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Indo-Pak 'Berlin Wall' must be brought down

So they are dieing to come down, under Muslim Rule once again. Good to hear that. Welcome to Paakistan.

Honest question. Can you provide any proof to support the repeated statement that once Kashmir is resolved Pakistan will change its anti-India stance?

Please provide proper links with exactly how the policy will be executed and changes in foreign/military policy.
Honest question. Can you provide any proof to support the repeated statement that once Kashmir is resolved Pakistan will change its anti-India stance?

Please provide proper links with exactly how the policy will be executed and changes in foreign/military policy.

This will never happen for the rulers of Pakistan peace with India and they loose the legitimacy to rule... so forget peace only a status quo will be maintained or is possible.

Even if you delivered the whole of Kashmir on a platter to Pakistan the Army will find something else like Hyderabad for example as next... They need India to rule :)
Honest question. Can you provide any proof to support the repeated statement that once Kashmir is resolved Pakistan will change its anti-India stance?

Please provide proper links with exactly how the policy will be executed and changes in foreign/military policy.

Pakistan has always played fair with all it's neighbours why not India. Ofcourse there are alot of hatred towards India because of their treatment with regards to Kashmir Issue but once India be honest to itself and the world about Kashmir and end the illeagal occupation of Kashmir Pakistanis have big enough hearts to forgive them for their past. We can move On with each other from there On.
Pakistan has always played fair with all it's neighbours why not India. Ofcourse there are alot of hatred towards India because of their treatment with regards to Kashmir Issue but once India be honest to itself and the world about Kashmir and end the illeagal occupation of Kashmir Pakistanis have big enough hearts to forgive them for their past. We can move On with each other from there On.

I am sure the Afghans would have something to say about that.
Pakistan has always played fair with all it's neighbours why not India. Ofcourse there are alot of hatred towards India because of their treatment with regards to Kashmir Issue but once India be honest to itself and the world about Kashmir and end the illeagal occupation of Kashmir Pakistanis have big enough hearts to forgive them for their past. We can move On with each other from there On.

Reminds me of an old PTV talk show after Bajpayees famous road trip to Pakistan. They were discussing something like - "What's the Quran approved method to deal with a submissive Kafir?"

The Berlin Wall stays. Period.
Reminds me of an old PTV talk show after Bajpayees famous road trip to Pakistan. They were discussing something like - "What's the Quran approved method to deal with a submissive Kafir?"

The Berlin Wall stays. Period.

In any case we saw the beginnings of ' fair play' back in 47-48 when PA was sent into J&K as armed raiders & later in 65 - Op Gibraltar.

Luckily India too has since played ' fair'.
Notice only indians want the border between Pakistan and india demolished.

What happened to your "shining india"?

Why would you want a country like Pakistan when you are shining like a new penny :rolleyes:
Notice only indians want the border between Pakistan and india demolished.

What happened to your "shining india"?

Why would you want a country like Pakistan when you are shining like a new penny :rolleyes:

Believe me, all these statements by politicians are just gloss. No one in India actually wants Pakistan, or anything to do with Pakistan. Most people would love to leave you thoroughly alone. We might be shining like a new penny, but still, we have thousands of problems of our own. We don't want some minor headaches to get converted into a permanent migraine.
Notice only indians want the border between Pakistan and india demolished.

What happened to your "shining india"?

Why would you want a country like Pakistan when you are shining like a new penny :rolleyes:

God forbid !

No one wants a country like Pakistan not in India and I suspect this includes a large No of Pakistanis as well. The border can never some down at best trade could start.
Notice only indians want the border between Pakistan and india demolished.

What happened to your "shining india"?

Why would you want a country like Pakistan when you are shining like a new penny :rolleyes:

Well, we want to take over your lands, thats why! After all what else is the motive of 800 millions Hindus? Pity you escaped with your lands 60 years ago!!!
This fallacy of a south asia, is simply indian propaganda, the areas that constitute Pakistan have a different history, we were unique with the IVC and also under the influence of the Ancient Persians. In fact our main river and our largest Province was named by Persians, Punjab, Pung meaning five, and ab meaning river, ie land of the five rivers.

We were lumped in with the Ganges based bharat, by the Moghuls and the Brits.
IMHO we should concentrate on our relationship with our Great all weather friend the PRC, then the Mid East and our Turkish Friends, and South America, and also keep up our friendship with Far East, Europe and North America.
now the time for god damn truth in front of you guys.

this wall can not be let down now, not in next 25 years at least until the next generation. There are very solid reasons for that.

Indians can not be sure that even after Kashmir dispute is resolved, there will be peace because it is not the political mind set or intellectual logic that derives hatred towards india. actually its the poison poured in the minds of pakistani youths from ages in the name of kashmir, in the name of religion and in the name of historical "atrocities by hindus". many pakistanis believe in this so strongly that if there is any attempt to change it the whole belief system will crumble and leave them in state total emptiness of thoughts in their neverland.

secondly it is highly unrealistic and impractical at this time. the only option we(india & pakistan) have is to increase bilateral trade as much as possible.

PS: i realised that those who live out side the pakistan have more liberal views in terms of religious tolerance or living in peace with india so the question which bothers me, what does pakistan lacks which makes their resident more intolerant?
now the time for god damn truth in front of you guys.

this wall can not be let down now, not in next 25 years at least until the next generation. There are very solid reasons for that.

Indians can not be sure that even after Kashmir dispute is resolved, there will be peace because it is not the political mind set or intellectual logic that derives hatred towards india. actually its the poison poured in the minds of pakistani youths from ages in the name of kashmir, in the name of religion and in the name of historical "atrocities by hindus". many pakistanis believe in this so strongly that if there is any attempt to change it the whole belief system will crumble and leave them in state total emptiness of thoughts in their neverland.

secondly it is highly unrealistic and impractical at this time. the only option we(india & pakistan) have is to increase bilateral trade as much as possible.

PS: i realised that those who live out side the pakistan have more liberal views in terms of religious tolerance or living in peace with india so the question which bothers me, what does pakistan lacks which makes their resident more intolerant?

That is a fallacy, people in Pakistan should not be stereo typed, it is a fact that indian's and Pakistanis are different and this makes the idea of removing a barrier totally infeasible. :pakistan:

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