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Indo-China border personnel meet at Chushul

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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JAMMU, Jan 26: A border personnel meeting was organised between India and China on Tuesday at Indian Border Personnel Meeting Hut in Chushul, to celebrate the Indian Republic Day.

The Chinese delegation was received by the Indian delegation leader Brigadier YK Joshi. After the reception, the Indian national flag was hoisted and both the Chinese and Indian delegations saluted the tricolour. In the formal meeting held in atmosphere of mutual trust and camaraderie, greetings were exchanged by both the sides. Also both sides agreed to join hands in contributing to peace, stability and development of the region in consonance with “Border Peace and Tranquility Agreements”.

After the formal meeting, the Chinese delegation was treated to a cultural programme by a civilian troupe. The Chinese delegation was enthralled by the rich cultural heritage of India and soaked in spirit of bonhomie and friendship. The Chinese delegation also joyfully participated in some fun filled games which were followed by a rich spread of Indian cuisines savored by one and all, claimed an army handout.

During the afternoon, the guests were treated to foot tapping Indian music tunes played by the Military Band, forcing the visitors to sway to the enchanting Indian music. As the ceremonies drew to close, both sides exchanged pleasantries and gifts to commemorate the occasion.

As the curtain came down on the celebration the visitors saluted the tricolour and were escorted back to Line of Actual Control (LAC).
It is notable here that India and China have signed two landmark agreement namely “Peace and Tranquility Agreement in 1993” and ‘Confidence Building Measures” 1996. Recent Indo-Chinese Joint anti terrorism exercises have also paved the way for greater interaction between border forces of both the sides. Also to improve the relations further six Border Personnel meetings are scheduled every year, between the Indian and Chinese military delegations. Chinese held their side May, June, October and Indian hosts the meetings on January, August and October. Besides these additional meetings on required we also hold flag meetings throughout the year, stated the army handout.

This year has also gained importance for the Trishul Division which has been interacting with Chinese as it celebrates its golden jubilee of raising. This Division has been the sentinel of Ladakh since its raising on 29 March 1960 and has had the distinction of being commanded by two Chiefs of Army Staff namely Gen TN Raina, MVC and Gen KV Krishna Rao. The formation despite the vagaries of weather and altitude has maintained a strict vigil on the Line of Actual Control protecting the territorial integrity of the Nation and at same time has used means of dialogue and negotiations in the forum of flag meetings and Borders Personnel Meetings to resolve various contentious issue for ensuring that peace and tranquility always is maintained in the border areas and the peace process is not sabotaged by any contentious issues.
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