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India's ULFA Rebel Leader: Son Abducted in Bangladesh

After calling pakistanis terrorists, indians are advocating killing a innocent kid, I wonder who is the terrorist now? Pathetic/QUOTE]
Who said the kid is even kidnapped. It may be a political game just to win the vote from the fellow members.

You talking like a fool. I mean do you even know what has actually happened ? It might be possible that both Indian and Bangladeshi agencies were involved.

Is the new Bangladeshi generation so idiot or all of them ??/ I think its the new generation who hasn't seen the face of real Pakistan. Do you even know how you guys were treated when your country was ruled by Pakistan. How many Bangladeshi flew their home to save their lives ??/

Just tell me how you guys would have gained your independence if India had no helped you ?/ You guys were not even treated as fellow Pakistani when Bangladesh was under Pakistan.

I just don't get it how can you support your own killer. It was not a couple of years back when ISI caused havoc in your country.

Do you even live in Bangladesh ?/// Seriously dude....you are a fake Bangladeshi......

for the first bit, he was trying to prove a point that you shouldn't point fingers, while the others are pointing at you. No need to bring the entire bangladesh/pakistan/india history as this keeps going around in circles.
Let's not put labels on entire pakistan by what their leader did, that too 40 years ago. Let's talk recent activities. start by innocent 1000 lives taken by your BSF in the last 10 years.
for the first bit, he was trying to prove a point that you shouldn't point fingers, while the others are pointing at you. No need to bring the entire bangladesh/pakistan/india history as this keeps going around in circles.
Let's not put labels on entire pakistan by what their leader did, that too 40 years ago. Let's talk recent activities. start by innocent 1000 lives taken by your BSF in the last 10 years.

Dont spout BS.

See this is the attitude of your countryman - Link
Perhaps because they are becoming minority and Muslim becoming majority. I support Bangladeshi Muslims migrating to Assam and accelerate the Muslim dominance. We have moral right to free our Muslim brother and low caste Hindus from high caste Hindus.

So BSF needs to be more strict and vigilant in its approach. If any illegal migrants try to enter India - SHOOT THEM ON SIGHT.
Dont spout BS.

See this is the attitude of your countryman - Link

So BSF needs to be more strict and vigilant in its approach. If any illegal migrants try to enter India - SHOOT THEM ON SIGHT.

you just took a quote out of context and using it for your agenda. I understand you and your country man's agenda : shoot the poor and make money off the rich. If you really think our govt shares that view you pointed out, you wouldn't set up airtel and Tata, while driving out local markets. anyways, thanks for clearing your agendas with us. remember the 200 BSF soldiers slaugthered when they tried to enter shylet few years back? What'd you think of the shoot on sight back then?
you just took a quote out of context and using it for your agenda. I understand you and your country man's agenda : shoot the poor and make money off the rich. If you really think our govt shares that view you pointed out, you wouldn't set up airtel and Tata, while driving out local markets. anyways, thanks for clearing your agendas with us. remember the 200 BSF soldiers slaugthered when they tried to enter shylet few years back? What'd you think of the shoot on sight back then?

Link for the bolded part ?? I dont remember any such incident. Anyway it gives BSF all the more reason to kill the illegal migrants.

Secondly I did not take it out of context. The meaning of the post and its intent was crystal clear. If you could not see it remove the hate veil covering your eyes.

Thirdly I dont care if its a rich Bangladeshi or a poor one. If he is an illegal migrant BSF should/will put a bullet in his head .Period. If you have any problem stop the migration from your side. BSF will not stop shooting. Now go cry a river kid or better still open a thread on PDF and start whining :lol:
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Link for the bolded part ?? I dont remember any such incident. Anyway it gives BSF all the more reason to kill the illegal migrants.

Secondly I did not take it out of context. The meaning of the post and its intent was crystal clear. If you could not see it remove the hate veil covering your eyes.

Thirdly I dont care if its a rich Bangladeshi or a poor one. If he is an illegal migrant BSF should/will put a bullet in his head .Period. If you have any problem stop the migration from your side. BSF will not stop shooting. Now go cry a river kid or better still open a thread on PDF and start whining :lol:

You have any idea about the illegal indian immigrants here in london? Why not put a bullet through their heads to? Your attitude towards towards people who aren't your own is disgusting. I don't know what type of family you grew up in or what religion you are from, but in our culture we are always told to respect and be tolerant of other people. You are the perfect example of what is wrong with indo/pak/bangladesh today. God created land and man created countries. What makes you think you deserve more to life than the illegal immigrants?
You have any idea about the illegal indian immigrants here in london? Why not put a bullet through their heads to?

Now where did UK come into this. We are talking about the illegal Bangla migrants in India , the demographic and social security threats they bring along with them.

Your attitude towards towards people who aren't your own is disgusting. I don't know what type of family you grew up in or what religion you are from, but in our culture we are always told to respect and be tolerant of other people. You are the perfect example of what is wrong with indo/pak/bangladesh today. God created land and man created countries. What makes you think you deserve more to life than the illegal immigrants?

I care two hoots about what you think of me. I have no problem if Bangla migrants come to India through proper channels after getting the required visa and formalities.
But these illegal migrants are a grave national security threat and no leniency should be shown towards them.Period.

We ourselves have more than enough poor to take care of. No need of shouldering an extra burden of illegal migrants from anywhere, not just Bangladesh.
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