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Indo Aryan Languages of South Asia

Mr chattra. I CREATED IT. After doing some research.
Is that what you call it?

Only in india term north india is equal to 2/3 of the country. in Rest of the world north usually means smaller area toward the north. Even central india is called north india, in an attempt to call "north india and central and pakistan same". Why not just call whole of india north india and lump whole of Pakistan with india.
Geographical location is simply a reference, genius. Don't cling on to it and make it big of an issue. For South India or the Dravidian language speaking states, anything North of it is North India. More specifically the Hindi belt. It's that simple. Only in India? nope.
Average indians would do everything to be what they are not, central or euroasians, Aryans, scythians and what not. There is nothing special about euroasians. They are just people. I mention them because Pakistan has them. Even I avoid the term for myself.
Average Indians don't take pride in being torch bearers of Central Asians. They take pride in their lineage who are thought to be descendants of the Vedic tribes. If you're part of the tribe, you ought follow their traditions, else you're an outsider. You can be a blue eyed german and would still not be eligible for being Aryan (according to us).

Don't bother replying. Keep living in your own dream land, where whole of south asia is the same that too up sri-lanka. Its just linguistic similarity (i.e. hindi-urdu) that creates this delusion of the sameness, and otherwise nothing is same in general.
Why? You don't like being called out? Call mods, they're here to help you in such situations. South Asia again is a geographic location, forming the Indian tectonic plate with the Himalayan ranges bordering it.

Why don't you people just accept the truth and accept who you are. SO that we can live according to our religion and our culture and you according to yours. This way you will more of our respect.

indo-iranian, indo-eurpean, centra-asians, euroasian, aryans, indo-aryans, indo-germanic, or just Germanic these are all interachangeable terms, in this context.
I'm not here to question your religion, you can believe in Unicorns for all I care. I'm simply here to take a snap of these gems and have a general idea on your perspective.

Note : Aryans are not a race or a people, there is no Aryan blood, according to Vedas where the name Aryan originated, you can be an aboriginal and yet be a Brahman (the supposed Aryan) if you satisfy some criterion. You can be a blue eyed Germanic god and still be called a mllecha, a barbarian.

For you, it's all about lineage, land, admixtures what not. You're anything but Aryan.
Pakistan is a separate qawm within the larger Muslim Ummat. There is space in Islam, even the Quran, for different grouping of people based on race. This is what Tanzimat reforms at the end of the Ottoman empire were about.

Pakistan never asked all Muslims of the world to migrate to Pakistan, as Israel asked of Jews. Getting Pakistani citizenship is still very difficult. You can ask that of the Bengalis who have been coming to Pakistan since 1971.

We love our fellow Muslims and respect them as our brothers and sisters, but that doesn't mean anyone can come into our country.

Our internal problems are too severe to have immigration, we need to employ every single Pakistani first and uplift them out of poverty. If we need labor, we can bring them then.

I think many of us would still rather opt for Afghans(or other more compatible people) than Indian Muslims.
We still have to win the Panipat IV and that is winnable. The creation of Pakistan was a temporary strategic retreat from a much larger empire we ruled a century earlier. Hindustan was built by the Muslims and an isolationist mindset is not going to be helpful. So called Tanzimat reform does not represent wider Islamic philosophy and it has western influence too. We reject narrow minded western nationalistic views.
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The problem, with most of the posts, made in this thread, is that the posters are distorting and twisting the history of the people, as well as languages, to suit and support their preconceived political narratives and ideas. This is not what an intellectual pursuit should be.

We still have to win the Panipat IV and that is winnable. The creation of Pakistan was a temporary strategic retreat from a much larger empire we ruled a century earlier. Hindustan was built by the Muslims and an isolationist mindset is not going to be helpful. So called Tanzimat reform does not represent wider Islamic philosophy and it has western influence too. We reject narrow minded western nationalistic views.

Our future is to the West and North, our Eastern brethren have proven themselves unreliable at best, and backstabbers at worse.

