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India's World - India's Options In Afghanistan

Do Indian's suffer from national psychosis or live in delusion. Even educated, informed Indians seem to be afflicted by this condition. Go to 6:20. The professor talks of Afghanistan being a neighbour? How so? Can some Indian explain please.

its not a delusion. Its like this. They close their eyes and pretend there is no Pakistan. That is how they spent their time with the yanks. Unfortunately this neighbour with a border seems to be inaccessible so they have to get there by sea and then a long land route.

Closing their eyes to Pakistan is why their border hits afghanistan.
Do Indian's suffer from national psychosis or live in delusion. Even educated, informed Indians seem to be afflicted by this condition. Go to 6:20. The professor talks of Afghanistan being a neighbour? How so? Can some Indian explain please.

That induced delusion is for the fact that Indian geographical maps shows GB region of Pakistan as Indian territory and that it is connected to Afghanistan through Wakhan corridor, the tiny strip of land connecting that area, so they live in that indoctrinated delusion...
its not a delusion. Its like this. They close their eyes and pretend there is no Pakistan. That is how they spent their time with the yanks. Unfortunately this neighbour with a border seems to be inaccessible so they have to get there by sea and then a long land route.

Closing their eyes to Pakistan is why their border hits afghanistan.
Good point. I have noticed this. For instance when talking about some historical or cultural fact I have noticed Indian's will says "this was found in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Baluchistan". Or ""this was found in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and India". They will use name of countries [non of them existed within the time period in discussion] but then use provincial, district or name of town to avoid saying "Pakistan". Of course most of the time they will just call it 'Indian' to cover the geography of Pakistan.

So it is here. This guy is talking as if India is a neighbour and that they have historical links. Wtf? Any links that existed were with K-Pk and Balochistan, non of which have anything to do with India. And then you have Punjab, Sindh buffer which again are in Pakistan. India falls well over the horizon.
Breaking news:

After watching URI movie the American JSOC commander was so impressed that he has decided to disband Devgru and Delta and instead has signed an agreement with bipin to outsource the covert ops to Indian Paras and SG.

However, bipin was adamant that that they require continuous supply of leopard/cheetah excrements in order to do cross border ops over the fence being created by Pakistan Army.

The JSOC commander said no problem. Snow leopard was national animal of afghanistan.


India has no options in Afghanistan, exhausted all, on the contrary Hindu Kush has lots of ideas for them.

Hindu Kush must be a metaphor...in reality they are Yankee Kush, Soviet Union Kush and Britisher Kush as well...the reason the whole land is called graveyard of the empires...Yanks are bad in history, otherwise they wouldn't have ventured into.
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best option for india is to run away from afghanistan.i think india knows that afghanistan adventure is over.india should focus on protecting their assets.this type of discussions can't save india.
Good point. I have noticed this. For instance when talking about some historical or cultural fact I have noticed Indian's will says "this was found in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Baluchistan". Or ""this was found in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and India". They will use name of countries [non of them existed within the time period in discussion] but then use provincial, district or name of town to avoid saying "Pakistan". Of course most of the time they will just call it 'Indian' to cover the geography of Pakistan.

So it is here. This guy is talking as if India is a neighbour and that they have historical links. Wtf? Any links that existed were with K-Pk and Balochistan, non of which have anything to do with India. And then you have Punjab, Sindh buffer which again are in Pakistan. India falls well over the horizon.

its like the 13th warrior where a messenger arrives from the north lands for the vikings and as far as the vikings are concerned they cant see the messenger standing in front of them:laugh:.

This is actually nothing new I have experience it from the indian community here in Britain too. The oldies especially they like to close their eyes to Pakistan and I am actually fine with it. Even the west briefly bought into it but if you watch the news now its apparent Pakistan is very much here!
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