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Indirect benefits of high value infra like metro rail

May 13, 2022
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Low IQ BNP/Jamat types will not appreciate it. But here’s a quick list from top of my head:

1. Average Abdul learns to use escalators, computerised ticketing, hygiene rules etc etc

2. Gentrification projects, aimed at the masses, like metro rail, lifts the expectations and broadens the horizon, and makes people less likely to fall for religious clap trap of snake oil merchants.

3. Reduction in pollution will make the city dwellers healthy. Overtime reducing health tourism to India.

We need more big ticket infra!!
Low IQ BNP/Jamat types will not appreciate it. But here’s a quick list from top of my head:

1. Average Abdul learns to use escalators, computerised ticketing, hygiene rules etc etc

2. Gentrification projects, aimed at the masses, like metro rail, lifts the expectations and broadens the horizon, and makes people less likely to fall for religious clap trap of snake oil merchants.

3. Reduction in pollution will make the city dwellers healthy. Overtime reducing health tourism to India.

We need more big ticket infra!!

Outside of these "community educational" benefits and experience, there is a WHOLE INDUSTRY that runs and grows the economy as a result of these infrastructure projects. Cement is made, Metals, Iron, Glass, Stone, Marble, Wood, Tech equipment, from engineers to a laborer are employed in mass quantities and millions of people get direct financial benefits from these projects. Once the projects are completed, thousands of new jobs come for running and maintaining the infrastructure built.

All modern nations were built by putting in infrastructure, be it the US to China and in between. Resisting these initiatives to me as anti-state activity. We just want to make sure an independent third party auditor is assigned to every project that does the audit. The audit reports are what we should review and call someone corrupt and ask the courts to put them in jail. AND NO, the international auditing companies can't be "bought" as many of you would come back and say. These projects are not only taking Pakistan into 21st century, these are also creating a hi-tech infrastructure that critical to showcase to the world if we want them to invest in out country in the future.
Low IQ BNP/Jamat types will not appreciate it. But here’s a quick list from top of my head:

1. Average Abdul learns to use escalators, computerised ticketing, hygiene rules etc etc

2. Gentrification projects, aimed at the masses, like metro rail, lifts the expectations and broadens the horizon, and makes people less likely to fall for religious clap trap of snake oil merchants.

3. Reduction in pollution will make the city dwellers healthy. Overtime reducing health tourism to India.

We need more big ticket infra!!

Outside of these "community educational" benefits and experience, there is a WHOLE INDUSTRY that runs and grows the economy as a result of these infrastructure projects. Cement is made, Metals, Iron, Glass, Stone, Marble, Wood, Tech equipment, from engineers to a laborer are employed in mass quantities and millions of people get direct financial benefits from these projects. Once the projects are completed, thousands of new jobs come for running and maintaining the infrastructure built.

All modern nations were built by putting in infrastructure, be it the US to China and in between. Resisting these initiatives to me as anti-state activity. We just want to make sure an independent third party auditor is assigned to every project that does the audit. The audit reports are what we should review and call someone corrupt and ask the courts to put them in jail. AND NO, the international auditing companies can't be "bought" as many of you would come back and say. These projects are not only taking Pakistan into 21st century, these are also creating a hi-tech infrastructure that critical to showcase to the world if we want them to invest in out country in the future.
Stop smoking Joy Bangla brand ganja. American weed is better.
Low IQ BNP/Jamat types will not appreciate it. But here’s a quick list from top of my head:

1. Average Abdul learns to use escalators, computerised ticketing, hygiene rules etc etc

2. Gentrification projects, aimed at the masses, like metro rail, lifts the expectations and broadens the horizon, and makes people less likely to fall for religious clap trap of snake oil merchants.

3. Reduction in pollution will make the city dwellers healthy. Overtime reducing health tourism to India.

We need more big ticket infra!!

Having good infrastructure also makes the country attractive to both local and foreign tourists as we saw with the building of the Padma Bridge and the road network in the CHTs.

Also the first image formed of a country is from photographs/youtube videos and foreigners are more likely to do business with BD if it looks clean and with decent infrastructure than as a dirty slum.

Hasina understands all these things and that is why she put in plans as soon as she came into power to slowly build massive infrastructure in BD one by one.

The Roopur nuclear power plant will get BD used to operating and maintaining a modern 3+ generation nuclear power plants - not only will be provide clean and cheap power but also build expertise in the nuclear field that can be applied elsewhere. It will of course showcase BD as a modern nation that is moving into the future and that can only build its brand around the world.

Stop smoking Joy Bangla brand ganja. American weed is better.

Who the F*** are you with just two posts and already insulting people who have actually contributed to this forum?
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