India's problems are not our own, we refuse to take in any Indian refugees.

Ghazwa e Hind will happen, but only before Afghanistan and Pakistan merge into one nation.
The problem, with most of the posts, made in this thread, is that the posters are distorting and twisting the history of the people, as well as languages, to suit and support their preconceived political narratives and ideas. This is not what an intellectual pursuit should be.

Initially, this post was all about linguistics. It later turned into do as you wish thread. Dissapointing.
Our future is to the West and North, our Eastern brethren have proven themselves unreliable at best, and backstabbers at worse.

India's problems are not our own, we refuse to take in any Indian refugees.

Ghazwa e Hind will happen, but only before Afghanistan and Pakistan merge into one nation.

For that Pakistan needs to seriously get on the Eurasian order deepen ties with both Moscow and Beijing as well bit I think they are too may Anglo babu uncles who still see the west as an asset which is not the case in next decade of the 2020s and beyond
you didnt have knowledge to point out the mistakes but did a long blabla in your post . i mean - you are just an indian , as i can see
Is that what you call it?

Geographical location is simply a reference, genius. Don't cling on to it and make it big of an issue. For South India or the Dravidian language speaking states, anything North of it is North India. More specifically the Hindi belt. It's that simple. Only in India? nope.

Average Indians don't take pride in being torch bearers of Central Asians. They take pride in their lineage who are thought to be descendants of the Vedic tribes. If you're part of the tribe, you ought follow their traditions, else you're an outsider. You can be a blue eyed german and would still not be eligible for being Aryan (according to us).

Why? You don't like being called out? Call mods, they're here to help you in such situations. South Asia again is a geographic location, forming the Indian tectonic plate with the Himalayan ranges bordering it.
View attachment 596975

I'm not here to question your religion, you can believe in Unicorns for all I care. I'm simply here to take a snap of these gems and have a general idea on your perspective.

Note : Aryans are not a race or a people, there is no Aryan blood, according to Vedas where the name Aryan originated, you can be an aboriginal and yet be a Brahman (the supposed Aryan) if you satisfy some criterion. You can be a blue eyed Germanic god and still be called a mllecha, a barbarian.

For you, it's all about lineage, land, admixtures what not. You're anything but Aryan.

Initially, this post was all about linguistics. It later turned into do as you wish thread. Dissapointing.
not really SIpra.. we can also the same about you taht YOU are twisting the history. people have different perspectives on the history and there is NO ONE RIGHT ANSWER to almost anything in this world. so either dont post here or lock your post so no one can comment
Show us what is history is then "wanna be the same as Pakistani people".

Only in india term north india is equal to 2/3 of the country. in Rest of the world north usually means smaller area toward the north. Even central india is called north india, in an attempt to call "north india and central and pakistan same". Why not just call whole of india north india and lump whole of Pakistan with india.

Average indians would do everything to be what they are not, central or euroasians, Aryans, scythians and what not. There is nothing special about euroasians. They are just people. I mention them because Pakistan has them. Even I avoid the term for myself.

Don't bother replying. Keep living in your own dream land, where whole of south asia is the same that too up sri-lanka. Its just linguistic similarity (i.e. hindi-urdu) that creates this delusion of the sameness, and otherwise nothing is same in general.

Why don't you people just accept the truth and accept who you are. SO that we can live according to our religion and our culture and you according to yours. This way you will more of our respect.

indo-iranian, indo-eurpean, centra-asians, euroasian, aryans, indo-aryans, indo-germanic, or just Germanic these are all interachangeable terms, in this context.

They all mean the same here.

I really don't have time for this.

Why don't Indians ever claim to be the same people as Bangladesh, with whom they actually have racial, linguistic, and cultural connections?

They are obsessed with the Pakistani dream, imagining somehow that they are like us in some way.

