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India's ULFA Rebel Leader: Son Abducted in Bangladesh

Well there goes the moral high ground that india harks on about. Looks like there is no difference between india and terrorists, indians advocating kiddnaping and doing god knows what to kids. Well done guys!

If someone chooses to be our enemy, we can only reciprocate the favor.
If someone chooses to be our enemy, we can only reciprocate the favor.

Right so india should kiddnap a innocent kid, who isn't wanted for anything in india or Bangladesh and may be do god knows what else to him, just to get back at the father.

Oh sorry may be his crime is being born, like he had a choice to who his father was.

After calling pakistanis terrorists, indians are advocating killing a innocent kid, I wonder who is the terrorist now? Pathetic
Right so india should kiddnap a innocent kid, who isn't wanted for anything in india or Bangladesh and may be do god knows what else to him, just to get back at the father.

Oh sorry may be his crime is being born, like he had a choice to who his father was.

After calling pakistanis terrorists, indians are advocating killing a innocent kid, I wonder who is the terrorist now? Pathetic
Do you have proof that Indian intel agencies were involved?How do you infer that the guy has been killed?Take your conspiracy theory somewhere else.
Right so india should kiddnap a innocent kid, who isn't wanted for anything in india or Bangladesh and may be do god knows what else to him, just to get back at the father.

Oh sorry may be his crime is being born, like he had a choice to who his father was.

After calling pakistanis terrorists, indians are advocating killing a innocent kid, I wonder who is the terrorist now? Pathetic

We did not do it................ really we did not do it :blink:
Do you have proof that Indian intel agencies were involved?How do you infer that the guy has been killed?Take your conspiracy theory somewhere else.

Read what your compatriots have been saying, "Good good. Do not show any mercy. His father has brought the plight to his own child. Mass murderer should feel how others were sad for their dear ones taken away from them by these terrorists. " from SacredFire.

Where have I specificly said he had been killed. I am just showing you guys kiddnapping and harming a innocent person, kid or not is a act of terror just like what you charge the terrorist of doing, thereby making the indian state the same. So get your facts right!
Read what your compatriots have been saying, "Good good. Do not show any mercy. His father has brought the plight to his own child. Mass murderer should feel how others were sad for their dear ones taken away from them by these terrorists. " from SacredFire.

Where have I specificly said he had been killed. I am just showing you guys kiddnapping and harming a innocent person, kid or not is a act of terror just like what you charge the terrorist of doing, thereby making the indian state the same. So get your facts right!

Seriously, get off your high horse. All this moral BS only sounds good as long as your people aren't being murdered for no reason. India has been on the defensive for far too long, we've lost way too many people to bastards like these its high time we take the fight back to them, their homes, their families. Terrorism won't be as much fun when they're on the receiving end.

You can call it state sponsored terrorism, I call it defense. If compromising our values with one life can save hundreds or perhaps thousands then so be it. We must do what's necessary to win and finally rid our people of this disease.

Strategic bombing during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"As the war continued to expand, bombing by both the Axis and Allied powers increased significantly. Military and industrial installations were targeted, but so were cities and civilian populations. Targeting cities and civilians was viewed as a psychological weapon to break the enemy's will to fight. From 1940–1941, Germany used this weapon in its 'Blitz' against Britain.[9] From 1940 onward, the intensity of the British bombing campaign against Germany became less restrictive, increasingly targeting industrial sites and eventually, civilian areas.[10][11]"

Strategic bombing during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The United States strategic bombing of Japan took place between 1942 and 1945. In the last seven months of the campaign, a change to firebombing tactics resulted in great destruction of 67 Japanese cities, as many as 500,000 Japanese deaths and some 5 million more made homeless. Emperor Hirohito's viewing of the destroyed areas of Tokyo in March 1945, is said to have been the beginning of his personal involvement in the peace process, culminating in Japan's surrender five months later.[151]"

The results are undeniable. As a nation state we can really show these butchers how its done, when that happens you'll see them scurrying for cover like the rats they are.
The terrorists understand only the kind of language countries like Israel, US use.

Its high time to shed this moralistic BS and do things the way it should be done.
Right so india should kiddnap a innocent kid, who isn't wanted for anything in india or Bangladesh and may be do god knows what else to him, just to get back at the father.

Oh sorry may be his crime is being born, like he had a choice to who his father was.

After calling pakistanis terrorists, indians are advocating killing a innocent kid, I wonder who is the terrorist now? Pathetic

How do you know that Indian intelligence kidnapped him? About me being happy and him being innocent, like it or not but I am among hawks. Boy might be innocent but if this is the only way to protect a much larger number of my innocent countrymen then be it. I look at the larger picture for a greater gain.
BBC News - India Assam rebel chief's 'abducted' son is freed

By Subir Bhaumik

BBC News, Calcutta

Mr Barua has opposed talks with India An Indian separatist group says the son of its military wing chief, who was kidnapped in Bangladesh, has now been released.

Paresh Barua, senior United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) leader, alleged last week that his teenaged son Arindam Barua had been abducted.

The kidnappers were putting pressure on him to negotiate with India, he said.

Indian intelligence officials dismissed Mr Barua's claim. Ulfa has fought for a separate Assamese homeland since 1979.

"The kidnappers tortured him and tried to find out about Mr Barua's locations, financial assets and investments," Ulfa said in a press statement on Friday.

"They asked him to call up his father which he could not do because he had no idea about Mr Barua's location.

"Now he has been released but he is traumatised," the statement added.

Last week, Mr Barua alleged that his son was kidnapped but did not provide details.

Although he alluded to "an Indian conspiracy", the rebel chief was not specific about who could have been behind it.

Indian intelligence officials dismissed Mr Barua's claim. They said the Ulfa was divided on the question of whether to join the peace process with India.

Mr Barua has opposed negotiations, saying there could be no dialogue with India unless the "issue of Assam's sovereignty" was on the agenda - something that the government refuses to accept.

A spokesman for the group's pro-negotiations faction, Mithinga Daimary, had dismissed the reported kidnapping as "a fiction".
Really ashamed due to the comments of certain Indian members here...remember Narasimha didnt punish Prahlada for the sins committed by Hiranyakashipu Infact Prahlada worshiped Lord Vishnu even after his fathers opposition...may be the child was a another Prahalada... let Lord vishu's blessing be with that child & save him from all threats.....
Really ashamed due to the comments of certain Indian members here...remember Narasimha didnt punish Prahlada for the sins committed by Hiranyakashipu Infact Prahlada worshiped Lord Vishnu even after his fathers opposition...may be the child was a another Prahalada... let Lord vishu's blessing be with that child & save him from all threats.....

We are not living in Krida yuga....If you know what I mean ;)
After calling pakistanis terrorists, indians are advocating killing a innocent kid, I wonder who is the terrorist now? Pathetic/QUOTE]
Who said the kid is even kidnapped. It may be a political game just to win the vote from the fellow members.

You talking like a fool. I mean do you even know what has actually happened ? It might be possible that both Indian and Bangladeshi agencies were involved.

After calling pakistanis terrorists
Is the new Bangladeshi generation so idiot or all of them ??/ I think its the new generation who hasn't seen the face of real Pakistan. Do you even know how you guys were treated when your country was ruled by Pakistan. How many Bangladeshi flew their home to save their lives ??/

Just tell me how you guys would have gained your independence if India had no helped you ?/ You guys were not even treated as fellow Pakistani when Bangladesh was under Pakistan.

I just don't get it how can you support your own killer. It was not a couple of years back when ISI caused havoc in your country.

Do you even live in Bangladesh ?/// Seriously dude....you are a fake Bangladeshi......

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