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India's spy in the sky by 2014

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Jul 6, 2009
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India's spy in the sky by 2014

India's spy in the sky by 2014 - dnaindia.com

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is developing the country’s first full-fledged ‘declared’ spy satellite, which will be operational by 2014 to keep an eye on neighbouring regions. The satellite is expected to significantly help in maintaining a close watch on terror camps close to Indian borders.

The satellite, called Communication-Centric Intelligence Satellite
(CCI-Sat), will be launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) within the next four years.

The CCI-Sat will be capable of picking images and supporting communication (conversation between two satellite phones, for instance), besides surveillance. The project is currently in the initial stages of planning.

G Bhoopathy, director, Defence Electronic Research Laboratory, said the satellite would orbit Earth at an altitude of 500km, and would cover hostile regions in India’s neighbourhood by passing on the surveillance data to the intelligence. “The focus is now space; we have to equip ourselves for electronic warfare from space, too,” he said.

The satellite will be equipped with a synthetic aperture radar to take high resolution images of the target regions. Pegged at Rs100 crore, the satellite design and development will be made by Isro while the payload will be built by DLRL.

“We are in discussions with Isro at the moment,” Bhoopathy said.
Unofficially, India in October 2001 has already entered the league of nations having spy satellites - USA, Russia, Japan and Russia - with the launch of the Technology Experiment Satellite (TES). In fact, TES provided the first one-metre resolution images of Afghanistan’s interior regions on US’s request as intelligence inputs when US troops entered that country post-9/11.

Besides TES, Isro’s Cartosat series of satellites and the Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT)-2 can also be used for surveillance and espionage. However, CCI-Sat will be the first 100% spy satellite of India. “This satellite will be much better than Risat-2,” Bhoopathy said.

Isro is also planning to launch the Gsat-7 satellite to boost communication system for the Indian Navy. This would be launched later this year.
Excellent development. It is important to build systems that can give us mission critical information at the click of a button.

P.S: Not to forget, China has anti-sat weapons.:china: Lets hope 100 cr does not become space junk.

The satellite fitted with the electronic sensor will be more powerful than the remote sensing satellites (IRSA) of ISRO. The spacecraft should be ready for launch by 2014,” Bhoopathy said on the margins of a preview on the first international conference on electronic warfare (EWCI 2010).

The Hyderabad-based DLRL, which functions under the aegis of state-run Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO), is also developing a border network-centric electronic warfare sensor for surveillance on the Indian borders in the mountain range and desert areas.

“The electronic warfare (EW) sensor will be located on the mountain range facing Pakistan, China, Nepal and the northeast to detect troop or vehicular movement across the borders. Some of the sensors can also be deployed in the plains or desert for monitoring the ground situation in border areas,” Bhoopathy said.

Code-named “Divya Drushti” (foresight), the radars will be installed on the mountain tops from December this year onwards.

The Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE) in Bangalore and DLRL are engaged in the design and development of EW systems indigenously and state-run defence behemoth Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) will manufacture the radars and the support systems in collaboration with the private sector.

DARE and BEL have rolled out Tarang radar warning receiver systems and its variants for fighter jets and transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

BEL has orders from the Indian armed forces to supply EW system to the value of Rs.710 crore (Rs.7.1 billion) in this fiscal (2009-10) and Rs. 900 crore (Rs.9 billion) in fiscal 2010-11.

Over the years, BEL supplied EW systems to the three armed services to the value of Rs.3,500 crore (Rs.35 billion) till fiscal 2008-09
Good move.
We needed this facility for a long time.
^^^^ simple by creating our very own anti sat weapon; it will be greatest detterence
Congrats.... Hope you'll complete it in time.

Now this will indeed force Pakistan to develop Anti-Sat missiles, you know the balance of power is imperative to remain in this region. And once again China can help us in this regard.

Anyhow, a fine success.

KIT Over
ISRO to launch Defence Satellite: Scientist
S.O. News Service, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 - 02:25:50 IST

Bangalore: Indian Defence Research Agencies, including DRDO were working out to develop a Communication Intelligence Satellite, module, for Indian Arm Forces for Surveillance in its borders, Dr U K Revankar, Director Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE), said here today.

Speaking to newsmen Dr Revankar said that the Communication Satellite 'Comtel' would be launched by Indian Space Agency, ISRO in the next four to five years.

He said the Satellite module, which would be developed in co-ordination with the all the Indian Defence Research Agencies including DRDO would serve Indian Arm Forces to gather Intelligence captivities in the International border.

He said that the proposed Satellite would be place din the skies with the Low Orbit distance of about 500 KM would not only intercept communication but also pick up Radar based signature.
Congrats.... Hope you'll complete it in time.

Now this will indeed force Pakistan to develop Anti-Sat missiles, you know the balance of power is imperative to remain in this region. And once again China can help us in this regard.

Anyhow, a fine success.

KIT Over

Uh how are you planning to track them?...without having a space programme?
Excellent development. It is important to build systems that can give us mission critical information at the click of a button.

P.S: Not to forget, China has anti-sat weapons.:china: Lets hope 100 cr does not become space junk.

My Brother Good say...:undecided:

But remember all the sat that were hit.. were dead and was stable in one place for shoot down.... In a critical time they can be moved and its not that easy to track them.....even Nasa has difficulties in tracking Russian sat... and don't forget that Israeli and Russian are also sharing sat info ...:woot::victory::chilli:

To shoot satellite is more expensive then destroying a entire city...
If we need it, We'll get it.


I think you should remember that China doesn't alway share every tech it has with Pak.

Also ASAT is not like a tank or a plane. It requires a strong space program and related technologies to implement. , even if China decides to share the tech, it would be years before Pak can deploy it.
My Brother Good say...:undecided:

But remember all the sat that were hit.. were dead and was stable in one place for shoot down.... In a critical time they can be moved and its not that easy to track them.....even Nasa has difficulties in tracking Russian sat... and don't forget that Israeli and Russian are also sharing sat info ...:woot::victory::chilli:

To shoot satellite is more expensive then destroying a entire city...

Don't exaggerate. India have capacity and missiles as scientist says the signature of satellite is different from that of the missile.

So they just have to modify and adjust our missile and as scientist are working on priority basis soon we will test a anti satellite missile.
I think you should remember that China doesn't alway share every tech it has with Pak.

Also ASAT is not like a tank or a plane. It requires a strong space program and related technologies to implement. , even if China decides to share the tech, it would be years before Pak can deploy it.

And 2014 is 4 Years ahead. Lets wait and see what becomes.

We have to do something to counter this anyhow...

No problem we will be launching a jointly developed satelite in august this year.Plus we do have our space programe.Google SPARCO.
Also we lauched our first satelite in 1990 Badr-1.
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