We are not South Asian, that term is archaic and does not define us. Just like our racial cousins Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, CARs, we are Eurasian/Southwest Asians/ part of Greater Middle East (if you include Afg and Iran.)

British also ruled Burma, that does not make us the same country as them.

Indian obsession with Pakistan is creepy.
Why don't Indians ever claim to be the same people as Bangladesh, with whom they actually have racial, linguistic, and cultural connections?

They are obsessed with the Pakistani dream, imagining somehow that they are like us in some way.

We are not South Asian, that term is archaic and does not define us. Just like our racial cousins Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, CARs, we are Eurasian/Southwest Asians/ part of Greater Middle East (if you include Afg and Iran.)

British also ruled Burma, that does not make us the same country as them.

Indian obsession with Pakistan is creepy.

Indo-Pak flame wars is more less takes the chunk of the forum but for Pakistan to relaize those dreams it would need to deepen ties with big boys Russia and China
Pakistan was supposed become a center of pan-Islamism analogus to what Israel is for the worldwide Jews
Problem is Pakistan don't have any space for more people. Why would people from other countries come to Pakistan or why would Pakistan allow them when a big part of Pakistans population is living below poverty line
Problem is Pakistan don't have any space for more people. Why would people from other countries come to Pakistan or why would Pakistan allow them when a big part of Pakistans population is living below poverty line
No one is asking for taking refugees. It is about taking leadership roles where middle East has failed so far. Mughal empire was richer than any middle eastern empire. It will not be wise for us to go down the path of the middle East. They had their chances and they failed. Pakistan can become a core Muslim state which no middle Eastern country can ever be.
No one is asking for taking refugees. It is about taking leadership roles where middle East has failed so far. Mughal empire was richer than any middle eastern empire. It will not be wise for us to go down the path of the middle East. They had their chances and they failed. Pakistan can become a core Muslim state which no middle Eastern country can ever be.
WE need to study mughals more. They were sophesticated people who wrote everhtjng down and also created huuuge observatories. British have fucked.our history up a little but it's not as bad.
Mughals lit up south of Afghanistan which had too many idols really. Not to mention the classes ( Brahman etc ).
We need to follow central Asians or north African more ( of present day ). Arabs have lost it. They are mouth piece of USA now a days.
Pakistan is tolerant for others if you go behind prejudice media.
No one is asking for taking refugees. It is about taking leadership roles where middle East has failed so far. Mughal empire was richer than any middle eastern empire. It will not be wise for us to go down the path of the middle East. They had their chances and they failed.
Problem is no one will accept Pakistan as leader. Would Iranians or Arabs accept Pakistan as a leader. Only rich countries like US Russia Saudi Arabia can become leaders not countries like Pakistan
And Pakistan movement was not about creating a refugee camp for Muslims from all over the world or leader of the Muslim world
WE need to study mughals more. They were sophesticated people who wrote everhtjng down and also created huuuge observatories. British have fucked.our history up a little but it's not as bad.
Mughals lit up south of Afghanistan which had too many idols really. Not to mention the classes ( Brahman etc ).
We need to follow central Asians or north African more ( of present day ). Arabs have lost it. They are mouth piece of USA now a days.
Pakistan is tolerant for others if you go behind prejudice media.
I will call Aurangzeb Alamgir the greatest of all Muslim emperors who never undertook unnecessary and foolish adventures. He oversaw 25% of global GDP during his time. Wise and sophisticated.
I will call Aurangzeb Alamgir the greatest of all Muslim emperors who never undertook unnecessary and foolish adventures. He oversaw 25% of global GDP during his time. Wise and sophisticated.
Yep. One of the great mughal. Babar was good.
Akbar was so so but very promoted by kuffar because he created his own religion, much to the like it king Arthur. And rest , he didn't do much. So as 2 generations after him. And brought the empire down and have tough time to aurangzaib. And west is after him because he was much more orthodox and set a great example for others ( Muslims ) to follow.
I wonder what India would be like without their arrival. Land of mud and waste ?
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