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India's weak atomic watchdog poses 'grave risks'

And it should not reach into Extremist Hindu Hands.

What about Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Who r now their new PAPAs

Worry about PAK nukes, it can reach to TTP's hands easily, remember attack on your basis which destroyed your Planes......like they can take your nukes...
What does AQ Khan does these days?????????
Further news that Indian nukes are being stolen by the Maoists.

Spread the word, help get this thread to over a 1000 pages, create Wikipedia articles

Make sure #India loses it's Nuclear weapons!
Further news that Indian nukes are being stolen by the Maoists. Spread the word, help get this thread to over a 1000 pages, create Wikipedia articles Make sure #India loses it's Nuclear weapons!
After OBL raid, no one believes Pakistan. :D
After OBL raid, no one believes Pakistan. :D

It doesn't matter, I will Tweet, get everyone to Tweet, edit Wikipedia articles, create sites, spread more and more news and get India defamed. It is a matter of National Pride.

I hope the mods sticky this thread!

The Indians are preparing for Nuclear war. It is something all countries should be careful of, it shows the aggressive mindset of India. Spread the news, tweet it, do everything in your power to spread this, post on forums, etc


NEW DELHI — Indian officials are advising residents of strife-torn Kashmir to prepare for a possible nuclear war by building bombproof basements and stockpiling food and water, adding to tensions between India and Pakistan, both nuclear powers, after deadly cross-border skirmishes in recent weeks.

“People should construct basements where the whole family can stay for a fortnight,” read the advisory, which was published Monday in the newspaper Greater Kashmir. It comes in the midst of the worst fighting in Kashmir between India and Pakistan since a cease-fire was signed in 2003. Three Pakistani and two Indian soldiers have been killed, and one of the Indian soldiers was found without his head.

News of the mutilation infuriated Indians, with Sushma Swaraj, the leader of the opposition in the lower house of Parliament, calling for India “to get at least 10 heads from their side” if the Pakistanis did not return the soldier’s head. Following criticism that he was not doing enough, India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was reviewing ties with Pakistan. A special visa program between the two countries has been suspended, and Pakistani players in a new Indian field hockey league have been sent home.

Even after both governments embarked on efforts to improve ties after decades of war and recriminations, Kashmir remains a contentious subject. India, heavily Hindu, controls the bulk of the predominately Muslim region of Kashmir, which has been at the heart of disputes between the two nations since they won independence from Britain in 1947. The land along the cease-fire Line of Control is one of the most heavily militarized areas in the world.

The latest clashes started when an elderly woman on the Indian side decided to use a secret entrance into Pakistani territory so that she could see her children living on the other side, according to a report in The Hindu, an Indian newspaper. After the Indian military discovered the tunnel, it built emplacements to prevent its use.

But those emplacements violated the terms of the cease-fire with Pakistan, and Pakistani soldiers repeatedly warned their Indian counterparts to desist, which the Indians ignored.

Firing weapons across the cease-fire line is not unusual, but the beheading, which the Pakistan government denies responsibility for, added a volatile mix to the charged debate. Previous mutilations of soldiers’ bodies have generally been kept secret to avoid just the sort of media firestorm that has erupted.

Let us ensure that the International community takes notice and dismantles India's weapons!
Is India preparing for an all-out war? « truthfindingpakistanis

Recent signs have shown that India have once again shown their designs for expanding once more. It is something that has invoked fear in the hearts of Bengalis and Sri Lankans, along with provoking the Chinese and Pakistanis. All the local neighbours of India stand United against it.

Here, India has shown they will leave no stone unturned and are preparing for nuclear war. As a resident of one of these countries, I implore the UN to order India to dismantle its weapons.

A grave threat has emerged that weapons are being smuggled to Maoists. This must be stopped as well

Retweet, my friends!
@KRAIT @arp2401 @DonJaguar @RazPaK
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So you want to propagate war hysteria in Pakistan where people who should be rather focused on electing right govt. that can take care of present problem of Terrorism, load shedding, sectarian violence, target killings, dipping economy ? You want to take focus of people away from real issue to an uncertain threat.

Well do it. You will be helping India in this way. After all good government and economically developing and more stable Pakistan is not that good for Indian national interest, Sorry to say, but its the truth.
So you want to propagate war hysteria in Pakistan where people who should be rather focused on electing right govt. that can take care of present problem of Terrorism, load shedding, sectarian violence, target killings, dipping economy ? You want to take focus of people away from real issue to an imaginary and uncertain threat.

Well do it. You will be helping India in this way. After all good government and economically developing and more stable Pakistan is not that good for Indian national interest, Sorry to say, but its the truth.

No, I want to focus the attention of international media on the hegemonic and cruel designs of the Brahmin dominated India. It is time we started an intense propaganda campaign against India.
No, I want to focus the attention of international media on the hegemonic and cruel designs of the Brahmin dominated India. It is time we started an intense propaganda campaign against India.
Better build intense campaign to weed out extremism in your country first.

Come on guys, think about your internal problems first.
I take it @KRAIT that you agree that India is preparing for war and thus, only focus on whether Pakistan should think of its economy?
Or do you not want this issue to gain limelight?

You are more than welcome to comment on the news article in the OP or Post 23 or the blog in Post 24

Better build intense campaign to weed out extremism in your country first.

Come on guys, think about your internal problems first.

Not when internal problems are caused by external problems. Pakistan can never succeed till the Indian threat is neutralised
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Don't worry guys ...in a blink of an eye.. Everything will b turned into grass ..which the neighbouring country eats to build atomic bombs
Don't worry guys ...in a blink of an eye.. Everything will b turned into grass ..which the neighbouring country eats to build atomic bombs

I will be retweeting your post to show the mindset of all Indians and using it in my blog, to further what Indians think
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