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Indigenous leaders say Australia's bushfire crisis shows approach to land management failing


Jun 28, 2016
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According to the white invaders, Indigenous people are "stupid niggers" who don't know anything and white invaders should "manage" (AKA steal everything and kill all resistance) the resources. The result? Never-ending hell fire that has murdered at least 500 000 000 animals. Another glorious white christian achievement to add on top of the extinction of entire classes of animals in the Amazon and Africa.

Once again, the murderous white race shows how much it hates nature and cannot co exist with nature. Every where they travel, mass murder soon follows.

Indigenous leaders say Australia's bushfire crisis shows approach to land management failing

ABC Far North
By Marian Faa

Photo: Indigenous fire practitioner Victor Steffensen teaches a traditional burning methods to landowners. (Facebook: Cicada Woman)

Indigenous leaders, who have been warning about a bushfire crisis for years, are calling for a radical change to how land is managed as Australia faces some of its worst bushfire conditions on record.

Key points:
  • Indigenous leaders are calling for a new workforce of 'fire practitioners' to implement traditional burning practices across Australia
  • Traditional burning techniques involve regular, controlled burns that reduce fuel load and decrease risk of bushfires
  • Researchers say burning methods that date back thousands of years must be adapted to today's landscape

When Indigenous fire practitioner Victor Steffensen walked outside his house in far north Queensland this week he felt a sense of dread.

"I look into the sky and I see the misty haze coming up from down south all through the landscape," he said.

"You can see the ashes on the air, landing on the trees up here and it's like a mourning for the country.

"When we walk outside and we get that sort of feeling … we know something is wrong."

A year ago, while conducting workshops in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales, Mr Steffensen predicted the crisis that has now killed three people and destroyed at least 25 homes.

"I was looking at it and thinking 'this is a timebomb, it's going to go off'," he said.

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Fear of fire at the heart of 'mismanagement'
Mr Steffensen has been teaching traditional Indigenous burning practices for the past two decades.

Photo: Victor Steffensen is calling for a new workforce of 'fire practitioners' dedicated to managing land through traditional burning techniques. (ABC Far North: Marian Faa)

He said this week's bushfire crisis sent a clear message to politicians that current land management practices are not working.

"We can't keep doing this," he said.

"It's really frustrating to see country get torched like that when you know they're not doing anything about it."

Mr Steffensen said the dangerous conditions resulted from a build up of fuel loads and decades of mismanagement.

"People are too scared to burn because of how dry it is," he said.

"There are grasses that are up to the roof and landscapes that have no vegetation except for large amounts of rubbish.

"The bottom line is that we need to start looking after the landscape."

New sector to draw on ancient methods
Mr Steffensen called on the State and Federal Governments to establish a new workforce dedicated to managing land and fuel loads through the use of traditional ecological knowledge.

"We need a whole other division of people out there looking after the land," he said.

"People need to be on country. Looking after the land is a full time job, not a seasonal job.

"A fire practitioner of the future is going to be full time."

Mr Steffensen said the new sector could employ Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and exist in conjunction with emergency fire services.

"We need our firefighters, we praise our firefighters that help those communities and they're needed into the future," he said.

"But we also need the land managers, we can't just throw it all on the weight of one department"

University of Tasmania professor of fire science David Bowman said Indigenous fire practices could play an important role in land management systems of the future, but they would need to be adapted to suit the current times.

"So many changes have occurred since 1975 … but we can take that knowledge and we can adapt it to suit our times," he said.

"The key message is that we can take the idea of humans using fire skilfully — we can manipulate vegetation, we can reduce fuel loads, we can sharpen fire boundaries."

Photo: Victor Steffensen is an Indigenous fire practitioner and says that roles like his should be on country full-time in the future. (ABC New England: Jennifer Ingall)

What do Indigenous fire practices involve?
Mr Steffensen said burning was crucial way that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders cared for the land.

He said it involved learning to read trees, soil types, wind conditions and developing an "intimate" relationship with the landscape.

"It's like a doctor. You're there at the country to look at a specific ecosystem," Mr Steffensen said.

"It's a whole complex system. I'm not saying that it's all easy.

"But what I am saying is that if they were all trained and we had a lot more of those practitioners out there we would find that we can burn a lot more country."

He said incorporating traditional burning practices into mainstream systems would result in more regular burning and reduced fuel loads.

Mr Steffensen said it also involved changing attitudes towards fire.

"This is a really sensitive issue," he said.

"For those who have gone through a trauma through these fires, it is very sensitive. I want to really acknowledge that. But at the end of the day I don't see fear — I see an opportunity.

"I see an opportunity for people to see hope, to have workshops to go to, to see smoke and know that it's a good fire that people are out on the land doing something about it."

Topics: bushfire, fires, disasters-and-accidents, indigenous-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander, environment, land-management, land-clearing, history, indigenous-culture, community-and-society, cairns-4870, qld, nsw, cooktown-4895, yarrabah-4871
oh yeah bush fire. out of the blue..on that scale, yeah yeah ... and one of the most developed nations in the world can't contain it....aaah i see....hidden agenda?
I wouldn't call man-made fires a natural solution.

So many times a man-made so-called "controlled burn" ends up getting out of control and doing exactly what it is supposedly trying to PREVENT.

Then you find yourself the cause of 500,000 animal's deaths for being a supposedly "smart human".

Let's find a better alternative.
I wouldn't call man-made fires a natural solution.

So many times a man-made so-called "controlled burn" ends up getting out of control and doing exactly what it is supposedly trying to PREVENT.

Then you find yourself the cause of 500,000 animal's deaths for being a supposedly "smart human".

Let's find a better alternative.

Actually, there aren't any solution to the Bush Fire problem and back burning is probably one of the most effective, if they were done properly.

Bush fire is too big and strong and unpredictable, mostly because it was an outdoor situation, they tried to fight it by hand, and lost quite a lot of fire fighter that way. And it's almost impossible to contain bush fire by hand like you would approach a normal fires. You can try to save individual house and properties that way, but in overall sense, it's impossible to battle a Bush Fire that waging.

There are two other things one can do. Water Bombing and Preventative measure.

Water bombing again is a containing measurement only, it's never going to put out bush fire. You bomb the area you want to save, and keep it moist and cool, and you keep doing that until fire cannot start in those area. Most people believe water bombing is directly against the fire, but they were wrong, if drop against fire, most of the water would be vaporized before hitting the ground.

That left with preventative measure. Which mean clearing dead trees, gutter from debris that can trigger fires. But as far as I can see nobody is actually doing that. You can also try to catch people who are doing it, whether or not they are intentional or by accident and do something about it.

I would say this is as much the citizen fault as the government, true the government dropped the ball, but if we also do bush fire smart things, we won't be in this situation, but then we would probably just blame the government for not telling us. But still, there are bush fire every year, as if we need any reminder....

I live in Penrith which is close to the famous Blue Mountain. I watch them try to fight the fire everyday.
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