, Russia has Oil and other natural resources, good defense industry and India has work force,market and strong economy. So they both complement each other and true strategic partners.
Not only that. US is unreliable as an ally. Their aid, help and friendship is all conditional. If you arms, you cannot attack certain countries with them. If you are in trouble from certain countries they won't help. And in times of dire need, US does not help its allies if it thinks it has no 'interest'. They pretend to go by issue like human rights for not helping an ally, which is BS most of the times.

We need to only look at Pakistan's and Afghanistan's experience with the US. Both were the front line states in cold war. Both used and thrown. Until Daniel Pearl got murdered by the same people involved in Kandahar hijacking they did not even care that India was getting attacked by the extremists. They kept advising that India should solve Kashmir issue.

On the other hand, Russia and China back an ally all the way. China more so. Even though India's security pact with Russia ended, they are any day more reliable that Americans.

The obvious reason Indo-US pairing won't work in the near future is that US still pampers Pakistan, rewards it for taking a hard stance with respect to India and expects Pakistan to help solve the Afghan mess. That is like giving keys to the robber.
Strategic location? there's a lot in this world besides a strategic location. I understand where u r coming from though - Pakistans only plus point presently is its strategic location - but how does that matter to the thousands of miles away US once they pull out of Afghanistan. Its a different matter if Pakistan continues to host US bases and forces in Pakistan beyond 2014, but that will clash with Chinese transit interests in Pakistan.

Lets go beyond strategic location, and look at other areas of mutual interests that happen between nations like business, human development, science, education, security, defense, research, environment etc.

India is expanding influences and investments in Far East, Africa, South America, North America, Australia and Central Asia and in most places US has strong influences which work in our favor.
Dont have much time, got paper in the morning and that too of US History. Thing is, as Krait has mentioned, all nations are guided by their interests and for Americans the priority is to maintain their hegemony and Afghanistan, Pakistan, CAR's, Middle East and China are all part of their new great game and that is why Geo-strategic location cannot be ruled out.....even for Russia, warm waters of Arabian sea are of vital importance. Secondly business is related to economics, no? again all the areas of mutual interest that you have mentioned are dependent upon economy, plus these are the areas where you can collaborate with any country without drafting any special policies.
Even America and China collaborate with each other in many fields, same goes for China and India. So it all boils down to this Americans are interested in India for a specific reason and that is what we all know.
Dont have much time, got paper in the morning and that too of US History. Thing is, as Krait has mentioned, all nations are guided by their interests and for Americans the priority is to maintain their hegemony and Afghanistan, Pakistan, CAR's, Middle East and China are all part of their new great game and that is why Geo-strategic location cannot be ruled out.....even for Russia, warm waters of Arabian sea are of vital importance. Secondly business is related to economics, no? again all the areas of mutual interest that you have mentioned are dependent upon economy, plus these are the areas where you can collaborate with any country without drafting any special policies.
Even America and China collaborate with each other in many fields, same goes for China and India. So it all boils down to this Americans are interested in India for a specific reason and that is what we all know.

Geo Political strategy - they would love to have India on their side.

Good luck with your paper. :tup:
Dont have much time, got paper in the morning and that too of US History. Thing is, as Krait has mentioned, all nations are guided by their interests and for Americans the priority is to maintain their hegemony and Afghanistan, Pakistan, CAR's, Middle East and China are all part of their new great game and that is why Geo-strategic location cannot be ruled out.....even for Russia, warm waters of Arabian sea are of vital importance. Secondly business is related to economics, no? again all the areas of mutual interest that you have mentioned are dependent upon economy, plus these are the areas where you can collaborate with any country without drafting any special policies.
Even America and China collaborate with each other in many fields, same goes for China and India. So it all boils down to this Americans are interested in India for a specific reason and that is what we all know.

Enjoy your strategic location and take advantage of it as you have been doing from a long while because thats the best thing that you can offer presently, India doesn't do that and doesn't need to do that as well.
And, as I told you earlier, Economy is the key for a healthy collaboration in all the fields and that economy does'nt need to come only by sitting on a strategic location, it comes from various other means.
When there is economic and political benefits attached to a collaboration, strategic benefits do not become the only criteria. India refused to be dragged into any conflicts during the cold war or even now - did that reduce our friendship with any of our partners? simply NO.
Hence there is a wide field of engagement with our partners and we always make it a point that it doesn't stay limited to just a field or two and that both parties get benefited mutually.
Enjoy your strategic location and take advantage of it as you have been doing from a long while because thats the best thing that you can offer presently, India doesn't do that and doesn't need to do that as well.
And, as I told you earlier, Economy is the key for a healthy collaboration in all the fields and that economy does'nt need to come only by sitting on a strategic location, it comes from various other means.
When there is economic and political benefits attached to a collaboration, strategic benefits do not become the only criteria. India refused to be dragged into any conflicts during the cold war or even now - did that reduce our friendship with any of our partners? simply NO.
Hence there is a wide field of engagement with our partners and we always make it a point that it doesn't stay limited to just a field or two and that both parties get benefited mutually.

Ignoring facts and arguing on subjectivity is hardly a base for productive discussion. Which brings me back to my original point that India cannot offer much to USA if doesn't follow what the Americans want. Its not just about the Indian interests here, it's about the Americans as well...........India may want to have to relations with USA on diverse fields, but the question is if India doesn't serve the best interests of USA, would USA still be interested?
Speaking of cold war era, don't we all know that Pakistan was given membership to important defence pacts like SEATO and CENTO.....and where exactly did India stand in all this? Did India receive any benefits from USA for pursuing a neutral policy? NOPE!!!
We deterred India with our military build up in Tibet.

lol :D In your dreams. The report concludes so because India maintains its strategic autonomy and the role washington wants us to take is not in our national interest.
Ignoring facts and arguing on subjectivity is hardly a base for productive discussion. Which brings me back to my original point that India cannot offer much to USA if doesn't follow what the Americans want. Its not just about the Indian interests here, it's about the Americans as well...........India may want to have to relations with USA on diverse fields, but the question is if India doesn't serve the best interests of USA, would USA still be interested?
Speaking of cold war era, don't we all know that Pakistan was given membership to important defence pacts like SEATO and CENTO.....and where exactly did India stand in all this? Did India receive any benefits from USA for pursuing a neutral policy? NOPE!!!

Of course, I doubt India is seeking an equal relationship and if it is seeking one - then it is living in a fool's paradise. However, it is a myth to assume that India and USA can be allies only if India agrees to every whim and fancy of the US. Just like the Israelis have a lobby and a population within the US and in the US political circle which pushes Israel's agenda; India too must cultivate a lobby.
India is not big enough to go alone, it's a very fractured country internally where religious, ethnic and caste systems make it a brittle union. Indian foreign policy is controlled from London and Washington, so they are already under western control.

Right, so Tibetans and Uighurs are happy to be part of China. Many countries have ethnic fault lines, the PRC included.

As for foreign policy, if India's policy was dictated from the west, why didn't India send troops to Iraq when it was asked to do so by the Bush administration?

Why hasn't India sent troops to bolster NATO in Afghanistan?
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