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‘Indo-Pak trade can touch $50 billion'

@Alphaomega, India is not sponsoring terrorists in balochistan.

on topic, trade between India and Pakistan will be mutually beneficial and may also improve relations.
Yesterday there was news that China lowered its growth rate expectation to 7.5%.

And said it is looking for domestic consumption of its goods.....means there is less buying power in the west/EU. It will continue to go down day by day. They too started looking to 'domestic' to give jobs to own people. In this context, it is very mutually beneficial for all to grow the trade...be it inside or cross border..
Trade equals more money for India which is good.

Take that money and invest it into the military and infrastructure.
While i support more trade between India and Pakistan, i don't think the trade has so much potential. May be $10Billion by 2015 might be a realisable target. I am saying this because the trade between Pakistan and China has not even touched 20 Billion and China has unlimited access into the Pakistan market.
While i support more trade between India and Pakistan, i don't think the trade has so much potential. May be $10Billion by 2015 might be a realisable target. I am saying this because the trade between Pakistan and China has not even touched 20 Billion and China has unlimited access into the Pakistan market.

The trade between Pakistan and China is $9 Billion, while trade between India and Pakistan is around $2 Billion. I don't see India and Pakistan going to $50. The only way trade can reach around that figure if there is if there is tourism. Tourism between India and Pakistan has immense potential. But I don't see any liberalization of Visa regime between India and Pakistan
IT and Terrorism make for a lethal cocktail.

Maybe Pakistan could increase its Cyber-Terrorism Exports to India...:rofl:

you no they say if you have nothing better to say don't say anything at all and i am pretty sure you have been told that a lot.

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

So now terrorism in India will be financially supported by our own tax money :drag:

It has been supported in Pakistan for very long time by Indian tax Money.
Seriously? $50 Billion? How long has Pakistan been trading with China? And still they only trade like what less than $10 Billion? And they have unlimited access to the Pakistani Market. They can decide to open up a brothel and noone will give a sh!t.

Pakistan doesnt even have a Export or Import rate of $50 billion.

Was there an error with converting lakhs and crore to billions and millions? This guys seems to have fallen off his Rolls Royce
Its impossible for indo pak trade to touch $50 Billion in 10 Years considering the fact that pakistan current export at $26 Billion and import at $32 Billion. Thus total trade is $58 Billion. Now its just daydreaming to think that when pakistan's total trade is $58 Billion right now and after 10 year only indo pak trade would be $50 Billion .Its just bullshit.
My guess would be in next 10 year the trade would be around 15 to 20 Billion and highly in favour of india . Except cement and textile(cotton based) they dont have anything to export to india while india has edge in textile (synthetic) ,pharmacy , automobile , Power , leather , medical tourism , IT , Flesh , .......and the list will go on.
and in the cotton based textile not to forget pakistan will have to compete with bangladesh who is performing better than pakistan
its double benefit game for india first indo pak trade will be highly in indian favour second india will gain access to central asia to eastern europe ("road access") which is highly beneficial for india
i personally dont think pakistan will give access to india for trade in its market. given 100% openess to market, indian products will destroy pakistani industries and goods and domestic production just like bollywood did to pakistani film industry. they should start with big projects like:
1. define ur boundaries :undecided:
2. defence and military exercises
3. research and development
4. infrastructure
Most of the Indian business is in Hindu baniyas hands and we have seen on numerous occasions how much Pakistanis love Hindu baniyas. So question is - are you guys willing to let go of your complex all of a sudden and start doing business with us?

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