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Indira Gandhi assassination scene

Personally, for me, this scene is a bit disturbing to watch. I have certain connections with the Gandhi-Nehru family (not familial, but as part of Congress party).

However, the events of 1984 were definitely very tragic. A lot of innocent Sikhs were massacred in cold blood: that is definitely a bad legacy for the Congress.

As for Pakistan, the events of 1971 aside, Indira Gandhi wasn't that anti-Pakistan compared to the present leadership of India. She had persuaded Zia-Ul-Haq to start SAARC, and wanted friendly relations in the neighbourhood. Let us remember that trade, sporting, and people to people ties between our two countries was probably the best in the '80s. Indira Gandhi was also in favour of a visa-free travel regime in SAARC, but of course, the events of 1984 cut that short.

But, I'm sure there isn't a forum left in either India or Pakistan which would support Indira Gandhi. And some wounds are very deep.

Modi is next hopefully.

I don't want him to die a martyr's death like Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi.

He should just die off of old age and boredom.
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Personally, for me, this scene is a bit disturbing to watch. I have certain connections with the Gandhi-Nehru family (not familial, but as part of Congress party).

However, the events of 1984 were definitely very tragic. A lot of innocent Sikhs were massacred in cold blood: that is definitely a bad legacy for the Congress.

As for Pakistan, the events of 1971 aside, Indira Gandhi wasn't that anti-Pakistan compared to the present leadership of India. She had persuaded Zia-Ul-Haq to start SAARC, and wanted friendly relations in the neighbourhood.

But, I'm sure there isn't a forum left in either India or Pakistan which would support Indira Gandhi. And some wounds are very deep.

I don't want him to die a martyr's death like Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi.

He should just die off of old age and boredom.

Modi is taking revenge of 1971 on our behalf. Thank you Modi ji.
Congress will HAVE to become the next BJP after BJP is wiped out, because the brain of the Hindu voter has been rewired permanently.

I don't think Congress will revive now in my lifetime. It's a lost cause.

Congress party can never become like BJP because it's staunchly anti-Hindutva.

However, if Sonia Gandhi, Rahul, and Priyanka quit -- then it won't remain the historic Congress anymore. It will become something else.
Congress has done more harm to Pakistan than this stupid Modi.

I agree we were enemies but at least, we had some class and decorum, don't you think? :(

Right now you have a jahill enemy among the Hindutvadis. Dushman bh takkar ka hona chahye...:police:

But, as I said, Congress is never returning to power in India again. So, it's all water under the bridge...perhaps.

I strongly encourage you guys to take advantage of a weak and stupid leadership in India. The people that go against India's original founding father, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and those who gave their blood to make the country what it is today (Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi) can go to Hell as far as I am concerned. We are on your side now.
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I agree we were enemies but at least, we had some class and decorum, don't you think? :(

Right now you have a jahill enemy among the Hindutvadis. Dushman bh takkar ka hona chahye...:police:

But, as I said, Congress is never returning to power in India again. So, it's all water under the bridge...perhaps.

I strongly encourage you guys to take advantage of a weak and stupid leadership in India. The people that go against our original founding father, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and those who gave their blood to make the country what it is today (Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi) can go to Hell as far as I am concerned. We are on your side now.

When were you NOT on their side ? :lol:

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