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India's Track 3: Afghan-Iran rail link


Mar 4, 2011
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India's Track 3: Afghan-Iran rail link

In a bold move to assert itself in the ****** region and reduce Pakistan's room for manoeuvre, India is finalising a plan to construct a 900-km railway line that will connect Chabahar port in Iran, being built with Indian help, to the mineral-rich Hajigak region of Afghanistan.

Chabahar is just 72 km west of Pakistan's Gwadar port, being built with Chinese help.

When completed, this line will throw up both tantalising geo-political and economic opportunities for India as well as potential for bad blood with both friends and foes.

Here's why:

1.It will increase Indian leverage in Afghanistan and its strategic presence in the region. In the past, however, New Delhi has refuted Pakistani fears that India is encircling it.

2.It will give Afghanistan access to the sea, thus, reducing its dependence on Pakistan.

3.It will open opportunities for Indian companies to explore Afghanistan's mineral wealth, believed to be worth $1-3 trillion (Rs 50-150 lakh crore), for mutual benefit. Just consider: the entire Indian economy is valued at $1.2 trillion (Rs 60 lakh crore);

4.It will add to the economic rationale for Indian investment in Chabahar;

Once the entire network comprising of road, rail and port is in place, it can become a launching pad for greater economic and strategic involvement of India in the oil and mineral-rich Central Asia;
However, the greater cooperation with Iran in Chabahar (and, presumably, in other areas) will almost certainly upset the Americans, whose support is essential if India is to play a greater role in the region.

Based on a note prepared by the ministry of external affairs (MEA) on this subject, foreign secretary Ranjan Mathai held a meeting on August 10 with representatives of the ministries of railways and mining, sources told Hindustan Times.

Indian ambassador to Afghanistan Gautam Mukhopadhyay was also present at the meeting.

"In order to coordinate the strategy for investment in Hajigak in the backdrop of the security, infrastructure, financial and regional challenges involved, there is a need to plan and craft our strategy to address these challenge," says a note the MEA had sent to the Railways.

Hajigak, 130 km west of Kabul in Bamiyan province, holds Afghanistan's largest iron ore deposits. Of the 22 companies shortlisted for the bid for these mines 14 are Indian, including a consortium led by the public sector Steel Authority of India Limited.

India's Track 3: Afghan-Iran rail link - Hindustan Times
its just an investment done by indian government so that in return our indian compaines will get mining contracts
We have to be very careful the neocons and the CIA :devil: don't ruin this vital project
Calling the bluff of being the only connecting link between Central Asia and the South Asia.

they don't ruin, they controls. Your money, your concern. they grab you.

USA does not want money going into the hands of the Iranian regime, India must be prepared for any sneaky games that could be played out.

If only Iran & USA relations had improved they could have bypassed Karachi and sent supplies through Chabahar.
We should focus our efforts on making Afghanistan economically self reliant. Regionally connecting Afghanistan with as many other countries as possible would be the first step. Really hope American's don't not play spoilsport to a strong Iran-Afghanistan relationship.
This is an awesomely viionary project.. It will not only give India access to Afganistan but other landlocked countreis like Kazhaks, Tajik, Turkmenistans.. I hope US does not screw this for us.. Manamohan is a visionary but for a Prime Minister he is too weak to execute his visions..
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